A single journey second class from Bloemendaal to Holten costs €26.50, when you buy an e-ticket without a discount card. Below are all ticket options between Bloemendaal and Holten. You can buy your ticket online. E-tickets are always cheaper than tickets you buy at a ticket machine.
Tickets if you don't travel often by train. You can buy an e-ticket for today or for another date. You can also buy multiple tickets or order them for someone else.
If you travel more than once, you can get a discount on your ticket. You buy a discount card and pay for your train journeys with the discount card. The best option depends on your travel pattern and the number of journeys you make. If you often travel outside peak hours or on weekend days, there are cheap options available.
Order a discount card with:
Altijd Voordeel
20% discount on all train tickets, 40% discount outside peak hours
Peak hours: Monday to Friday 6.30 am to 9 am and 4 pm to 6.30 pm, except public holidays
Seasonal tickets for commuters and frequent travellers
If you travel often, you can buy a seasonal ticket which allows unlimited travel. There are multiple options available. Some seasonal tickets are only valid for a specific route, others are valid for all routes.
Pay your seasonal ticket with:
Traject Vrij
Unlimited travel between Bloemendaal and Holten at all times
Tip: Altijd Vrij is cheaper and allows you to use all trains in the Netherlands.
Entrepreneur, or travel for business? You can order a free NS Business Card. You'll receive (and pay) monthly with a tax invoice and you can easily switch between single tickets (pay-per-journey) or a seasonal ticket. To order a NS Business Card, you need a Dutch Chamber of Commerce registration and you need to verify the company bank account with iDeal.
Verify your business card with:
NS Business Card Basis
Free. Pay per journey, monthly invoice and switch easily between first and second class