Train services at Purmerend Weidevenne on January 1, 2023
This page shows all trains which have departed from station Purmerend Weidevenne on Sunday, January 1, 2023. This includes all trains scheduled to depart, including trains which were eventually cancelled.
Services which were cancelled in advance, for example due to engineering works, are not included in this overview.
Purmerend Weidevenne Sunday, January 1, 2023 |
Total services | 33 |
On time | 28 (85%) |
Cancelled services | 2 (6%) |
Delayed trains* | 3 (9%) |
Train services
Click on a service to view the entire route and delays along the route. Visit live departures for Purmerend Weidevenne for live information.
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
05:23 | 05:23 | Hoofddorp | Sprinter 3317 | 1 |
SNG-4 2705, SNG-4 2746 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
09:52 | 09:52 | Hoorn | Sprinter 3324 | 2 |
SNG-4 2705, SNG-4 2746 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
10:37 +9 | 10:37 +8 | Hoofddorp | Sprinter 3339 | 1 |
SNG-4 2746, SNG-4 2705 -> | ||||
10:52 | 10:52 | Hoorn | Sprinter 3328 | — |
Train is cancelled | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
11:37 | 11:37 | Hoofddorp | Sprinter 3343 | — |
Train is cancelled | ||||
11:52 | 11:52 +1 | Hoorn | Sprinter 3332 | 2 |
SNG-4 2778, SNG-3 2314 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
12:37 +1 | 12:37 +1 | Hoofddorp | Sprinter 3347 | 1 |
SNG-3 2314, SNG-4 2778 -> | ||||
12:52 | 12:52 | Hoorn | Sprinter 3336 | 2 |
SNG-4 2705, SNG-4 2746 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
13:37 +1 | 13:37 +1 | Hoofddorp | Sprinter 3351 | 1 |
SNG-4 2746, SNG-4 2705 -> | ||||
13:52 | 13:52 | Hoorn | Sprinter 3340 | 2 |
SNG-4 2769, SNG-3 2318 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
14:37 | 14:37 +1 | Hoofddorp | Sprinter 3355 | 1 |
SNG-3 2318, SNG-4 2769 -> | ||||
14:52 | 14:52 +1 | Hoorn | Sprinter 3344 | 2 |
SNG-4 2778, SNG-3 2314 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
15:37 +1 | 15:37 | Hoofddorp | Sprinter 3359 | 1 |
SNG-3 2314, SNG-4 2778 -> | ||||
15:52 | 15:52 | Hoorn | Sprinter 3348 | 2 |
SNG-4 2705, SNG-4 2746 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
16:37 | 16:37 | Hoofddorp | Sprinter 3363 | 1 |
SNG-4 2746, SNG-4 2705 -> | ||||
16:52 | 16:52 | Hoorn | Sprinter 3352 | 2 |
SNG-4 2769, SNG-3 2318 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
17:37 +1 | 17:37 +1 | Hoofddorp | Sprinter 3367 | 1 |
SNG-3 2318, SNG-4 2769 -> | ||||
17:52 | 17:52 | Hoorn | Sprinter 3356 | 2 |
SNG-4 2778, SNG-3 2314 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
18:37 +1 | 18:37 +1 | Hoofddorp | Sprinter 3371 | 1 |
SNG-3 2314, SNG-4 2778 -> | ||||
18:52 +1 | 18:52 +2 | Hoorn | Sprinter 3360 | 2 |
SNG-4 2705, SNG-4 2746 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
19:37 +1 | 19:37 +1 | Hoofddorp | Sprinter 3375 | 1 |
SNG-4 2746, SNG-4 2705 -> | ||||
19:52 +9 | 19:52 +10 | Hoorn | Sprinter 3364 | 2 |
SNG-4 2769, SNG-3 2318 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
20:37 +5 | 20:37 +5 | Hoofddorp | Sprinter 3379 | 1 |
SNG-3 2318, SNG-4 2769 -> | ||||
20:52 | 20:52 | Hoorn | Sprinter 3368 | 2 |
SNG-4 2778, SNG-3 2314 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
21:37 | 21:37 +1 | Hoofddorp | Sprinter 3383 | 1 |
SNG-3 2314, SNG-4 2778 -> | ||||
21:52 +1 | 21:52 +2 | Hoorn | Sprinter 3372 | 2 |
SNG-4 2705, SNG-4 2746 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
22:37 | 22:37 | Hoofddorp | Sprinter 3387 | 1 |
SNG-4 2746, SNG-4 2705 -> | ||||
22:52 | 22:52 | Hoorn | Sprinter 3376 | 2 |
SNG-4 2769, SNG-3 2318 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
23:37 +2 | 23:37 +1 | Hoofddorp | Sprinter 3391 | 1 |
SNG-3 2318, SNG-4 2769 -> | ||||
23:52 +2 | 23:52 +3 | Enkhuizen | Sprinter 3380 | 2 |
VIRM-4 9411 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
00:22 | 00:22 | Hoorn | Sprinter 3382 | 2 |
SNG-4 2705, SNG-4 2746 -> | ||||
00:23 +1 | 00:23 | Amsterdam Centraal | Intercity 2993 | 1 |
VIRM-4 9568 -> | ||||
00:46 +8 | 00:46 +8 | Hoorn | Intercity 2984 | 2 |
VIRM-4 9422 -> | ||||