Train services at Steenwijk on March 8, 2020
This page shows all trains which have departed from station Steenwijk on Sunday, March 8, 2020. This includes all trains scheduled to depart, including trains which were eventually cancelled.
Services which were cancelled in advance, for example due to engineering works, are not included in this overview.
Steenwijk Sunday, March 8, 2020 |
Total services | 96 |
On time | 94 (98%) |
Cancelled services | 0 (0%) |
Delayed trains* | 2 (2%) |
Train services
Click on a service to view the entire route and delays along the route. Visit live departures for Steenwijk for live information.
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
07:46 | 07:46 | Schiphol Airport | Intercity 1824 | 1 |
ICM-3 4074 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
08:13 | 08:13 | Leeuwarden | Intercity 1819 | 2 |
ICM-3 4096, ICM-4 4241 -> | ||||
08:15 | 08:15 +1 | Amersfoort Centraal | Intercity 626 | 1 |
ICM-3 4080, ICM-3 4094 -> | ||||
08:20 | 08:20 +1 | Leeuwarden | Sprinter 9021 | 2 |
SNG-3 2301 -> | ||||
08:42 | 08:42 | Meppel | Sprinter 9028 | 1 |
SNG-3 2336 -> | ||||
08:43 | 08:43 | Leeuwarden | Intercity 621 | 2 |
ICM-3 4063, ICM-3 4036 -> | ||||
08:46 | 08:46 | Schiphol Airport | Intercity 1828 | 1 |
ICM-3 4049 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
09:13 | 09:13 | Leeuwarden | Intercity 1823 | 2 |
ICM-4 4238, ICM-3 4013 -> | ||||
09:16 | 09:16 | Amersfoort Centraal | Intercity 630 | 1 |
ICM-3 4067, ICM-3 4057 -> | ||||
09:20 | 09:20 | Leeuwarden | Sprinter 9025 | 2 |
SNG-3 2336 -> | ||||
09:42 +2 | 09:42 +2 | Meppel | Sprinter 9032 | 1 |
SNG-3 2301 -> | ||||
09:43 | 09:43 | Leeuwarden | Intercity 625 | 2 |
ICM-3 4056 -> | ||||
09:46 | 09:46 +1 | Schiphol Airport | Intercity 1832 | 1 |
ICM-4 4241, ICM-3 4096 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
10:13 | 10:13 | Leeuwarden | Intercity 1827 | 2 |
ICM-3 4095 -> | ||||
10:16 | 10:16 | Amersfoort Centraal | Intercity 634 | 1 |
ICM-3 4036, ICM-3 4063 -> | ||||
10:20 | 10:20 | Leeuwarden | Sprinter 9029 | 2 |
SNG-3 2301 -> | ||||
10:42 +2 | 10:42 | Meppel | Sprinter 9036 | 1 |
SNG-3 2336 -> | ||||
10:43 | 10:43 | Leeuwarden | Intercity 629 | 2 |
ICM-4 4209, ICM-3 4020 -> | ||||
10:46 | 10:46 +2 | Schiphol Airport | Intercity 1836 | 1 |
ICM-3 4013, ICM-4 4238 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
11:13 | 11:13 | Leeuwarden | Intercity 1831 | 2 |
ICM-3 4068, ICM-3 4085 -> | ||||
11:16 +1 | 11:16 | Rotterdam Centraal | Intercity 638 | 1 |
ICM-3 4056, ICM-4 4244 -> | ||||
11:20 | 11:20 | Leeuwarden | Sprinter 9033 | 2 |
SNG-3 2336 -> | ||||
11:42 +1 | 11:42 | Meppel | Sprinter 9040 | 1 |
SNG-3 2301 -> | ||||
11:43 +1 | 11:43 +1 | Leeuwarden | Intercity 633 | 2 |
DDZ-4 7527 -> | ||||
11:46 | 11:46 +1 | Schiphol Airport | Intercity 1840 | 1 |
ICM-3 4095 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
12:13 | 12:13 +1 | Leeuwarden | Intercity 1835 | 2 |
ICM-3 4037, ICM-3 4084 -> | ||||
12:16 | 12:16 | Rotterdam Centraal | Intercity 642 | 1 |
ICM-3 4020, ICM-4 4209 -> | ||||
12:20 | 12:20 | Leeuwarden | Sprinter 9037 | 2 |
SNG-3 2301 -> | ||||
12:42 | 12:42 | Meppel | Sprinter 9044 | 1 |
SNG-3 2336 -> | ||||
12:43 | 12:43 | Leeuwarden | Intercity 637 | 2 |
DDZ-4 7538 -> | ||||
12:46 | 12:46 | Schiphol Airport | Intercity 1844 | 1 |
ICM-3 4085, ICM-3 4068 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
13:13 | 13:13 | Leeuwarden | Intercity 1839 | 2 |
ICM-3 4076, ICM-4 4222 -> | ||||
13:16 | 13:16 | Rotterdam Centraal | Intercity 646 | 1 |
DDZ-4 7527 -> | ||||
13:20 | 13:20 | Leeuwarden | Sprinter 9041 | 2 |
SNG-3 2336 -> | ||||
13:42 +2 | 13:42 +2 | Meppel | Sprinter 9048 | 1 |
SNG-3 2301 -> | ||||
13:43 +5 | 13:43 +5 | Leeuwarden | Intercity 641 | 2 |
DDZ-4 7505 -> | ||||
13:46 | 13:46 +1 | Schiphol Airport | Intercity 1848 | 1 |
ICM-3 4084, ICM-3 4037 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
14:13 +15 | 14:13 +16 | Leeuwarden | Intercity 1843 | 2 |
DDZ-6 7635 -> | ||||
14:16 | 14:16 | Rotterdam Centraal | Intercity 650 | 1 |
DDZ-4 7538 -> | ||||
14:20 | 14:20 | Leeuwarden | Sprinter 9045 | 2 |
SNG-3 2301 -> | ||||
14:42 +1 | 14:42 | Meppel | Sprinter 9052 | 1 |
SNG-3 2336 -> | ||||
14:43 | 14:43 | Leeuwarden | Intercity 645 | 2 |
DDZ-4 7534 -> | ||||
14:46 +2 | 14:46 +2 | Schiphol Airport | Intercity 1852 | 1 |
ICM-4 4222, ICM-3 4076 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
15:13 | 15:13 | Leeuwarden | Intercity 1847 | 2 |
DDZ-6 7623 -> | ||||
15:16 | 15:16 | Rotterdam Centraal | Intercity 654 | 1 |
DDZ-4 7505 -> | ||||
15:20 | 15:20 | Leeuwarden | Sprinter 9049 | 2 |
SNG-3 2336 -> | ||||
15:42 | 15:42 | Meppel | Sprinter 9056 | 1 |
SNG-3 2301 -> | ||||
15:43 | 15:43 | Leeuwarden | Intercity 649 | 2 |
ICM-4 4244, ICM-3 4056 -> | ||||
15:46 +2 | 15:46 +3 | Schiphol Airport | Intercity 1856 | 1 |
DDZ-6 7635 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
16:13 | 16:13 | Leeuwarden | Intercity 1851 | 2 |
ICM-3 4073, ICM-4 4234 -> | ||||
16:16 | 16:16 | Rotterdam Centraal | Intercity 658 | 1 |
DDZ-4 7534 -> | ||||
16:20 | 16:20 | Leeuwarden | Sprinter 9053 | 2 |
SNG-3 2301 -> | ||||
16:42 | 16:42 | Meppel | Sprinter 9060 | 1 |
SNG-3 2336 -> | ||||
16:43 | 16:43 | Leeuwarden | Intercity 653 | 2 |
ICM-4 4209, ICM-3 4020 -> | ||||
16:46 +2 | 16:46 +2 | Schiphol Airport | Intercity 1860 | 1 |
DDZ-6 7623 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
17:13 | 17:13 | Leeuwarden | Intercity 1855 | 2 |
ICM-3 4039, ICM-3 4074 -> | ||||
17:16 | 17:16 +1 | Rotterdam Centraal | Intercity 662 | 1 |
ICM-3 4056, ICM-4 4244 -> | ||||
17:20 | 17:20 | Leeuwarden | Sprinter 9057 | 2 |
SNG-3 2336 -> | ||||
17:42 | 17:42 | Meppel | Sprinter 9064 | 1 |
SNG-3 2301 -> | ||||
17:43 | 17:43 | Leeuwarden | Intercity 657 | 2 |
DDZ-4 7527 -> | ||||
17:46 | 17:46 | Schiphol Airport | Intercity 1864 | 1 |
ICM-4 4234, ICM-3 4073 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
18:13 | 18:13 | Leeuwarden | Intercity 1859 | 2 |
ICM-3 4050, ICM-3 4049 -> | ||||
18:16 | 18:16 +1 | Rotterdam Centraal | Intercity 666 | 1 |
ICM-3 4020, ICM-4 4209 -> | ||||
18:20 | 18:20 | Leeuwarden | Sprinter 9061 | 2 |
SNG-3 2301 -> | ||||
18:42 | 18:42 | Meppel | Sprinter 9068 | 1 |
SNG-3 2336 -> | ||||
18:43 | 18:43 | Leeuwarden | Intercity 661 | 2 |
DDZ-4 7536 -> | ||||
18:46 | 18:46 | Schiphol Airport | Intercity 1868 | 1 |
ICM-3 4074, ICM-3 4039 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
19:13 | 19:13 | Leeuwarden | Intercity 1863 | 2 |
ICM-4 4241 -> | ||||
19:16 | 19:16 +2 | Rotterdam Centraal | Intercity 670 | 1 |
DDZ-4 7527 -> | ||||
19:20 | 19:20 | Leeuwarden | Sprinter 9065 | 2 |
SNG-3 2336 -> | ||||
19:42 +2 | 19:42 +2 | Meppel | Sprinter 9072 | 1 |
SNG-3 2301 -> | ||||
19:43 | 19:43 | Leeuwarden | Intercity 665 | 2 |
DDZ-4 7505 -> | ||||
19:46 +2 | 19:46 +2 | Schiphol Airport | Intercity 1872 | 1 |
ICM-3 4049, ICM-3 4050 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
20:13 | 20:13 | Leeuwarden | Intercity 1867 | 2 |
ICM-3 4017 -> | ||||
20:16 | 20:16 | Rotterdam Centraal | Intercity 674 | 1 |
DDZ-4 7536 -> | ||||
20:20 | 20:20 | Leeuwarden | Sprinter 9069 | 2 |
SNG-3 2301 -> | ||||
20:42 | 20:42 | Meppel | Sprinter 9076 | 1 |
SNG-3 2336 -> | ||||
20:43 +1 | 20:43 | Leeuwarden | Intercity 669 | 2 |
ICM-4 4245, ICM-3 4015 -> | ||||
20:46 | 20:46 | Schiphol Airport | Intercity 1876 | 1 |
ICM-4 4241 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
21:13 | 21:13 +1 | Leeuwarden | Intercity 1871 | 2 |
ICM-3 4095 -> | ||||
21:16 | 21:16 | Rotterdam Centraal | Intercity 678 | 1 |
DDZ-4 7505 -> | ||||
21:20 | 21:20 | Leeuwarden | Sprinter 9073 | 2 |
SNG-3 2336 -> | ||||
21:42 | 21:42 | Meppel | Sprinter 9080 | 1 |
SNG-3 2301 -> | ||||
21:43 | 21:43 | Leeuwarden | Intercity 673 | 2 |
ICM-4 4244, ICM-3 4056 -> | ||||
21:46 | 21:46 | Schiphol Airport | Intercity 1880 | 1 |
ICM-3 4017 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
22:13 | 22:13 | Leeuwarden | Intercity 1875 | 2 |
ICM-3 4085 -> | ||||
22:16 | 22:16 | Rotterdam Centraal | Intercity 682 | 1 |
ICM-4 4245 -> | ||||
22:20 | 22:20 | Leeuwarden | Sprinter 9077 | 2 |
SNG-3 2301 -> | ||||
22:42 | 22:42 | Meppel | Sprinter 9084 | 1 |
SNG-3 2336 -> | ||||
22:43 | 22:43 | Leeuwarden | Intercity 677 | 2 |
ICM-3 4020 -> | ||||
22:46 +2 | 22:46 +2 | Schiphol Airport | Intercity 1884 | 1 |
ICM-3 4095 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
23:13 | 23:13 | Leeuwarden | Intercity 1879 | 2 |
ICM-3 4037, ICM-3 4084 -> | ||||
23:15 | 23:15 | Utrecht Centraal | Intercity 686 | 1 |
ICM-3 4015 -> | ||||
23:43 | 23:43 +1 | Leeuwarden | Intercity 681 | 2 |
DDZ-4 7538 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
00:03 | 00:03 +1 | Zwolle | Intercity 690 | 1 |
ICM-3 4056 -> | ||||
00:13 | 00:13 | Leeuwarden | Intercity 1883 | 2 |
ICM-4 4222 -> | ||||