Train statistics for Stoptrein 330966 (Winterswijk to Arnhem Centraal)
This page shows all statistics and punctuality information for Stoptrein 330966 which runs from Winterswijk to Arnhem Centraal. These statistics are based on the historic data in the train archive and are recalculated automatically every day.
The punctuality statistics allows you to see how Stoptrein 330966 usually performs, and how the performance was for the past two weeks. Is this train usually late or the cancellation percentage quite high? You might want to consider taking an earlier train if you need to arrive on-time at your destination. Use the journey planner to help you with preparing an optimal train trip.
Punctuality for Stoptrein 330966
This is the punctuality for Stoptrein 330966 (Winterswijk to Arnhem Centraal). The punctuality is the amount of trains which departured (or arrived) with less than 5 minutes delay. A higher percentage is better.
You can see both the punctuality for the past 14 days and for a longer period (past year). Cancelled trains are counted as delayed trains, so this is the real percentage of trains which have arrived on-time.
Cancellations for Stoptrein 330966
This graph shows the percentage of cancellations for Stoptrein 330966 Winterswijk to Arnhem Centraal. Cancellations imply either cancelled departures or cancelled arrivals. A lower percentage is better.
You can see both the cancellations for the past 14 days and for a longer period (past year). Only cancelled departures are counted, except for the final stop where cancelled arrivals are counted.
Recent services
There are no recent services for Stoptrein 330966 Winterswijk to Arnhem Centraal.