Train services at Nunspeet on November 8, 2020

This page shows all trains which have departed from station Nunspeet on Sunday, November 8, 2020. This includes all trains scheduled to depart, including trains which were eventually cancelled.

Services which were cancelled in advance, for example due to engineering works, are not included in this overview.

Sunday, November 8, 2020
Total services 263
On time 132 (50%)
Cancelled services 131 (50%)
Delayed trains* 0 (0%)
* trains delayed for 5 minutes or more, excluding cancelled services

Train services

Click on a service to view the entire route and delays along the route. Visit live departures for Nunspeet for live information.

07:00 – 08:00

8 services, 4 cancelled (50%), 4 delayed (50%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
07:25 07:25 Amersfoort Centraal Stopbus i.p.v. trein 981550
Train is cancelled
07:25 07:25 Amersfoort Centraal Stopbus i.p.v. trein 980761
07:29 07:29 Amersfoort Centraal Stopbus i.p.v. trein 981584
Train is cancelled
07:29 07:29 Amersfoort Centraal Stopbus i.p.v. trein 980795
07:55 07:55 Amersfoort Centraal Stopbus i.p.v. trein 981551
Train is cancelled
07:55 07:55 Amersfoort Centraal Stopbus i.p.v. trein 980762
07:59 07:59 Amersfoort Centraal Stopbus i.p.v. trein 981585
Train is cancelled
07:59 07:59 Amersfoort Centraal Stopbus i.p.v. trein 980796

08:00 – 09:00

8 services, 4 cancelled (50%), 4 delayed (50%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
08:25 08:25 Amersfoort Centraal Stopbus i.p.v. trein 981552
Train is cancelled
08:25 08:25 Amersfoort Centraal Stopbus i.p.v. trein 980763
08:29 08:29 Amersfoort Centraal Stopbus i.p.v. trein 981586
Train is cancelled
08:29 08:29 Amersfoort Centraal Stopbus i.p.v. trein 980797
08:55 08:55 Amersfoort Centraal Stopbus i.p.v. trein 981553
Train is cancelled
08:55 08:55 Amersfoort Centraal Stopbus i.p.v. trein 980764
08:59 08:59 Amersfoort Centraal Stopbus i.p.v. trein 981587
Train is cancelled
08:59 08:59 Amersfoort Centraal Stopbus i.p.v. trein 980798

09:00 – 10:00

10 services, 5 cancelled (50%), 5 delayed (50%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
09:25 09:25 Amersfoort Centraal Stopbus i.p.v. trein 981554
Train is cancelled
09:25 09:25 Amersfoort Centraal Stopbus i.p.v. trein 980765
09:29 09:29 Amersfoort Centraal Stopbus i.p.v. trein 981588
Train is cancelled
09:29 09:29 Amersfoort Centraal Stopbus i.p.v. trein 980799
09:55 09:55 Amersfoort Centraal Stopbus i.p.v. trein 981555
Train is cancelled
09:55 09:55 Amersfoort Centraal Stopbus i.p.v. trein 980766
09:56 09:56 't Harde Stopbus i.p.v. trein 981416
Train is cancelled
09:56 09:56 't Harde Stopbus i.p.v. trein 980627
09:59 09:59 Amersfoort Centraal Stopbus i.p.v. trein 981589
Train is cancelled
09:59 09:59 Amersfoort Centraal Stopbus i.p.v. trein 980800

10:00 – 11:00

16 services, 8 cancelled (50%), 8 delayed (50%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
10:02 10:02 't Harde Stopbus i.p.v. trein 981448
Train is cancelled
10:02 10:02 't Harde Stopbus i.p.v. trein 980659
10:25 10:25 Amersfoort Centraal Stopbus i.p.v. trein 981556
Train is cancelled
10:25 10:25 Amersfoort Centraal Stopbus i.p.v. trein 980767
10:26 10:26 't Harde Stopbus i.p.v. trein 981417
Train is cancelled
10:26 10:26 't Harde Stopbus i.p.v. trein 980628
10:29 10:29 Amersfoort Centraal Stopbus i.p.v. trein 981590
Train is cancelled
10:29 10:29 Amersfoort Centraal Stopbus i.p.v. trein 980801
10:32 10:32 't Harde Stopbus i.p.v. trein 981449
Train is cancelled
Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
10:32 10:32 't Harde Stopbus i.p.v. trein 980660
10:55 10:55 Amersfoort Centraal Stopbus i.p.v. trein 981557
Train is cancelled
10:55 10:55 Amersfoort Centraal Stopbus i.p.v. trein 980768
10:56 10:56 't Harde Stopbus i.p.v. trein 981418
Train is cancelled
10:56 10:56 't Harde Stopbus i.p.v. trein 980629
10:59 10:59 Amersfoort Centraal Stopbus i.p.v. trein 981591
Train is cancelled
10:59 10:59 Amersfoort Centraal Stopbus i.p.v. trein 980802

11:00 – 12:00

16 services, 8 cancelled (50%), 8 delayed (50%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
11:02 11:02 't Harde Stopbus i.p.v. trein 981450
Train is cancelled
11:02 11:02 't Harde Stopbus i.p.v. trein 980661
11:25 11:25 Amersfoort Centraal Stopbus i.p.v. trein 981558
Train is cancelled
11:25 11:25 Amersfoort Centraal Stopbus i.p.v. trein 980769
11:26 11:26 't Harde Stopbus i.p.v. trein 981419
Train is cancelled
11:26 11:26 't Harde Stopbus i.p.v. trein 980630
11:29 11:29 Amersfoort Centraal Stopbus i.p.v. trein 981592
Train is cancelled
11:29 11:29 Amersfoort Centraal Stopbus i.p.v. trein 980803
11:32 11:32 't Harde Stopbus i.p.v. trein 981451
Train is cancelled
Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
11:32 11:32 't Harde Stopbus i.p.v. trein 980662
11:55 11:55 Amersfoort Centraal Stopbus i.p.v. trein 981559
Train is cancelled
11:55 11:55 Amersfoort Centraal Stopbus i.p.v. trein 980770
11:56 11:56 't Harde Stopbus i.p.v. trein 981420
Train is cancelled
11:56 11:56 't Harde Stopbus i.p.v. trein 980631
11:59 11:59 Amersfoort Centraal Stopbus i.p.v. trein 981593
Train is cancelled
11:59 11:59 Amersfoort Centraal Stopbus i.p.v. trein 980804

12:00 – 13:00

16 services, 8 cancelled (50%), 8 delayed (50%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
12:02 12:02 't Harde Stopbus i.p.v. trein 981452
Train is cancelled
12:02 12:02 't Harde Stopbus i.p.v. trein 980663
12:25 12:25 Amersfoort Centraal Stopbus i.p.v. trein 981560
Train is cancelled
12:25 12:25 Amersfoort Centraal Stopbus i.p.v. trein 980771
12:26 12:26 't Harde Stopbus i.p.v. trein 981421
Train is cancelled
12:26 12:26 't Harde Stopbus i.p.v. trein 980632
12:29 12:29 Amersfoort Centraal Stopbus i.p.v. trein 981594
Train is cancelled
12:29 12:29 Amersfoort Centraal Stopbus i.p.v. trein 980805
12:32 12:32 't Harde Stopbus i.p.v. trein 981453
Train is cancelled
Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
12:32 12:32 't Harde Stopbus i.p.v. trein 980664
12:55 12:55 Amersfoort Centraal Stopbus i.p.v. trein 981561
Train is cancelled
12:55 12:55 Amersfoort Centraal Stopbus i.p.v. trein 980772
12:56 12:56 't Harde Stopbus i.p.v. trein 981422
Train is cancelled
12:56 12:56 't Harde Stopbus i.p.v. trein 980633
12:59 12:59 Amersfoort Centraal Stopbus i.p.v. trein 981595
Train is cancelled
12:59 12:59 Amersfoort Centraal Stopbus i.p.v. trein 980806

13:00 – 14:00

16 services, 8 cancelled (50%), 8 delayed (50%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
13:02 13:02 't Harde Stopbus i.p.v. trein 981454
Train is cancelled
13:02 13:02 't Harde Stopbus i.p.v. trein 980665
13:25 13:25 Amersfoort Centraal Stopbus i.p.v. trein 981562
Train is cancelled
13:25 13:25 Amersfoort Centraal Stopbus i.p.v. trein 980773
13:26 13:26 't Harde Stopbus i.p.v. trein 981423
Train is cancelled
13:26 13:26 't Harde Stopbus i.p.v. trein 980634
13:29 13:29 Amersfoort Centraal Stopbus i.p.v. trein 981596
Train is cancelled
13:29 13:29 Amersfoort Centraal Stopbus i.p.v. trein 980807
13:32 13:32 't Harde Stopbus i.p.v. trein 981455
Train is cancelled
Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
13:32 13:32 't Harde Stopbus i.p.v. trein 980666
13:55 13:55 Amersfoort Centraal Stopbus i.p.v. trein 981563
Train is cancelled
13:55 13:55 Amersfoort Centraal Stopbus i.p.v. trein 980774
13:56 13:56 't Harde Stopbus i.p.v. trein 981424
Train is cancelled
13:56 13:56 't Harde Stopbus i.p.v. trein 980635
13:59 13:59 Amersfoort Centraal Stopbus i.p.v. trein 981597
Train is cancelled
13:59 13:59 Amersfoort Centraal Stopbus i.p.v. trein 980808

14:00 – 15:00

16 services, 8 cancelled (50%), 8 delayed (50%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
14:02 14:02 't Harde Stopbus i.p.v. trein 981456
Train is cancelled
14:02 14:02 't Harde Stopbus i.p.v. trein 980667
14:25 14:25 Amersfoort Centraal Stopbus i.p.v. trein 981564
Train is cancelled
14:25 14:25 Amersfoort Centraal Stopbus i.p.v. trein 980775
14:26 14:26 't Harde Stopbus i.p.v. trein 981425
Train is cancelled
14:26 14:26 't Harde Stopbus i.p.v. trein 980636
14:29 14:29 Amersfoort Centraal Stopbus i.p.v. trein 981598
Train is cancelled
14:29 14:29 Amersfoort Centraal Stopbus i.p.v. trein 980809
14:32 14:32 't Harde Stopbus i.p.v. trein 981457
Train is cancelled
Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
14:32 14:32 't Harde Stopbus i.p.v. trein 980668
14:55 14:55 Amersfoort Centraal Stopbus i.p.v. trein 981565
Train is cancelled
14:55 14:55 Amersfoort Centraal Stopbus i.p.v. trein 980776
14:56 14:56 't Harde Stopbus i.p.v. trein 981426
Train is cancelled
14:56 14:56 't Harde Stopbus i.p.v. trein 980637
14:59 14:59 Amersfoort Centraal Stopbus i.p.v. trein 981599
Train is cancelled
14:59 14:59 Amersfoort Centraal Stopbus i.p.v. trein 980810

15:00 – 16:00

16 services, 8 cancelled (50%), 8 delayed (50%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
15:02 15:02 't Harde Stopbus i.p.v. trein 981458
Train is cancelled
15:02 15:02 't Harde Stopbus i.p.v. trein 980669
15:25 15:25 Amersfoort Centraal Stopbus i.p.v. trein 981566
Train is cancelled
15:25 15:25 Amersfoort Centraal Stopbus i.p.v. trein 980777
15:26 15:26 't Harde Stopbus i.p.v. trein 981427
Train is cancelled
15:26 15:26 't Harde Stopbus i.p.v. trein 980638
15:29 15:29 Amersfoort Centraal Stopbus i.p.v. trein 981600
Train is cancelled
15:29 15:29 Amersfoort Centraal Stopbus i.p.v. trein 980811
15:32 15:32 't Harde Stopbus i.p.v. trein 981459
Train is cancelled
Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
15:32 15:32 't Harde Stopbus i.p.v. trein 980670
15:55 15:55 Amersfoort Centraal Stopbus i.p.v. trein 981567
Train is cancelled
15:55 15:55 Amersfoort Centraal Stopbus i.p.v. trein 980778
15:56 15:56 't Harde Stopbus i.p.v. trein 981428
Train is cancelled
15:56 15:56 't Harde Stopbus i.p.v. trein 980639
15:59 15:59 Amersfoort Centraal Stopbus i.p.v. trein 981601
Train is cancelled
15:59 15:59 Amersfoort Centraal Stopbus i.p.v. trein 980812

16:00 – 17:00

16 services, 8 cancelled (50%), 8 delayed (50%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
16:02 16:02 't Harde Stopbus i.p.v. trein 981460
Train is cancelled
16:02 16:02 't Harde Stopbus i.p.v. trein 980671
16:25 16:25 Amersfoort Centraal Stopbus i.p.v. trein 981568
Train is cancelled
16:25 16:25 Amersfoort Centraal Stopbus i.p.v. trein 980779
16:26 16:26 't Harde Stopbus i.p.v. trein 981429
Train is cancelled
16:26 16:26 't Harde Stopbus i.p.v. trein 980640
16:29 16:29 Amersfoort Centraal Stopbus i.p.v. trein 981602
Train is cancelled
16:29 16:29 Amersfoort Centraal Stopbus i.p.v. trein 980813
16:32 16:32 't Harde Stopbus i.p.v. trein 981461
Train is cancelled
Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
16:32 16:32 't Harde Stopbus i.p.v. trein 980672
16:55 16:55 Amersfoort Centraal Stopbus i.p.v. trein 981569
Train is cancelled
16:55 16:55 Amersfoort Centraal Stopbus i.p.v. trein 980780
16:56 16:56 't Harde Stopbus i.p.v. trein 981430
Train is cancelled
16:56 16:56 't Harde Stopbus i.p.v. trein 980641
16:59 16:59 Amersfoort Centraal Stopbus i.p.v. trein 981603
Train is cancelled
16:59 16:59 Amersfoort Centraal Stopbus i.p.v. trein 980814

17:00 – 18:00

16 services, 8 cancelled (50%), 8 delayed (50%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
17:02 17:02 't Harde Stopbus i.p.v. trein 981462
Train is cancelled
17:02 17:02 't Harde Stopbus i.p.v. trein 980673
17:25 17:25 Amersfoort Centraal Stopbus i.p.v. trein 981570
Train is cancelled
17:25 17:25 Amersfoort Centraal Stopbus i.p.v. trein 980781
17:26 17:26 't Harde Stopbus i.p.v. trein 981431
Train is cancelled
17:26 17:26 't Harde Stopbus i.p.v. trein 980642
17:29 17:29 Amersfoort Centraal Stopbus i.p.v. trein 981604
Train is cancelled
17:29 17:29 Amersfoort Centraal Stopbus i.p.v. trein 980815
17:32 17:32 't Harde Stopbus i.p.v. trein 981463
Train is cancelled
Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
17:32 17:32 't Harde Stopbus i.p.v. trein 980674
17:55 17:55 Amersfoort Centraal Stopbus i.p.v. trein 981571
Train is cancelled
17:55 17:55 Amersfoort Centraal Stopbus i.p.v. trein 980782
17:56 17:56 't Harde Stopbus i.p.v. trein 981432
Train is cancelled
17:56 17:56 't Harde Stopbus i.p.v. trein 980643
17:59 17:59 Amersfoort Centraal Stopbus i.p.v. trein 981605
Train is cancelled
17:59 17:59 Amersfoort Centraal Stopbus i.p.v. trein 980816

18:00 – 19:00

16 services, 8 cancelled (50%), 8 delayed (50%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
18:02 18:02 't Harde Stopbus i.p.v. trein 981464
Train is cancelled
18:02 18:02 't Harde Stopbus i.p.v. trein 980675
18:25 18:25 Amersfoort Centraal Stopbus i.p.v. trein 981572
Train is cancelled
18:25 18:25 Amersfoort Centraal Stopbus i.p.v. trein 980783
18:26 18:26 't Harde Stopbus i.p.v. trein 981433
Train is cancelled
18:26 18:26 't Harde Stopbus i.p.v. trein 980644
18:29 18:29 Amersfoort Centraal Stopbus i.p.v. trein 981606
Train is cancelled
18:29 18:29 Amersfoort Centraal Stopbus i.p.v. trein 980817
18:32 18:32 't Harde Stopbus i.p.v. trein 981465
Train is cancelled
Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
18:32 18:32 't Harde Stopbus i.p.v. trein 980676
18:55 18:55 Amersfoort Centraal Stopbus i.p.v. trein 981573
Train is cancelled
18:55 18:55 Amersfoort Centraal Stopbus i.p.v. trein 980784
18:56 18:56 't Harde Stopbus i.p.v. trein 981434
Train is cancelled
18:56 18:56 't Harde Stopbus i.p.v. trein 980645
18:59 18:59 Amersfoort Centraal Stopbus i.p.v. trein 981607
Train is cancelled
18:59 18:59 Amersfoort Centraal Stopbus i.p.v. trein 980818

19:00 – 20:00

16 services, 8 cancelled (50%), 8 delayed (50%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
19:02 19:02 't Harde Stopbus i.p.v. trein 981466
Train is cancelled
19:02 19:02 't Harde Stopbus i.p.v. trein 980677
19:25 19:25 Amersfoort Centraal Stopbus i.p.v. trein 981574
Train is cancelled
19:25 19:25 Amersfoort Centraal Stopbus i.p.v. trein 980785
19:26 19:26 't Harde Stopbus i.p.v. trein 981435
Train is cancelled
19:26 19:26 't Harde Stopbus i.p.v. trein 980646
19:29 19:29 Amersfoort Centraal Stopbus i.p.v. trein 981608
Train is cancelled
19:29 19:29 Amersfoort Centraal Stopbus i.p.v. trein 980819
19:32 19:32 't Harde Stopbus i.p.v. trein 981467
Train is cancelled
Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
19:32 19:32 't Harde Stopbus i.p.v. trein 980678
19:55 19:55 Amersfoort Centraal Stopbus i.p.v. trein 981575
Train is cancelled
19:55 19:55 Amersfoort Centraal Stopbus i.p.v. trein 980786
19:56 19:56 't Harde Stopbus i.p.v. trein 981436
Train is cancelled
19:56 19:56 't Harde Stopbus i.p.v. trein 980647
19:59 19:59 Amersfoort Centraal Stopbus i.p.v. trein 981609
Train is cancelled
19:59 19:59 Amersfoort Centraal Stopbus i.p.v. trein 980820

20:00 – 21:00

16 services, 8 cancelled (50%), 8 delayed (50%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
20:02 20:02 't Harde Stopbus i.p.v. trein 981468
Train is cancelled
20:02 20:02 't Harde Stopbus i.p.v. trein 980679
20:25 20:25 Amersfoort Centraal Stopbus i.p.v. trein 981576
Train is cancelled
20:25 20:25 Amersfoort Centraal Stopbus i.p.v. trein 980787
20:26 20:26 't Harde Stopbus i.p.v. trein 981437
Train is cancelled
20:26 20:26 't Harde Stopbus i.p.v. trein 980648
20:29 20:29 Amersfoort Centraal Stopbus i.p.v. trein 981610
Train is cancelled
20:29 20:29 Amersfoort Centraal Stopbus i.p.v. trein 980821
20:32 20:32 't Harde Stopbus i.p.v. trein 981469
Train is cancelled
Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
20:32 20:32 't Harde Stopbus i.p.v. trein 980680
20:55 20:55 Amersfoort Centraal Stopbus i.p.v. trein 981577
Train is cancelled
20:55 20:55 Amersfoort Centraal Stopbus i.p.v. trein 980788
20:56 20:56 't Harde Stopbus i.p.v. trein 981438
Train is cancelled
20:56 20:56 't Harde Stopbus i.p.v. trein 980649
20:59 20:59 Amersfoort Centraal Stopbus i.p.v. trein 981611
Train is cancelled
20:59 20:59 Amersfoort Centraal Stopbus i.p.v. trein 980822

21:00 – 22:00

16 services, 8 cancelled (50%), 8 delayed (50%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
21:02 21:02 't Harde Stopbus i.p.v. trein 981470
Train is cancelled
21:02 21:02 't Harde Stopbus i.p.v. trein 980681
21:25 21:25 Amersfoort Centraal Stopbus i.p.v. trein 981578
Train is cancelled
21:25 21:25 Amersfoort Centraal Stopbus i.p.v. trein 980789
21:26 21:26 't Harde Stopbus i.p.v. trein 981439
Train is cancelled
21:26 21:26 't Harde Stopbus i.p.v. trein 980650
21:29 21:29 Amersfoort Centraal Stopbus i.p.v. trein 981612
Train is cancelled
21:29 21:29 Amersfoort Centraal Stopbus i.p.v. trein 980823
21:32 21:32 't Harde Stopbus i.p.v. trein 981471
Train is cancelled
Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
21:32 21:32 't Harde Stopbus i.p.v. trein 980682
21:55 21:55 Amersfoort Centraal Stopbus i.p.v. trein 981579
Train is cancelled
21:55 21:55 Amersfoort Centraal Stopbus i.p.v. trein 980790
21:56 21:56 't Harde Stopbus i.p.v. trein 981440
Train is cancelled
21:56 21:56 't Harde Stopbus i.p.v. trein 980651
21:59 21:59 Amersfoort Centraal Stopbus i.p.v. trein 981613
Train is cancelled
21:59 21:59 Amersfoort Centraal Stopbus i.p.v. trein 980824

22:00 – 23:00

16 services, 8 cancelled (50%), 8 delayed (50%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
22:02 22:02 't Harde Stopbus i.p.v. trein 981472
Train is cancelled
22:02 22:02 't Harde Stopbus i.p.v. trein 980683
22:25 22:25 Amersfoort Centraal Stopbus i.p.v. trein 981580
Train is cancelled
22:25 22:25 Amersfoort Centraal Stopbus i.p.v. trein 980791
22:26 22:26 't Harde Stopbus i.p.v. trein 981441
Train is cancelled
22:26 22:26 't Harde Stopbus i.p.v. trein 980652
22:29 22:29 Amersfoort Centraal Stopbus i.p.v. trein 981614
Train is cancelled
22:29 22:29 Amersfoort Centraal Stopbus i.p.v. trein 980825
22:32 22:32 't Harde Stopbus i.p.v. trein 981473
Train is cancelled
Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
22:32 22:32 't Harde Stopbus i.p.v. trein 980684
22:55 22:55 Amersfoort Centraal Stopbus i.p.v. trein 981581
Train is cancelled
22:55 22:55 Amersfoort Centraal Stopbus i.p.v. trein 980792
22:56 22:56 't Harde Stopbus i.p.v. trein 981442
Train is cancelled
22:56 22:56 't Harde Stopbus i.p.v. trein 980653
22:59 22:59 Amersfoort Centraal Stopbus i.p.v. trein 981615
Train is cancelled
22:59 22:59 Amersfoort Centraal Stopbus i.p.v. trein 980826

23:00 – 24:00

16 services, 8 cancelled (50%), 8 delayed (50%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
23:02 23:02 't Harde Stopbus i.p.v. trein 981474
Train is cancelled
23:02 23:02 't Harde Stopbus i.p.v. trein 980685
23:25 23:25 Amersfoort Centraal Stopbus i.p.v. trein 981582
Train is cancelled
23:25 23:25 Amersfoort Centraal Stopbus i.p.v. trein 980793
23:26 23:26 't Harde Stopbus i.p.v. trein 981443
Train is cancelled
23:26 23:26 't Harde Stopbus i.p.v. trein 980654
23:29 23:29 Amersfoort Centraal Stopbus i.p.v. trein 981616
Train is cancelled
23:29 23:29 Amersfoort Centraal Stopbus i.p.v. trein 980827
23:32 23:32 't Harde Stopbus i.p.v. trein 981475
Train is cancelled
Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
23:32 23:32 't Harde Stopbus i.p.v. trein 980686
23:55 23:55 Amersfoort Centraal Stopbus i.p.v. trein 981583
Train is cancelled
23:55 23:55 Amersfoort Centraal Stopbus i.p.v. trein 980794
23:56 23:56 't Harde Stopbus i.p.v. trein 981444
Train is cancelled
23:56 23:56 't Harde Stopbus i.p.v. trein 980655
23:59 23:59 Amersfoort Centraal Stopbus i.p.v. trein 981617
Train is cancelled
23:59 23:59 Amersfoort Centraal Stopbus i.p.v. trein 980828

00:00 – 01:00

9 services, 4 cancelled (44.4%), 4 delayed (44.4%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
00:02 00:02 't Harde Stopbus i.p.v. trein 981476
Train is cancelled
00:02 00:02 't Harde Stopbus i.p.v. trein 980687
00:25 00:25 Amersfoort Centraal Stopbus i.p.v. trein 980760
00:26 00:26 't Harde Stopbus i.p.v. trein 981445
Train is cancelled
00:26 00:26 't Harde Stopbus i.p.v. trein 980656
00:32 00:32 't Harde Stopbus i.p.v. trein 981477
Train is cancelled
00:32 00:32 't Harde Stopbus i.p.v. trein 980688
00:56 00:56 't Harde Stopbus i.p.v. trein 981446
Train is cancelled
00:56 00:56 't Harde Stopbus i.p.v. trein 980657

01:00 – 02:00

4 services, 2 cancelled (50%), 2 delayed (50%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
01:02 01:02 't Harde Stopbus i.p.v. trein 981478
Train is cancelled
01:02 01:02 't Harde Stopbus i.p.v. trein 980689
01:26 01:26 't Harde Stopbus i.p.v. trein 981447
Train is cancelled
01:26 01:26 't Harde Stopbus i.p.v. trein 980658