Train services at Amsterdam Zuid on February 7, 2021

This page shows all trains which have departed from station Amsterdam Zuid on Sunday, February 7, 2021. This includes all trains scheduled to depart, including trains which were eventually cancelled.

Services which were cancelled in advance, for example due to engineering works, are not included in this overview.

Amsterdam Zuid
Sunday, February 7, 2021
Total services 237
On time 40 (17%)
Cancelled services 196 (83%)
Delayed trains* 1 (0%)
* trains delayed for 5 minutes or more, excluding cancelled services

Train services

Click on a service to view the entire route and delays along the route. Visit live departures for Amsterdam Zuid for live information.

02:00 – 03:00

1 service, 0 cancelled (0%), 0 delayed (0%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
02:22 +4 02:22 +4 Lelystad Centrum Sprinter 4395 4
SLT-6 2662 ->

05:00 – 06:00

1 service, 0 cancelled (0%), 0 delayed (0%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
05:36 +6 05:37 +6 Hoofddorp Sprinter 4308 4
SLT-4 2419 ->

06:00 – 07:00

4 services, 2 cancelled (50%), 2 delayed (50%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
06:26 06:26 Hoofddorp Stopbus i.p.v. trein 985007
Train is cancelled
06:26 06:26 Hoofddorp Stopbus i.p.v. trein 984507
06:56 06:56 Hoofddorp Stopbus i.p.v. trein 985008
Train is cancelled
06:56 06:56 Hoofddorp Stopbus i.p.v. trein 984508

07:00 – 08:00

11 services, 8 cancelled (72.7%), 8 delayed (72.7%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
07:11 07:11 Hoofddorp Stopbus i.p.v. trein 985010
Train is cancelled
07:11 07:11 Hoofddorp Stopbus i.p.v. trein 984510
07:18 07:19 Den Haag Centraal Intercity 1816
Train is cancelled
07:26 07:26 Hoofddorp Stopbus i.p.v. trein 985009
Train is cancelled
07:26 07:26 Hoofddorp Stopbus i.p.v. trein 984509
07:26 07:27 Venlo Intercity 3523
Train is cancelled
07:44 07:45 Enschede Intercity 1625
Train is cancelled
07:44 07:46 Den Haag Centraal Intercity 11618
Train is cancelled
07:53 Amsterdam RAI Stopbus i.p.v. trein 985049
Train did not depart
07:53 Amsterdam RAI Stopbus i.p.v. trein 984549
07:56 07:57 Venlo Intercity 3525
Train is cancelled

08:00 – 09:00

10 services, 8 cancelled (80%), 8 delayed (80%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
08:14 08:15 Amersfoort Schothorst Intercity 11627
Train is cancelled
08:14 08:16 Den Haag Centraal Intercity 1620
Train is cancelled
08:23 Amsterdam RAI Stopbus i.p.v. trein 985050
Train did not depart
08:23 Amsterdam RAI Stopbus i.p.v. trein 984550
08:26 08:27 Venlo Intercity 3527
Train is cancelled
08:44 08:45 Enschede Intercity 1629
Train is cancelled
08:44 08:46 Den Haag Centraal Intercity 11622
Train is cancelled
08:53 Amsterdam RAI Stopbus i.p.v. trein 985051
Train did not depart
08:53 Amsterdam RAI Stopbus i.p.v. trein 984551
08:56 08:57 Venlo Intercity 3529
Train is cancelled

09:00 – 10:00

12 services, 10 cancelled (83.3%), 10 delayed (83.3%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
09:04 09:05 Dordrecht Intercity 3524
Train is cancelled
09:14 09:15 Amersfoort Schothorst Intercity 11631
Train is cancelled
09:14 09:16 Den Haag Centraal Intercity 1624
Train is cancelled
09:23 Amsterdam RAI Stopbus i.p.v. trein 985052
Train did not depart
09:23 Amsterdam RAI Stopbus i.p.v. trein 984552
09:26 09:27 Venlo Intercity 3531
Train is cancelled
09:34 09:35 Dordrecht Intercity 3526
Train is cancelled
09:44 09:45 Enschede Intercity 1633
Train is cancelled
09:44 09:46 Den Haag Centraal Intercity 11626
Train is cancelled
09:53 Amsterdam RAI Stopbus i.p.v. trein 985053
Train did not depart
09:53 Amsterdam RAI Stopbus i.p.v. trein 984553
09:56 09:57 Venlo Intercity 3533
Train is cancelled

10:00 – 11:00

14 services, 12 cancelled (85.7%), 12 delayed (85.7%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
10:04 10:05 Dordrecht Intercity 3528
Train is cancelled
10:10 Nijmegen Intercity 3135
Train did not depart
10:14 10:15 Amersfoort Schothorst Intercity 11635
Train is cancelled
10:14 10:16 Den Haag Centraal Intercity 1628
Train is cancelled
10:23 Amsterdam RAI Stopbus i.p.v. trein 985054
Train did not depart
10:23 Amsterdam RAI Stopbus i.p.v. trein 984554
10:26 10:27 Venlo Intercity 3535
Train is cancelled
10:34 10:35 Dordrecht Intercity 3530
Train is cancelled
10:40 Nijmegen Intercity 3137
Train did not depart
Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
10:44 10:45 Enschede Intercity 1637
Train is cancelled
10:44 10:46 Den Haag Centraal Intercity 11630
Train is cancelled
10:53 Amsterdam RAI Stopbus i.p.v. trein 985055
Train did not depart
10:53 Amsterdam RAI Stopbus i.p.v. trein 984555
10:56 10:57 Venlo Intercity 3537
Train is cancelled

11:00 – 12:00

14 services, 12 cancelled (85.7%), 12 delayed (85.7%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
11:04 11:05 Dordrecht Intercity 3743
Train is cancelled
11:10 Nijmegen Intercity 3139
Train did not depart
11:14 11:15 Amersfoort Schothorst Intercity 11639
Train is cancelled
11:14 11:16 Den Haag Centraal Intercity 1632
Train is cancelled
11:23 Amsterdam RAI Stopbus i.p.v. trein 985056
Train did not depart
11:23 Amsterdam RAI Stopbus i.p.v. trein 984556
11:26 11:27 Venlo Intercity 3539
Train is cancelled
11:34 11:35 Dordrecht Intercity 3745
Train is cancelled
11:40 Nijmegen Intercity 3141
Train did not depart
Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
11:44 11:45 Enschede Intercity 1641
Train is cancelled
11:44 11:46 Den Haag Centraal Intercity 11634
Train is cancelled
11:53 Amsterdam RAI Stopbus i.p.v. trein 985057
Train did not depart
11:53 Amsterdam RAI Stopbus i.p.v. trein 984557
11:56 11:57 Venlo Intercity 3730
Train is cancelled

12:00 – 13:00

14 services, 12 cancelled (85.7%), 12 delayed (85.7%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
12:04 12:05 Dordrecht Intercity 3747
Train is cancelled
12:10 Nijmegen Intercity 3143
Train did not depart
12:14 12:15 Amersfoort Schothorst Intercity 11643
Train is cancelled
12:14 12:16 Den Haag Centraal Intercity 1636
Train is cancelled
12:23 Amsterdam RAI Stopbus i.p.v. trein 985058
Train did not depart
12:23 Amsterdam RAI Stopbus i.p.v. trein 984558
12:26 12:27 Venlo Intercity 3732
Train is cancelled
12:34 12:35 Dordrecht Intercity 3749
Train is cancelled
12:40 Nijmegen Intercity 3145
Train did not depart
Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
12:44 12:45 Enschede Intercity 1645
Train is cancelled
12:44 12:46 Den Haag Centraal Intercity 11638
Train is cancelled
12:53 Amsterdam RAI Stopbus i.p.v. trein 985059
Train did not depart
12:53 Amsterdam RAI Stopbus i.p.v. trein 984559
12:56 12:57 Venlo Intercity 3734
Train is cancelled

13:00 – 14:00

14 services, 12 cancelled (85.7%), 12 delayed (85.7%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
13:04 13:05 Dordrecht Intercity 3751
Train is cancelled
13:10 Nijmegen Intercity 3147
Train did not depart
13:14 13:15 Amersfoort Schothorst Intercity 11647
Train is cancelled
13:14 13:16 Den Haag Centraal Intercity 1640
Train is cancelled
13:23 Amsterdam RAI Stopbus i.p.v. trein 985060
Train did not depart
13:23 Amsterdam RAI Stopbus i.p.v. trein 984560
13:26 13:27 Venlo Intercity 3736
Train is cancelled
13:34 13:35 Dordrecht Intercity 3753
Train is cancelled
13:40 Nijmegen Intercity 3149
Train did not depart
Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
13:44 13:45 Enschede Intercity 1649
Train is cancelled
13:44 13:46 Den Haag Centraal Intercity 11642
Train is cancelled
13:53 Amsterdam RAI Stopbus i.p.v. trein 985061
Train did not depart
13:53 Amsterdam RAI Stopbus i.p.v. trein 984561
13:56 13:57 Venlo Intercity 3738
Train is cancelled

14:00 – 15:00

14 services, 12 cancelled (85.7%), 12 delayed (85.7%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
14:04 14:05 Dordrecht Intercity 3755
Train is cancelled
14:10 Nijmegen Intercity 3151
Train did not depart
14:14 14:15 Amersfoort Schothorst Intercity 11651
Train is cancelled
14:14 14:16 Den Haag Centraal Intercity 1644
Train is cancelled
14:23 Amsterdam RAI Stopbus i.p.v. trein 985062
Train did not depart
14:23 Amsterdam RAI Stopbus i.p.v. trein 984562
14:26 14:27 Venlo Intercity 3740
Train is cancelled
14:34 14:35 Dordrecht Intercity 3757
Train is cancelled
14:40 Nijmegen Intercity 3153
Train did not depart
Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
14:44 14:45 Enschede Intercity 1653
Train is cancelled
14:44 14:46 Den Haag Centraal Intercity 11646
Train is cancelled
14:53 Amsterdam RAI Stopbus i.p.v. trein 985063
Train did not depart
14:53 Amsterdam RAI Stopbus i.p.v. trein 984563
14:56 14:57 Venlo Intercity 3742
Train is cancelled

15:00 – 16:00

14 services, 12 cancelled (85.7%), 12 delayed (85.7%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
15:04 15:05 Dordrecht Intercity 3759
Train is cancelled
15:10 Nijmegen Intercity 3155
Train did not depart
15:14 15:15 Amersfoort Schothorst Intercity 11655
Train is cancelled
15:14 15:16 Den Haag Centraal Intercity 1648
Train is cancelled
15:23 Amsterdam RAI Stopbus i.p.v. trein 985064
Train did not depart
15:23 Amsterdam RAI Stopbus i.p.v. trein 984564
15:26 15:27 Venlo Intercity 3744
Train is cancelled
15:34 15:35 Dordrecht Intercity 3761
Train is cancelled
15:40 Nijmegen Intercity 3157
Train did not depart
Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
15:44 15:45 Enschede Intercity 1657
Train is cancelled
15:44 15:46 Den Haag Centraal Intercity 11650
Train is cancelled
15:53 Amsterdam RAI Stopbus i.p.v. trein 985065
Train did not depart
15:53 Amsterdam RAI Stopbus i.p.v. trein 984565
15:56 15:57 Venlo Intercity 3746
Train is cancelled

16:00 – 17:00

14 services, 12 cancelled (85.7%), 12 delayed (85.7%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
16:04 16:05 Dordrecht Intercity 3763
Train is cancelled
16:10 Nijmegen Intercity 3159
Train did not depart
16:14 16:15 Amersfoort Schothorst Intercity 11659
Train is cancelled
16:14 16:16 Den Haag Centraal Intercity 1652
Train is cancelled
16:23 Amsterdam RAI Stopbus i.p.v. trein 985066
Train did not depart
16:23 Amsterdam RAI Stopbus i.p.v. trein 984566
16:26 16:27 Venlo Intercity 3748
Train is cancelled
16:34 16:35 Dordrecht Intercity 3765
Train is cancelled
16:40 Nijmegen Intercity 3161
Train did not depart
Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
16:44 16:45 Enschede Intercity 1661
Train is cancelled
16:44 16:46 Den Haag Centraal Intercity 11654
Train is cancelled
16:53 Amsterdam RAI Stopbus i.p.v. trein 985067
Train did not depart
16:53 Amsterdam RAI Stopbus i.p.v. trein 984567
16:56 16:57 Venlo Intercity 3750
Train is cancelled

17:00 – 18:00

14 services, 12 cancelled (85.7%), 12 delayed (85.7%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
17:04 17:05 Dordrecht Intercity 3767
Train is cancelled
17:10 Nijmegen Intercity 3163
Train did not depart
17:14 17:15 Amersfoort Schothorst Intercity 11663
Train is cancelled
17:14 17:16 Den Haag Centraal Intercity 1656
Train is cancelled
17:23 Amsterdam RAI Stopbus i.p.v. trein 985068
Train did not depart
17:23 Amsterdam RAI Stopbus i.p.v. trein 984568
17:26 17:27 Venlo Intercity 3752
Train is cancelled
17:34 17:35 Dordrecht Intercity 3769
Train is cancelled
17:40 Nijmegen Intercity 3165
Train did not depart
Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
17:44 17:45 Enschede Intercity 1665
Train is cancelled
17:44 17:46 Den Haag Centraal Intercity 11658
Train is cancelled
17:53 Amsterdam RAI Stopbus i.p.v. trein 985069
Train did not depart
17:53 Amsterdam RAI Stopbus i.p.v. trein 984569
17:56 17:57 Venlo Intercity 3754
Train is cancelled

18:00 – 19:00

14 services, 12 cancelled (85.7%), 12 delayed (85.7%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
18:04 18:05 Dordrecht Intercity 3771
Train is cancelled
18:10 Nijmegen Intercity 3167
Train did not depart
18:14 18:15 Amersfoort Schothorst Intercity 11667
Train is cancelled
18:14 18:16 Den Haag Centraal Intercity 1660
Train is cancelled
18:23 Amsterdam RAI Stopbus i.p.v. trein 985070
Train did not depart
18:23 Amsterdam RAI Stopbus i.p.v. trein 984570
18:26 18:27 Venlo Intercity 3756
Train is cancelled
18:34 18:35 Dordrecht Intercity 3773
Train is cancelled
18:40 Nijmegen Intercity 3169
Train did not depart
Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
18:44 18:45 Enschede Intercity 1669
Train is cancelled
18:44 18:46 Den Haag Centraal Intercity 11662
Train is cancelled
18:53 Amsterdam RAI Stopbus i.p.v. trein 985071
Train did not depart
18:53 Amsterdam RAI Stopbus i.p.v. trein 984571
18:56 18:57 Venlo Intercity 3758
Train is cancelled

19:00 – 20:00

14 services, 12 cancelled (85.7%), 12 delayed (85.7%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
19:04 19:05 Dordrecht Intercity 3775
Train is cancelled
19:10 Nijmegen Intercity 3171
Train did not depart
19:14 19:15 Amersfoort Schothorst Intercity 11671
Train is cancelled
19:14 19:16 Den Haag Centraal Intercity 1664
Train is cancelled
19:23 Amsterdam RAI Stopbus i.p.v. trein 985072
Train did not depart
19:23 Amsterdam RAI Stopbus i.p.v. trein 984572
19:26 19:27 Venlo Intercity 3760
Train is cancelled
19:34 19:35 Dordrecht Intercity 3777
Train is cancelled
19:40 Nijmegen Intercity 3173
Train did not depart
Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
19:44 19:45 Enschede Intercity 1673
Train is cancelled
19:44 19:46 Den Haag Centraal Intercity 11666
Train is cancelled
19:53 Amsterdam RAI Stopbus i.p.v. trein 985073
Train did not depart
19:53 Amsterdam RAI Stopbus i.p.v. trein 984573
19:56 19:57 Venlo Intercity 3762
Train is cancelled

20:00 – 21:00

14 services, 12 cancelled (85.7%), 12 delayed (85.7%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
20:04 20:05 Dordrecht Intercity 3779
Train is cancelled
20:10 Nijmegen Intercity 3175
Train did not depart
20:14 20:15 Amersfoort Schothorst Intercity 11675
Train is cancelled
20:14 20:16 Den Haag Centraal Intercity 1668
Train is cancelled
20:23 Amsterdam RAI Stopbus i.p.v. trein 985074
Train did not depart
20:23 Amsterdam RAI Stopbus i.p.v. trein 984574
20:26 20:27 Venlo Intercity 3764
Train is cancelled
20:34 20:35 Dordrecht Intercity 3781
Train is cancelled
20:40 Nijmegen Intercity 3177
Train did not depart
Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
20:44 20:45 Enschede Intercity 1677
Train is cancelled
20:44 20:46 Den Haag Centraal Intercity 11670
Train is cancelled
20:53 Amsterdam RAI Stopbus i.p.v. trein 985075
Train did not depart
20:53 Amsterdam RAI Stopbus i.p.v. trein 984575
20:56 20:57 Venlo Intercity 3766
Train is cancelled

21:00 – 22:00

14 services, 12 cancelled (85.7%), 12 delayed (85.7%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
21:04 21:05 Dordrecht Intercity 3783
Train is cancelled
21:10 Nijmegen Intercity 3179
Train did not depart
21:14 21:15 Amersfoort Schothorst Intercity 11679
Train is cancelled
21:14 21:16 Den Haag Centraal Intercity 1672
Train is cancelled
21:23 Amsterdam RAI Stopbus i.p.v. trein 985076
Train did not depart
21:23 Amsterdam RAI Stopbus i.p.v. trein 984576
21:26 21:27 Venlo Intercity 3768
Train is cancelled
21:34 21:35 Dordrecht Intercity 3785
Train is cancelled
21:40 Nijmegen Intercity 3181
Train did not depart
Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
21:44 21:45 Enschede Intercity 1681
Train is cancelled
21:44 21:46 Den Haag Centraal Intercity 11674
Train is cancelled
21:53 Amsterdam RAI Stopbus i.p.v. trein 985077
Train did not depart
21:53 Amsterdam RAI Stopbus i.p.v. trein 984577
21:56 21:57 Venlo Intercity 3770
Train is cancelled

22:00 – 23:00

13 services, 11 cancelled (84.6%), 11 delayed (84.6%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
22:04 22:05 Dordrecht Intercity 3787
Train is cancelled
22:10 Nijmegen Intercity 3183
Train did not depart
22:14 22:15 Amersfoort Schothorst Intercity 11683
Train is cancelled
22:14 22:16 Den Haag Centraal Intercity 1676
Train is cancelled
22:23 Amsterdam RAI Stopbus i.p.v. trein 985078
Train did not depart
22:23 Amsterdam RAI Stopbus i.p.v. trein 984578
22:26 22:27 Eindhoven Centraal Intercity 3772
Train is cancelled
22:34 22:35 Schiphol Airport Intercity 3578
Train is cancelled
22:44 22:45 Enschede Intercity 1685
Train is cancelled
Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
22:44 22:46 Den Haag Centraal Intercity 11678
Train is cancelled
22:53 Amsterdam RAI Stopbus i.p.v. trein 985079
Train did not depart
22:53 Amsterdam RAI Stopbus i.p.v. trein 984579
22:56 22:57 Utrecht Centraal Intercity 3774
Train is cancelled

23:00 – 24:00

11 services, 9 cancelled (81.8%), 9 delayed (81.8%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
23:04 23:05 Schiphol Airport Intercity 3580
Train is cancelled
23:14 23:15 Amersfoort Schothorst Intercity 11687
Train is cancelled
23:14 23:16 Den Haag Centraal Intercity 1680
Train is cancelled
23:23 Amsterdam RAI Stopbus i.p.v. trein 985080
Train did not depart
23:23 Amsterdam RAI Stopbus i.p.v. trein 984580
23:26 23:27 Utrecht Centraal Intercity 3587
Train is cancelled
23:34 23:35 Schiphol Airport Intercity 3582
Train is cancelled
23:44 23:45 Amersfoort Centraal Intercity 1689
Train is cancelled
23:44 23:46 Den Haag Centraal Intercity 11682
Train is cancelled
23:53 Amsterdam RAI Stopbus i.p.v. trein 984581
23:56 23:57 Utrecht Centraal Intercity 3589
Train is cancelled

00:00 – 01:00

6 services, 4 cancelled (66.7%), 4 delayed (66.7%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
00:04 00:05 Schiphol Airport Intercity 3584
Train is cancelled
00:15 00:16 Den Haag Centraal Intercity 1684
Train is cancelled
00:22 00:22 Duivendrecht Stopbus i.p.v. trein 984582
00:44 00:46 Leiden Centraal Intercity 11686
Train is cancelled
00:52 00:52 Duivendrecht Stopbus i.p.v. trein 984583
00:56 00:58 Hoofddorp Sprinter 4386
Train is cancelled