Unexpected engineering works: Arnhem-Zevenaar/Dieren van 13.30 tot 14.00 uur (12 May 2016)
Current status:
This disruption is resolved.
This disruption is from the older Rijden de Treinen archive and contains less information information than usual.
For these older disruptions, there is unfortunately no translation available.
For these older disruptions, there is unfortunately no translation available.
Update Last update
Door onverwachte werkzaamheden rijden er tussen 13.30 en 14.00 uur geen treinen.Houdt u rekening met een half uur extra reistijd.Naar verwachting wordt het treinverkeer om 14.00 uur hervat.
More about this disruption
This disruption started at 1:13 PM on May 12, 2016 and took 14 minutes in total.
For statistics, this disruption is caused due to unexpected engineering works.
Affected lines
No lines are linked (yet) to this disruption.
Refunds and passenger rights
Got delayed due to this disruption? You may be reimbursed.