Train services at Wijchen on August 8, 2021

This page shows all trains which have departed from station Wijchen on Sunday, August 8, 2021. This includes all trains scheduled to depart, including trains which were eventually cancelled.

Services which were cancelled in advance, for example due to engineering works, are not included in this overview.

Sunday, August 8, 2021
Total services 187
On time 94 (50%)
Cancelled services 93 (50%)
Delayed trains* 0 (0%)
* trains delayed for 5 minutes or more, excluding cancelled services

Train services

Click on a service to view the entire route and delays along the route. Visit live departures for Wijchen for live information.

07:00 – 08:00

7 services, 4 cancelled (57.1%), 4 delayed (57.1%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
07:12 Arnhem Centraal Stopbus i.p.v. trein 982123
Train did not depart
07:12 Arnhem Centraal Stopbus i.p.v. trein 981011
07:25 Dordrecht Sprinter 6623
Train did not depart
07:42 Arnhem Centraal Stopbus i.p.v. trein 982124
Train did not depart
07:42 Arnhem Centraal Stopbus i.p.v. trein 981012
07:51 Oss Stopbus i.p.v. trein 906623
07:55 Dordrecht Sprinter 6625
Train did not depart

08:00 – 09:00

12 services, 6 cancelled (50%), 6 delayed (50%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
08:12 Arnhem Centraal Stopbus i.p.v. trein 982125
Train did not depart
08:12 Arnhem Centraal Stopbus i.p.v. trein 981013
08:21 Oss Stopbus i.p.v. trein 906625
08:25 Dordrecht Sprinter 6627
Train did not depart
08:27 Arnhem Centraal Stopbus i.p.v. trein 982126
Train did not depart
08:27 Arnhem Centraal Stopbus i.p.v. trein 981014
08:42 Arnhem Centraal Stopbus i.p.v. trein 982127
Train did not depart
08:42 Arnhem Centraal Stopbus i.p.v. trein 981015
08:51 Oss Stopbus i.p.v. trein 906627
08:55 Dordrecht Sprinter 6629
Train did not depart
08:57 Arnhem Centraal Stopbus i.p.v. trein 982128
Train did not depart
08:57 Arnhem Centraal Stopbus i.p.v. trein 981016

09:00 – 10:00

12 services, 6 cancelled (50%), 6 delayed (50%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
09:12 Arnhem Centraal Stopbus i.p.v. trein 982129
Train did not depart
09:12 Arnhem Centraal Stopbus i.p.v. trein 981017
09:21 Oss Stopbus i.p.v. trein 906629
09:25 Dordrecht Sprinter 6631
Train did not depart
09:27 Arnhem Centraal Stopbus i.p.v. trein 982130
Train did not depart
09:27 Arnhem Centraal Stopbus i.p.v. trein 981018
09:42 Arnhem Centraal Stopbus i.p.v. trein 982131
Train did not depart
09:42 Arnhem Centraal Stopbus i.p.v. trein 981019
09:51 Oss Stopbus i.p.v. trein 906631
09:55 Dordrecht Sprinter 6633
Train did not depart
09:57 Arnhem Centraal Stopbus i.p.v. trein 982132
Train did not depart
09:57 Arnhem Centraal Stopbus i.p.v. trein 981020

10:00 – 11:00

12 services, 6 cancelled (50%), 6 delayed (50%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
10:12 Arnhem Centraal Stopbus i.p.v. trein 982133
Train did not depart
10:12 Arnhem Centraal Stopbus i.p.v. trein 981021
10:21 Oss Stopbus i.p.v. trein 906633
10:25 Dordrecht Sprinter 6635
Train did not depart
10:27 Arnhem Centraal Stopbus i.p.v. trein 982134
Train did not depart
10:27 Arnhem Centraal Stopbus i.p.v. trein 981022
10:42 Arnhem Centraal Stopbus i.p.v. trein 982135
Train did not depart
10:42 Arnhem Centraal Stopbus i.p.v. trein 981023
10:51 Oss Stopbus i.p.v. trein 906635
10:55 Dordrecht Sprinter 6637
Train did not depart
10:57 Arnhem Centraal Stopbus i.p.v. trein 982136
Train did not depart
10:57 Arnhem Centraal Stopbus i.p.v. trein 981024

11:00 – 12:00

12 services, 6 cancelled (50%), 6 delayed (50%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
11:12 Arnhem Centraal Stopbus i.p.v. trein 982137
Train did not depart
11:12 Arnhem Centraal Stopbus i.p.v. trein 981025
11:21 Oss Stopbus i.p.v. trein 906637
11:25 Dordrecht Sprinter 6639
Train did not depart
11:27 Arnhem Centraal Stopbus i.p.v. trein 982138
Train did not depart
11:27 Arnhem Centraal Stopbus i.p.v. trein 981026
11:42 Arnhem Centraal Stopbus i.p.v. trein 982139
Train did not depart
11:42 Arnhem Centraal Stopbus i.p.v. trein 981027
11:51 Oss Stopbus i.p.v. trein 906639
11:55 Dordrecht Sprinter 6641
Train did not depart
11:57 Arnhem Centraal Stopbus i.p.v. trein 982140
Train did not depart
11:57 Arnhem Centraal Stopbus i.p.v. trein 981028

12:00 – 13:00

12 services, 6 cancelled (50%), 6 delayed (50%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
12:12 Arnhem Centraal Stopbus i.p.v. trein 982141
Train did not depart
12:12 Arnhem Centraal Stopbus i.p.v. trein 981029
12:21 Oss Stopbus i.p.v. trein 906641
12:25 Dordrecht Sprinter 6643
Train did not depart
12:27 Arnhem Centraal Stopbus i.p.v. trein 982142
Train did not depart
12:27 Arnhem Centraal Stopbus i.p.v. trein 981030
12:42 Arnhem Centraal Stopbus i.p.v. trein 982143
Train did not depart
12:42 Arnhem Centraal Stopbus i.p.v. trein 981031
12:51 Oss Stopbus i.p.v. trein 906643
12:55 Dordrecht Sprinter 6645
Train did not depart
12:57 Arnhem Centraal Stopbus i.p.v. trein 982144
Train did not depart
12:57 Arnhem Centraal Stopbus i.p.v. trein 981032

13:00 – 14:00

12 services, 6 cancelled (50%), 6 delayed (50%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
13:12 Arnhem Centraal Stopbus i.p.v. trein 982145
Train did not depart
13:12 Arnhem Centraal Stopbus i.p.v. trein 981033
13:21 Oss Stopbus i.p.v. trein 906645
13:25 Dordrecht Sprinter 6647
Train did not depart
13:27 Arnhem Centraal Stopbus i.p.v. trein 982146
Train did not depart
13:27 Arnhem Centraal Stopbus i.p.v. trein 981034
13:42 Arnhem Centraal Stopbus i.p.v. trein 982147
Train did not depart
13:42 Arnhem Centraal Stopbus i.p.v. trein 981035
13:51 Oss Stopbus i.p.v. trein 906647
13:55 Dordrecht Sprinter 6649
Train did not depart
13:57 Arnhem Centraal Stopbus i.p.v. trein 982148
Train did not depart
13:57 Arnhem Centraal Stopbus i.p.v. trein 981036

14:00 – 15:00

12 services, 6 cancelled (50%), 6 delayed (50%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
14:12 Arnhem Centraal Stopbus i.p.v. trein 982149
Train did not depart
14:12 Arnhem Centraal Stopbus i.p.v. trein 981037
14:21 Oss Stopbus i.p.v. trein 906649
14:25 Dordrecht Sprinter 6651
Train did not depart
14:27 Arnhem Centraal Stopbus i.p.v. trein 982150
Train did not depart
14:27 Arnhem Centraal Stopbus i.p.v. trein 981038
14:42 Arnhem Centraal Stopbus i.p.v. trein 982151
Train did not depart
14:42 Arnhem Centraal Stopbus i.p.v. trein 981039
14:51 Oss Stopbus i.p.v. trein 906651
14:55 Dordrecht Sprinter 6653
Train did not depart
14:57 Arnhem Centraal Stopbus i.p.v. trein 982152
Train did not depart
14:57 Arnhem Centraal Stopbus i.p.v. trein 981040

15:00 – 16:00

13 services, 7 cancelled (53.8%), 7 delayed (53.8%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
15:12 Arnhem Centraal Stopbus i.p.v. trein 982153
Train did not depart
15:12 Arnhem Centraal Stopbus i.p.v. trein 981041
15:21 Oss Stopbus i.p.v. trein 906653
15:25 Dordrecht Sprinter 6655
Train did not depart
15:25 Dordrecht Sprinter 306655
Train did not depart
15:27 Arnhem Centraal Stopbus i.p.v. trein 982154
Train did not depart
15:27 Arnhem Centraal Stopbus i.p.v. trein 981042
15:42 Arnhem Centraal Stopbus i.p.v. trein 982155
Train did not depart
15:42 Arnhem Centraal Stopbus i.p.v. trein 981043
Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
15:51 Oss Stopbus i.p.v. trein 906655
15:55 Dordrecht Sprinter 6657
Train did not depart
15:57 Arnhem Centraal Stopbus i.p.v. trein 982156
Train did not depart
15:57 Arnhem Centraal Stopbus i.p.v. trein 981044

16:00 – 17:00

12 services, 6 cancelled (50%), 6 delayed (50%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
16:12 Arnhem Centraal Stopbus i.p.v. trein 982157
Train did not depart
16:12 Arnhem Centraal Stopbus i.p.v. trein 981045
16:21 Oss Stopbus i.p.v. trein 906657
16:25 Dordrecht Sprinter 6659
Train did not depart
16:27 Arnhem Centraal Stopbus i.p.v. trein 982158
Train did not depart
16:27 Arnhem Centraal Stopbus i.p.v. trein 981046
16:42 Arnhem Centraal Stopbus i.p.v. trein 982159
Train did not depart
16:42 Arnhem Centraal Stopbus i.p.v. trein 981047
16:51 Oss Stopbus i.p.v. trein 906659
16:55 Dordrecht Sprinter 6661
Train did not depart
16:57 Arnhem Centraal Stopbus i.p.v. trein 982160
Train did not depart
16:57 Arnhem Centraal Stopbus i.p.v. trein 981048

17:00 – 18:00

12 services, 6 cancelled (50%), 6 delayed (50%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
17:12 Arnhem Centraal Stopbus i.p.v. trein 982161
Train did not depart
17:12 Arnhem Centraal Stopbus i.p.v. trein 981049
17:21 Oss Stopbus i.p.v. trein 906661
17:25 Dordrecht Sprinter 6663
Train did not depart
17:27 Arnhem Centraal Stopbus i.p.v. trein 982162
Train did not depart
17:27 Arnhem Centraal Stopbus i.p.v. trein 981050
17:42 Arnhem Centraal Stopbus i.p.v. trein 982163
Train did not depart
17:42 Arnhem Centraal Stopbus i.p.v. trein 981051
17:51 Oss Stopbus i.p.v. trein 906663
17:55 Dordrecht Sprinter 6665
Train did not depart
17:57 Arnhem Centraal Stopbus i.p.v. trein 982164
Train did not depart
17:57 Arnhem Centraal Stopbus i.p.v. trein 981052

18:00 – 19:00

12 services, 6 cancelled (50%), 6 delayed (50%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
18:12 Arnhem Centraal Stopbus i.p.v. trein 982165
Train did not depart
18:12 Arnhem Centraal Stopbus i.p.v. trein 981053
18:21 Oss Stopbus i.p.v. trein 906665
18:25 Dordrecht Sprinter 6667
Train did not depart
18:27 Arnhem Centraal Stopbus i.p.v. trein 982166
Train did not depart
18:27 Arnhem Centraal Stopbus i.p.v. trein 981054
18:42 Arnhem Centraal Stopbus i.p.v. trein 982167
Train did not depart
18:42 Arnhem Centraal Stopbus i.p.v. trein 981055
18:51 Oss Stopbus i.p.v. trein 906667
18:55 Dordrecht Sprinter 6669
Train did not depart
18:57 Arnhem Centraal Stopbus i.p.v. trein 982168
Train did not depart
18:57 Arnhem Centraal Stopbus i.p.v. trein 981056

19:00 – 20:00

8 services, 4 cancelled (50%), 4 delayed (50%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
19:12 Arnhem Centraal Stopbus i.p.v. trein 982169
Train did not depart
19:12 Arnhem Centraal Stopbus i.p.v. trein 981057
19:21 Oss Stopbus i.p.v. trein 906669
19:25 Dordrecht Sprinter 6671
Train did not depart
19:42 Arnhem Centraal Stopbus i.p.v. trein 981847
Train did not depart
19:42 Arnhem Centraal Stopbus i.p.v. trein 980735
19:51 Oss Stopbus i.p.v. trein 906671
19:55 Dordrecht Sprinter 6673
Train did not depart

20:00 – 21:00

8 services, 4 cancelled (50%), 4 delayed (50%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
20:12 Arnhem Centraal Stopbus i.p.v. trein 981848
Train did not depart
20:12 Arnhem Centraal Stopbus i.p.v. trein 980736
20:21 Oss Stopbus i.p.v. trein 906673
20:25 Dordrecht Sprinter 6675
Train did not depart
20:42 Arnhem Centraal Stopbus i.p.v. trein 981849
Train did not depart
20:42 Arnhem Centraal Stopbus i.p.v. trein 980737
20:51 Oss Stopbus i.p.v. trein 906675
20:55 Dordrecht Sprinter 6677
Train did not depart

21:00 – 22:00

8 services, 4 cancelled (50%), 4 delayed (50%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
21:12 Arnhem Centraal Stopbus i.p.v. trein 981850
Train did not depart
21:12 Arnhem Centraal Stopbus i.p.v. trein 980738
21:21 Oss Stopbus i.p.v. trein 906677
21:25 Dordrecht Sprinter 6679
Train did not depart
21:42 Arnhem Centraal Stopbus i.p.v. trein 981851
Train did not depart
21:42 Arnhem Centraal Stopbus i.p.v. trein 980739
21:51 Oss Stopbus i.p.v. trein 906679
21:55 Dordrecht Sprinter 6681
Train did not depart

22:00 – 23:00

8 services, 4 cancelled (50%), 4 delayed (50%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
22:12 Arnhem Centraal Stopbus i.p.v. trein 981852
Train did not depart
22:12 Arnhem Centraal Stopbus i.p.v. trein 980740
22:21 Oss Stopbus i.p.v. trein 906681
22:25 Dordrecht Sprinter 6683
Train did not depart
22:42 Arnhem Centraal Stopbus i.p.v. trein 981853
Train did not depart
22:42 Arnhem Centraal Stopbus i.p.v. trein 980741
22:51 Oss Stopbus i.p.v. trein 906683
22:55 Dordrecht Sprinter 6685
Train did not depart

23:00 – 24:00

8 services, 4 cancelled (50%), 4 delayed (50%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
23:12 Arnhem Centraal Stopbus i.p.v. trein 981854
Train did not depart
23:12 Arnhem Centraal Stopbus i.p.v. trein 980742
23:21 Oss Stopbus i.p.v. trein 906685
23:25 's-Hertogenbosch Sprinter 16687
Train did not depart
23:42 Arnhem Centraal Stopbus i.p.v. trein 981855
Train did not depart
23:42 Arnhem Centraal Stopbus i.p.v. trein 980743
23:51 Oss Stopbus i.p.v. trein 906687
23:55 's-Hertogenbosch Sprinter 6689
Train did not depart

00:00 – 01:00

6 services, 2 cancelled (33.3%), 2 delayed (33.3%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
00:12 Arnhem Centraal Stopbus i.p.v. trein 981010
00:21 Oss Stopbus i.p.v. trein 906689
00:25 's-Hertogenbosch Sprinter 6691
Train did not depart
00:42 Nijmegen Stopbus i.p.v. trein 981122
00:51 Oss Stopbus i.p.v. trein 906691
00:55 's-Hertogenbosch Sprinter 6693
Train did not depart

01:00 – 02:00

1 service, 0 cancelled (0%), 0 delayed (0%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
01:16 01:16 Oss Stopbus i.p.v. trein 981114