Train services at Goes on September 16, 2023

This page shows all trains which have departed from station Goes on Saturday, September 16, 2023. This includes all trains scheduled to depart, including trains which were eventually cancelled.

Services which were cancelled in advance, for example due to engineering works, are not included in this overview.

Saturday, September 16, 2023
Total services 413
On time 210 (51%)
Cancelled services 203 (49%)
Delayed trains* 0 (0%)
* trains delayed for 5 minutes or more, excluding cancelled services

Train services

Click on a service to view the entire route and delays along the route. Visit live departures for Goes for live information.

05:00 – 06:00

1 service, 0 cancelled (0%), 0 delayed (0%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
05:42 Kapelle-Biezelinge Stopbus ipv trein 982438

06:00 – 07:00

6 services, 1 cancelled (16.7%), 1 delayed (16.7%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
06:07 06:07 Roosendaal Stopbus ipv trein 982600
06:12 Kapelle-Biezelinge Stopbus ipv trein 982439
06:15 06:15 Roosendaal Snelbus ipv trein 982673
06:37 06:37 Roosendaal Stopbus ipv trein 982601
Train is cancelled
06:42 Kapelle-Biezelinge Stopbus ipv trein 982440
06:45 06:45 Roosendaal Snelbus ipv trein 982674

07:00 – 08:00

14 services, 6 cancelled (42.9%), 6 delayed (42.9%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
07:07 07:07 Roosendaal Stopbus ipv trein 982602
Train is cancelled
07:07 07:07 Roosendaal Stopbus ipv trein 981010
07:12 Kapelle-Biezelinge Stopbus ipv trein 982441
07:15 07:15 Roosendaal Snelbus ipv trein 982675
Train is cancelled
07:15 07:15 Roosendaal Snelbus ipv trein 981083
07:37 07:37 Roosendaal Stopbus ipv trein 982603
Train is cancelled
07:37 07:37 Roosendaal Stopbus ipv trein 981011
07:42 Kapelle-Biezelinge Stopbus ipv trein 982442
07:45 07:45 Roosendaal Snelbus ipv trein 982676
Train is cancelled
Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
07:45 07:45 Roosendaal Snelbus ipv trein 981084
07:48 07:48 Vlissingen Stopbus ipv trein 982565
Train is cancelled
07:48 07:48 Vlissingen Stopbus ipv trein 980973
07:50 07:50 Vlissingen Snelbus ipv trein 982638
Train is cancelled
07:50 07:50 Vlissingen Snelbus ipv trein 981046

08:00 – 09:00

24 services, 12 cancelled (50%), 12 delayed (50%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
08:07 08:07 Roosendaal Stopbus ipv trein 982604
Train is cancelled
08:07 08:07 Roosendaal Stopbus ipv trein 981012
08:12 Kapelle-Biezelinge Stopbus ipv trein 982443
Train did not depart
08:12 Kapelle-Biezelinge Stopbus ipv trein 980851
08:15 08:15 Roosendaal Snelbus ipv trein 982677
Train is cancelled
08:15 08:15 Roosendaal Snelbus ipv trein 981085
08:18 08:18 Vlissingen Stopbus ipv trein 982566
Train is cancelled
08:18 08:18 Vlissingen Stopbus ipv trein 980974
08:20 08:20 Vlissingen Snelbus ipv trein 982639
Train is cancelled
Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
08:20 08:20 Vlissingen Snelbus ipv trein 981047
08:27 Roosendaal Stopbus ipv trein 982475
Train did not depart
08:27 Kapelle-Biezelinge Stopbus ipv trein 980883
08:37 08:37 Roosendaal Stopbus ipv trein 982605
Train is cancelled
08:37 08:37 Roosendaal Stopbus ipv trein 981013
08:42 Kapelle-Biezelinge Stopbus ipv trein 982444
Train did not depart
08:42 Kapelle-Biezelinge Stopbus ipv trein 980852
Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
08:45 08:45 Roosendaal Snelbus ipv trein 982678
Train is cancelled
Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
08:45 08:45 Roosendaal Snelbus ipv trein 981086
08:48 08:48 Vlissingen Stopbus ipv trein 982567
Train is cancelled
08:48 08:48 Vlissingen Stopbus ipv trein 980975
08:50 08:50 Vlissingen Snelbus ipv trein 982640
Train is cancelled
08:50 08:50 Vlissingen Snelbus ipv trein 981048
08:57 Roosendaal Stopbus ipv trein 982476
Train did not depart
08:57 Kapelle-Biezelinge Stopbus ipv trein 980884

09:00 – 10:00

24 services, 12 cancelled (50%), 12 delayed (50%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
09:07 09:07 Roosendaal Stopbus ipv trein 982606
Train is cancelled
09:07 09:07 Roosendaal Stopbus ipv trein 981014
09:12 Kapelle-Biezelinge Stopbus ipv trein 982445
Train did not depart
09:12 Kapelle-Biezelinge Stopbus ipv trein 980853
09:15 09:15 Roosendaal Snelbus ipv trein 982679
Train is cancelled
09:15 09:15 Roosendaal Snelbus ipv trein 981087
09:18 09:18 Vlissingen Stopbus ipv trein 982568
Train is cancelled
09:18 09:18 Vlissingen Stopbus ipv trein 980976
09:20 09:20 Vlissingen Snelbus ipv trein 982641
Train is cancelled
Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
09:20 09:20 Vlissingen Snelbus ipv trein 981049
09:27 Roosendaal Stopbus ipv trein 982477
Train did not depart
09:27 Kapelle-Biezelinge Stopbus ipv trein 980885
09:37 09:37 Roosendaal Stopbus ipv trein 982607
Train is cancelled
09:37 09:37 Roosendaal Stopbus ipv trein 981015
09:42 Kapelle-Biezelinge Stopbus ipv trein 982446
Train did not depart
09:42 Kapelle-Biezelinge Stopbus ipv trein 980854
Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
09:45 09:45 Roosendaal Snelbus ipv trein 982680
Train is cancelled
Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
09:45 09:45 Roosendaal Snelbus ipv trein 981088
09:48 09:48 Vlissingen Stopbus ipv trein 982569
Train is cancelled
09:48 09:48 Vlissingen Stopbus ipv trein 980977
09:50 09:50 Vlissingen Snelbus ipv trein 982642
Train is cancelled
09:50 09:50 Vlissingen Snelbus ipv trein 981050
09:57 Roosendaal Stopbus ipv trein 982478
Train did not depart
09:57 Kapelle-Biezelinge Stopbus ipv trein 980886

10:00 – 11:00

24 services, 12 cancelled (50%), 12 delayed (50%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
10:07 10:07 Roosendaal Stopbus ipv trein 982608
Train is cancelled
10:07 10:07 Roosendaal Stopbus ipv trein 981016
10:12 Gouda Stopbus ipv trein 982447
Train did not depart
10:12 Kapelle-Biezelinge Stopbus ipv trein 980855
10:15 10:15 Roosendaal Snelbus ipv trein 982681
Train is cancelled
10:15 10:15 Roosendaal Snelbus ipv trein 981089
10:18 10:18 Vlissingen Stopbus ipv trein 982570
Train is cancelled
10:18 10:18 Vlissingen Stopbus ipv trein 980978
10:20 10:20 Vlissingen Snelbus ipv trein 982643
Train is cancelled
Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
10:20 10:20 Vlissingen Snelbus ipv trein 981051
10:27 Roosendaal Stopbus ipv trein 982479
Train did not depart
10:27 Kapelle-Biezelinge Stopbus ipv trein 980887
10:37 10:37 Roosendaal Stopbus ipv trein 982609
Train is cancelled
10:37 10:37 Roosendaal Stopbus ipv trein 981017
10:42 Gouda Stopbus ipv trein 982448
Train did not depart
10:42 Kapelle-Biezelinge Stopbus ipv trein 980856
Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
10:45 10:45 Roosendaal Snelbus ipv trein 982682
Train is cancelled
Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
10:45 10:45 Roosendaal Snelbus ipv trein 981090
10:48 10:48 Vlissingen Stopbus ipv trein 982571
Train is cancelled
10:48 10:48 Vlissingen Stopbus ipv trein 980979
10:50 10:50 Vlissingen Snelbus ipv trein 982644
Train is cancelled
10:50 10:50 Vlissingen Snelbus ipv trein 981052
10:57 Roosendaal Stopbus ipv trein 982480
Train did not depart
10:57 Kapelle-Biezelinge Stopbus ipv trein 980888

11:00 – 12:00

24 services, 12 cancelled (50%), 12 delayed (50%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
11:07 11:07 Roosendaal Stopbus ipv trein 982610
Train is cancelled
11:07 11:07 Roosendaal Stopbus ipv trein 981018
11:12 Gouda Stopbus ipv trein 982449
Train did not depart
11:12 Kapelle-Biezelinge Stopbus ipv trein 980857
11:15 11:15 Roosendaal Snelbus ipv trein 982683
Train is cancelled
11:15 11:15 Roosendaal Snelbus ipv trein 981091
11:18 11:18 Vlissingen Stopbus ipv trein 982572
Train is cancelled
11:18 11:18 Vlissingen Stopbus ipv trein 980980
11:20 11:20 Vlissingen Snelbus ipv trein 982645
Train is cancelled
Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
11:20 11:20 Vlissingen Snelbus ipv trein 981053
11:27 Roosendaal Stopbus ipv trein 982481
Train did not depart
11:27 Kapelle-Biezelinge Stopbus ipv trein 980889
11:37 11:37 Roosendaal Stopbus ipv trein 982611
Train is cancelled
11:37 11:37 Roosendaal Stopbus ipv trein 981019
11:42 Kapelle-Biezelinge Stopbus ipv trein 982450
Train did not depart
11:42 Kapelle-Biezelinge Stopbus ipv trein 980858
Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
11:45 11:45 Roosendaal Snelbus ipv trein 982684
Train is cancelled
Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
11:45 11:45 Roosendaal Snelbus ipv trein 981092
11:48 11:48 Vlissingen Stopbus ipv trein 982573
Train is cancelled
11:48 11:48 Vlissingen Stopbus ipv trein 980981
11:50 11:50 Vlissingen Snelbus ipv trein 982646
Train is cancelled
11:50 11:50 Vlissingen Snelbus ipv trein 981054
11:57 Roosendaal Stopbus ipv trein 982482
Train did not depart
11:57 Kapelle-Biezelinge Stopbus ipv trein 980890

12:00 – 13:00

24 services, 12 cancelled (50%), 12 delayed (50%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
12:07 12:07 Roosendaal Stopbus ipv trein 982612
Train is cancelled
12:07 12:07 Roosendaal Stopbus ipv trein 981020
12:12 Kapelle-Biezelinge Stopbus ipv trein 982451
Train did not depart
12:12 Kapelle-Biezelinge Stopbus ipv trein 980859
12:15 12:15 Roosendaal Snelbus ipv trein 982685
Train is cancelled
12:15 12:15 Roosendaal Snelbus ipv trein 981093
12:18 12:18 Vlissingen Stopbus ipv trein 982574
Train is cancelled
12:18 12:18 Vlissingen Stopbus ipv trein 980982
12:20 12:20 Vlissingen Snelbus ipv trein 982647
Train is cancelled
Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
12:20 12:20 Vlissingen Snelbus ipv trein 981055
12:27 Roosendaal Stopbus ipv trein 982483
Train did not depart
12:27 Kapelle-Biezelinge Stopbus ipv trein 980891
12:37 12:37 Roosendaal Stopbus ipv trein 982613
Train is cancelled
12:37 12:37 Roosendaal Stopbus ipv trein 981021
12:42 Antwerpen-Centraal Stopbus ipv trein 982452
Train did not depart
12:42 Kapelle-Biezelinge Stopbus ipv trein 980860
Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
12:45 12:45 Roosendaal Snelbus ipv trein 982686
Train is cancelled
Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
12:45 12:45 Roosendaal Snelbus ipv trein 981094
12:48 12:48 Vlissingen Stopbus ipv trein 982575
Train is cancelled
12:48 12:48 Vlissingen Stopbus ipv trein 980983
12:50 12:50 Vlissingen Snelbus ipv trein 982648
Train is cancelled
12:50 12:50 Vlissingen Snelbus ipv trein 981056
12:57 Roosendaal Stopbus ipv trein 982484
Train did not depart
12:57 Kapelle-Biezelinge Stopbus ipv trein 980892

13:00 – 14:00

24 services, 12 cancelled (50%), 12 delayed (50%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
13:07 13:07 Roosendaal Stopbus ipv trein 982614
Train is cancelled
13:07 13:07 Roosendaal Stopbus ipv trein 981022
13:12 Antwerpen-Centraal Stopbus ipv trein 982453
Train did not depart
13:12 Kapelle-Biezelinge Stopbus ipv trein 980861
13:15 13:15 Roosendaal Snelbus ipv trein 982687
Train is cancelled
13:15 13:15 Roosendaal Snelbus ipv trein 981095
13:18 13:18 Vlissingen Stopbus ipv trein 982576
Train is cancelled
13:18 13:18 Vlissingen Stopbus ipv trein 980984
13:20 13:20 Vlissingen Snelbus ipv trein 982649
Train is cancelled
Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
13:20 13:20 Vlissingen Snelbus ipv trein 981057
13:27 Kapelle-Biezelinge Stopbus ipv trein 982485
Train did not depart
13:27 Kapelle-Biezelinge Stopbus ipv trein 980893
13:37 13:37 Roosendaal Stopbus ipv trein 982615
Train is cancelled
13:37 13:37 Roosendaal Stopbus ipv trein 981023
13:42 Antwerpen-Centraal Stopbus ipv trein 982454
Train did not depart
13:42 Kapelle-Biezelinge Stopbus ipv trein 980862
Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
13:45 13:45 Roosendaal Snelbus ipv trein 982688
Train is cancelled
Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
13:45 13:45 Roosendaal Snelbus ipv trein 981096
13:48 13:48 Vlissingen Stopbus ipv trein 982577
Train is cancelled
13:48 13:48 Vlissingen Stopbus ipv trein 980985
13:50 13:50 Vlissingen Snelbus ipv trein 982650
Train is cancelled
13:50 13:50 Vlissingen Snelbus ipv trein 981058
13:57 Kapelle-Biezelinge Stopbus ipv trein 982486
Train did not depart
13:57 Kapelle-Biezelinge Stopbus ipv trein 980894

14:00 – 15:00

24 services, 12 cancelled (50%), 12 delayed (50%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
14:07 14:07 Roosendaal Stopbus ipv trein 982616
Train is cancelled
14:07 14:07 Roosendaal Stopbus ipv trein 981024
14:12 Antwerpen-Centraal Stopbus ipv trein 982455
Train did not depart
14:12 Kapelle-Biezelinge Stopbus ipv trein 980863
14:15 14:15 Roosendaal Snelbus ipv trein 982689
Train is cancelled
14:15 14:15 Roosendaal Snelbus ipv trein 981097
14:18 14:18 Vlissingen Stopbus ipv trein 982578
Train is cancelled
14:18 14:18 Vlissingen Stopbus ipv trein 980986
14:20 14:20 Vlissingen Snelbus ipv trein 982651
Train is cancelled
Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
14:20 14:20 Vlissingen Snelbus ipv trein 981059
14:27 Kapelle-Biezelinge Stopbus ipv trein 982487
Train did not depart
14:27 Kapelle-Biezelinge Stopbus ipv trein 980895
14:37 14:37 Roosendaal Stopbus ipv trein 982617
Train is cancelled
14:37 14:37 Roosendaal Stopbus ipv trein 981025
14:42 Antwerpen-Centraal Stopbus ipv trein 982456
Train did not depart
14:42 Kapelle-Biezelinge Stopbus ipv trein 980864
Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
14:45 14:45 Roosendaal Snelbus ipv trein 982690
Train is cancelled
Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
14:45 14:45 Roosendaal Snelbus ipv trein 981098
14:48 14:48 Vlissingen Stopbus ipv trein 982579
Train is cancelled
14:48 14:48 Vlissingen Stopbus ipv trein 980987
14:50 14:50 Vlissingen Snelbus ipv trein 982652
Train is cancelled
14:50 14:50 Vlissingen Snelbus ipv trein 981060
14:57 Kapelle-Biezelinge Stopbus ipv trein 982488
Train did not depart
14:57 Kapelle-Biezelinge Stopbus ipv trein 980896

15:00 – 16:00

24 services, 12 cancelled (50%), 12 delayed (50%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
15:07 15:07 Roosendaal Stopbus ipv trein 982618
Train is cancelled
15:07 15:07 Roosendaal Stopbus ipv trein 981026
15:12 Antwerpen-Centraal Stopbus ipv trein 982457
Train did not depart
15:12 Kapelle-Biezelinge Stopbus ipv trein 980865
15:15 15:15 Roosendaal Snelbus ipv trein 982691
Train is cancelled
15:15 15:15 Roosendaal Snelbus ipv trein 981099
15:18 15:18 Vlissingen Stopbus ipv trein 982580
Train is cancelled
15:18 15:18 Vlissingen Stopbus ipv trein 980988
15:20 15:20 Vlissingen Snelbus ipv trein 982653
Train is cancelled
Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
15:20 15:20 Vlissingen Snelbus ipv trein 981061
15:27 Kapelle-Biezelinge Stopbus ipv trein 982489
Train did not depart
15:27 Kapelle-Biezelinge Stopbus ipv trein 980897
15:37 15:37 Roosendaal Stopbus ipv trein 982619
Train is cancelled
15:37 15:37 Roosendaal Stopbus ipv trein 981027
15:42 Antwerpen-Centraal Stopbus ipv trein 982458
Train did not depart
15:42 Kapelle-Biezelinge Stopbus ipv trein 980866
Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
15:45 15:45 Roosendaal Snelbus ipv trein 982692
Train is cancelled
Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
15:45 15:45 Roosendaal Snelbus ipv trein 981100
15:48 15:48 Vlissingen Stopbus ipv trein 982581
Train is cancelled
15:48 15:48 Vlissingen Stopbus ipv trein 980989
15:50 15:50 Vlissingen Snelbus ipv trein 982654
Train is cancelled
15:50 15:50 Vlissingen Snelbus ipv trein 981062
15:57 Kapelle-Biezelinge Stopbus ipv trein 982490
Train did not depart
15:57 Kapelle-Biezelinge Stopbus ipv trein 980898

16:00 – 17:00

24 services, 12 cancelled (50%), 12 delayed (50%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
16:07 16:07 Roosendaal Stopbus ipv trein 982620
Train is cancelled
16:07 16:07 Roosendaal Stopbus ipv trein 981028
16:12 Antwerpen-Centraal Stopbus ipv trein 982459
Train did not depart
16:12 Kapelle-Biezelinge Stopbus ipv trein 980867
16:15 16:15 Roosendaal Snelbus ipv trein 982693
Train is cancelled
16:15 16:15 Roosendaal Snelbus ipv trein 981101
16:18 16:18 Vlissingen Stopbus ipv trein 982582
Train is cancelled
16:18 16:18 Vlissingen Stopbus ipv trein 980990
16:20 16:20 Vlissingen Snelbus ipv trein 982655
Train is cancelled
Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
16:20 16:20 Vlissingen Snelbus ipv trein 981063
16:27 Kapelle-Biezelinge Stopbus ipv trein 982491
Train did not depart
16:27 Kapelle-Biezelinge Stopbus ipv trein 980899
16:37 16:37 Roosendaal Stopbus ipv trein 982621
Train is cancelled
16:37 16:37 Roosendaal Stopbus ipv trein 981029
16:42 Antwerpen-Centraal Stopbus ipv trein 982460
Train did not depart
16:42 Kapelle-Biezelinge Stopbus ipv trein 980868
Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
16:45 16:45 Roosendaal Snelbus ipv trein 982694
Train is cancelled
Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
16:45 16:45 Roosendaal Snelbus ipv trein 981102
16:48 16:48 Vlissingen Stopbus ipv trein 982583
Train is cancelled
16:48 16:48 Vlissingen Stopbus ipv trein 980991
16:50 16:50 Vlissingen Snelbus ipv trein 982656
Train is cancelled
16:50 16:50 Vlissingen Snelbus ipv trein 981064
16:57 Kapelle-Biezelinge Stopbus ipv trein 982492
Train did not depart
16:57 Kapelle-Biezelinge Stopbus ipv trein 980900

17:00 – 18:00

24 services, 12 cancelled (50%), 12 delayed (50%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
17:07 17:07 Roosendaal Stopbus ipv trein 982622
Train is cancelled
17:07 17:07 Roosendaal Stopbus ipv trein 981030
17:12 Antwerpen-Centraal Stopbus ipv trein 982461
Train did not depart
17:12 Kapelle-Biezelinge Stopbus ipv trein 980869
17:15 17:15 Roosendaal Snelbus ipv trein 982695
Train is cancelled
17:15 17:15 Roosendaal Snelbus ipv trein 981103
17:18 17:18 Vlissingen Stopbus ipv trein 982584
Train is cancelled
17:18 17:18 Vlissingen Stopbus ipv trein 980992
17:20 17:20 Vlissingen Snelbus ipv trein 982657
Train is cancelled
Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
17:20 17:20 Vlissingen Snelbus ipv trein 981065
17:27 Kapelle-Biezelinge Stopbus ipv trein 982493
Train did not depart
17:27 Kapelle-Biezelinge Stopbus ipv trein 980901
17:37 17:37 Roosendaal Stopbus ipv trein 982623
Train is cancelled
17:37 17:37 Roosendaal Stopbus ipv trein 981031
17:42 Antwerpen-Centraal Stopbus ipv trein 982462
Train did not depart
17:42 Kapelle-Biezelinge Stopbus ipv trein 980870
Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
17:45 17:45 Roosendaal Snelbus ipv trein 982696
Train is cancelled
Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
17:45 17:45 Roosendaal Snelbus ipv trein 981104
17:48 17:48 Vlissingen Stopbus ipv trein 982585
Train is cancelled
17:48 17:48 Vlissingen Stopbus ipv trein 980993
17:50 17:50 Vlissingen Snelbus ipv trein 982658
Train is cancelled
17:50 17:50 Vlissingen Snelbus ipv trein 981066
17:57 Kapelle-Biezelinge Stopbus ipv trein 982494
Train did not depart
17:57 Kapelle-Biezelinge Stopbus ipv trein 980902

18:00 – 19:00

24 services, 12 cancelled (50%), 12 delayed (50%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
18:07 18:07 Roosendaal Stopbus ipv trein 982624
Train is cancelled
18:07 18:07 Roosendaal Stopbus ipv trein 981032
18:12 Antwerpen-Centraal Stopbus ipv trein 982463
Train did not depart
18:12 Kapelle-Biezelinge Stopbus ipv trein 980871
18:15 18:15 Roosendaal Snelbus ipv trein 982697
Train is cancelled
18:15 18:15 Roosendaal Snelbus ipv trein 981105
18:18 18:18 Vlissingen Stopbus ipv trein 982586
Train is cancelled
18:18 18:18 Vlissingen Stopbus ipv trein 980994
18:20 18:20 Vlissingen Snelbus ipv trein 982659
Train is cancelled
Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
18:20 18:20 Vlissingen Snelbus ipv trein 981067
18:27 Kapelle-Biezelinge Stopbus ipv trein 982495
Train did not depart
18:27 Kapelle-Biezelinge Stopbus ipv trein 980903
18:37 18:37 Roosendaal Stopbus ipv trein 982625
Train is cancelled
18:37 18:37 Roosendaal Stopbus ipv trein 981033
18:42 Antwerpen-Centraal Stopbus ipv trein 982464
Train did not depart
18:42 Kapelle-Biezelinge Stopbus ipv trein 980872
Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
18:45 18:45 Roosendaal Snelbus ipv trein 982698
Train is cancelled
Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
18:45 18:45 Roosendaal Snelbus ipv trein 981106
18:48 18:48 Vlissingen Stopbus ipv trein 982587
Train is cancelled
18:48 18:48 Vlissingen Stopbus ipv trein 980995
18:50 18:50 Vlissingen Snelbus ipv trein 982660
Train is cancelled
18:50 18:50 Vlissingen Snelbus ipv trein 981068
18:57 Kapelle-Biezelinge Stopbus ipv trein 982496
Train did not depart
18:57 Kapelle-Biezelinge Stopbus ipv trein 980904

19:00 – 20:00

24 services, 12 cancelled (50%), 12 delayed (50%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
19:07 19:07 Roosendaal Stopbus ipv trein 982626
Train is cancelled
19:07 19:07 Roosendaal Stopbus ipv trein 981034
19:12 Antwerpen-Centraal Stopbus ipv trein 982465
Train did not depart
19:12 Kapelle-Biezelinge Stopbus ipv trein 980873
19:15 19:15 Roosendaal Snelbus ipv trein 982699
Train is cancelled
19:15 19:15 Roosendaal Snelbus ipv trein 981107
19:18 19:18 Vlissingen Stopbus ipv trein 982588
Train is cancelled
19:18 19:18 Vlissingen Stopbus ipv trein 980996
19:20 19:20 Vlissingen Snelbus ipv trein 982661
Train is cancelled
Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
19:20 19:20 Vlissingen Snelbus ipv trein 981069
19:27 Kapelle-Biezelinge Stopbus ipv trein 982497
Train did not depart
19:27 Kapelle-Biezelinge Stopbus ipv trein 980905
19:37 19:37 Roosendaal Stopbus ipv trein 982627
Train is cancelled
19:37 19:37 Roosendaal Stopbus ipv trein 981035
19:42 Antwerpen-Centraal Stopbus ipv trein 982466
Train did not depart
19:42 Kapelle-Biezelinge Stopbus ipv trein 980874
Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
19:45 19:45 Roosendaal Snelbus ipv trein 982700
Train is cancelled
Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
19:45 19:45 Roosendaal Snelbus ipv trein 981108
19:48 19:48 Vlissingen Stopbus ipv trein 982589
Train is cancelled
19:48 19:48 Vlissingen Stopbus ipv trein 980997
19:50 19:50 Vlissingen Snelbus ipv trein 982662
Train is cancelled
19:50 19:50 Vlissingen Snelbus ipv trein 981070
19:57 Kapelle-Biezelinge Stopbus ipv trein 982498
Train did not depart
19:57 Kapelle-Biezelinge Stopbus ipv trein 980906

20:00 – 21:00

20 services, 10 cancelled (50%), 10 delayed (50%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
20:07 20:07 Roosendaal Stopbus ipv trein 982628
Train is cancelled
20:07 20:07 Roosendaal Stopbus ipv trein 981036
20:12 Antwerpen-Centraal Stopbus ipv trein 982467
Train did not depart
20:12 Kapelle-Biezelinge Stopbus ipv trein 980875
20:15 20:15 Roosendaal Snelbus ipv trein 982701
Train is cancelled
20:15 20:15 Roosendaal Snelbus ipv trein 981109
20:18 20:18 Vlissingen Stopbus ipv trein 982590
Train is cancelled
20:18 20:18 Vlissingen Stopbus ipv trein 980998
20:20 20:20 Vlissingen Snelbus ipv trein 982663
Train is cancelled
Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
20:20 20:20 Vlissingen Snelbus ipv trein 981071
20:37 20:37 Roosendaal Stopbus ipv trein 982629
Train is cancelled
20:37 20:37 Roosendaal Stopbus ipv trein 981037
20:42 Kapelle-Biezelinge Stopbus ipv trein 982468
Train did not depart
20:42 Kapelle-Biezelinge Stopbus ipv trein 980876
20:45 20:45 Roosendaal Snelbus ipv trein 982702
Train is cancelled
20:45 20:45 Roosendaal Snelbus ipv trein 981110
20:48 20:48 Vlissingen Stopbus ipv trein 982591
Train is cancelled
20:48 20:48 Vlissingen Stopbus ipv trein 980999
20:50 20:50 Vlissingen Snelbus ipv trein 982664
Train is cancelled
20:50 20:50 Vlissingen Snelbus ipv trein 981072

21:00 – 22:00

20 services, 10 cancelled (50%), 10 delayed (50%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
21:07 21:07 Roosendaal Stopbus ipv trein 982630
Train is cancelled
21:07 21:07 Roosendaal Stopbus ipv trein 981038
21:12 Roosendaal Stopbus ipv trein 982469
Train did not depart
21:12 Kapelle-Biezelinge Stopbus ipv trein 980877
21:15 21:15 Roosendaal Snelbus ipv trein 982703
Train is cancelled
21:15 21:15 Roosendaal Snelbus ipv trein 981111
21:18 21:18 Vlissingen Stopbus ipv trein 982592
Train is cancelled
21:18 21:18 Vlissingen Stopbus ipv trein 981000
21:20 21:20 Vlissingen Snelbus ipv trein 982665
Train is cancelled
Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
21:20 21:20 Vlissingen Snelbus ipv trein 981073
21:37 21:37 Roosendaal Stopbus ipv trein 982631
Train is cancelled
21:37 21:37 Roosendaal Stopbus ipv trein 981039
21:42 Roosendaal Stopbus ipv trein 982470
Train did not depart
21:42 Kapelle-Biezelinge Stopbus ipv trein 980878
21:45 21:45 Roosendaal Snelbus ipv trein 982704
Train is cancelled
21:45 21:45 Roosendaal Snelbus ipv trein 981112
21:48 21:48 Vlissingen Stopbus ipv trein 982593
Train is cancelled
21:48 21:48 Vlissingen Stopbus ipv trein 981001
21:50 21:50 Vlissingen Snelbus ipv trein 982666
Train is cancelled
21:50 21:50 Vlissingen Snelbus ipv trein 981074

22:00 – 23:00

20 services, 10 cancelled (50%), 10 delayed (50%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
22:07 22:07 Roosendaal Stopbus ipv trein 982632
Train is cancelled
22:07 22:07 Roosendaal Stopbus ipv trein 981040
22:12 Roosendaal Stopbus ipv trein 982471
Train did not depart
22:12 Kapelle-Biezelinge Stopbus ipv trein 980879
22:15 22:15 Roosendaal Snelbus ipv trein 982705
Train is cancelled
22:15 22:15 Roosendaal Snelbus ipv trein 981113
22:18 22:18 Vlissingen Stopbus ipv trein 982594
Train is cancelled
22:18 22:18 Vlissingen Stopbus ipv trein 981002
22:20 22:20 Vlissingen Snelbus ipv trein 982667
Train is cancelled
Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
22:20 22:20 Vlissingen Snelbus ipv trein 981075
22:37 22:37 Roosendaal Stopbus ipv trein 982633
Train is cancelled
22:37 22:37 Roosendaal Stopbus ipv trein 981041
22:42 Roosendaal Stopbus ipv trein 982472
Train did not depart
22:42 Kapelle-Biezelinge Stopbus ipv trein 980880
22:45 22:45 Roosendaal Snelbus ipv trein 982706
Train is cancelled
22:45 22:45 Roosendaal Snelbus ipv trein 981114
22:48 22:48 Vlissingen Stopbus ipv trein 982595
Train is cancelled
22:48 22:48 Vlissingen Stopbus ipv trein 981003
22:50 22:50 Vlissingen Snelbus ipv trein 982668
Train is cancelled
22:50 22:50 Vlissingen Snelbus ipv trein 981076

23:00 – 24:00

20 services, 10 cancelled (50%), 10 delayed (50%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
23:07 23:07 Roosendaal Stopbus ipv trein 982634
Train is cancelled
23:07 23:07 Roosendaal Stopbus ipv trein 981042
23:12 Roosendaal Stopbus ipv trein 982473
Train did not depart
23:12 Kapelle-Biezelinge Stopbus ipv trein 980881
23:15 23:15 Roosendaal Snelbus ipv trein 982707
Train is cancelled
23:15 23:15 Roosendaal Snelbus ipv trein 981115
23:18 23:18 Vlissingen Stopbus ipv trein 982596
Train is cancelled
23:18 23:18 Vlissingen Stopbus ipv trein 981004
23:20 23:20 Vlissingen Snelbus ipv trein 982669
Train is cancelled
Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
23:20 23:20 Vlissingen Snelbus ipv trein 981077
23:37 23:37 Roosendaal Stopbus ipv trein 982635
Train is cancelled
23:37 23:37 Roosendaal Stopbus ipv trein 981043
23:42 Roosendaal Stopbus ipv trein 982474
Train did not depart
23:42 Kapelle-Biezelinge Stopbus ipv trein 980882
23:45 23:45 Roosendaal Snelbus ipv trein 982708
Train is cancelled
23:45 23:45 Roosendaal Snelbus ipv trein 981116
23:48 23:48 Vlissingen Stopbus ipv trein 982597
Train is cancelled
23:48 23:48 Vlissingen Stopbus ipv trein 981005
23:50 23:50 Vlissingen Snelbus ipv trein 982670
Train is cancelled
23:50 23:50 Vlissingen Snelbus ipv trein 981078

00:00 – 01:00

16 services, 8 cancelled (50%), 8 delayed (50%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
00:07 00:07 Roosendaal Stopbus ipv trein 982636
Train is cancelled
00:07 00:07 Roosendaal Stopbus ipv trein 981044
00:12 Kapelle-Biezelinge Stopbus ipv trein 982435
Train did not depart
00:12 Kapelle-Biezelinge Stopbus ipv trein 980843
00:15 00:15 Roosendaal Snelbus ipv trein 982709
Train is cancelled
00:15 00:15 Roosendaal Snelbus ipv trein 981117
00:18 00:18 Vlissingen Stopbus ipv trein 982598
Train is cancelled
00:18 00:18 Vlissingen Stopbus ipv trein 981006
00:20 00:20 Vlissingen Snelbus ipv trein 982671
Train is cancelled
Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
00:20 00:20 Vlissingen Snelbus ipv trein 981079
00:42 Kapelle-Biezelinge Stopbus ipv trein 982436
Train did not depart
00:42 Kapelle-Biezelinge Stopbus ipv trein 980844
00:48 00:48 Vlissingen Stopbus ipv trein 982599
Train is cancelled
00:48 00:48 Vlissingen Stopbus ipv trein 981007
00:50 00:50 Vlissingen Snelbus ipv trein 982672
Train is cancelled
00:50 00:50 Vlissingen Snelbus ipv trein 981080

01:00 – 02:00

8 services, 4 cancelled (50%), 4 delayed (50%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
01:12 Kapelle-Biezelinge Stopbus ipv trein 982437
Train did not depart
01:12 Kapelle-Biezelinge Stopbus ipv trein 980845
01:18 01:18 Vlissingen Stopbus ipv trein 982563
Train is cancelled
01:18 01:18 Vlissingen Stopbus ipv trein 980971
01:20 01:20 Vlissingen Snelbus ipv trein 982637
Train is cancelled
01:20 01:20 Vlissingen Snelbus ipv trein 981045
01:48 01:48 Vlissingen Stopbus ipv trein 982564
Train is cancelled
01:48 01:48 Vlissingen Stopbus ipv trein 980972