Fare units

On this page, you can calculate the distance between two stations. The price of your ticket is based on this distance (measured in fare units).

Only the shortest possible routes are shown, as fares are based on the shortest route. However, you are allowed to make a journey by a longer route if it is quicker or when there are fewer changes.


Shortest route

The shortest route is 210 fare units long.

Found one route between Schin op Geul and Aalten.

Station Fare units
1. Schin op Geul 0 FU
2 fare units
2. Klimmen-Ransdaal 2 FU
4 fare units
3. Voerendaal 6 FU
2 fare units
4. Heerlen Woonboulevard 8 FU
2 fare units
5. Heerlen 10 FU
4 fare units
6. Hoensbroek 14 FU
3 fare units
7. Nuth 17 FU
3 fare units
8. Schinnen 20 FU
2 fare units
9. Spaubeek 22 FU
3 fare units
10. Geleen Oost 25 FU
4 fare units
11. Sittard 29 FU
7 fare units
12. Susteren 36 FU
5 fare units
13. Echt 41 FU
13 fare units
14. Roermond 54 FU
5 fare units
15. Swalmen 59 FU
6 fare units
16. Reuver 65 FU
7 fare units
17. Tegelen 72 FU
5 fare units
18. Venlo 77 FU
2 fare units
19. Blerick 79 FU
21 fare units
20. Venray 100 FU
7 fare units
21. Vierlingsbeek 107 FU
7 fare units
22. Boxmeer 114 FU
10 fare units
23. Cuijk 124 FU
5 fare units
24. Mook-Molenhoek 129 FU
7 fare units
25. Nijmegen Heyendaal 136 FU
3 fare units
26. Nijmegen 139 FU
1 fare unit
27. Nijmegen Lent 140 FU
7 fare units
28. Elst 147 FU
3 fare units
29. Arnhem Zuid 150 FU
8 fare units
30. Arnhem Centraal 158 FU
1 fare unit
31. Arnhem Velperpoort 159 FU
4 fare units
32. Westervoort 163 FU
4 fare units
33. Duiven 167 FU
5 fare units
34. Zevenaar 172 FU
5 fare units
35. Didam 177 FU
6 fare units
36. Wehl 183 FU
3 fare units
37. Doetinchem De Huet 186 FU
2 fare units
38. Doetinchem 188 FU
5 fare units
39. Gaanderen 193 FU
1 fare unit
40. Terborg 194 FU
7 fare units
41. Varsseveld 201 FU
9 fare units
42. Aalten 210 FU
Total distance 210 FU

Disclaimer: the fare units shown on this page are taken from the fare units map, provided by NS. Care has been taken to ensure that this information is correct. However, there may be errors in this data, the data may be incomplete, or the data might be outdated. The information shown here is provided without warranty. Use it as indication, not as a formal source.