Engineering works: Zwolle - Emmen
Between Zwolle and Dalfsen buses are running due to engineering works.
The extra travel time may be up to 15 minutes.
On Saturday, February 17, 2024 between 1:00 AM and 11:55 PM hours.
Modified timetable
During these engineering works, the timetable has been modified. The following changes have been made to the train schedule:
- Buses are running between Zwolle and Dalfsen.
- Sneltrein 3800 Zwolle/Emmen - Emmen/Zwolle is cancelled between Zwolle and Dalfsen
- Stoptrein 8000 Zwolle/Emmen - Emmen/Zwolle is cancelled between Zwolle and Dalfsen
More about these engineering works
Plan your trip
Plan your trip in advance and use the journey planner.
During your trip, you can stay up-to-date by checking live departures or by using the Rijden de Treinen mobile app for iOS and Android.
Time periods
These engineering works are in effect between Saturday, February 17, 2024 1:00 AM and Saturday, February 17, 2024 11:55 PM.