Train services at Assen on May 7, 2022

This page shows all trains which have departed from station Assen on Saturday, May 7, 2022. This includes all trains scheduled to depart, including trains which were eventually cancelled.

Services which were cancelled in advance, for example due to engineering works, are not included in this overview.

Saturday, May 7, 2022
Total services 249
On time 170 (68%)
Cancelled services 79 (32%)
Delayed trains* 0 (0%)
* trains delayed for 5 minutes or more, excluding cancelled services

Train services

Click on a service to view the entire route and delays along the route. Visit live departures for Assen for live information.

02:00 – 03:00

5 services, 2 cancelled (40%), 2 delayed (40%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
02:32 Groningen Intercity 700591 3
ICM-4 4223 ->
02:01 02:01 Groningen Snelbus i.p.v. trein 986329
Train is cancelled
02:01 02:01 Groningen Snelbus i.p.v. trein 985406
02:26 02:26 Groningen Stopbus i.p.v. trein 986467
Train is cancelled
02:26 02:26 Groningen Stopbus i.p.v. trein 985544

03:00 – 04:00

2 services, 1 cancelled (50%), 1 delayed (50%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
03:01 03:01 Groningen Snelbus i.p.v. trein 986330
Train is cancelled
03:01 03:01 Groningen Snelbus i.p.v. trein 985407

06:00 – 07:00

7 services, 3 cancelled (42.9%), 3 delayed (42.9%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
06:13 Meppel Stopbus i.p.v. trein 986430
Train did not depart
06:13 Meppel Stopbus i.p.v. trein 985507
06:43 Zwolle Snelbus i.p.v. trein 986291
Train did not depart
06:43 Meppel Stopbus i.p.v. trein 986431
Train did not depart
06:43 Zwolle Snelbus i.p.v. trein 985368
06:43 Meppel Stopbus i.p.v. trein 985508
06:59 Zwolle Snelbus i.p.v. trein 912060

07:00 – 08:00

11 services, 4 cancelled (36.4%), 4 delayed (36.4%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
07:13 Meppel Stopbus i.p.v. trein 986432
Train did not depart
07:13 Zwolle Snelbus i.p.v. trein 986292
Train did not depart
07:13 Zwolle Snelbus i.p.v. trein 985369
07:13 Meppel Stopbus i.p.v. trein 985509
07:29 Zwolle Snelbus i.p.v. trein 912066
07:30 Meppel Snelbus i.p.v. trein 986295
Train did not depart
07:30 Meppel Snelbus i.p.v. trein 985372
07:37 +1 Groningen Sprinter 708115 3
ICM-3 4034, ICM-3 4037 ->
07:43 Meppel Stopbus i.p.v. trein 986433
Train did not depart
07:43 Meppel Stopbus i.p.v. trein 985510
07:59 Zwolle Snelbus i.p.v. trein 912072

08:00 – 09:00

14 services, 4 cancelled (28.6%), 4 delayed (28.6%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
08:00 Meppel Snelbus i.p.v. trein 986296
Train did not depart
08:00 Meppel Snelbus i.p.v. trein 985373
08:07 +1 Groningen Sprinter 708117 3
ICM-3 4039, ICM-4 4211 ->
08:13 Meppel Stopbus i.p.v. trein 986434
Train did not depart
08:13 Meppel Stopbus i.p.v. trein 985511
08:25 Groningen Intercity 700519 1b
ICM-4 4223 ->
08:29 Zwolle Snelbus i.p.v. trein 912078
08:30 Meppel Snelbus i.p.v. trein 986297
Train did not depart
08:30 Meppel Snelbus i.p.v. trein 985374
Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
08:37 Groningen Sprinter 8119 3
ICM-4 4201 ->
08:43 Meppel Stopbus i.p.v. trein 986435
Train did not depart
08:43 Meppel Stopbus i.p.v. trein 985512
08:55 Groningen Intercity 28521 1b
ICM-3 4079 ->
08:59 Zwolle Snelbus i.p.v. trein 912084

09:00 – 10:00

14 services, 4 cancelled (28.6%), 4 delayed (28.6%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
09:00 Meppel Snelbus i.p.v. trein 986298
Train did not depart
09:00 Meppel Snelbus i.p.v. trein 985375
09:07 Groningen Sprinter 8121 3
ICM-3 4034, ICM-3 4037 ->
09:13 Meppel Stopbus i.p.v. trein 986436
Train did not depart
09:13 Meppel Stopbus i.p.v. trein 985513
09:25 Groningen Intercity 700523 1b
SNG-4 2755 ->
09:29 Zwolle Snelbus i.p.v. trein 912090
09:30 Meppel Snelbus i.p.v. trein 986299
Train did not depart
09:30 Meppel Snelbus i.p.v. trein 985376
Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
09:37 +1 Groningen Sprinter 8123 3
ICM-3 4039, ICM-4 4211 ->
09:43 Meppel Stopbus i.p.v. trein 986437
Train did not depart
09:43 Meppel Stopbus i.p.v. trein 985514
09:55 Groningen Intercity 28525 1b
ICM-4 4223 ->
09:59 Zwolle Snelbus i.p.v. trein 912096

10:00 – 11:00

14 services, 4 cancelled (28.6%), 4 delayed (28.6%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
10:00 Meppel Snelbus i.p.v. trein 986300
Train did not depart
10:00 Meppel Snelbus i.p.v. trein 985377
10:11 Groningen Sprinter 8125 3
ICM-4 4201 ->
10:13 Meppel Stopbus i.p.v. trein 986438
Train did not depart
10:13 Meppel Stopbus i.p.v. trein 985515
10:25 Groningen Intercity 700527 1b
ICM-3 4079 ->
10:29 Zwolle Snelbus i.p.v. trein 912102
10:30 Meppel Snelbus i.p.v. trein 986301
Train did not depart
10:30 Meppel Snelbus i.p.v. trein 985378
Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
10:37 +2 Groningen Sprinter 8127 3
ICM-3 4034, ICM-3 4037 ->
10:43 Meppel Stopbus i.p.v. trein 986439
Train did not depart
10:43 Meppel Stopbus i.p.v. trein 985516
10:55 Groningen Intercity 28529 1b
SNG-4 2755 ->
10:59 Zwolle Snelbus i.p.v. trein 912108

11:00 – 12:00

14 services, 4 cancelled (28.6%), 4 delayed (28.6%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
11:00 Meppel Snelbus i.p.v. trein 986302
Train did not depart
11:00 Meppel Snelbus i.p.v. trein 985379
11:07 Groningen Sprinter 8129 3
ICM-3 4039, ICM-4 4211 ->
11:13 Meppel Stopbus i.p.v. trein 986440
Train did not depart
11:13 Meppel Stopbus i.p.v. trein 985517
11:25 Groningen Intercity 700531 1b
ICM-4 4223 ->
11:29 Zwolle Snelbus i.p.v. trein 912114
11:30 Meppel Snelbus i.p.v. trein 986303
Train did not depart
11:30 Meppel Snelbus i.p.v. trein 985380
Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
11:37 Groningen Sprinter 8131 3
ICM-4 4201 ->
11:43 Meppel Stopbus i.p.v. trein 986441
Train did not depart
11:43 Meppel Stopbus i.p.v. trein 985518
11:55 Groningen Intercity 28533 1b
ICM-3 4079 ->
11:59 Zwolle Snelbus i.p.v. trein 912120

12:00 – 13:00

14 services, 4 cancelled (28.6%), 4 delayed (28.6%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
12:00 Meppel Snelbus i.p.v. trein 986304
Train did not depart
12:00 Meppel Snelbus i.p.v. trein 985381
12:07 +2 Groningen Sprinter 8133 3
ICM-3 4034, ICM-3 4037 ->
12:13 Meppel Stopbus i.p.v. trein 986442
Train did not depart
12:13 Meppel Stopbus i.p.v. trein 985519
12:25 Groningen Intercity 700535 1b
SNG-4 2755 ->
12:29 Zwolle Snelbus i.p.v. trein 912126
12:30 Meppel Snelbus i.p.v. trein 986305
Train did not depart
12:30 Meppel Snelbus i.p.v. trein 985382
Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
12:37 Groningen Sprinter 8135 3
ICM-3 4039, ICM-4 4211 ->
12:43 Meppel Stopbus i.p.v. trein 986443
Train did not depart
12:43 Meppel Stopbus i.p.v. trein 985520
12:55 Groningen Intercity 28537 1b
ICM-4 4223 ->
12:59 Zwolle Snelbus i.p.v. trein 912132

13:00 – 14:00

14 services, 4 cancelled (28.6%), 4 delayed (28.6%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
13:00 Meppel Snelbus i.p.v. trein 986306
Train did not depart
13:00 Meppel Snelbus i.p.v. trein 985383
13:07 Groningen Sprinter 8137 3
ICM-4 4201 ->
13:13 Meppel Stopbus i.p.v. trein 986444
Train did not depart
13:13 Meppel Stopbus i.p.v. trein 985521
13:25 Groningen Intercity 700539 1b
ICM-3 4079 ->
13:29 Zwolle Snelbus i.p.v. trein 912138
13:30 Meppel Snelbus i.p.v. trein 986307
Train did not depart
13:30 Meppel Snelbus i.p.v. trein 985384
Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
13:37 Groningen Sprinter 8139 3
ICM-3 4034, ICM-3 4037 ->
13:43 Meppel Stopbus i.p.v. trein 986445
Train did not depart
13:43 Meppel Stopbus i.p.v. trein 985522
13:55 +1 Groningen Intercity 28541 1b
SNG-4 2755 ->
13:59 Zwolle Snelbus i.p.v. trein 912144

14:00 – 15:00

14 services, 4 cancelled (28.6%), 4 delayed (28.6%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
14:00 Meppel Snelbus i.p.v. trein 986308
Train did not depart
14:00 Meppel Snelbus i.p.v. trein 985385
14:07 Groningen Sprinter 8141 3
ICM-4 4211 ->
14:13 Meppel Stopbus i.p.v. trein 986446
Train did not depart
14:13 Meppel Stopbus i.p.v. trein 985523
14:25 +1 Groningen Intercity 700543 1b
ICM-4 4223 ->
14:29 Zwolle Snelbus i.p.v. trein 912150
14:30 Meppel Snelbus i.p.v. trein 986309
Train did not depart
14:30 Meppel Snelbus i.p.v. trein 985386
Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
14:37 Groningen Sprinter 8143 3
ICM-4 4201 ->
14:43 Meppel Stopbus i.p.v. trein 986447
Train did not depart
14:43 Meppel Stopbus i.p.v. trein 985524
14:55 +1 Groningen Intercity 28545 1b
ICM-3 4079 ->
14:59 Zwolle Snelbus i.p.v. trein 912156

15:00 – 16:00

14 services, 4 cancelled (28.6%), 4 delayed (28.6%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
15:00 Meppel Snelbus i.p.v. trein 986310
Train did not depart
15:00 Meppel Snelbus i.p.v. trein 985387
15:07 +1 Groningen Sprinter 8145 3
ICM-3 4034, ICM-3 4037 ->
15:13 Meppel Stopbus i.p.v. trein 986448
Train did not depart
15:13 Meppel Stopbus i.p.v. trein 985525
15:25 Groningen Intercity 700547 1b
SNG-4 2755 ->
15:29 Zwolle Snelbus i.p.v. trein 912162
15:30 Meppel Snelbus i.p.v. trein 986311
Train did not depart
15:30 Meppel Snelbus i.p.v. trein 985388
Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
15:37 Groningen Sprinter 8147 3
ICM-4 4211 ->
15:43 Meppel Stopbus i.p.v. trein 986449
Train did not depart
15:43 Meppel Stopbus i.p.v. trein 985526
15:55 Groningen Intercity 28549 1b
ICM-4 4223 ->
15:59 Zwolle Snelbus i.p.v. trein 912168

16:00 – 17:00

14 services, 4 cancelled (28.6%), 4 delayed (28.6%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
16:00 Meppel Snelbus i.p.v. trein 986312
Train did not depart
16:00 Meppel Snelbus i.p.v. trein 985389
16:07 Groningen Sprinter 8149 3
ICM-4 4201 ->
16:13 Meppel Stopbus i.p.v. trein 986450
Train did not depart
16:13 Meppel Stopbus i.p.v. trein 985527
16:25 Groningen Intercity 700551 1b
ICM-3 4079 ->
16:29 Zwolle Snelbus i.p.v. trein 912174
16:30 Meppel Snelbus i.p.v. trein 986313
Train did not depart
16:30 Meppel Snelbus i.p.v. trein 985390
Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
16:37 Groningen Sprinter 8151 3
ICM-3 4034, ICM-3 4037 ->
16:43 Meppel Stopbus i.p.v. trein 986451
Train did not depart
16:43 Meppel Stopbus i.p.v. trein 985528
16:55 +1 Groningen Intercity 28553 1b
SNG-4 2755 ->
16:59 Zwolle Snelbus i.p.v. trein 912180

17:00 – 18:00

14 services, 4 cancelled (28.6%), 4 delayed (28.6%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
17:00 Meppel Snelbus i.p.v. trein 986314
Train did not depart
17:00 Meppel Snelbus i.p.v. trein 985391
17:07 Groningen Sprinter 8153 3
ICM-4 4211 ->
17:13 Meppel Stopbus i.p.v. trein 986452
Train did not depart
17:13 Meppel Stopbus i.p.v. trein 985529
17:25 Groningen Intercity 700555 1b
ICM-4 4223 ->
17:29 Zwolle Snelbus i.p.v. trein 912186
17:30 Meppel Snelbus i.p.v. trein 986315
Train did not depart
17:30 Meppel Snelbus i.p.v. trein 985392
Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
17:37 Groningen Sprinter 8155 3
ICM-4 4201 ->
17:43 Meppel Stopbus i.p.v. trein 986453
Train did not depart
17:43 Meppel Stopbus i.p.v. trein 985530
17:55 Groningen Intercity 28557 1b
ICM-3 4079 ->
17:59 Zwolle Snelbus i.p.v. trein 912192

18:00 – 19:00

12 services, 4 cancelled (33.3%), 4 delayed (33.3%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
18:00 Meppel Snelbus i.p.v. trein 986316
Train did not depart
18:00 Meppel Snelbus i.p.v. trein 985393
18:07 +1 Groningen Sprinter 8157 3
ICM-3 4034, ICM-3 4037 ->
18:13 Meppel Stopbus i.p.v. trein 986454
Train did not depart
18:13 Meppel Stopbus i.p.v. trein 985531
18:25 +1 Groningen Intercity 700559 1b
SNG-4 2755 ->
18:30 Meppel Snelbus i.p.v. trein 986317
Train did not depart
18:30 Meppel Snelbus i.p.v. trein 985394
18:37 Groningen Sprinter 8159 3
ICM-4 4211 ->
18:43 Meppel Stopbus i.p.v. trein 986455
Train did not depart
18:43 Meppel Stopbus i.p.v. trein 985532
18:55 Groningen Intercity 28561 1b
ICM-4 4223 ->

19:00 – 20:00

12 services, 4 cancelled (33.3%), 4 delayed (33.3%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
19:00 Meppel Snelbus i.p.v. trein 986318
Train did not depart
19:00 Meppel Snelbus i.p.v. trein 985395
19:07 Groningen Sprinter 8161 3
ICM-4 4201 ->
19:13 Meppel Stopbus i.p.v. trein 986456
Train did not depart
19:13 Meppel Stopbus i.p.v. trein 985533
19:25 Groningen Intercity 700563 1b
ICM-3 4079 ->
19:30 Meppel Snelbus i.p.v. trein 986319
Train did not depart
19:30 Meppel Snelbus i.p.v. trein 985396
19:37 +1 Groningen Sprinter 8163 3
ICM-3 4034, ICM-3 4037 ->
19:43 Meppel Stopbus i.p.v. trein 986457
Train did not depart
19:43 Meppel Stopbus i.p.v. trein 985534
19:55 Groningen Intercity 28565 1b
SNG-4 2755 ->

20:00 – 21:00

12 services, 4 cancelled (33.3%), 4 delayed (33.3%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
20:00 Meppel Snelbus i.p.v. trein 986320
Train did not depart
20:00 Meppel Snelbus i.p.v. trein 985397
20:07 +1 Groningen Sprinter 8165 3
ICM-4 4211 ->
20:13 Meppel Stopbus i.p.v. trein 986458
Train did not depart
20:13 Meppel Stopbus i.p.v. trein 985535
20:25 Groningen Intercity 700567 1b
ICM-4 4223 ->
20:30 Meppel Snelbus i.p.v. trein 986321
Train did not depart
20:30 Meppel Snelbus i.p.v. trein 985398
20:37 +1 Groningen Sprinter 8167 3
ICM-4 4201 ->
20:43 Meppel Stopbus i.p.v. trein 986459
Train did not depart
20:43 Meppel Stopbus i.p.v. trein 985536
20:55 Groningen Intercity 28569 1b
ICM-3 4079 ->

21:00 – 22:00

12 services, 4 cancelled (33.3%), 4 delayed (33.3%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
21:00 Meppel Snelbus i.p.v. trein 986322
Train did not depart
21:00 Meppel Snelbus i.p.v. trein 985399
21:07 Groningen Sprinter 8169 3
ICM-3 4034, ICM-3 4037 ->
21:13 Meppel Stopbus i.p.v. trein 986460
Train did not depart
21:13 Meppel Stopbus i.p.v. trein 985537
21:25 Groningen Intercity 700571 1b
SNG-4 2755 ->
21:30 Meppel Snelbus i.p.v. trein 986323
Train did not depart
21:30 Meppel Snelbus i.p.v. trein 985400
21:37 Groningen Sprinter 8171 3
ICM-4 4211 ->
21:43 Meppel Stopbus i.p.v. trein 986461
Train did not depart
21:43 Meppel Stopbus i.p.v. trein 985538
21:55 Groningen Intercity 28573 1b
ICM-4 4223 ->

22:00 – 23:00

12 services, 4 cancelled (33.3%), 4 delayed (33.3%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
22:00 Meppel Snelbus i.p.v. trein 986324
Train did not depart
22:00 Meppel Snelbus i.p.v. trein 985401
22:07 Groningen Sprinter 8173 3
ICM-4 4201 ->
22:13 Meppel Stopbus i.p.v. trein 986462
Train did not depart
22:13 Meppel Stopbus i.p.v. trein 985539
22:25 Groningen Intercity 700575 1b
ICM-3 4079 ->
22:30 Meppel Snelbus i.p.v. trein 986325
Train did not depart
22:30 Meppel Snelbus i.p.v. trein 985402
22:37 Groningen Sprinter 8175 3
ICM-3 4034, ICM-3 4037 ->
22:43 Meppel Stopbus i.p.v. trein 986463
Train did not depart
22:43 Meppel Stopbus i.p.v. trein 985540
22:55 Groningen Intercity 28577 1b
SNG-4 2755 ->

23:00 – 24:00

12 services, 5 cancelled (41.7%), 5 delayed (41.7%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
23:00 Meppel Snelbus i.p.v. trein 986326
Train did not depart
23:00 Meppel Snelbus i.p.v. trein 985403
23:07 Groningen Sprinter 8177 3
ICM-4 4223 ->
23:13 Meppel Stopbus i.p.v. trein 986464
Train did not depart
23:13 Zwolle Snelbus i.p.v. trein 986293
Train did not depart
23:13 Zwolle Snelbus i.p.v. trein 985370
23:13 Meppel Stopbus i.p.v. trein 985541
23:25 Groningen Intercity 700579 1b
ICM-4 4201 ->
23:56 Zwolle Snelbus i.p.v. trein 986294
Train did not depart
23:56 Zwolle Stopbus i.p.v. trein 986465
Train did not depart
23:56 Zwolle Snelbus i.p.v. trein 985371
23:56 Zwolle Stopbus i.p.v. trein 985542

00:00 – 01:00

4 services, 1 cancelled (25%), 1 delayed (25%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
00:02 Groningen Intercity 28581 1b
SNG-4 2755 ->
00:25 Groningen Intercity 700583 3
ICM-4 4223 ->
00:31 00:31 Groningen Snelbus i.p.v. trein 986331
Train is cancelled
00:31 00:31 Groningen Snelbus i.p.v. trein 985408

01:00 – 02:00

8 services, 3 cancelled (37.5%), 3 delayed (37.5%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
01:01 01:01 Groningen Snelbus i.p.v. trein 986327
Train is cancelled
01:01 01:01 Groningen Snelbus i.p.v. trein 985404
01:02 Groningen Intercity 28585 1b
SNG-4 2755 ->
01:31 01:31 Groningen Snelbus i.p.v. trein 986328
Train is cancelled
01:31 01:31 Groningen Snelbus i.p.v. trein 985405
01:39 Groningen Intercity 700587 3
ICM-4 4223 ->
01:56 01:56 Groningen Stopbus i.p.v. trein 986466
Train is cancelled
01:56 01:56 Groningen Stopbus i.p.v. trein 985543