Train services at Heerenveen on October 16, 2022

This page shows all trains which have departed from station Heerenveen on Sunday, October 16, 2022. This includes all trains scheduled to depart, including trains which were eventually cancelled.

Services which were cancelled in advance, for example due to engineering works, are not included in this overview.

Sunday, October 16, 2022
Total services 198
On time 129 (65%)
Cancelled services 65 (33%)
Delayed trains* 4 (2%)
* trains delayed for 5 minutes or more, excluding cancelled services

Train services

Click on a service to view the entire route and delays along the route. Visit live departures for Heerenveen for live information.

07:00 – 08:00

7 services, 3 cancelled (42.9%), 3 delayed (42.9%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
07:28 Meppel Stopbus i.p.v. trein 990541
Train did not depart
07:28 Meppel Stopbus i.p.v. trein 990285
07:42 Meppel Snelbus i.p.v. trein 990439
Train did not depart
07:42 Meppel Snelbus i.p.v. trein 990183
07:56 Leeuwarden Intercity 700617 3
ICM-4 4234 ->
07:58 Meppel Stopbus i.p.v. trein 990542
Train did not depart
07:58 Meppel Stopbus i.p.v. trein 990286

08:00 – 09:00

11 services, 4 cancelled (36.4%), 4 delayed (36.4%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
08:12 Meppel Snelbus i.p.v. trein 990440
Train did not depart
08:12 Meppel Snelbus i.p.v. trein 990184
08:26 +1 Leeuwarden Intercity 701819 3
ICM-3 4030 ->
08:28 Meppel Stopbus i.p.v. trein 990543
Train did not depart
08:28 Meppel Stopbus i.p.v. trein 990287
08:35 Leeuwarden Sprinter 9021 2
SNG-3 2342 ->
08:42 Meppel Snelbus i.p.v. trein 990441
Train did not depart
08:42 Meppel Snelbus i.p.v. trein 990185
08:56 +1 Leeuwarden Intercity 700621 3
ICM-4 4237 ->
08:58 Meppel Stopbus i.p.v. trein 990544
Train did not depart
08:58 Meppel Stopbus i.p.v. trein 990288

09:00 – 10:00

12 services, 4 cancelled (33.3%), 4 delayed (33.3%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
09:05 Leeuwarden Sprinter 9023 2
SNG-4 2767 ->
09:12 Meppel Snelbus i.p.v. trein 990442
Train did not depart
09:12 Meppel Snelbus i.p.v. trein 990186
09:26 Leeuwarden Intercity 701823 3
ICM-4 4234 ->
09:28 Meppel Stopbus i.p.v. trein 990545
Train did not depart
09:28 Meppel Stopbus i.p.v. trein 990289
09:35 +1 Leeuwarden Sprinter 9025 2
SNG-3 2342 ->
09:42 Meppel Snelbus i.p.v. trein 990443
Train did not depart
09:42 Meppel Snelbus i.p.v. trein 990187
09:56 +1 Leeuwarden Intercity 700625 3
ICM-3 4030 ->
09:58 Meppel Stopbus i.p.v. trein 990546
Train did not depart
09:58 Meppel Stopbus i.p.v. trein 990290

10:00 – 11:00

12 services, 4 cancelled (33.3%), 4 delayed (33.3%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
10:05 +1 Leeuwarden Sprinter 9027 2
SNG-4 2767 ->
10:12 Meppel Snelbus i.p.v. trein 990444
Train did not depart
10:12 Meppel Snelbus i.p.v. trein 990188
10:26 Leeuwarden Intercity 701827 3
ICM-4 4237 ->
10:28 Meppel Stopbus i.p.v. trein 990547
Train did not depart
10:28 Meppel Stopbus i.p.v. trein 990291
10:35 Leeuwarden Sprinter 9029 2
SNG-3 2342 ->
10:42 Meppel Snelbus i.p.v. trein 990445
Train did not depart
10:42 Meppel Snelbus i.p.v. trein 990189
10:56 Leeuwarden Intercity 700629 3
ICM-4 4234 ->
10:58 Meppel Stopbus i.p.v. trein 990548
Train did not depart
10:58 Meppel Stopbus i.p.v. trein 990292

11:00 – 12:00

12 services, 4 cancelled (33.3%), 4 delayed (33.3%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
11:05 Leeuwarden Sprinter 9031 2
SNG-4 2767 ->
11:12 Meppel Snelbus i.p.v. trein 990446
Train did not depart
11:12 Meppel Snelbus i.p.v. trein 990190
11:26 Leeuwarden Intercity 701831 3
ICM-3 4030 ->
11:28 Meppel Stopbus i.p.v. trein 990549
Train did not depart
11:28 Meppel Stopbus i.p.v. trein 990293
11:35 +1 Leeuwarden Sprinter 9033 2
SNG-3 2342 ->
11:42 Meppel Snelbus i.p.v. trein 990447
Train did not depart
11:42 Meppel Snelbus i.p.v. trein 990191
11:56 Leeuwarden Intercity 700633 3
ICM-4 4237 ->
11:58 Meppel Stopbus i.p.v. trein 990550
Train did not depart
11:58 Meppel Stopbus i.p.v. trein 990294

12:00 – 13:00

12 services, 4 cancelled (33.3%), 4 delayed (33.3%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
12:05 Leeuwarden Sprinter 9035 2
SNG-4 2767 ->
12:12 Meppel Snelbus i.p.v. trein 990448
Train did not depart
12:12 Meppel Snelbus i.p.v. trein 990192
12:26 Leeuwarden Intercity 701835 3
ICM-4 4234 ->
12:28 Meppel Stopbus i.p.v. trein 990551
Train did not depart
12:28 Meppel Stopbus i.p.v. trein 990295
12:35 +1 Leeuwarden Sprinter 9037 2
SNG-3 2342 ->
12:42 Meppel Snelbus i.p.v. trein 990449
Train did not depart
12:42 Meppel Snelbus i.p.v. trein 990193
12:56 Leeuwarden Intercity 700637 3
ICM-3 4030 ->
12:58 Meppel Stopbus i.p.v. trein 990552
Train did not depart
12:58 Meppel Stopbus i.p.v. trein 990296

13:00 – 14:00

12 services, 4 cancelled (33.3%), 4 delayed (33.3%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
13:05 Leeuwarden Sprinter 9039 2
SNG-4 2767 ->
13:12 Meppel Snelbus i.p.v. trein 990450
Train did not depart
13:12 Meppel Snelbus i.p.v. trein 990194
13:26 +1 Leeuwarden Intercity 701839 3
ICM-4 4237 ->
13:28 Meppel Stopbus i.p.v. trein 990553
Train did not depart
13:28 Meppel Stopbus i.p.v. trein 990297
13:35 +2 Leeuwarden Sprinter 9041 2
SNG-3 2342 ->
13:42 Meppel Snelbus i.p.v. trein 990451
Train did not depart
13:42 Meppel Snelbus i.p.v. trein 990195
13:56 Leeuwarden Intercity 700641 3
ICM-4 4234 ->
13:58 Meppel Stopbus i.p.v. trein 990554
Train did not depart
13:58 Meppel Stopbus i.p.v. trein 990298

14:00 – 15:00

12 services, 4 cancelled (33.3%), 4 delayed (33.3%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
14:05 +1 Leeuwarden Sprinter 9043 2
SNG-4 2767 ->
14:12 Meppel Snelbus i.p.v. trein 990452
Train did not depart
14:12 Meppel Snelbus i.p.v. trein 990196
14:26 Leeuwarden Intercity 701843 3
ICM-3 4030 ->
14:28 Meppel Stopbus i.p.v. trein 990555
Train did not depart
14:28 Meppel Stopbus i.p.v. trein 990299
14:35 Leeuwarden Sprinter 9045 2
SNG-3 2342 ->
14:42 Meppel Snelbus i.p.v. trein 990453
Train did not depart
14:42 Meppel Snelbus i.p.v. trein 990197
14:56 Leeuwarden Intercity 700645 3
ICM-4 4237 ->
14:58 Meppel Stopbus i.p.v. trein 990556
Train did not depart
14:58 Meppel Stopbus i.p.v. trein 990300

15:00 – 16:00

12 services, 4 cancelled (33.3%), 4 delayed (33.3%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
15:05 +1 Leeuwarden Sprinter 9047 2
SNG-4 2767 ->
15:12 Meppel Snelbus i.p.v. trein 990454
Train did not depart
15:12 Meppel Snelbus i.p.v. trein 990198
15:26 Leeuwarden Intercity 701847 3
ICM-4 4234 ->
15:28 Meppel Stopbus i.p.v. trein 990557
Train did not depart
15:28 Meppel Stopbus i.p.v. trein 990301
15:35 Leeuwarden Sprinter 9049 2
SNG-3 2342 ->
15:42 Meppel Snelbus i.p.v. trein 990455
Train did not depart
15:42 Meppel Snelbus i.p.v. trein 990199
15:56 +1 Leeuwarden Intercity 700649 3
ICM-3 4030 ->
15:58 Meppel Stopbus i.p.v. trein 990558
Train did not depart
15:58 Meppel Stopbus i.p.v. trein 990302

16:00 – 17:00

12 services, 4 cancelled (33.3%), 4 delayed (33.3%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
16:05 +1 Leeuwarden Sprinter 9051 2
SNG-4 2767 ->
16:12 Meppel Snelbus i.p.v. trein 990456
Train did not depart
16:12 Meppel Snelbus i.p.v. trein 990200
16:26 +1 Leeuwarden Intercity 701851 3
ICM-4 4237 ->
16:28 Meppel Stopbus i.p.v. trein 990559
Train did not depart
16:28 Meppel Stopbus i.p.v. trein 990303
16:35 +1 Leeuwarden Sprinter 9053 2
SNG-3 2342 ->
16:42 Meppel Snelbus i.p.v. trein 990457
Train did not depart
16:42 Meppel Snelbus i.p.v. trein 990201
16:56 Leeuwarden Intercity 700653 3
ICM-4 4234 ->
16:58 Meppel Stopbus i.p.v. trein 990560
Train did not depart
16:58 Meppel Stopbus i.p.v. trein 990304

17:00 – 18:00

12 services, 4 cancelled (33.3%), 4 delayed (33.3%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
17:05 +1 Leeuwarden Sprinter 9055 2
SNG-4 2767 ->
17:12 Meppel Snelbus i.p.v. trein 990458
Train did not depart
17:12 Meppel Snelbus i.p.v. trein 990202
17:26 Leeuwarden Intercity 701855 3
ICM-3 4030 ->
17:28 Meppel Stopbus i.p.v. trein 990561
Train did not depart
17:28 Meppel Stopbus i.p.v. trein 990305
17:35 Leeuwarden Sprinter 9057 2
SNG-3 2342 ->
17:42 Meppel Snelbus i.p.v. trein 990459
Train did not depart
17:42 Meppel Snelbus i.p.v. trein 990203
17:56 +1 Leeuwarden Intercity 700657 3
ICM-4 4237 ->
17:58 Meppel Stopbus i.p.v. trein 990562
Train did not depart
17:58 Meppel Stopbus i.p.v. trein 990306

18:00 – 19:00

12 services, 4 cancelled (33.3%), 4 delayed (33.3%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
18:05 Leeuwarden Sprinter 9059 2
SNG-4 2767 ->
18:12 Meppel Snelbus i.p.v. trein 990460
Train did not depart
18:12 Meppel Snelbus i.p.v. trein 990204
18:26 Leeuwarden Intercity 701859 3
ICM-4 4234 ->
18:28 Meppel Stopbus i.p.v. trein 990563
Train did not depart
18:28 Meppel Stopbus i.p.v. trein 990307
18:35 +1 Leeuwarden Sprinter 9061 2
SNG-3 2342 ->
18:42 Meppel Snelbus i.p.v. trein 990461
Train did not depart
18:42 Meppel Snelbus i.p.v. trein 990205
18:56 Leeuwarden Intercity 700661 3
ICM-3 4030 ->
18:58 Meppel Stopbus i.p.v. trein 990564
Train did not depart
18:58 Meppel Stopbus i.p.v. trein 990308

19:00 – 20:00

12 services, 4 cancelled (33.3%), 4 delayed (33.3%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
19:05 Leeuwarden Sprinter 9063 2
SNG-4 2767 ->
19:12 Meppel Snelbus i.p.v. trein 990462
Train did not depart
19:12 Meppel Snelbus i.p.v. trein 990206
19:26 +29 Leeuwarden Intercity 701863 3
ICM-4 4237 ->
19:28 Meppel Stopbus i.p.v. trein 990565
Train did not depart
19:28 Meppel Stopbus i.p.v. trein 990309
19:35 +24 Leeuwarden Sprinter 9065 2
SNG-3 2342 ->
19:42 Meppel Snelbus i.p.v. trein 990463
Train did not depart
19:42 Meppel Snelbus i.p.v. trein 990207
19:56 +8 Leeuwarden Intercity 700665 3
ICM-4 4234 ->
19:58 Meppel Stopbus i.p.v. trein 990566
Train did not depart
19:58 Meppel Stopbus i.p.v. trein 990310

20:00 – 21:00

12 services, 4 cancelled (33.3%), 4 delayed (33.3%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
20:05 +4 Leeuwarden Sprinter 9067 2
SNG-4 2767 ->
20:12 Meppel Snelbus i.p.v. trein 990464
Train did not depart
20:12 Meppel Snelbus i.p.v. trein 990208
20:26 Leeuwarden Intercity 701867 3
ICM-3 4030 ->
20:28 Meppel Stopbus i.p.v. trein 990567
Train did not depart
20:28 Meppel Stopbus i.p.v. trein 990311
20:35 +6 Leeuwarden Sprinter 9069 2
SNG-3 2342 ->
20:42 Meppel Snelbus i.p.v. trein 990465
Train did not depart
20:42 Meppel Snelbus i.p.v. trein 990209
20:56 +1 Leeuwarden Intercity 700669 3
ICM-4 4237 ->
20:58 Meppel Stopbus i.p.v. trein 990568
Train did not depart
20:58 Meppel Stopbus i.p.v. trein 990312

21:00 – 22:00

12 services, 4 cancelled (33.3%), 4 delayed (33.3%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
21:05 +1 Leeuwarden Sprinter 9071 2
SNG-4 2767 ->
21:12 Meppel Snelbus i.p.v. trein 990466
Train did not depart
21:12 Meppel Snelbus i.p.v. trein 990210
21:26 +1 Leeuwarden Intercity 701871 3
ICM-4 4234 ->
21:28 Meppel Stopbus i.p.v. trein 990569
Train did not depart
21:28 Meppel Stopbus i.p.v. trein 990313
21:35 Leeuwarden Sprinter 9073 2
SNG-3 2342 ->
21:42 Meppel Snelbus i.p.v. trein 990467
Train did not depart
21:42 Meppel Snelbus i.p.v. trein 990211
21:56 Leeuwarden Intercity 700673 3
ICM-3 4030 ->
21:58 Meppel Stopbus i.p.v. trein 990570
Train did not depart
21:58 Meppel Stopbus i.p.v. trein 990314

22:00 – 23:00

12 services, 4 cancelled (33.3%), 4 delayed (33.3%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
22:05 +1 Leeuwarden Sprinter 9075 2
SNG-4 2767 ->
22:12 Meppel Snelbus i.p.v. trein 990468
Train did not depart
22:12 Meppel Snelbus i.p.v. trein 990212
22:26 +1 Leeuwarden Intercity 701875 3
ICM-4 4237 ->
22:28 Meppel Stopbus i.p.v. trein 990571
Train did not depart
22:28 Meppel Stopbus i.p.v. trein 990315
22:35 Leeuwarden Sprinter 9077 2
SNG-3 2342 ->
22:42 Meppel Snelbus i.p.v. trein 990469
Train did not depart
22:42 Meppel Snelbus i.p.v. trein 990213
22:56 Leeuwarden Intercity 700677 3
ICM-4 4234 ->
22:58 Meppel Stopbus i.p.v. trein 990572
Train did not depart
22:58 Meppel Stopbus i.p.v. trein 990316

23:00 – 24:00

10 services, 2 cancelled (20%), 2 delayed (20%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
23:12 Meppel Snelbus i.p.v. trein 990470
23:12 Meppel Snelbus i.p.v. trein 990214
23:26 Leeuwarden Intercity 701879 3
ICM-3 4030 ->
23:28 Meppel Stopbus i.p.v. trein 990573
Train did not depart
23:28 Meppel Stopbus i.p.v. trein 990317
23:42 Meppel Snelbus i.p.v. trein 990471
23:42 Meppel Snelbus i.p.v. trein 990215
23:56 Leeuwarden Intercity 700681 3
ICM-4 4237 ->
23:58 Meppel Stopbus i.p.v. trein 990574
Train did not depart
23:58 Meppel Stopbus i.p.v. trein 990318

00:00 – 01:00

1 service, 0 cancelled (0%), 0 delayed (0%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
00:30 +1 Leeuwarden Intercity 701883 3
ICM-4 4234 ->

01:00 – 02:00

1 service, 0 cancelled (0%), 0 delayed (0%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
01:30 Leeuwarden Intercity 701887 3
ICM-4 4237 ->