Train services at Deurne on July 25, 2021
This page shows all trains which have departed from station Deurne on Sunday, July 25, 2021. This includes all trains scheduled to depart, including trains which were eventually cancelled.
Services which were cancelled in advance, for example due to engineering works, are not included in this overview.
Deurne Sunday, July 25, 2021 |
Total services | 82 |
On time | 80 (98%) |
Cancelled services | 0 (0%) |
Delayed trains* | 2 (2%) |
Train services
Click on a service to view the entire route and delays along the route. Visit live departures for Deurne for live information.
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
07:24 | 07:24 | Schiphol Airport | Intercity 3524 | 1 |
VIRM-4 9584 -> | ||||
— | 07:36 | 's-Hertogenbosch | Sprinter 4424 | 3 |
FLIRT FFF-4 2515 -> | ||||
07:54 | 07:54 | Schiphol Airport | Intercity 3526 | 1 |
VIRM-4 9553, VIRM-4 9596 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
08:24 | 08:24 | Schiphol Airport | Intercity 3528 | 1 |
VIRM-4 9524 -> | ||||
08:35 +1 | 08:35 | Venlo | Intercity 13521 | 2 |
VIRM-4 9405 -> | ||||
— | 08:36 | 's-Hertogenbosch | Sprinter 4428 | 3 |
FLIRT FFF-4 2503 -> | ||||
08:54 | 08:54 | Schiphol Airport | Intercity 3530 | 1 |
VIRM-6 8746 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
09:05 +1 | 09:05 | Venlo | Intercity 3523 | 2 |
VIRM-4 9469 -> | ||||
09:24 | 09:24 | Dordrecht | Intercity 3743 | 1 |
VIRM-4 9405 -> | ||||
09:35 +1 | 09:35 | Venlo | Intercity 3525 | 2 |
VIRM-6 8614 -> | ||||
— | 09:36 | 's-Hertogenbosch | Sprinter 4432 | 3 |
FLIRT FFF-4 2512 -> | ||||
09:54 | 09:54 | Dordrecht | Intercity 3745 | 1 |
VIRM-4 9469 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
10:05 +2 | 10:05 +2 | Venlo | Intercity 3527 | 2 |
VIRM-6 8666 -> | ||||
10:24 | 10:24 | Dordrecht | Intercity 3747 | 1 |
VIRM-6 8614 -> | ||||
10:35 +1 | 10:35 | Venlo | Intercity 3529 | 2 |
VIRM-6 8648 -> | ||||
— | 10:36 | 's-Hertogenbosch | Sprinter 4436 | 3 |
FLIRT FFF-4 2501 -> | ||||
10:54 | 10:54 | Dordrecht | Intercity 3749 | 1 |
VIRM-6 8666 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
11:05 +3 | 11:05 +2 | Venlo | Intercity 3531 | 2 |
VIRM-6 8738 -> | ||||
11:24 +2 | 11:24 +5 | Dordrecht | Intercity 3751 | 1 |
VIRM-6 8648 -> | ||||
11:35 +1 | 11:35 | Venlo | Intercity 3533 | 2 |
VIRM-4 9584 -> | ||||
— | 11:36 | 's-Hertogenbosch | Sprinter 4440 | 3 |
FLIRT FFF-4 2514 -> | ||||
11:54 | 11:54 | Dordrecht | Intercity 3753 | 1 |
VIRM-6 8738 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
12:05 +6 | 12:05 +6 | Venlo | Intercity 3535 | 2 |
VIRM-4 9553 -> | ||||
12:24 | 12:24 +2 | Dordrecht | Intercity 3755 | 1 |
VIRM-4 9584 -> | ||||
12:35 +1 | 12:35 | Venlo | Intercity 3537 | 2 |
VIRM-4 9524 -> | ||||
— | 12:36 | 's-Hertogenbosch | Sprinter 4444 | 3 |
FLIRT FFF-4 2515 -> | ||||
12:54 | 12:54 | Dordrecht | Intercity 3757 | 1 |
VIRM-4 9553 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
13:05 +2 | 13:05 | Venlo | Intercity 3539 | 2 |
VIRM-6 8746 -> | ||||
13:24 | 13:24 +1 | Dordrecht | Intercity 3759 | 1 |
VIRM-4 9524 -> | ||||
13:35 +1 | 13:35 +1 | Venlo | Intercity 3730 | 2 |
VIRM-6 8639 -> | ||||
— | 13:36 | 's-Hertogenbosch | Sprinter 4448 | 3 |
FLIRT FFF-4 2503 -> | ||||
13:54 | 13:54 | Dordrecht | Intercity 3761 | 1 |
VIRM-6 8746 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
14:05 +6 | 14:05 +5 | Venlo | Intercity 3732 | 2 |
VIRM-6 8705 -> | ||||
14:24 | 14:24 | Dordrecht | Intercity 3763 | 1 |
VIRM-6 8639 -> | ||||
14:35 | 14:35 | Venlo | Intercity 3734 | 2 |
VIRM-6 8733 -> | ||||
— | 14:36 | 's-Hertogenbosch | Sprinter 4452 | 3 |
FLIRT FFF-4 2512 -> | ||||
14:54 | 14:54 +1 | Dordrecht | Intercity 3765 | 1 |
VIRM-6 8705 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
15:05 +1 | 15:05 | Venlo | Intercity 3736 | 2 |
VIRM-6 8646 -> | ||||
15:24 | 15:24 | Dordrecht | Intercity 3767 | 1 |
VIRM-6 8733 -> | ||||
15:35 +2 | 15:35 | Venlo | Intercity 3738 | 2 |
VIRM-4 9405 -> | ||||
— | 15:36 | 's-Hertogenbosch | Sprinter 4456 | 3 |
FLIRT FFF-4 2501 -> | ||||
15:54 | 15:54 | Dordrecht | Intercity 3769 | 1 |
VIRM-6 8646 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
16:05 +1 | 16:05 | Venlo | Intercity 3740 | 2 |
VIRM-4 9469 -> | ||||
16:24 | 16:24 | Dordrecht | Intercity 3771 | 1 |
VIRM-4 9405 -> | ||||
16:35 +1 | 16:35 | Venlo | Intercity 3742 | 2 |
VIRM-6 8614 -> | ||||
— | 16:36 | 's-Hertogenbosch | Sprinter 4460 | 3 |
FLIRT FFF-4 2514 -> | ||||
16:54 | 16:54 +1 | Dordrecht | Intercity 3773 | 1 |
VIRM-4 9469 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
17:05 +1 | 17:05 | Venlo | Intercity 3744 | 2 |
VIRM-6 8666 -> | ||||
17:24 | 17:24 | Dordrecht | Intercity 3775 | 1 |
VIRM-6 8614 -> | ||||
17:35 +2 | 17:35 +2 | Venlo | Intercity 3746 | 2 |
VIRM-6 8648 -> | ||||
— | 17:36 | 's-Hertogenbosch | Sprinter 4464 | 3 |
FLIRT FFF-4 2515 -> | ||||
17:54 | 17:54 +2 | Dordrecht | Intercity 3777 | 2 |
VIRM-6 8666 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
18:05 | 18:05 | Venlo | Intercity 3748 | 2 |
VIRM-6 8738 -> | ||||
18:24 | 18:24 | Dordrecht | Intercity 3779 | 1 |
VIRM-6 8648 -> | ||||
18:35 +4 | 18:35 +3 | Venlo | Intercity 3750 | 2 |
VIRM-4 9584 -> | ||||
— | 18:36 +2 | 's-Hertogenbosch | Sprinter 4468 | 3 |
FLIRT FFF-4 2503 -> | ||||
18:54 +2 | 18:54 +4 | Dordrecht | Intercity 3781 | 1 |
VIRM-6 8738 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
19:05 +1 | 19:05 | Venlo | Intercity 3752 | 2 |
VIRM-4 9553 -> | ||||
19:24 +3 | 19:24 +3 | Dordrecht | Intercity 3783 | 1 |
VIRM-4 9580 -> | ||||
19:35 +2 | 19:35 +2 | Venlo | Intercity 3754 | 2 |
VIRM-4 9524 -> | ||||
— | 19:36 | 's-Hertogenbosch | Sprinter 4472 | 3 |
FLIRT FFF-4 2512 -> | ||||
19:54 | 19:54 | Dordrecht | Intercity 3785 | 1 |
VIRM-4 9553 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
20:05 | 20:05 | Venlo | Intercity 3756 | 2 |
VIRM-6 8746 -> | ||||
20:24 | 20:24 | Dordrecht | Intercity 3787 | 1 |
VIRM-4 9524 -> | ||||
20:35 +1 | 20:35 | Venlo | Intercity 3758 | 2 |
VIRM-6 8639 -> | ||||
— | 20:36 | 's-Hertogenbosch | Sprinter 4476 | 3 |
FLIRT FFF-4 2501 -> | ||||
20:54 | 20:54 +1 | Schiphol Airport | Intercity 3578 | 1 |
VIRM-6 8746 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
21:05 | 21:05 +1 | Venlo | Intercity 3760 | 2 |
VIRM-6 8705 -> | ||||
21:24 | 21:24 | Schiphol Airport | Intercity 3580 | 1 |
VIRM-6 8639 -> | ||||
21:35 +2 | 21:35 +2 | Venlo | Intercity 3762 | 2 |
VIRM-6 8733 -> | ||||
— | 21:36 | 's-Hertogenbosch | Sprinter 4480 | 3 |
FLIRT FFF-4 2514 -> | ||||
21:54 | 21:54 | Eindhoven Centraal | Intercity 13582 | 1 |
VIRM-6 8705 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
22:05 +2 | 22:05 +2 | Venlo | Intercity 3764 | 2 |
VIRM-6 8646 -> | ||||
22:24 | 22:24 | Eindhoven Centraal | Intercity 13584 | 1 |
VIRM-6 8733 -> | ||||
22:35 +1 | 22:35 | Venlo | Intercity 3766 | 2 |
VIRM-4 9405 -> | ||||
— | 22:36 | 's-Hertogenbosch | Sprinter 4484 | 3 |
FLIRT FFF-4 2515 -> | ||||
22:54 +1 | 22:54 +3 | Eindhoven Centraal | Intercity 13586 | 1 |
VIRM-6 8646 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
23:05 +1 | 23:05 | Venlo | Intercity 3768 | 2 |
VIRM-4 9469 -> | ||||
23:24 | 23:24 +2 | Eindhoven Centraal | Intercity 13588 | 1 |
VIRM-4 9405 -> | ||||
23:35 +1 | 23:35 | Venlo | Intercity 3770 | 2 |
VIRM-6 8614 -> | ||||
— | 23:36 | 's-Hertogenbosch | Sprinter 4488 | 3 |
FLIRT FFF-4 2522, FLIRT FFF-3 2233 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
00:35 +2 | 00:35 | Venlo | Intercity 13585 | 2 |
VIRM-4 9405 -> | ||||