Train services at Roosendaal on June 16, 2023

This page shows all trains which have departed from station Roosendaal on Friday, June 16, 2023. This includes all trains scheduled to depart, including trains which were eventually cancelled.

Services which were cancelled in advance, for example due to engineering works, are not included in this overview.

Friday, June 16, 2023
Total services 283
On time 204 (72%)
Cancelled services 77 (27%)
Delayed trains* 2 (1%)
* trains delayed for 5 minutes or more, excluding cancelled services

Train services

Click on a service to view the entire route and delays along the route. Visit live departures for Roosendaal for live information.

05:00 – 06:00

8 services, 2 cancelled (25%), 2 delayed (25%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
05:27 +1 Zwolle Intercity 3616 1a
DDZ-6 7616 ->
05:30 Goes Stopbus ipv trein 983902
Train did not depart
05:30 Goes Stopbus ipv trein 983444
05:31 Amsterdam Centraal Intercity 2221 4b
VIRM-4 9573 ->
05:38 Dordrecht Sprinter 5914 1b
SNG-4 2714 ->
05:45 Zwolle Snelbus ipv trein 984015
Train did not depart
05:45 Goes Snelbus ipv trein 983557
05:57 Zwolle Intercity 3618 3b
DDZ-6 7621 ->

06:00 – 07:00

15 services, 4 cancelled (26.7%), 4 delayed (26.7%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
06:00 Goes Stopbus ipv trein 983903
Train did not depart
06:00 Goes Stopbus ipv trein 983445
06:01 +1 Amsterdam Centraal Intercity 2223 4a
VIRM-6 8651 ->
06:08 Dordrecht Sprinter 5916 1b
SNG-4 2750 ->
06:15 Zwolle Snelbus ipv trein 984016
Train did not depart
06:15 Goes Snelbus ipv trein 983558
06:21 Puurs Stoptrein 2577 1a
MS75-4 880.809 ->
06:27 Zwolle Intercity 3620 3a
ICM-4 4207 ->
06:30 Goes Stopbus ipv trein 983904
Train did not depart
Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
06:30 Goes Stopbus ipv trein 983446
06:31 +1 Amsterdam Centraal Intercity 2225 4b
VIRM-4 9406 ->
06:38 +1 Dordrecht Sprinter 5918 3b
SNG-4 2722 ->
06:45 Zwolle Snelbus ipv trein 984017
Train did not depart
06:45 Goes Snelbus ipv trein 983559
06:57 +1 Zwolle Intercity 3622 3a
DDZ-4 7510 ->

07:00 – 08:00

15 services, 4 cancelled (26.7%), 4 delayed (26.7%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
07:00 Goes Stopbus ipv trein 983905
Train did not depart
07:00 Goes Stopbus ipv trein 983447
07:01 +1 Amsterdam Centraal Intercity 2227 4b
VIRM-6 8641 ->
07:08 Dordrecht Sprinter 5920 1b
SNG-4 2714 ->
07:15 Zwolle Snelbus ipv trein 984018
Train did not depart
07:15 Goes Snelbus ipv trein 983560
07:21 Puurs Stoptrein 2578 1a
MS80M-3 880.301 ->
07:27 Zwolle Intercity 3624 3a
ICM-4 4241, ICM-3 4011 ->
07:30 Goes Stopbus ipv trein 983906
Train did not depart
Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
07:30 Goes Stopbus ipv trein 983448
07:31 +2 Amsterdam Centraal Intercity 2229 4a
VIRM-6 8743 ->
07:38 Dordrecht Sprinter 5922 3b
SNG-4 2750 ->
07:45 Zwolle Snelbus ipv trein 984019
Train did not depart
07:45 Goes Snelbus ipv trein 983561
07:57 Zwolle Intercity 3626 3a
DDZ-4 7515, DDZ-4 7533 ->

08:00 – 09:00

16 services, 4 cancelled (25%), 4 delayed (25%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
08:00 Goes Stopbus ipv trein 983907
Train did not depart
08:00 Goes Stopbus ipv trein 983449
08:01 Amsterdam Centraal Intercity 2231 4b
VIRM-4 9524, VIRM-4 9417 ->
08:08 +1 Dordrecht Sprinter 5924 1b
SNG-4 2722 ->
08:06 +64 08:15 +58 Brussel-Zuid Midi European Sleeper 452 4
INT26,4-1, INT26,4-1, INT26,4-1, INT26,4-1, INT26,4-1, INT26,4-1, INT26,4-1, INT26,4-1, INT26,4-1, INT26,4-1, INT26,4-1, INT26,4-1, INT26,4-1, INT26,4-1, E-LOC-TRAX, INT26,4-1 ->
08:15 Zwolle Snelbus ipv trein 984020
Train did not depart
08:15 Goes Snelbus ipv trein 983562
08:21 Puurs Stoptrein 2579 1a
MS75-4 880.806 ->
08:27 +1 Zwolle Intercity 3628 3a
DDZ-6 7646 ->
Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
08:30 Goes Stopbus ipv trein 983908
Train did not depart
08:30 Goes Stopbus ipv trein 983450
08:31 +1 Amsterdam Centraal Intercity 2233 4a
VIRM-6 8715 ->
08:38 Dordrecht Sprinter 5926 1b
SNG-4 2714 ->
08:45 Zwolle Snelbus ipv trein 984021
Train did not depart
08:45 Goes Snelbus ipv trein 983563
08:57 +1 Zwolle Intercity 3630 3b
ICM-4 4235, ICM-3 4072 ->

09:00 – 10:00

15 services, 4 cancelled (26.7%), 4 delayed (26.7%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
09:00 Goes Stopbus ipv trein 983909
Train did not depart
09:00 Goes Stopbus ipv trein 983451
09:01 +1 Amsterdam Centraal Intercity 2235 3a
VIRM-4 9593 ->
09:08 +1 Dordrecht Sprinter 5928 1b
SNG-4 2750 ->
09:15 Zwolle Snelbus ipv trein 984022
Train did not depart
09:15 Goes Snelbus ipv trein 983564
09:21 Puurs Stoptrein 2580 1a
MS80M-3 880.304 ->
09:27 +1 Zwolle Intercity 3632 3a
DDZ-4 7527 ->
09:30 Goes Stopbus ipv trein 983910
Train did not depart
Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
09:30 Goes Stopbus ipv trein 983452
09:31 +2 Amsterdam Centraal Intercity 2237 4a
VIRM-4 9570 ->
09:38 +2 Dordrecht Sprinter 5930 3b
SNG-4 2722 ->
09:45 Zwolle Snelbus ipv trein 984023
Train did not depart
09:45 Goes Snelbus ipv trein 983565
09:57 +1 Zwolle Intercity 3634 3a
ICM-4 4227, ICM-3 4079 ->

10:00 – 11:00

15 services, 4 cancelled (26.7%), 4 delayed (26.7%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
10:00 Goes Stopbus ipv trein 983911
Train did not depart
10:00 Goes Stopbus ipv trein 983453
10:01 Amsterdam Centraal Intercity 2239 4b
VIRM-4 9573, VIRM-4 9516 ->
10:08 Dordrecht Sprinter 5932 1b
SNG-4 2714 ->
10:15 Zwolle Snelbus ipv trein 984024
Train did not depart
10:15 Goes Snelbus ipv trein 983566
10:21 Puurs Stoptrein 2581 1a
MS75-4 880.805 ->
10:27 Zwolle Intercity 3636 3a
ICM-4 4233 ->
10:30 Goes Stopbus ipv trein 983912
Train did not depart
Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
10:30 Goes Stopbus ipv trein 983454
10:31 Amsterdam Centraal Intercity 2241 3b
VIRM-6 8651 ->
10:38 Dordrecht Sprinter 5934 1b
SNG-4 2750 ->
10:45 Zwolle Snelbus ipv trein 984025
Train did not depart
10:45 Goes Snelbus ipv trein 983567
10:57 Zwolle Intercity 3638 3a
ICM-4 4218 ->

11:00 – 12:00

15 services, 4 cancelled (26.7%), 4 delayed (26.7%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
11:00 Goes Stopbus ipv trein 983913
Train did not depart
11:00 Goes Stopbus ipv trein 983455
11:01 Amsterdam Centraal Intercity 2243 4b
VIRM-4 9406 ->
11:08 Dordrecht Sprinter 5936 1b
SNG-4 2722 ->
11:15 Zwolle Snelbus ipv trein 984026
Train did not depart
11:15 Goes Snelbus ipv trein 983568
11:21 +1 Puurs Stoptrein 2582 1a
MS75-4 880.809 ->
11:27 Zwolle Intercity 3640 3a
DDZ-6 7616 ->
11:30 Goes Stopbus ipv trein 983914
Train did not depart
Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
11:30 Goes Stopbus ipv trein 983456
11:31 Amsterdam Centraal Intercity 2245 3b
VIRM-6 8641 ->
11:38 Dordrecht Sprinter 5938 1b
SNG-4 2714 ->
11:45 Zwolle Snelbus ipv trein 984027
Train did not depart
11:45 Goes Snelbus ipv trein 983569
11:57 +1 Zwolle Intercity 3642 3a
DDZ-6 7621 ->

12:00 – 13:00

15 services, 4 cancelled (26.7%), 4 delayed (26.7%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
12:00 Goes Stopbus ipv trein 983915
Train did not depart
12:00 Goes Stopbus ipv trein 983457
12:01 Amsterdam Centraal Intercity 2247 4b
VIRM-6 8743 ->
12:08 +1 Dordrecht Sprinter 5940 1b
SNG-4 2750 ->
12:15 Zwolle Snelbus ipv trein 984028
Train did not depart
12:15 Goes Snelbus ipv trein 983570
12:21 +1 Puurs Stoptrein 2583 1a
MS80M-3 880.301 ->
12:27 Zwolle Intercity 3644 3a
ICM-4 4207 ->
12:30 Goes Stopbus ipv trein 983916
Train did not depart
Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
12:30 Goes Stopbus ipv trein 983458
12:31 +1 Amsterdam Centraal Intercity 2249 4a
VIRM-4 9524 ->
12:38 Dordrecht Sprinter 5942 3b
SNG-4 2722 ->
12:45 Zwolle Snelbus ipv trein 984029
Train did not depart
12:45 Goes Snelbus ipv trein 983571
12:57 Zwolle Intercity 3646 3a
DDZ-4 7510 ->

13:00 – 14:00

15 services, 4 cancelled (26.7%), 4 delayed (26.7%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
13:00 Goes Stopbus ipv trein 983917
Train did not depart
13:00 Goes Stopbus ipv trein 983459
13:01 Amsterdam Centraal Intercity 2251 4b
VIRM-6 8715 ->
13:08 Dordrecht Sprinter 5944 1b
SNG-4 2714 ->
13:15 Zwolle Snelbus ipv trein 984030
Train did not depart
13:15 Goes Snelbus ipv trein 983572
13:21 Puurs Stoptrein 2584 1a
MS75-4 880.806 ->
13:27 Zwolle Intercity 3648 3a
ICM-4 4241, ICM-3 4020 ->
13:30 Goes Stopbus ipv trein 983918
Train did not depart
Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
13:30 Goes Stopbus ipv trein 983460
13:31 +1 Amsterdam Centraal Intercity 2253 4a
VIRM-4 9593 ->
13:38 +1 Dordrecht Sprinter 5946 3b
SNG-4 2750 ->
13:45 Zwolle Snelbus ipv trein 984031
Train did not depart
13:45 Goes Snelbus ipv trein 983573
13:57 Zwolle Intercity 3650 3a
DDZ-4 7515 ->

14:00 – 15:00

15 services, 4 cancelled (26.7%), 4 delayed (26.7%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
14:00 Goes Stopbus ipv trein 983919
Train did not depart
14:00 Goes Stopbus ipv trein 983461
14:01 Amsterdam Centraal Intercity 2255 4b
VIRM-4 9570 ->
14:08 Dordrecht Sprinter 5948 1b
SNG-4 2722 ->
14:15 Zwolle Snelbus ipv trein 984032
Train did not depart
14:15 Goes Snelbus ipv trein 983574
14:21 Puurs Stoptrein 2585 1a
MS80M-3 880.304 ->
14:27 +1 Zwolle Intercity 3652 3a
DDZ-6 7646 ->
14:30 Goes Stopbus ipv trein 983920
Train did not depart
Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
14:30 Goes Stopbus ipv trein 983462
14:31 +2 Amsterdam Centraal Intercity 2257 4a
VIRM-4 9573, VIRM-4 9516 ->
14:38 Dordrecht Sprinter 5950 3b
SNG-4 2714 ->
14:45 Zwolle Snelbus ipv trein 984033
Train did not depart
14:45 Goes Snelbus ipv trein 983575
14:57 Zwolle Intercity 3654 3a
ICM-4 4235, ICM-3 4072 ->

15:00 – 16:00

15 services, 4 cancelled (26.7%), 4 delayed (26.7%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
15:00 Goes Stopbus ipv trein 983921
Train did not depart
15:00 Goes Stopbus ipv trein 983463
15:01 +4 Amsterdam Centraal Intercity 2259 4b
VIRM-6 8651 ->
15:08 +1 Dordrecht Sprinter 5952 1b
SNG-4 2750 ->
15:15 Zwolle Snelbus ipv trein 984034
Train did not depart
15:15 Goes Snelbus ipv trein 983576
15:21 Puurs Stoptrein 2586 1a
MS75-4 880.805 ->
15:27 Zwolle Intercity 3656 3a
DDZ-4 7527 ->
15:30 Goes Stopbus ipv trein 983922
Train did not depart
Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
15:30 Goes Stopbus ipv trein 983464
15:31 +1 Amsterdam Centraal Intercity 2261 4a
VIRM-4 9417 ->
15:38 Dordrecht Sprinter 5954 3b
SNG-4 2722 ->
15:45 Zwolle Snelbus ipv trein 984035
Train did not depart
15:45 Goes Snelbus ipv trein 983577
15:57 Zwolle Intercity 3658 3a
ICM-4 4227, ICM-3 4079 ->

16:00 – 17:00

15 services, 4 cancelled (26.7%), 4 delayed (26.7%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
16:00 Goes Stopbus ipv trein 983923
Train did not depart
16:00 Goes Stopbus ipv trein 983465
16:01 +3 Amsterdam Centraal Intercity 2263 4b
VIRM-6 8641 ->
16:08 Dordrecht Sprinter 5956 1b
SNG-4 2714 ->
16:15 Zwolle Snelbus ipv trein 984036
Train did not depart
16:15 Goes Snelbus ipv trein 983578
16:21 Puurs Stoptrein 2587 1a
MS75-4 880.809 ->
16:27 +1 Zwolle Intercity 3660 3a
ICM-4 4233, ICM-3 4022 ->
16:30 Goes Stopbus ipv trein 983924
Train did not depart
Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
16:30 Goes Stopbus ipv trein 983466
16:31 +1 Amsterdam Centraal Intercity 2265 4a
VIRM-6 8743 ->
16:38 Dordrecht Sprinter 5958 3b
SNG-4 2750 ->
16:45 Zwolle Snelbus ipv trein 984037
Train did not depart
16:45 Goes Snelbus ipv trein 983579
16:57 Zwolle Intercity 3662 3a
ICM-4 4218, ICM-3 4041 ->

17:00 – 18:00

15 services, 4 cancelled (26.7%), 4 delayed (26.7%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
17:00 Goes Stopbus ipv trein 983925
Train did not depart
17:00 Goes Stopbus ipv trein 983467
17:01 Amsterdam Centraal Intercity 2267 4b
VIRM-4 9524 ->
17:08 +9 Dordrecht Sprinter 5960 1b
SNG-3 2314 ->
17:15 Zwolle Snelbus ipv trein 984038
Train did not depart
17:15 Goes Snelbus ipv trein 983580
17:21 Puurs Stoptrein 2588 1a
MS80M-3 880.301 ->
17:27 Zwolle Intercity 3664 3a
DDZ-6 7616 ->
17:30 Goes Stopbus ipv trein 983926
Train did not depart
Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
17:30 Goes Stopbus ipv trein 983468
17:31 +3 Amsterdam Centraal Intercity 2269 4a
VIRM-6 8715 ->
17:38 +1 Dordrecht Sprinter 5962 3b
SNG-4 2714 ->
17:45 Zwolle Snelbus ipv trein 984039
Train did not depart
17:45 Goes Snelbus ipv trein 983581
17:57 Zwolle Intercity 3666 3a
DDZ-6 7621 ->

18:00 – 19:00

15 services, 4 cancelled (26.7%), 4 delayed (26.7%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
18:00 Goes Stopbus ipv trein 983927
Train did not depart
18:00 Goes Stopbus ipv trein 983469
18:01 Amsterdam Centraal Intercity 2271 4b
VIRM-4 9406 ->
18:08 Dordrecht Sprinter 5964 1b
SNG-4 2750 ->
18:15 Zwolle Snelbus ipv trein 984040
Train did not depart
18:15 Goes Snelbus ipv trein 983582
18:21 Puurs Stoptrein 2589 1a
MS75-4 880.806 ->
18:27 Zwolle Intercity 3668 3a
ICM-4 4207 ->
18:30 Goes Stopbus ipv trein 983928
Train did not depart
Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
18:30 Goes Stopbus ipv trein 983470
18:31 +1 Amsterdam Centraal Intercity 2273 4a
VIRM-4 9570 ->
18:38 Dordrecht Sprinter 5966 3b
SNG-3 2314 ->
18:45 Zwolle Snelbus ipv trein 984041
Train did not depart
18:45 Goes Snelbus ipv trein 983583
18:57 Zwolle Intercity 3670 3a
DDZ-4 7510 ->

19:00 – 20:00

15 services, 4 cancelled (26.7%), 4 delayed (26.7%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
19:00 Goes Stopbus ipv trein 983929
Train did not depart
19:00 Goes Stopbus ipv trein 983471
19:01 Amsterdam Centraal Intercity 2275 4b
VIRM-4 9573, VIRM-4 9516 ->
19:08 Dordrecht Sprinter 5968 1b
SNG-4 2714 ->
19:15 Zwolle Snelbus ipv trein 984042
Train did not depart
19:15 Goes Snelbus ipv trein 983584
19:21 Puurs Stoptrein 2590 1a
MS80M-3 880.304 ->
19:27 Zwolle Intercity 3672 3a
ICM-4 4241 ->
19:30 Goes Stopbus ipv trein 983930
Train did not depart
Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
19:30 Goes Stopbus ipv trein 983472
19:31 +2 Amsterdam Centraal Intercity 2277 4a
VIRM-6 8651 ->
19:38 Dordrecht Sprinter 5970 3b
SNG-4 2750 ->
19:45 Zwolle Snelbus ipv trein 984043
Train did not depart
19:45 Goes Snelbus ipv trein 983585
19:57 Zwolle Intercity 3674 3a
DDZ-4 7515 ->

20:00 – 21:00

14 services, 4 cancelled (28.6%), 4 delayed (28.6%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
20:00 Goes Stopbus ipv trein 983931
Train did not depart
20:00 Goes Stopbus ipv trein 983473
20:01 Amsterdam Centraal Intercity 2279 4b
VIRM-4 9417 ->
20:08 +1 Den Haag Centraal Sprinter 5172 1b
SNG-3 2314 ->
20:15 Zwolle Snelbus ipv trein 984044
Train did not depart
20:15 Goes Snelbus ipv trein 983586
20:21 Puurs Stoptrein 2591 1a
MS75-4 880.805 ->
20:27 +1 Zwolle Intercity 3676 3a
DDZ-6 7646 ->
20:30 Goes Stopbus ipv trein 983932
Train did not depart
Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
20:30 Goes Stopbus ipv trein 983474
20:31 +1 Amsterdam Centraal Intercity 2281 4a
VIRM-6 8641 ->
20:45 Zwolle Snelbus ipv trein 984045
Train did not depart
20:45 Goes Snelbus ipv trein 983587
20:57 Zwolle Intercity 3678 3a
ICM-4 4235 ->

21:00 – 22:00

15 services, 4 cancelled (26.7%), 4 delayed (26.7%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
21:00 Goes Stopbus ipv trein 983933
Train did not depart
21:00 Goes Stopbus ipv trein 983475
21:01 +2 Amsterdam Centraal Intercity 2283 4b
VIRM-6 8743 ->
21:08 Den Haag Centraal Sprinter 5176 3b
SNG-4 2714, SNG-4 2750 ->
20:42 +4 21:13 +1 Berlin Hbf European Sleeper 453 1
INT26,4-1, INT26,4-1, INT26,4-1, INT26,4-1, INT26,4-1, INT26,4-1, INT26,4-1, INT26,4-1, INT26,4-1, E-LOC-TRAX, INT26,4-1 ->
21:15 Goes Snelbus ipv trein 984046
Train did not depart
21:15 Goes Snelbus ipv trein 983588
21:21 Puurs Stoptrein 2592 1a
MS75-4 880.809 ->
21:27 +1 Zwolle Intercity 3680 3a
DDZ-4 7527 ->
Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
21:30 Goes Stopbus ipv trein 983934
Train did not depart
21:30 Goes Stopbus ipv trein 983476
21:31 +1 Amsterdam Centraal Intercity 2285 4a
VIRM-4 9524 ->
21:45 Assen Snelbus ipv trein 984047
Train did not depart
21:45 Goes Snelbus ipv trein 983589
21:57 Zwolle Intercity 3682 3a
ICM-4 4227 ->

22:00 – 23:00

14 services, 4 cancelled (28.6%), 4 delayed (28.6%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
22:00 Goes Stopbus ipv trein 983935
Train did not depart
22:00 Goes Stopbus ipv trein 983477
22:01 Amsterdam Centraal Intercity 2287 4b
VIRM-6 8715 ->
22:08 +1 Den Haag Centraal Sprinter 5180 3b
SNG-4 2707, SNG-4 2775 ->
22:15 Assen Snelbus ipv trein 984048
Train did not depart
22:15 Goes Snelbus ipv trein 983590
22:21 Antwerpen-Centraal Stoptrein 2593 1a
MS80M-3 880.301 ->
22:27 +1 Arnhem Centraal Intercity 3684 3a
ICM-4 4233, ICM-3 4022 ->
22:30 Goes Stopbus ipv trein 983936
Train did not depart
Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
22:30 Goes Stopbus ipv trein 983478
22:31 +2 Amsterdam Centraal Intercity 2289 4a
VIRM-4 9406 ->
22:45 Assen Snelbus ipv trein 984049
Train did not depart
22:45 Goes Snelbus ipv trein 983591
22:57 Arnhem Centraal Intercity 3686 3a
ICM-4 4218, ICM-3 4041 ->

23:00 – 24:00

13 services, 4 cancelled (30.8%), 4 delayed (30.8%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
23:00 Goes Stopbus ipv trein 983937
Train did not depart
23:00 Goes Stopbus ipv trein 983479
23:01 Amsterdam Centraal Intercity 2291 4b
VIRM-4 9570 ->
23:08 +1 Den Haag Centraal Sprinter 5184 3b
SNG-4 2734 ->
23:15 Assen Snelbus ipv trein 984050
Train did not depart
23:15 Goes Snelbus ipv trein 983592
23:21 Antwerpen-Centraal Stoptrein 2594 1a
MS75-4 880.806 ->
23:27 's-Hertogenbosch Intercity 3688 3b
ICM-4 4221 ->
23:30 Goes Stopbus ipv trein 983938
Train did not depart
Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
23:30 Goes Stopbus ipv trein 983480
23:31 +2 Amsterdam Centraal Intercity 2293 4a
VIRM-4 9573 ->
23:45 Assen Snelbus ipv trein 984051
Train did not depart
23:45 Goes Snelbus ipv trein 983593

00:00 – 01:00

8 services, 3 cancelled (37.5%), 3 delayed (37.5%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
00:00 Assen Snelbus ipv trein 984052
Train did not depart
00:00 Goes Stopbus ipv trein 983594
00:01 Rotterdam Centraal Intercity 202295 4b
VIRM-6 8651 ->
00:08 Rotterdam Centraal Sprinter 5188 3b
SNG-4 2740 ->
00:15 Assen Snelbus ipv trein 984055
Train did not depart
00:15 Goes Snelbus ipv trein 983597
00:30 Assen Snelbus ipv trein 984053
Train did not depart
00:30 Goes Stopbus ipv trein 983595