Train services at Bovenkarspel-Grootebroek on March 27, 2023

This page shows all trains which have departed from station Bovenkarspel-Grootebroek on Monday, March 27, 2023. This includes all trains scheduled to depart, including trains which were eventually cancelled.

Services which were cancelled in advance, for example due to engineering works, are not included in this overview.

Monday, March 27, 2023
Total services 143
On time 77 (54%)
Cancelled services 65 (45%)
Delayed trains* 1 (1%)
* trains delayed for 5 minutes or more, excluding cancelled services

Train services

Click on a service to view the entire route and delays along the route. Visit live departures for Bovenkarspel-Grootebroek for live information.

04:00 – 05:00

1 service, 0 cancelled (0%), 0 delayed (0%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
04:48 +1 04:48 +1 Hoofddorp Sprinter 3317 2
VIRM-6 8672 ->

05:00 – 06:00

4 services, 2 cancelled (50%), 2 delayed (50%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
05:16 05:17 Maastricht Intercity 2919 2
VIRM-4 9411 ->
05:16 05:17 Maastricht Intercity 702919
Train is cancelled
05:46 05:47 Maastricht Intercity 2921 2
VIRM-4 9553 ->
05:46 05:47 Maastricht Intercity 702921
Train is cancelled

06:00 – 07:00

4 services, 2 cancelled (50%), 2 delayed (50%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
06:16 06:17 Heerlen Intercity 3923 2
VIRM-4 9413 ->
06:16 06:17 Heerlen Intercity 703923
Train is cancelled
06:46 06:47 Heerlen Intercity 3925 2
VIRM-6 8652 ->
06:46 06:47 Heerlen Intercity 703925
Train is cancelled

07:00 – 08:00

8 services, 2 cancelled (25%), 2 delayed (25%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
07:04 07:04 Amsterdam Centraal Intercity 4527 2
VIRM-4 9524 ->
07:15 07:17 Enkhuizen Intercity 2912 1
VIRM-6 8709 ->
07:16 07:17 Heerlen Intercity 3927 2
VIRM-6 8723 ->
07:16 07:17 Heerlen Intercity 703927
Train is cancelled
07:34 +1 07:34 +1 Amsterdam Centraal Intercity 4529 2
VIRM-6 8667 ->
07:45 07:47 Enkhuizen Intercity 2914 1
VIRM-4 9583 ->
07:46 07:47 Heerlen Intercity 3929 2
VIRM-6 8709 ->
07:46 07:47 Heerlen Intercity 703929
Train is cancelled

08:00 – 09:00

6 services, 2 cancelled (33.3%), 2 delayed (33.3%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
08:15 08:17 Enkhuizen Intercity 2916 1
VIRM-4 9596 ->
08:16 08:17 Heerlen Intercity 3931 2
VIRM-4 9583 ->
08:16 08:17 Heerlen Intercity 703931
Train is cancelled
08:45 08:47 Enkhuizen Intercity 3918 1
VIRM-6 8655 ->
08:46 08:47 Heerlen Intercity 3933 2
VIRM-4 9596 ->
08:46 08:47 Heerlen Intercity 703933
Train is cancelled

09:00 – 10:00

8 services, 4 cancelled (50%), 4 delayed (50%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
09:15 09:17 Enkhuizen Intercity 3920 1
VIRM-6 8649 ->
09:16 09:17 Heerlen Intercity 3935 2
VIRM-6 8655 ->
09:15 09:17 Enkhuizen Intercity 703920
Train is cancelled
09:16 09:17 Heerlen Intercity 703935
Train is cancelled
09:45 09:47 Enkhuizen Intercity 3922 1
VIRM-4 9574 ->
09:46 09:47 Heerlen Intercity 3937 2
VIRM-6 8649 ->
09:45 09:47 Enkhuizen Intercity 703922
Train is cancelled
09:46 09:47 Heerlen Intercity 703937
Train is cancelled

10:00 – 11:00

8 services, 4 cancelled (50%), 4 delayed (50%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
10:15 10:17 Enkhuizen Intercity 3924 1
VIRM-4 9413 ->
10:16 10:17 Heerlen Intercity 3939 2
VIRM-4 9574 ->
10:15 10:17 Enkhuizen Intercity 703924
Train is cancelled
10:16 10:17 Heerlen Intercity 703939
Train is cancelled
10:45 +1 10:47 Enkhuizen Intercity 3926 1
VIRM-6 8652 ->
10:46 +1 10:47 +1 Heerlen Intercity 3941 2
VIRM-4 9413 ->
10:45 10:47 Enkhuizen Intercity 703926
Train is cancelled
10:46 10:47 Heerlen Intercity 703941
Train is cancelled

11:00 – 12:00

8 services, 4 cancelled (50%), 4 delayed (50%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
11:15 11:17 Enkhuizen Intercity 3928 1
VIRM-6 8723 ->
11:16 11:17 Heerlen Intercity 3943 2
VIRM-6 8652 ->
11:15 11:17 Enkhuizen Intercity 703928
Train is cancelled
11:16 11:17 Heerlen Intercity 703943
Train is cancelled
11:45 11:47 Enkhuizen Intercity 3930 1
VIRM-6 8709 ->
11:46 11:47 Heerlen Intercity 3945 2
VIRM-6 8723 ->
11:45 11:47 Enkhuizen Intercity 703930
Train is cancelled
11:46 11:47 Heerlen Intercity 703945
Train is cancelled

12:00 – 13:00

8 services, 4 cancelled (50%), 4 delayed (50%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
12:15 12:17 Enkhuizen Intercity 3932 1
VIRM-4 9583 ->
12:16 12:17 Heerlen Intercity 3947 2
VIRM-6 8709 ->
12:15 12:17 Enkhuizen Intercity 703932
Train is cancelled
12:16 12:17 Heerlen Intercity 703947
Train is cancelled
12:45 12:47 Enkhuizen Intercity 3934 1
VIRM-4 9596 ->
12:46 12:47 Heerlen Intercity 3949 2
VIRM-4 9583 ->
12:45 12:47 Enkhuizen Intercity 703934
Train is cancelled
12:46 12:47 Heerlen Intercity 703949
Train is cancelled

13:00 – 14:00

8 services, 4 cancelled (50%), 4 delayed (50%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
13:15 13:17 Enkhuizen Intercity 3936 1
VIRM-6 8655 ->
13:16 13:17 Heerlen Intercity 3951 2
VIRM-4 9596 ->
13:15 13:17 Enkhuizen Intercity 703936
Train is cancelled
13:16 13:17 Heerlen Intercity 703951
Train is cancelled
13:45 13:47 Enkhuizen Intercity 3938 1
VIRM-6 8649 ->
13:46 13:47 Heerlen Intercity 3953 2
VIRM-6 8655 ->
13:45 13:47 Enkhuizen Intercity 703938
Train is cancelled
13:46 13:47 Heerlen Intercity 703953
Train is cancelled

14:00 – 15:00

8 services, 4 cancelled (50%), 4 delayed (50%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
14:15 +1 14:17 Enkhuizen Intercity 3940 1
VIRM-4 9574 ->
14:16 14:17 Heerlen Intercity 3955 2
VIRM-6 8649 ->
14:15 14:17 Enkhuizen Intercity 703940
Train is cancelled
14:16 14:17 Heerlen Intercity 703955
Train is cancelled
14:45 14:47 Enkhuizen Intercity 3942 1
VIRM-4 9413 ->
14:46 14:47 Heerlen Intercity 3957 2
VIRM-4 9574 ->
14:45 14:47 Enkhuizen Intercity 703942
Train is cancelled
14:46 14:47 Heerlen Intercity 703957
Train is cancelled

15:00 – 16:00

8 services, 4 cancelled (50%), 4 delayed (50%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
15:15 15:17 Enkhuizen Intercity 3944 1
VIRM-6 8652 ->
15:16 15:17 +1 Heerlen Intercity 3959 2
VIRM-4 9413 ->
15:15 15:17 Enkhuizen Intercity 703944
Train is cancelled
15:16 15:17 Heerlen Intercity 703959
Train is cancelled
15:45 15:47 Enkhuizen Intercity 3946 1
VIRM-6 8723 ->
15:46 15:47 Heerlen Intercity 3961 2
VIRM-6 8652 ->
15:45 15:47 Enkhuizen Intercity 703946
Train is cancelled
15:46 15:47 Heerlen Intercity 703961
Train is cancelled

16:00 – 17:00

8 services, 4 cancelled (50%), 4 delayed (50%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
16:15 16:17 Enkhuizen Intercity 3948 1
VIRM-6 8709 ->
16:16 16:17 Heerlen Intercity 3963 2
VIRM-6 8723 ->
16:15 16:17 Enkhuizen Intercity 703948
Train is cancelled
16:16 16:17 Heerlen Intercity 703963
Train is cancelled
16:45 16:47 Enkhuizen Intercity 3950 1
VIRM-4 9583 ->
16:46 16:47 Heerlen Intercity 3965 2
VIRM-6 8667 ->
16:45 16:47 Enkhuizen Intercity 703950
Train is cancelled
16:46 16:47 Heerlen Intercity 703965
Train is cancelled

17:00 – 18:00

8 services, 4 cancelled (50%), 4 delayed (50%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
17:15 17:17 Enkhuizen Intercity 3952 1
VIRM-4 9596 ->
17:16 17:17 +1 Heerlen Intercity 3967 2
VIRM-4 9583 ->
17:15 17:17 Enkhuizen Intercity 703952
Train is cancelled
17:16 17:17 Heerlen Intercity 703967
Train is cancelled
17:45 17:47 Enkhuizen Intercity 3954 1
VIRM-6 8655 ->
17:46 17:47 Heerlen Intercity 3969 2
VIRM-4 9596 ->
17:45 17:47 Enkhuizen Intercity 703954
Train is cancelled
17:46 17:47 Heerlen Intercity 703969
Train is cancelled

18:00 – 19:00

9 services, 4 cancelled (44.4%), 4 delayed (44.4%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
18:15 18:17 Enkhuizen Intercity 3956 1
VIRM-6 8649 ->
18:16 18:17 Heerlen Intercity 3971 2
VIRM-6 8709 ->
18:15 18:17 Enkhuizen Intercity 703956
Train is cancelled
18:16 18:17 Heerlen Intercity 703971
Train is cancelled
18:27 18:27 Enkhuizen Intercity 4556 2
VIRM-4 9524 ->
18:45 18:47 Enkhuizen Intercity 3958 1
VIRM-4 9574 ->
18:46 18:47 Maastricht Intercity 2973 2
VIRM-6 8649 ->
18:46 18:47 Maastricht Intercity 702973
Train is cancelled
18:45 18:47 Enkhuizen Intercity 703958
Train is cancelled

19:00 – 20:00

8 services, 4 cancelled (50%), 4 delayed (50%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
19:15 19:17 Enkhuizen Intercity 3960 1
VIRM-4 9413 ->
19:16 19:17 Maastricht Intercity 2975 2
VIRM-4 9574 ->
19:16 19:17 Maastricht Intercity 702975
Train is cancelled
19:15 19:17 Enkhuizen Intercity 703960
Train is cancelled
19:45 19:47 Enkhuizen Intercity 3962 1
VIRM-6 8652 ->
19:46 19:47 Maastricht Intercity 2977 2
VIRM-4 9512 ->
19:46 19:47 Maastricht Intercity 702977
Train is cancelled
19:45 19:47 Enkhuizen Intercity 703962
Train is cancelled

20:00 – 21:00

8 services, 4 cancelled (50%), 4 delayed (50%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
20:15 20:17 Enkhuizen Intercity 3964 1
VIRM-6 8723 ->
20:16 20:17 Maastricht Intercity 2979 2
VIRM-6 8652 ->
20:16 20:17 Maastricht Intercity 702979
Train is cancelled
20:15 20:17 Enkhuizen Intercity 703964
Train is cancelled
20:45 20:47 Enkhuizen Intercity 2966 1
VIRM-4 9514, VIRM-4 9571 ->
20:46 20:47 Maastricht Intercity 2981 2
VIRM-6 8723 ->
20:45 20:47 Enkhuizen Intercity 702966
Train is cancelled
20:46 20:47 Maastricht Intercity 702981
Train is cancelled

21:00 – 22:00

8 services, 4 cancelled (50%), 4 delayed (50%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
21:15 21:17 Enkhuizen Intercity 2968 1
VIRM-4 9411 ->
21:16 21:17 Maastricht Intercity 2983 2
VIRM-4 9514 ->
21:15 21:17 Enkhuizen Intercity 702968
Train is cancelled
21:16 21:17 Maastricht Intercity 702983
Train is cancelled
21:45 21:47 Enkhuizen Intercity 2970 1
VIRM-4 9553 ->
21:46 21:47 Maastricht Intercity 2985 2
VIRM-4 9413 ->
21:45 21:47 Enkhuizen Intercity 702970
Train is cancelled
21:46 21:47 Maastricht Intercity 702985
Train is cancelled

22:00 – 23:00

6 services, 2 cancelled (33.3%), 2 delayed (33.3%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
22:15 22:17 Enkhuizen Intercity 2972 1
VIRM-4 9555 ->
22:16 22:17 Eindhoven Centraal Intercity 2987 2
VIRM-4 9553 ->
22:15 22:17 Enkhuizen Intercity 702972
Train is cancelled
22:45 22:47 Enkhuizen Intercity 2974 1
VIRM-6 8649 ->
22:46 22:47 Eindhoven Centraal Intercity 2989 2
VIRM-4 9555 ->
22:45 22:47 Enkhuizen Intercity 702974
Train is cancelled

23:00 – 24:00

6 services, 2 cancelled (33.3%), 2 delayed (33.3%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
23:15 +2 23:17 +1 Enkhuizen Intercity 2976 1
VIRM-4 9574 ->
23:16 23:17 Amsterdam Centraal Intercity 2991 2
VIRM-6 8649 ->
23:15 23:17 Enkhuizen Intercity 702976
Train is cancelled
23:45 23:47 Enkhuizen Intercity 2978 1
VIRM-4 9512 ->
23:46 23:47 Amsterdam Centraal Intercity 2993 2
VIRM-4 9574 ->
23:45 23:47 Enkhuizen Intercity 702978
Train is cancelled

00:00 – 01:00

3 services, 1 cancelled (33.3%), 1 delayed (33.3%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
00:15 00:17 +1 Enkhuizen Intercity 2980 2
VIRM-6 8652 ->
00:15 00:17 Enkhuizen Intercity 702980
Train is cancelled
00:24 +6 00:24 +6 Enkhuizen Sprinter 3380 2
VIRM-4 9431 ->