Train services at Etten-Leur on April 9, 2023
This page shows all trains which have departed from station Etten-Leur on Sunday, April 9, 2023. This includes all trains scheduled to depart, including trains which were eventually cancelled.
Services which were cancelled in advance, for example due to engineering works, are not included in this overview.
Etten-Leur Sunday, April 9, 2023 |
Total services | 85 |
On time | 67 (79%) |
Cancelled services | 18 (21%) |
Delayed trains* | 0 (0%) |
Train services
Click on a service to view the entire route and delays along the route. Visit live departures for Etten-Leur for live information.
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
07:04 | 07:04 | Zwolle | Intercity 3622 | 1 |
ICM-4 4224, ICM-3 4035 -> | ||||
07:36 | 07:36 | Zwolle | Intercity 3624 | 1 |
ICM-4 4206, ICM-3 4075 -> | ||||
07:52 | 07:52 | Roosendaal | Intercity 3619 | 2 |
VIRM-6 8645 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
08:06 | 08:06 | Zwolle | Intercity 3626 | 1 |
DDZ-6 7620 -> | ||||
08:22 | 08:22 | Roosendaal | Intercity 3621 | 2 |
DDZ-4 7515 -> | ||||
08:36 | 08:36 | Zwolle | Intercity 3628 | 1 |
VIRM-6 8645 -> | ||||
08:52 +2 | 08:52 +2 | Roosendaal | Intercity 3623 | 2 |
DDZ-4 7519 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
09:06 +1 | 09:06 +1 | Zwolle | Intercity 3630 | 1 |
DDZ-4 7515 -> | ||||
09:22 +1 | 09:22 +1 | Roosendaal | Intercity 3625 | 2 |
VIRM-6 8637 -> | ||||
09:36 | 09:36 | Zwolle | Intercity 3632 | 1 |
DDZ-4 7519 -> | ||||
09:36 | 09:36 | Zwolle | Intercity 303632 | — |
Train is cancelled | ||||
09:52 | 09:52 | Roosendaal | Intercity 3627 | 2 |
DDZ-6 7621 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
10:06 | 10:06 | Zwolle | Intercity 3634 | 1 |
VIRM-6 8637 -> | ||||
10:06 | 10:06 | Zwolle | Intercity 303634 | — |
Train is cancelled | ||||
10:22 | 10:22 | Roosendaal | Intercity 3629 | 2 |
DDZ-6 7649 -> | ||||
10:36 | 10:36 | Zwolle | Intercity 3636 | 1 |
DDZ-6 7621 -> | ||||
10:36 | 10:36 | Zwolle | Intercity 303636 | — |
Train is cancelled | ||||
10:52 | 10:52 | Roosendaal | Intercity 3631 | — |
Train is cancelled | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
11:06 | 11:06 | Zwolle | Intercity 3638 | 1 |
DDZ-6 7649 -> | ||||
11:06 | 11:06 | Zwolle | Intercity 303638 | — |
Train is cancelled | ||||
11:22 | 11:22 | Roosendaal | Intercity 3633 | — |
Train is cancelled | ||||
11:22 | 11:22 | Roosendaal | Intercity 303633 | 2 |
DDZ-4 7519 -> | ||||
11:36 | 11:36 | Zwolle | Intercity 3640 | 1 |
VIRM-6 8713 -> | ||||
11:36 | 11:36 | Zwolle | Intercity 303640 | — |
Train is cancelled | ||||
11:52 | 11:52 | Roosendaal | Intercity 3635 | — |
Train is cancelled | ||||
11:52 | 11:52 | Roosendaal | Intercity 303635 | 2 |
VIRM-6 8637 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
12:06 | 12:06 | Zwolle | Intercity 3642 | 1 |
DDZ-4 7519 -> | ||||
12:06 | 12:06 | Zwolle | Intercity 303642 | — |
Train is cancelled | ||||
12:22 | 12:22 | Roosendaal | Intercity 3637 | — |
Train is cancelled | ||||
12:22 | 12:22 | Roosendaal | Intercity 303637 | 2 |
DDZ-6 7621 -> | ||||
12:36 | 12:36 | Zwolle | Intercity 3644 | 1 |
VIRM-6 8637 -> | ||||
12:36 | 12:36 | Zwolle | Intercity 303644 | — |
Train is cancelled | ||||
12:52 | 12:52 | Roosendaal | Intercity 3639 | — |
Train is cancelled | ||||
12:52 | 12:52 | Roosendaal | Intercity 303639 | 2 |
DDZ-6 7649 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
13:06 +1 | 13:06 +1 | Zwolle | Intercity 3646 | 1 |
DDZ-6 7621 -> | ||||
13:22 | 13:22 | Roosendaal | Intercity 3641 | — |
Train is cancelled | ||||
13:22 +1 | 13:22 +1 | Roosendaal | Intercity 303641 | 2 |
VIRM-6 8713 -> | ||||
13:36 | 13:36 | Zwolle | Intercity 3648 | 1 |
DDZ-6 7649 -> | ||||
13:52 | 13:52 | Roosendaal | Intercity 3643 | — |
Train is cancelled | ||||
13:52 | 13:52 | Roosendaal | Intercity 303643 | 2 |
DDZ-4 7519 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
14:06 | 14:06 | Zwolle | Intercity 3650 | 1 |
VIRM-6 8713 -> | ||||
14:22 | 14:22 | Roosendaal | Intercity 3645 | — |
Train is cancelled | ||||
14:22 | 14:22 | Roosendaal | Intercity 303645 | 2 |
VIRM-6 8637 -> | ||||
14:36 +1 | 14:36 +1 | Zwolle | Intercity 3652 | 1 |
DDZ-4 7519 -> | ||||
14:52 | 14:52 | Roosendaal | Intercity 3647 | 2 |
VIRM-4 9597 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
15:06 | 15:06 | Zwolle | Intercity 3654 | 1 |
VIRM-6 8637 -> | ||||
15:22 | 15:22 | Roosendaal | Intercity 3649 | 2 |
DDZ-6 7612 -> | ||||
15:36 | 15:36 | Zwolle | Intercity 3656 | — |
Train is cancelled | ||||
15:52 | 15:52 | Roosendaal | Intercity 3651 | 2 |
ICM-3 4035, ICM-4 4224 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
16:06 +3 | 16:06 +3 | Zwolle | Intercity 3658 | 1 |
DDZ-6 7612 -> | ||||
16:22 | 16:22 | Roosendaal | Intercity 3653 | 2 |
ICM-3 4075, ICM-4 4206 -> | ||||
16:36 | 16:36 | Zwolle | Intercity 3660 | 1 |
ICM-4 4224, ICM-3 4035 -> | ||||
16:52 | 16:52 | Roosendaal | Intercity 3655 | 2 |
DDZ-6 7620 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
17:06 | 17:06 | Zwolle | Intercity 3662 | 1 |
ICM-4 4206, ICM-3 4075 -> | ||||
17:22 | 17:22 | Roosendaal | Intercity 3657 | 2 |
VIRM-6 8645 -> | ||||
17:36 | 17:36 | Zwolle | Intercity 3664 | 1 |
DDZ-6 7620 -> | ||||
17:52 +2 | 17:52 +2 | Roosendaal | Intercity 3659 | 2 |
DDZ-4 7544 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
18:06 +2 | 18:06 +2 | Zwolle | Intercity 3666 | 1 |
VIRM-6 8645 -> | ||||
18:22 | 18:22 | Roosendaal | Intercity 3661 | 2 |
ICM-4 4207, ICM-3 4017 -> | ||||
18:36 +1 | 18:36 +1 | Zwolle | Intercity 3668 | 1 |
DDZ-4 7544 -> | ||||
18:52 +2 | 18:52 +2 | Roosendaal | Intercity 3663 | 2 |
DDZ-6 7649 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
19:06 | 19:06 | Zwolle | Intercity 3670 | 1 |
ICM-3 4017, ICM-4 4207 -> | ||||
19:22 | 19:22 | Roosendaal | Intercity 3665 | 2 |
VIRM-6 8713 -> | ||||
19:36 | 19:36 | Zwolle | Intercity 3672 | 1 |
DDZ-6 7649 -> | ||||
19:52 | 19:52 | Roosendaal | Intercity 3667 | 2 |
DDZ-4 7519 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
20:06 +1 | 20:06 +1 | Zwolle | Intercity 3674 | 1 |
VIRM-6 8713 -> | ||||
20:22 | 20:22 | Roosendaal | Intercity 3669 | 2 |
VIRM-6 8637 -> | ||||
20:36 | 20:36 | Zwolle | Intercity 3676 | 1 |
DDZ-4 7519 -> | ||||
20:52 | 20:52 | Roosendaal | Intercity 3671 | 2 |
VIRM-4 9597 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
21:06 | 21:06 | Zwolle | Intercity 3678 | 1 |
VIRM-6 8637 -> | ||||
21:06 | 21:06 | Zwolle | Intercity 303678 | — |
Train is cancelled | ||||
21:22 +1 | 21:22 +1 | Roosendaal | Intercity 3673 | 2 |
DDZ-6 7612 -> | ||||
21:36 +3 | 21:36 +3 | Zwolle | Intercity 3680 | 1 |
VIRM-4 9597 -> | ||||
21:52 +4 | 21:52 +4 | Roosendaal | Intercity 3675 | 2 |
DDZ-6 7621 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
22:06 | 22:06 | Zwolle | Intercity 3682 | 1 |
DDZ-6 7612 -> | ||||
22:22 | 22:22 | Roosendaal | Intercity 3677 | 2 |
ICM-3 4075, ICM-4 4206 -> | ||||
22:36 | 22:36 | Arnhem Centraal | Intercity 3684 | 1 |
DDZ-6 7621 -> | ||||
22:52 +2 | 22:52 +2 | Roosendaal | Intercity 3679 | 2 |
ICM-4 4227 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
23:06 +1 | 23:06 +1 | Arnhem Centraal | Intercity 3686 | 1 |
ICM-4 4206, ICM-3 4075 -> | ||||
23:06 | 23:06 | Arnhem Centraal | Intercity 303686 | — |
Train is cancelled | ||||
23:22 | 23:22 | Roosendaal | Intercity 3681 | 2 |
VIRM-6 8645 -> | ||||
23:36 | 23:36 | 's-Hertogenbosch | Intercity 3688 | 1 |
ICM-4 4227 -> | ||||
23:52 | 23:52 | Roosendaal | Intercity 3683 | 2 |
DDZ-6 7620 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
00:22 | 00:22 | Roosendaal | Intercity 3685 | 2 |
ICM-4 4207, ICM-3 4017 -> | ||||
00:56 +2 | 00:56 +2 | Roosendaal | Intercity 3687 | 2 |
DDZ-6 7649 -> | ||||