Train services at Maastricht on August 18, 2022
This page shows all trains which have departed from station Maastricht on Thursday, August 18, 2022. This includes all trains scheduled to depart, including trains which were eventually cancelled.
Services which were cancelled in advance, for example due to engineering works, are not included in this overview.
Maastricht Thursday, August 18, 2022 |
Total services | 247 |
On time | 227 (92%) |
Cancelled services | 15 (6%) |
Delayed trains* | 5 (2%) |
Train services
Click on a service to view the entire route and delays along the route. Visit live departures for Maastricht for live information.
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
— | 05:31 | Eindhoven Centraal | Intercity 700818 | 1 |
VIRM-4 9555 -> | ||||
05:35 +3 | 05:37 +2 | Heerlen | Stoptrein 32008 | 6 |
FLIRT ARR-2 -> | ||||
05:39 | 05:41 +1 | Sittard | Stoptrein 32414 | 4b |
FLIRT ARR-2 -> | ||||
05:55 +1 | 05:56 +1 | Maastricht Randwyck | Stoptrein 32007 | 6 |
FLIRT ARR-2 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
— | 06:01 | Eindhoven Centraal | Intercity 700820 | 2 |
VIRM-4 9516 -> | ||||
06:05 +1 | 06:07 | Heerlen | Stoptrein 32010 | 6 |
FLIRT ARR-2 -> | ||||
06:09 | 06:11 | Roermond | Stoptrein 32416 | 4b |
FLIRT ARR-2 -> | ||||
— | 06:19 +3 | Aachen Hbf | Sneltrein 20308 | 5b |
FLIRT LMS-3 -> | ||||
06:19 +1 | 06:21 +1 | Maastricht Randwyck | Stoptrein 32415 | 4b |
FLIRT ARR-2 -> | ||||
06:24 +2 | 06:25 +2 | Maastricht Randwyck | Stoptrein 32009 | 4b |
FLIRT ARR-2 -> | ||||
— | 06:31 | Eindhoven Centraal | Intercity 700822 | 3 |
VIRM-4 9560 -> | ||||
06:35 +1 | 06:37 +2 | Heerlen | Stoptrein 32012 | 6 |
FLIRT ARR-2 -> | ||||
06:39 | 06:41 +1 | Sittard | Stoptrein 32418 | 4b |
FLIRT ARR-2, FLIRT ARR-2 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
— | 06:48 +2 | Liège-Guillemins | Stoptrein 5378 | 5a |
MS80M-3 -> | ||||
— | 06:49 | Heerlen | Sneltrein 19812 | 5b |
FLIRT LMS-3 -> | ||||
06:51 +2 | 06:52 +2 | Maastricht Randwyck | Stoptrein 32417 | 4b |
FLIRT ARR-2 -> | ||||
06:55 +5 | 06:56 +5 | Maastricht Randwyck | Stoptrein 32011 | 6 |
FLIRT ARR-2 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
— | 07:01 | Eindhoven Centraal | Intercity 700824 | 2 |
VIRM-4 9565 -> | ||||
07:05 +4 | 07:07 +2 | Heerlen | Stoptrein 32014 | 6 |
FLIRT ARR-2 -> | ||||
07:09 | 07:11 | Roermond | Stoptrein 32420 | 4b |
FLIRT ARR-2 -> | ||||
— | 07:19 | Aachen Hbf | Sneltrein 20310 | 6 |
FLIRT LMS-3 -> | ||||
07:19 +2 | 07:21 +1 | Maastricht Randwyck | Stoptrein 32419 | 4b |
07:24 +1 | 07:25 +1 | Maastricht Randwyck | Stoptrein 32013 | 4b |
FLIRT ARR-2 -> | ||||
— | 07:31 | Eindhoven Centraal | Intercity 700826 | 1 |
VIRM-4 9550 -> | ||||
07:35 | 07:37 | Heerlen | Stoptrein 32016 | 6 |
FLIRT ARR-2 -> | ||||
07:39 | 07:41 | Sittard | Stoptrein 32422 | 4b |
FLIRT ARR-2 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
— | 07:48 | Liège-Guillemins | Stoptrein 5379 | 5a |
MS80M-3 -> | ||||
— | 07:49 | Heerlen | Sneltrein 19816 | 5b |
FLIRT LMS-3 -> | ||||
07:51 +3 | 07:52 +4 | Maastricht Randwyck | Stoptrein 32421 | 4b |
FLIRT ARR-2 -> | ||||
07:55 | 07:56 +3 | Maastricht Randwyck | Stoptrein 32015 | 6 |
FLIRT ARR-2 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
— | 08:01 | Eindhoven Centraal | Intercity 700828 | 2 |
VIRM-4 9528 -> | ||||
08:05 +3 | 08:07 +2 | Heerlen | Stoptrein 32018 | 6 |
FLIRT ARR-2 -> | ||||
08:09 | 08:11 | Roermond | Stoptrein 32424 | 4b |
FLIRT ARR-2 -> | ||||
— | 08:19 | Aachen Hbf | Sneltrein 20312 | 5b |
FLIRT LMS-3 -> | ||||
08:19 | 08:21 +2 | Maastricht Randwyck | Stoptrein 32423 | 4b |
08:24 +2 | 08:25 +2 | Maastricht Randwyck | Stoptrein 32017 | 4b |
FLIRT ARR-2 -> | ||||
— | 08:31 | Eindhoven Centraal | Intercity 700830 | 1 |
VIRM-4 9553 -> | ||||
08:35 +3 | 08:37 +2 | Heerlen | Stoptrein 32020 | 6 |
FLIRT ARR-2 -> | ||||
08:39 | 08:41 +1 | Sittard | Stoptrein 32426 | 4b |
FLIRT ARR-2 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
— | 08:48 | Liège-Guillemins | Stoptrein 5380 | 5a |
MS80M-3 -> | ||||
— | 08:49 +1 | Heerlen | Sneltrein 19820 | 5b |
FLIRT LMS-3 -> | ||||
08:51 | 08:52 | Maastricht Randwyck | Stoptrein 32425 | 4b |
FLIRT ARR-2 -> | ||||
08:55 | 08:56 | Maastricht Randwyck | Stoptrein 32019 | 6 |
FLIRT ARR-2 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
— | 09:01 | Eindhoven Centraal | Intercity 700832 | 2 |
VIRM-4 9427 -> | ||||
09:05 +1 | 09:07 | Heerlen | Stoptrein 32022 | 6 |
FLIRT ARR-2 -> | ||||
09:09 | 09:11 | Roermond | Stoptrein 32428 | 4b |
FLIRT ARR-2 -> | ||||
— | 09:19 | Aachen Hbf | Sneltrein 20314 | 5b |
FLIRT LMS-3 -> | ||||
09:19 +1 | 09:21 +1 | Maastricht Randwyck | Stoptrein 32427 | 4b |
09:24 | 09:25 | Maastricht Randwyck | Stoptrein 32021 | 4b |
FLIRT ARR-2 -> | ||||
— | 09:31 | Eindhoven Centraal | Intercity 700834 | 1 |
VIRM-4 9516 -> | ||||
09:35 | 09:37 | Heerlen | Stoptrein 32024 | 6 |
FLIRT ARR-2 -> | ||||
09:39 | 09:41 +1 | Sittard | Stoptrein 32430 | 4b |
FLIRT ARR-2 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
— | 09:48 | Liège-Guillemins | Stoptrein 5381 | 5a |
MS80M-3 -> | ||||
— | 09:49 +9 | Heerlen | Sneltrein 19824 | 5b |
FLIRT LMS-3 -> | ||||
09:51 | 09:52 | Maastricht Randwyck | Stoptrein 32429 | 4b |
FLIRT ARR-2 -> | ||||
09:55 +2 | 09:56 +3 | Maastricht Randwyck | Stoptrein 32023 | 6 |
FLIRT ARR-2 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
— | 10:01 +1 | Eindhoven Centraal | Intercity 700836 | 2 |
VIRM-4 9565 -> | ||||
10:05 +2 | 10:07 +1 | Heerlen | Stoptrein 32026 | 6 |
FLIRT ARR-2 -> | ||||
10:09 | 10:11 +1 | Roermond | Stoptrein 32432 | 4b |
FLIRT ARR-2 -> | ||||
— | 10:19 | Aachen Hbf | Sneltrein 20316 | 5b |
FLIRT LMS-3 -> | ||||
10:19 +1 | 10:21 +1 | Maastricht Randwyck | Stoptrein 32431 | 4b |
10:24 | 10:25 | Maastricht Randwyck | Stoptrein 32025 | 4b |
FLIRT ARR-2 -> | ||||
— | 10:31 | Eindhoven Centraal | Intercity 700838 | 1 |
VIRM-4 9550 -> | ||||
10:35 | 10:37 | Heerlen | Stoptrein 32028 | 6 |
FLIRT ARR-2 -> | ||||
10:39 | 10:41 | Sittard | Stoptrein 32434 | 4b |
FLIRT ARR-2 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
— | 10:48 | Liège-Guillemins | Stoptrein 5382 | 5a |
MS80M-3 -> | ||||
— | 10:49 +1 | Heerlen | Sneltrein 19828 | 5b |
FLIRT LMS-3 -> | ||||
10:51 | 10:52 | Maastricht Randwyck | Stoptrein 32433 | 4b |
FLIRT ARR-2 -> | ||||
10:55 | 10:56 | Maastricht Randwyck | Stoptrein 32027 | 6 |
FLIRT ARR-2 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
— | 11:01 | Eindhoven Centraal | Intercity 700840 | 2 |
VIRM-4 9528 -> | ||||
11:05 | 11:07 | Heerlen | Stoptrein 32030 | 6 |
FLIRT ARR-2 -> | ||||
11:09 | 11:11 | Roermond | Stoptrein 32436 | 4b |
FLIRT ARR-2 -> | ||||
— | 11:19 | Aachen Hbf | Sneltrein 20318 | 5b |
FLIRT LMS-3 -> | ||||
11:19 | 11:21 | Maastricht Randwyck | Stoptrein 32435 | 4b |
11:24 | 11:25 | Maastricht Randwyck | Stoptrein 32029 | 4b |
FLIRT ARR-2 -> | ||||
— | 11:31 | Eindhoven Centraal | Intercity 700842 | 1 |
VIRM-4 9553 -> | ||||
11:35 | 11:37 | Heerlen | Stoptrein 32032 | 6 |
FLIRT ARR-2 -> | ||||
11:39 | 11:41 | Sittard | Stoptrein 32438 | 4b |
FLIRT ARR-2 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
— | 11:48 | Liège-Guillemins | Stoptrein 5383 | 5a |
MS80M-3 -> | ||||
— | 11:49 +1 | Heerlen | Sneltrein 19832 | 5b |
FLIRT LMS-3 -> | ||||
11:51 | 11:52 | Maastricht Randwyck | Stoptrein 32437 | 4b |
FLIRT ARR-2 -> | ||||
11:55 | 11:56 +1 | Maastricht Randwyck | Stoptrein 32031 | 6 |
FLIRT ARR-2 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
— | 12:01 | Eindhoven Centraal | Intercity 700844 | 2 |
VIRM-4 9427 -> | ||||
12:05 +1 | 12:07 +1 | Heerlen | Stoptrein 32034 | 6 |
FLIRT ARR-2 -> | ||||
12:09 | 12:11 +1 | Roermond | Stoptrein 32440 | 4b |
FLIRT ARR-2 -> | ||||
— | 12:19 +1 | Aachen Hbf | Sneltrein 20320 | 5b |
FLIRT LMS-3 -> | ||||
12:19 | 12:21 | Maastricht Randwyck | Stoptrein 32439 | 4b |
12:24 | 12:25 | Maastricht Randwyck | Stoptrein 32033 | 4b |
FLIRT ARR-2 -> | ||||
— | 12:31 +1 | Eindhoven Centraal | Intercity 700846 | 1 |
VIRM-4 9516 -> | ||||
12:35 | 12:37 +1 | Heerlen | Stoptrein 32036 | 6 |
FLIRT ARR-2 -> | ||||
12:39 +1 | 12:41 +1 | Sittard | Stoptrein 32442 | 4b |
FLIRT ARR-2 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
— | 12:48 | Liège-Guillemins | Stoptrein 5384 | 5a |
MS80M-3 -> | ||||
— | 12:49 | Heerlen | Sneltrein 19836 | 5b |
FLIRT LMS-3 -> | ||||
12:51 | 12:52 | Maastricht Randwyck | Stoptrein 32441 | 4b |
FLIRT ARR-2 -> | ||||
12:55 | 12:56 | Maastricht Randwyck | Stoptrein 32035 | 6 |
FLIRT ARR-2 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
— | 13:01 | Eindhoven Centraal | Intercity 700848 | 2 |
VIRM-4 9565 -> | ||||
13:05 | 13:07 +1 | Heerlen | Stoptrein 32038 | 6 |
FLIRT ARR-2 -> | ||||
13:09 | 13:11 | Roermond | Stoptrein 32444 | 4b |
FLIRT ARR-2 -> | ||||
— | 13:19 | Aachen Hbf | Sneltrein 20322 | 5b |
FLIRT LMS-3 -> | ||||
13:19 | 13:21 | Maastricht Randwyck | Stoptrein 32443 | 6 |
Train did not depart | ||||
13:24 | 13:25 +2 | Maastricht Randwyck | Stoptrein 32037 | 4b |
FLIRT ARR-2 -> | ||||
— | 13:31 | Eindhoven Centraal | Intercity 700850 | 1 |
VIRM-4 9550 -> | ||||
13:35 | 13:37 | Heerlen | Stoptrein 32040 | 6 |
FLIRT ARR-2 -> | ||||
13:39 | 13:41 | Sittard | Stoptrein 32446 | — |
Train is cancelled | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
— | 13:48 | Liège-Guillemins | Stoptrein 5385 | 5a |
MS80M-3 -> | ||||
— | 13:49 | Heerlen | Sneltrein 19840 | 5b |
FLIRT LMS-3 -> | ||||
13:51 +1 | 13:52 +1 | Maastricht Randwyck | Stoptrein 32445 | 4b |
FLIRT ARR-2 -> | ||||
13:55 | 13:56 | Maastricht Randwyck | Stoptrein 32039 | 6 |
FLIRT ARR-2 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
— | 14:01 | Eindhoven Centraal | Intercity 700852 | 2 |
VIRM-4 9528 -> | ||||
14:05 | 14:07 | Heerlen | Stoptrein 32042 | 6 |
FLIRT ARR-2 -> | ||||
14:09 +4 | 14:11 +3 | Roermond | Stoptrein 32448 | 4b |
FLIRT ARR-2 -> | ||||
— | 14:19 +5 | Aachen Hbf | Sneltrein 20324 | 5b |
FLIRT LMS-3 -> | ||||
14:19 +2 | 14:21 +3 | Maastricht Randwyck | Stoptrein 32447 | 4b |
14:24 +3 | 14:25 +4 | Maastricht Randwyck | Stoptrein 32041 | 4b |
FLIRT ARR-2 -> | ||||
— | 14:31 | Eindhoven Centraal | Intercity 700854 | 1 |
VIRM-4 9553 -> | ||||
14:35 +2 | 14:37 +1 | Heerlen | Stoptrein 32044 | 6 |
FLIRT ARR-2 -> | ||||
14:39 +1 | 14:41 +1 | Sittard | Stoptrein 32450 | 4b |
FLIRT ARR-2 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
— | 14:48 | Liège-Guillemins | Stoptrein 5386 | 5a |
MS80M-3 -> | ||||
— | 14:49 | Heerlen | Sneltrein 19844 | 5b |
FLIRT LMS-3 -> | ||||
14:51 +1 | 14:52 +1 | Maastricht Randwyck | Stoptrein 32449 | 4b |
FLIRT ARR-2 -> | ||||
14:55 | 14:56 | Maastricht Randwyck | Stoptrein 32043 | — |
Train is cancelled | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
— | 15:01 | Eindhoven Centraal | Intercity 700856 | 2 |
VIRM-4 9427 -> | ||||
15:05 | 15:07 | Heerlen | Stoptrein 32046 | — |
Train is cancelled | ||||
15:09 | 15:11 | Roermond | Stoptrein 32452 | 4b |
FLIRT ARR-2 -> | ||||
— | 15:19 | Aachen Hbf | Sneltrein 20326 | 5b |
FLIRT LMS-3 -> | ||||
15:19 | 15:21 | Maastricht Randwyck | Stoptrein 32451 | — |
Train is cancelled | ||||
15:24 +1 | 15:25 +1 | Maastricht Randwyck | Stoptrein 32045 | 4b |
FLIRT ARR-2 -> | ||||
— | 15:31 | Eindhoven Centraal | Intercity 700858 | 1 |
VIRM-4 9516 -> | ||||
15:35 +1 | 15:37 | Heerlen | Stoptrein 32048 | 6 |
FLIRT ARR-2 -> | ||||
15:39 | 15:41 | Sittard | Stoptrein 32454 | — |
Train is cancelled | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
— | 15:48 | Liège-Guillemins | Stoptrein 5387 | 5a |
MS80M-3 -> | ||||
— | 15:49 | Heerlen | Sneltrein 19848 | 5b |
FLIRT LMS-3 -> | ||||
15:51 +1 | 15:52 +1 | Maastricht Randwyck | Stoptrein 32453 | 4b |
FLIRT ARR-2 -> | ||||
15:55 | 15:56 | Maastricht Randwyck | Stoptrein 32047 | 6 |
FLIRT ARR-2 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
— | 16:01 +1 | Eindhoven Centraal | Intercity 700860 | 2 |
VIRM-4 9565 -> | ||||
16:05 | 16:07 | Heerlen | Stoptrein 32050 | 6 |
FLIRT ARR-2 -> | ||||
16:09 | 16:11 | Roermond | Stoptrein 32456 | 4b |
FLIRT ARR-2 -> | ||||
— | 16:19 +1 | Aachen Hbf | Sneltrein 20328 | 5b |
FLIRT LMS-3 -> | ||||
16:19 +1 | 16:21 +1 | Maastricht Randwyck | Stoptrein 32455 | 4b |
16:24 | 16:25 | Maastricht Randwyck | Stoptrein 32049 | — |
Train is cancelled | ||||
— | 16:31 | Eindhoven Centraal | Intercity 700862 | 1 |
VIRM-4 9550 -> | ||||
16:35 | 16:37 | Heerlen | Stoptrein 32052 | — |
Train is cancelled | ||||
16:39 | 16:41 | Sittard | Stoptrein 32458 | 4b |
FLIRT ARR-2 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
16:43 | 16:45 | Heerlen | Stopbus i.p.v. trein 990456 | — |
— | 16:48 | Liège-Guillemins | Stoptrein 5388 | 5a |
MS80M-3 -> | ||||
— | 16:49 | Heerlen | Snelbus i.p.v. trein 990459 | — |
— | 16:49 | Heerlen | Sneltrein 19852 | — |
Train did not depart | ||||
16:51 +1 | 16:52 +1 | Maastricht Randwyck | Stoptrein 32457 | 4b |
FLIRT ARR-2 -> | ||||
16:56 | 16:56 | Maastricht Randwyck | Stopbus i.p.v. trein 990461 | — |
16:55 | 16:56 | Maastricht Randwyck | Stoptrein 32051 | 6 |
FLIRT ARR-2 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
— | 17:01 | Eindhoven Centraal | Intercity 700864 | 2 |
VIRM-4 9528 -> | ||||
17:05 | 17:07 | Heerlen | Stoptrein 32054 | 6 |
FLIRT ARR-2 -> | ||||
17:09 | 17:11 +1 | Roermond | Stoptrein 32460 | 4b |
FLIRT ARR-2 -> | ||||
— | 17:19 +1 | Aachen Hbf | Sneltrein 20330 | 5b |
FLIRT LMS-3 -> | ||||
17:19 | 17:21 | Maastricht Randwyck | Stoptrein 32459 | — |
Train is cancelled | ||||
17:24 | 17:25 | Maastricht Randwyck | Stoptrein 32053 | — |
Train is cancelled | ||||
— | 17:31 | Eindhoven Centraal | Intercity 702966 | 1 |
VIRM-4 9553 -> | ||||
17:35 | 17:37 | Heerlen | Stoptrein 32056 | — |
Train is cancelled | ||||
17:39 | 17:41 | Sittard | Stoptrein 32462 | 4b |
Train did not arrive | ||||
FLIRT ARR-2 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
17:43 | 17:45 | Heerlen | Stopbus i.p.v. trein 990457 | — |
— | 17:48 | Liège-Guillemins | Stoptrein 5389 | 5a |
MS80M-3 -> | ||||
— | 17:49 | Heerlen | Sneltrein 19856 | 5b |
FLIRT LMS-3 -> | ||||
17:51 | 17:52 | Maastricht Randwyck | Stoptrein 32461 | 4b |
FLIRT ARR-2 -> | ||||
17:56 | 17:56 | Maastricht Randwyck | Stopbus i.p.v. trein 990462 | — |
17:55 | 17:56 | Maastricht Randwyck | Stoptrein 32055 | — |
Train is cancelled | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
— | 18:01 | Eindhoven Centraal | Intercity 702968 | 2 |
VIRM-4 9427 -> | ||||
18:05 | 18:07 | Heerlen | Stoptrein 32058 | — |
Train is cancelled | ||||
18:09 | 18:11 | Roermond | Stoptrein 32464 | 4b |
FLIRT ARR-2 -> | ||||
18:13 | 18:15 | Heerlen | Stopbus i.p.v. trein 990458 | — |
— | 18:19 | Aachen Hbf | Sneltrein 20332 | 5b |
FLIRT LMS-3 -> | ||||
18:19 | 18:21 | Maastricht Randwyck | Stoptrein 32463 | 4b |
18:24 +2 | 18:25 +2 | Maastricht Randwyck | Stoptrein 32057 | 4b |
FLIRT ARR-2 -> | ||||
18:26 | 18:26 | Maastricht Randwyck | Stopbus i.p.v. trein 990463 | — |
— | 18:31 | Eindhoven Centraal | Intercity 702970 | 1 |
VIRM-4 9516 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
18:35 +1 | 18:37 +1 | Heerlen | Stoptrein 32060 | 6 |
FLIRT ARR-2 -> | ||||
18:39 | 18:41 +1 | Sittard | Stoptrein 32466 | 4b |
FLIRT ARR-2 -> | ||||
— | 18:48 +1 | Liège-Guillemins | Stoptrein 5390 | 5a |
MS80M-3 -> | ||||
— | 18:49 | Heerlen | Sneltrein 19860 | 5b |
FLIRT LMS-3 -> | ||||
18:51 +1 | 18:52 +1 | Maastricht Randwyck | Stoptrein 32465 | 4b |
FLIRT ARR-2 -> | ||||
18:55 | 18:56 +1 | Maastricht Randwyck | Stoptrein 32059 | 6 |
FLIRT ARR-2 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
— | 19:01 | Eindhoven Centraal | Intercity 702972 | 2 |
VIRM-4 9565 -> | ||||
19:05 +1 | 19:07 | Heerlen | Stoptrein 32062 | 6 |
FLIRT ARR-2 -> | ||||
19:09 | 19:11 +1 | Roermond | Stoptrein 32468 | 4b |
FLIRT ARR-2 -> | ||||
— | 19:19 | Aachen Hbf | Sneltrein 20334 | — |
Train did not depart | ||||
19:19 | 19:21 | Maastricht Randwyck | Stoptrein 32467 | 4b |
19:24 | 19:25 | Maastricht Randwyck | Stoptrein 32061 | 4b |
FLIRT ARR-2 -> | ||||
— | 19:31 | Eindhoven Centraal | Intercity 702974 | 1 |
VIRM-4 9550 -> | ||||
19:35 | 19:37 | Heerlen | Stoptrein 32064 | 6 |
FLIRT ARR-2 -> | ||||
19:39 | 19:41 | Sittard | Stoptrein 32470 | 4b |
FLIRT ARR-2 -> | ||||
— | 19:48 | Liège-Guillemins | Stoptrein 5391 | 5a |
MS80M-3 -> | ||||
19:51 +1 | 19:52 +1 | Maastricht Randwyck | Stoptrein 32469 | 4b |
FLIRT ARR-2 -> | ||||
19:55 | 19:56 | Maastricht Randwyck | Stoptrein 32063 | 6 |
FLIRT ARR-2 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
— | 20:01 +2 | Eindhoven Centraal | Intercity 702976 | 2 |
VIRM-4 9528 -> | ||||
20:05 | 20:07 | Heerlen | Stoptrein 32066 | 6 |
FLIRT ARR-2 -> | ||||
20:09 | 20:11 | Roermond | Stoptrein 32472 | 4b |
FLIRT ARR-2 -> | ||||
— | 20:19 +2 | Aachen Hbf | Sneltrein 20336 | 5b |
FLIRT LMS-3 -> | ||||
20:19 +9 | 20:21 +9 | Maastricht Randwyck | Stoptrein 32471 | 4b |
20:24 | 20:25 | Maastricht Randwyck | Stoptrein 32065 | 4b |
FLIRT ARR-2 -> | ||||
— | 20:31 +4 | Eindhoven Centraal | Intercity 702978 | 1 |
VIRM-4 9553 -> | ||||
20:35 +1 | 20:37 | Heerlen | Stoptrein 32068 | 6 |
FLIRT ARR-2 -> | ||||
20:39 | 20:41 +1 | Sittard | Stoptrein 32474 | 4b |
FLIRT ARR-2 -> | ||||
— | 20:48 | Liège-Guillemins | Stoptrein 5392 | 5a |
MS80M-3 -> | ||||
20:51 | 20:52 | Maastricht Randwyck | Stoptrein 32473 | 4b |
FLIRT ARR-2 -> | ||||
20:55 | 20:56 | Maastricht Randwyck | Stoptrein 32067 | 6 |
FLIRT ARR-2 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
— | 21:01 | Eindhoven Centraal | Intercity 702980 | 2 |
VIRM-4 9427 -> | ||||
21:05 | 21:07 | Heerlen | Stoptrein 32070 | 6 |
FLIRT ARR-2 -> | ||||
21:09 | 21:11 | Roermond | Stoptrein 32476 | 4b |
FLIRT ARR-2 -> | ||||
— | 21:19 | Aachen Hbf | Sneltrein 20338 | 5b |
FLIRT LMS-3 -> | ||||
21:19 +1 | 21:21 +1 | Maastricht Randwyck | Stoptrein 32475 | 4b |
21:24 | 21:25 | Maastricht Randwyck | Stoptrein 32069 | 4b |
FLIRT ARR-2 -> | ||||
— | 21:31 +1 | Eindhoven Centraal | Intercity 702982 | 3 |
VIRM-4 9516 -> | ||||
21:35 +2 | 21:37 +1 | Heerlen | Stoptrein 32072 | 6 |
FLIRT ARR-2 -> | ||||
21:39 +4 | 21:41 +4 | Sittard | Stoptrein 32478 | 4b |
FLIRT ARR-2 -> | ||||
— | 21:48 | Liège-Guillemins | Stoptrein 5393 | 5a |
MS80M-3 -> | ||||
21:51 | 21:52 | Maastricht Randwyck | Stoptrein 32477 | 4b |
FLIRT ARR-2 -> | ||||
21:55 | 21:56 | Maastricht Randwyck | Stoptrein 32071 | 6 |
FLIRT ARR-2 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
— | 22:01 | Eindhoven Centraal | Intercity 702984 | 2 |
VIRM-4 9554 -> | ||||
22:05 +1 | 22:07 | Heerlen | Stoptrein 32074 | 6 |
FLIRT ARR-2 -> | ||||
22:09 | 22:11 +1 | Roermond | Stoptrein 32480 | 4b |
FLIRT ARR-2 -> | ||||
— | 22:19 | Aachen Hbf | Sneltrein 20340 | 5b |
FLIRT LMS-3 -> | ||||
22:19 +1 | 22:21 +1 | Maastricht Randwyck | Stoptrein 32479 | 4b |
22:24 | 22:25 | Maastricht Randwyck | Stoptrein 32073 | 4b |
FLIRT ARR-2 -> | ||||
— | 22:31 +1 | Eindhoven Centraal | Intercity 702986 | 1 |
VIRM-4 9550 -> | ||||
22:35 | 22:37 | Heerlen | Stoptrein 32076 | 6 |
FLIRT ARR-2 -> | ||||
22:39 | 22:41 +11 | Sittard | Stoptrein 32482 | 4b |
FLIRT ARR-2 -> | ||||
— | 22:48 +1 | Liège-Guillemins | Stoptrein 5394 | 5a |
MS80M-3 -> | ||||
22:51 +8 | 22:52 +10 | Maastricht Randwyck | Stoptrein 32481 | 4b |
FLIRT ARR-2 -> | ||||
22:55 | 22:56 | Maastricht Randwyck | Stoptrein 32075 | 6 |
FLIRT ARR-2 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
— | 23:01 | Eindhoven Centraal | Intercity 702988 | 2 |
VIRM-4 9528 -> | ||||
23:05 | 23:07 | Heerlen | Stoptrein 32078 | 6 |
FLIRT ARR-2 -> | ||||
23:09 +2 | 23:11 +1 | Roermond | Stoptrein 32484 | 4b |
FLIRT ARR-2 -> | ||||
— | 23:19 | Aachen Hbf | Sneltrein 20342 | 5b |
FLIRT LMS-3 -> | ||||
23:19 | 23:21 | Maastricht Randwyck | Stoptrein 32483 | 4b |
23:24 | 23:25 | Maastricht Randwyck | Stoptrein 32077 | 4b |
FLIRT ARR-2 -> | ||||
23:35 | 23:37 | Heerlen | Stoptrein 32080 | 6 |
FLIRT ARR-2 -> | ||||
23:39 +1 | 23:41 +1 | Roermond | Stoptrein 32486 | 4b |
FLIRT ARR-2 -> | ||||
— | 23:48 | Liège-Guillemins | Stoptrein 5395 | 5a |
MS80M-3 -> | ||||
23:51 +2 | 23:52 +2 | Maastricht Randwyck | Stoptrein 32485 | 4b |
FLIRT ARR-2 -> | ||||
23:55 | 23:56 | Maastricht Randwyck | Stoptrein 32079 | 6 |
FLIRT ARR-2 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
— | 00:01 | Eindhoven Centraal | Intercity 702992 | 2 |
VIRM-4 9427 -> | ||||
00:05 | 00:07 | Heerlen | Stoptrein 32082 | 5b |
FLIRT ARR-2 -> | ||||
00:09 | 00:11 | Sittard | Stoptrein 32488 | 4b |
FLIRT ARR-2 -> | ||||
00:19 | 00:21 | Maastricht Randwyck | Stoptrein 32487 | 4b |
00:24 | 00:25 | Maastricht Randwyck | Stoptrein 32081 | 4b |
FLIRT ARR-2 -> | ||||
00:35 | 00:37 | Heerlen | Stoptrein 32084 | 6 |
FLIRT ARR-2 -> | ||||
00:51 | 00:52 | Maastricht Randwyck | Stoptrein 32489 | 4b |
FLIRT ARR-2 -> | ||||
00:55 | 00:56 | Maastricht Randwyck | Stoptrein 32083 | 6 |
FLIRT ARR-2 -> | ||||