Train services at Heerlen on December 2, 2019
This page shows all trains which have departed from station Heerlen on Monday, December 2, 2019. This includes all trains scheduled to depart, including trains which were eventually cancelled.
Services which were cancelled in advance, for example due to engineering works, are not included in this overview.
Heerlen Monday, December 2, 2019 |
Total services | 199 |
On time | 183 (92%) |
Cancelled services | 1 (1%) |
Delayed trains* | 15 (8%) |
Train services
Click on a service to view the entire route and delays along the route. Visit live departures for Heerlen for live information.
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
— | 05:24 | Maastricht Randwyck | Stoptrein 32007 | 4 |
FLIRT ARR-2, FLIRT ARR-2 -> | ||||
— | 05:40 | Kerkrade Centrum | Stoptrein 32515 | 2 |
GTW-EMU-2/8 -> | ||||
05:42 +2 | 05:43 +3 | Aachen Hbf | Sneltrein 19806 | 1 |
FLIRT LMS-3 -> | ||||
— | 05:49 | Enkhuizen | Intercity 3920 | 5 |
VIRM-4 9443, VIRM-4 9504 -> | ||||
— | 05:52 | Sittard | Stoptrein 32514 | 2 |
GTW-EMU-2/8 -> | ||||
— | 05:54 | Maastricht Randwyck | Stoptrein 32009 | 2 |
FLIRT ARR-2, FLIRT ARR-2 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
— | 06:13 +14 | Kerkrade Centrum | Stoptrein 32517 | 2 |
GTW-EMU-2/6, GTW-EMU-2/6 -> | ||||
06:13 +9 | 06:18 +6 | Maastricht | Sneltrein 19805 | 5 |
FLIRT LMS-3 -> | ||||
— | 06:19 | Enkhuizen | Intercity 3922 | 5 |
VIRM-6 8675, VIRM-4 9562 -> | ||||
06:22 +4 | 06:22 +5 | Sittard | Stoptrein 32516 | 5 |
GTW-EMU-2/8 -> | ||||
— | 06:24 +2 | Maastricht Randwyck | Stoptrein 32011 | 1 |
FLIRT ARR-2 -> | ||||
06:38 +6 | 06:40 +5 | Kerkrade Centrum | Stoptrein 32519 | 2 |
GTW-EMU-2/8 -> | ||||
06:42 +4 | 06:43 +4 | Aachen Hbf | Sneltrein 19810 | 4 |
FLIRT LMS-3 -> | ||||
— | 06:49 +4 | Enkhuizen | Intercity 3924 | 5 |
VIRM-4 9589, VIRM-6 8701 -> | ||||
06:52 +3 | 06:52 +3 | Sittard | Stoptrein 32518 | 2 |
GTW-EMU-2/6, GTW-EMU-2/6 -> | ||||
— | 06:54 | Maastricht Randwyck | Stoptrein 32013 | 1 |
FLIRT ARR-2, FLIRT ARR-2 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
07:08 +10 | 07:13 +11 | Kerkrade Centrum | Stoptrein 32521 | 2 |
GTW-EMU-2/8 -> | ||||
07:13 +3 | 07:18 +3 | Maastricht | Sneltrein 19809 | 4 |
FLIRT LMS-3 -> | ||||
— | 07:19 | Enkhuizen | Intercity 3926 | 5 |
VIRM-4 9425, VIRM-6 8659 -> | ||||
07:22 | 07:22 +3 | Sittard | Stoptrein 32520 | 5 |
GTW-EMU-2/8 -> | ||||
— | 07:24 +2 | Maastricht Randwyck | Stoptrein 32015 | 1 |
FLIRT ARR-2, FLIRT ARR-2 -> | ||||
07:38 +1 | 07:40 +2 | Kerkrade Centrum | Stoptrein 32523 | 2 |
GTW-EMU-2/6, GTW-EMU-2/6 -> | ||||
07:42 +2 | 07:43 +2 | Aachen Hbf | Sneltrein 19814 | 4 |
FLIRT LMS-3 -> | ||||
— | 07:48 +1 | Maastricht | Sneltrein 19811 | 2 |
FLIRT LMS-3 -> | ||||
— | 07:49 | Enkhuizen | Intercity 3928 | 5 |
VIRM-6 8737 -> | ||||
07:52 +2 | 07:52 +2 | Sittard | Stoptrein 32522 | 2 |
GTW-EMU-2/8 -> | ||||
— | 07:54 | Maastricht Randwyck | Stoptrein 32017 | 1 |
FLIRT ARR-2 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
08:08 +6 | 08:13 +10 | Kerkrade Centrum | Stoptrein 32525 | 2 |
GTW-EMU-2/8 -> | ||||
08:13 +4 | 08:18 +1 | Maastricht | Sneltrein 19813 | 4 |
FLIRT LMS-3 -> | ||||
— | 08:19 +4 | Enkhuizen | Intercity 3930 | 5 |
VIRM-4 9560 -> | ||||
08:22 | 08:22 +3 | Sittard | Stoptrein 32524 | 4 |
GTW-EMU-2/6, GTW-EMU-2/6 -> | ||||
— | 08:24 | Maastricht Randwyck | Stoptrein 32019 | 1 |
FLIRT ARR-2, FLIRT ARR-2 -> | ||||
08:38 +6 | 08:40 +5 | Kerkrade Centrum | Stoptrein 32527 | 2 |
GTW-EMU-2/8 -> | ||||
08:42 | 08:43 +5 | Aachen Hbf | Sneltrein 19818 | 4 |
FLIRT LMS-3 -> | ||||
— | 08:48 | Maastricht | Sneltrein 19815 | 1 |
FLIRT LMS-3 -> | ||||
— | 08:49 +2 | Enkhuizen | Intercity 3932 | 5 |
DD-AR-3 7317 -> | ||||
08:52 +4 | 08:52 +4 | Sittard | Stoptrein 32526 | 2 |
GTW-EMU-2/8 -> | ||||
— | 08:54 | Maastricht Randwyck | Stoptrein 32021 | 1 |
FLIRT ARR-2 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
09:08 | 09:13 +3 | Kerkrade Centrum | Stoptrein 32529 | 2 |
GTW-EMU-2/6, GTW-EMU-2/6 -> | ||||
09:13 +4 | 09:18 | Maastricht | Sneltrein 19817 | 4 |
FLIRT LMS-3 -> | ||||
— | 09:19 | Enkhuizen | Intercity 3934 | 5 |
VIRM-4 9557 -> | ||||
09:22 +3 | 09:22 +5 | Sittard | Stoptrein 32528 | 2 |
GTW-EMU-2/8 -> | ||||
— | 09:24 | Maastricht Randwyck | Stoptrein 32023 | 1 |
FLIRT ARR-2 -> | ||||
09:38 +3 | 09:40 +2 | Kerkrade Centrum | Stoptrein 32531 | 2 |
GTW-EMU-2/8 -> | ||||
09:42 | 09:43 +2 | Aachen Hbf | Sneltrein 19822 | 4 |
FLIRT LMS-3 -> | ||||
— | 09:48 | Maastricht | Sneltrein 19819 | 1 |
FLIRT LMS-3 -> | ||||
— | 09:49 | Enkhuizen | Intercity 3936 | 5 |
VIRM-6 8681 -> | ||||
— | 09:49 | Enkhuizen | Intercity 303936 | — |
Train did not depart | ||||
09:52 +1 | 09:52 | Sittard | Stoptrein 32530 | 2 |
GTW-EMU-2/6 -> | ||||
— | 09:54 | Maastricht Randwyck | Stoptrein 32025 | 1 |
FLIRT ARR-2 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
10:08 +2 | 10:13 +2 | Kerkrade Centrum | Stoptrein 32533 | 2 |
GTW-EMU-2/8 -> | ||||
10:13 +1 | 10:18 | Maastricht | Sneltrein 19821 | 4 |
FLIRT LMS-3 -> | ||||
— | 10:19 +3 | Enkhuizen | Intercity 3938 | 5 |
VIRM-4 9403, VIRM-6 8610 -> | ||||
10:22 | 10:22 +3 | Sittard | Stoptrein 32532 | 2 |
GTW-EMU-2/8 -> | ||||
— | 10:24 | Maastricht Randwyck | Stoptrein 32027 | 1 |
FLIRT ARR-2 -> | ||||
10:38 | 10:40 | Kerkrade Centrum | Stoptrein 32535 | 2 |
GTW-EMU-2/6 -> | ||||
10:42 | 10:43 | Aachen Hbf | Sneltrein 19826 | 4 |
FLIRT LMS-3 -> | ||||
— | 10:48 | Maastricht | Sneltrein 19823 | 1 |
FLIRT LMS-3 -> | ||||
— | 10:49 | Enkhuizen | Intercity 3940 | 5 |
VIRM-4 9586 -> | ||||
10:52 | 10:52 | Sittard | Stoptrein 32534 | 2 |
GTW-EMU-2/8 -> | ||||
— | 10:54 | Maastricht Randwyck | Stoptrein 32029 | 1 |
FLIRT ARR-2 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
11:08 | 11:13 +4 | Kerkrade Centrum | Stoptrein 32537 | 2 |
GTW-EMU-2/8 -> | ||||
11:13 +2 | 11:18 +1 | Maastricht | Sneltrein 19825 | 4 |
FLIRT LMS-3 -> | ||||
— | 11:19 +5 | Enkhuizen | Intercity 3942 | 5 |
VIRM-6 8647 -> | ||||
11:22 +3 | 11:22 +4 | Sittard | Stoptrein 32536 | 2 |
GTW-EMU-2/6 -> | ||||
— | 11:24 | Maastricht Randwyck | Stoptrein 32031 | 1 |
FLIRT ARR-2 -> | ||||
11:38 | 11:40 | Kerkrade Centrum | Stoptrein 32539 | 2 |
GTW-EMU-2/8 -> | ||||
11:42 | 11:43 +1 | Aachen Hbf | Sneltrein 19830 | 4 |
FLIRT LMS-3 -> | ||||
— | 11:48 | Maastricht | Sneltrein 19827 | 1 |
FLIRT LMS-3 -> | ||||
— | 11:49 | Enkhuizen | Intercity 3944 | 5 |
VIRM-4 9564 -> | ||||
11:52 | 11:52 | Sittard | Stoptrein 32538 | 2 |
GTW-EMU-2/8 -> | ||||
— | 11:54 | Maastricht Randwyck | Stoptrein 32033 | 1 |
FLIRT ARR-2 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
12:08 +2 | 12:13 +2 | Kerkrade Centrum | Stoptrein 32541 | 2 |
GTW-EMU-2/6 -> | ||||
12:13 +1 | 12:18 | Maastricht | Sneltrein 19829 | 4 |
FLIRT LMS-3 -> | ||||
— | 12:19 | Enkhuizen | Intercity 3946 | 5 |
VIRM-4 9480 -> | ||||
12:22 | 12:22 +1 | Sittard | Stoptrein 32540 | 2 |
GTW-EMU-2/8 -> | ||||
— | 12:24 | Maastricht Randwyck | Stoptrein 32035 | 1 |
FLIRT ARR-2 -> | ||||
12:38 +1 | 12:40 | Kerkrade Centrum | Stoptrein 32543 | 2 |
GTW-EMU-2/8 -> | ||||
12:42 | 12:43 +1 | Aachen Hbf | Sneltrein 19834 | 4 |
FLIRT LMS-3 -> | ||||
— | 12:48 | Maastricht | Sneltrein 19831 | 1 |
FLIRT LMS-3 -> | ||||
— | 12:49 | Enkhuizen | Intercity 3948 | 5 |
VIRM-4 9552 -> | ||||
12:52 | 12:52 +1 | Sittard | Stoptrein 32542 | 2 |
GTW-EMU-2/6 -> | ||||
— | 12:54 | Maastricht Randwyck | Stoptrein 32037 | 1 |
FLIRT ARR-2 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
13:08 +1 | 13:13 +3 | Kerkrade Centrum | Stoptrein 32545 | 2 |
GTW-EMU-2/8 -> | ||||
13:13 +2 | 13:18 | Maastricht | Sneltrein 19833 | 4 |
FLIRT LMS-3 -> | ||||
— | 13:19 | Enkhuizen | Intercity 3950 | 5 |
VIRM-4 9504 -> | ||||
13:22 +2 | 13:22 +2 | Sittard | Stoptrein 32544 | 2 |
GTW-EMU-2/8 -> | ||||
— | 13:24 | Maastricht Randwyck | Stoptrein 32039 | 1 |
FLIRT ARR-2 -> | ||||
13:38 +1 | 13:40 | Kerkrade Centrum | Stoptrein 32547 | 2 |
GTW-EMU-2/6 -> | ||||
13:42 | 13:43 | Aachen Hbf | Sneltrein 19838 | 4 |
FLIRT LMS-3 -> | ||||
— | 13:48 | Maastricht | Sneltrein 19835 | 1 |
FLIRT LMS-3 -> | ||||
— | 13:49 | Enkhuizen | Intercity 3952 | 5 |
VIRM-4 9562 -> | ||||
13:52 | 13:52 | Sittard | Stoptrein 32546 | 2 |
GTW-EMU-2/8 -> | ||||
— | 13:54 | Maastricht Randwyck | Stoptrein 32041 | 1 |
FLIRT ARR-2 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
14:08 +1 | 14:13 +3 | Kerkrade Centrum | Stoptrein 32549 | 2 |
GTW-EMU-2/8 -> | ||||
14:13 +2 | 14:18 | Maastricht | Sneltrein 19837 | 4 |
FLIRT LMS-3 -> | ||||
— | 14:19 | Enkhuizen | Intercity 3954 | 5 |
VIRM-6 8701 -> | ||||
14:22 +2 | 14:22 +2 | Sittard | Stoptrein 32548 | 2 |
GTW-EMU-2/6 -> | ||||
— | 14:24 | Maastricht Randwyck | Stoptrein 32043 | 1 |
FLIRT ARR-2 -> | ||||
14:38 | 14:40 | Kerkrade Centrum | Stoptrein 32551 | 2 |
GTW-EMU-2/8 -> | ||||
14:42 | 14:43 +1 | Aachen Hbf | Sneltrein 19842 | 4 |
FLIRT LMS-3 -> | ||||
— | 14:48 | Maastricht | Sneltrein 19839 | 1 |
FLIRT LMS-3 -> | ||||
— | 14:49 | Enkhuizen | Intercity 3956 | 5 |
VIRM-6 8659 -> | ||||
14:52 | 14:52 | Sittard | Stoptrein 32550 | 2 |
GTW-EMU-2/8 -> | ||||
— | 14:54 | Maastricht Randwyck | Stoptrein 32045 | 1 |
FLIRT ARR-2 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
15:08 +3 | 15:13 +3 | Kerkrade Centrum | Stoptrein 32553 | 2 |
GTW-EMU-2/6, GTW-EMU-2/6 -> | ||||
15:13 +2 | 15:18 | Maastricht | Sneltrein 19841 | 4 |
FLIRT LMS-3 -> | ||||
— | 15:19 | Enkhuizen | Intercity 3958 | 5 |
VIRM-6 8737 -> | ||||
15:22 +2 | 15:22 +2 | Sittard | Stoptrein 32552 | 2 |
GTW-EMU-2/8 -> | ||||
— | 15:24 | Maastricht Randwyck | Stoptrein 32047 | 1 |
FLIRT ARR-2 -> | ||||
15:38 +1 | 15:40 | Kerkrade Centrum | Stoptrein 32555 | 2 |
GTW-EMU-2/8 -> | ||||
15:42 | 15:43 +3 | Aachen Hbf | Sneltrein 19846 | 4 |
FLIRT LMS-3 -> | ||||
— | 15:48 | Maastricht | Sneltrein 19843 | 1 |
FLIRT LMS-3 -> | ||||
— | 15:49 | Enkhuizen | Intercity 3960 | 5 |
VIRM-4 9402, VIRM-4 9560 -> | ||||
15:52 +1 | 15:52 +2 | Sittard | Stoptrein 32554 | 2 |
GTW-EMU-2/6, GTW-EMU-2/6 -> | ||||
— | 15:54 | Maastricht Randwyck | Stoptrein 32049 | 1 |
FLIRT ARR-2, FLIRT ARR-2 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
16:08 +1 | 16:13 +1 | Kerkrade Centrum | Stoptrein 32557 | 2 |
GTW-EMU-2/8 -> | ||||
16:13 | 16:18 | Maastricht | Sneltrein 19845 | 4 |
FLIRT LMS-3 -> | ||||
— | 16:19 | Enkhuizen | Intercity 3962 | 5 |
DD-AR-3 7317 -> | ||||
16:22 | 16:22 +1 | Sittard | Stoptrein 32556 | 2 |
GTW-EMU-2/8 -> | ||||
— | 16:24 | Maastricht Randwyck | Stoptrein 32051 | 1 |
FLIRT ARR-2, FLIRT ARR-2 -> | ||||
16:38 | 16:40 | Kerkrade Centrum | Stoptrein 32559 | 2 |
GTW-EMU-2/6, GTW-EMU-2/6 -> | ||||
16:42 +1 | 16:43 +1 | Aachen Hbf | Sneltrein 19850 | 4 |
FLIRT LMS-3 -> | ||||
— | 16:48 | Maastricht | Sneltrein 19847 | 1 |
FLIRT LMS-3 -> | ||||
— | 16:49 | Enkhuizen | Intercity 3964 | 5 |
VIRM-4 9557 -> | ||||
16:52 | 16:52 +2 | Sittard | Stoptrein 32558 | 2 |
GTW-EMU-2/8 -> | ||||
— | 16:54 | Maastricht Randwyck | Stoptrein 32053 | 1 |
FLIRT ARR-2, FLIRT ARR-2 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
17:08 +1 | 17:13 +10 | Kerkrade Centrum | Stoptrein 32561 | 2 |
GTW-EMU-2/8 -> | ||||
17:13 +4 | 17:18 +2 | Maastricht | Sneltrein 19849 | 4 |
FLIRT LMS-3 -> | ||||
— | 17:19 | Eindhoven | Intercity 3966 | 5 |
VIRM-6 8664 -> | ||||
17:22 | 17:22 +1 | Sittard | Stoptrein 32560 | 4 |
GTW-EMU-2/6, GTW-EMU-2/6 -> | ||||
— | 17:24 | Maastricht Randwyck | Stoptrein 32055 | 1 |
FLIRT ARR-2, FLIRT ARR-2 -> | ||||
17:38 +2 | 17:40 +2 | Kerkrade Centrum | Stoptrein 32563 | 2 |
GTW-EMU-2/8 -> | ||||
17:42 | 17:43 +2 | Aachen Hbf | Sneltrein 19854 | 4 |
FLIRT LMS-3 -> | ||||
— | 17:48 | Maastricht | Sneltrein 19851 | 1 |
FLIRT LMS-3 -> | ||||
— | 17:49 | Eindhoven | Intercity 3968 | 5 |
VIRM-6 8610 -> | ||||
17:52 | 17:52 | Sittard | Stoptrein 32562 | 2 |
GTW-EMU-2/8 -> | ||||
— | 17:54 | Maastricht Randwyck | Stoptrein 32057 | 1 |
FLIRT ARR-2, FLIRT ARR-2 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
18:08 +2 | 18:13 +11 | Kerkrade Centrum | Stoptrein 32565 | 2 |
GTW-EMU-2/6, GTW-EMU-2/6, GTW-EMU-2/8 -> | ||||
18:13 +6 | 18:18 +3 | Maastricht | Sneltrein 19853 | 4 |
FLIRT LMS-3 -> | ||||
— | 18:19 | Eindhoven | Intercity 3970 | 5 |
VIRM-4 9586 -> | ||||
18:22 | 18:22 +2 | Sittard | Stoptrein 32564 | 4 |
GTW-EMU-2/8 -> | ||||
— | 18:24 | Maastricht Randwyck | Stoptrein 32059 | 1 |
FLIRT ARR-2, FLIRT ARR-2 -> | ||||
18:38 +1 | 18:40 | Kerkrade Centrum | Stoptrein 32567 | 2 |
GTW-EMU-2/8 -> | ||||
18:42 +1 | 18:43 +2 | Aachen Hbf | Sneltrein 19858 | 4 |
FLIRT LMS-3 -> | ||||
— | 18:48 | Maastricht | Sneltrein 19855 | 1 |
FLIRT LMS-3 -> | ||||
— | 18:49 +3 | Eindhoven | Intercity 3972 | 5 |
VIRM-4 9425 -> | ||||
18:52 +1 | 18:52 +2 | Sittard | Stoptrein 32566 | 2 |
GTW-EMU-2/8 -> | ||||
— | 18:54 +1 | Maastricht Randwyck | Stoptrein 32061 | 1 |
FLIRT ARR-2 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
19:08 +2 | 19:13 +1 | Kerkrade Centrum | Stoptrein 32569 | 2 |
GTW-EMU-2/8, GTW-EMU-2/6 -> | ||||
19:13 | 19:18 | Maastricht | Sneltrein 19857 | 4 |
FLIRT LMS-3 -> | ||||
19:22 | 19:22 +2 | Sittard | Stoptrein 32568 | 2 |
GTW-EMU-2/8 -> | ||||
— | 19:24 | Maastricht Randwyck | Stoptrein 32063 | 1 |
FLIRT ARR-2 -> | ||||
19:38 +2 | 19:40 +1 | Kerkrade Centrum | Stoptrein 32571 | 2 |
GTW-EMU-2/8 -> | ||||
19:42 | 19:43 +1 | Aachen Hbf | Sneltrein 19862 | 4 |
FLIRT LMS-3 -> | ||||
— | 19:48 | Maastricht | Sneltrein 19859 | 1 |
FLIRT LMS-3 -> | ||||
— | 19:49 | Eindhoven | Intercity 3976 | 5 |
VIRM-4 9480 -> | ||||
19:52 | 19:52 | Sittard | Stoptrein 32570 | 2 |
GTW-EMU-2/6 -> | ||||
— | 19:54 | Maastricht Randwyck | Stoptrein 32065 | 1 |
FLIRT ARR-2 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
20:08 +3 | 20:13 +5 | Kerkrade Centrum | Stoptrein 32573 | 2 |
GTW-EMU-2/8 -> | ||||
20:13 +4 | 20:18 | Maastricht | Sneltrein 19861 | 4 |
FLIRT LMS-3 -> | ||||
20:22 +4 | 20:22 +4 | Sittard | Stoptrein 32572 | 2 |
GTW-EMU-2/8 -> | ||||
— | 20:24 | Maastricht Randwyck | Stoptrein 32067 | 1 |
FLIRT ARR-2 -> | ||||
20:38 +2 | 20:40 | Kerkrade Centrum | Stoptrein 32575 | 2 |
GTW-EMU-2/6 -> | ||||
20:42 +1 | 20:43 +2 | Aachen Hbf | Sneltrein 19866 | 4 |
FLIRT LMS-3 -> | ||||
— | 20:49 | Sittard | Intercity 3980 | 5 |
VIRM-4 9504 -> | ||||
20:52 +1 | 20:52 +2 | Sittard | Stoptrein 32574 | 2 |
GTW-EMU-2/8 -> | ||||
— | 20:54 | Maastricht Randwyck | Stoptrein 32069 | 1 |
FLIRT ARR-2 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
21:08 +9 | 21:13 +12 | Kerkrade Centrum | Stoptrein 32577 | 2 |
GTW-EMU-2/8 -> | ||||
21:13 | 21:18 | Maastricht | Sneltrein 19865 | 4 |
FLIRT LMS-3 -> | ||||
21:22 | 21:22 +5 | Sittard | Stoptrein 32576 | 4 |
GTW-EMU-2/6 -> | ||||
— | 21:24 +2 | Maastricht Randwyck | Stoptrein 32071 | 1 |
FLIRT ARR-2 -> | ||||
21:38 +3 | 21:40 +1 | Kerkrade Centrum | Stoptrein 32579 | 2 |
GTW-EMU-2/8 -> | ||||
21:42 +1 | 21:43 +1 | Aachen Hbf | Sneltrein 19870 | 4 |
FLIRT LMS-3 -> | ||||
— | 21:49 | Sittard | Intercity 3984 | 5 |
VIRM-6 8701 -> | ||||
21:52 | 21:52 +2 | Sittard | Stoptrein 32578 | 2 |
GTW-EMU-2/8 -> | ||||
— | 21:54 | Maastricht Randwyck | Stoptrein 32073 | 1 |
FLIRT ARR-2 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
22:08 +8 | 22:13 +9 | Kerkrade Centrum | Stoptrein 32581 | 2 |
GTW-EMU-2/6 -> | ||||
22:13 +5 | 22:18 | Maastricht | Sneltrein 19869 | 4 |
FLIRT LMS-3 -> | ||||
22:22 | 22:22 | Sittard | Stoptrein 32580 | 4 |
GTW-EMU-2/8 -> | ||||
— | 22:24 | Maastricht Randwyck | Stoptrein 32075 | 1 |
FLIRT ARR-2 -> | ||||
22:38 +3 | 22:40 +3 | Kerkrade Centrum | Stoptrein 32583 | 2 |
GTW-EMU-2/8 -> | ||||
22:42 | 22:43 +2 | Aachen Hbf | Sneltrein 19874 | 4 |
FLIRT LMS-3 -> | ||||
— | 22:49 | Sittard | Intercity 3988 | 5 |
VIRM-6 8701 -> | ||||
22:52 +11 | 22:52 +12 | Sittard | Stoptrein 32582 | 2 |
GTW-EMU-2/6 -> | ||||
— | 22:54 | Maastricht Randwyck | Stoptrein 32077 | 1 |
FLIRT ARR-2 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
23:08 +4 | 23:13 +1 | Kerkrade Centrum | Stoptrein 32585 | 2 |
GTW-EMU-2/8 -> | ||||
23:13 | 23:18 | Maastricht | Sneltrein 19873 | 4 |
FLIRT LMS-3 -> | ||||
23:22 | 23:22 +2 | Sittard | Stoptrein 32584 | 2 |
GTW-EMU-2/8 -> | ||||
— | 23:24 | Maastricht Randwyck | Stoptrein 32079 | 1 |
FLIRT ARR-2 -> | ||||
23:38 +11 | 23:40 +14 | Kerkrade Centrum | Stoptrein 32587 | 2 |
GTW-EMU-2/6 -> | ||||
23:42 | 23:43 +3 | Aachen Hbf | Sneltrein 19878 | 4 |
FLIRT LMS-3 -> | ||||
— | 23:49 | Sittard | Intercity 3992 | 5 |
VIRM-6 8701 -> | ||||
23:52 +2 | 23:52 +3 | Sittard | Stoptrein 32586 | 4 |
GTW-EMU-2/8 -> | ||||
— | 23:54 | Maastricht Randwyck | Stoptrein 32081 | 1 |
FLIRT ARR-2 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
00:08 +1 | 00:13 +2 | Kerkrade Centrum | Stoptrein 32589 | 2 |
GTW-EMU-2/8 -> | ||||
00:13 | 00:18 | Maastricht | Sneltrein 19877 | 4 |
FLIRT LMS-3 -> | ||||
00:22 | 00:22 | Sittard | Stoptrein 32588 | 2 |
GTW-EMU-2/6 -> | ||||
— | 00:24 | Maastricht Randwyck | Stoptrein 32083 | 1 |
FLIRT ARR-2 -> | ||||