Train services at Roodeschool on December 10, 2023

This page shows all trains which have departed from station Roodeschool on Sunday, December 10, 2023. This includes all trains scheduled to depart, including trains which were eventually cancelled.

Services which were cancelled in advance, for example due to engineering works, are not included in this overview.

Sunday, December 10, 2023
Total services 22
On time 22 (100%)
Cancelled services 0 (0%)
Delayed trains* 0 (0%)
* trains delayed for 5 minutes or more, excluding cancelled services

Train services

Click on a service to view the entire route and delays along the route. Visit live departures for Roodeschool for live information.

06:00 – 07:00

1 service, 0 cancelled (0%), 0 delayed (0%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
06:05 Baflo Stopbus ipv trein 982345

07:00 – 08:00

1 service, 0 cancelled (0%), 0 delayed (0%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
07:05 Baflo Stopbus ipv trein 982346

08:00 – 09:00

1 service, 0 cancelled (0%), 0 delayed (0%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
08:05 Baflo Stopbus ipv trein 982347

09:00 – 10:00

1 service, 0 cancelled (0%), 0 delayed (0%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
09:05 Baflo Stopbus ipv trein 982348

10:00 – 11:00

1 service, 0 cancelled (0%), 0 delayed (0%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
10:05 Baflo Stopbus ipv trein 982349

11:00 – 12:00

1 service, 0 cancelled (0%), 0 delayed (0%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
11:05 Baflo Stopbus ipv trein 982350

12:00 – 13:00

1 service, 0 cancelled (0%), 0 delayed (0%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
12:05 Baflo Stopbus ipv trein 982351

13:00 – 14:00

1 service, 0 cancelled (0%), 0 delayed (0%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
13:05 Baflo Stopbus ipv trein 982352

14:00 – 15:00

2 services, 0 cancelled (0%), 0 delayed (0%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
14:05 Baflo Stopbus ipv trein 982353
14:57 14:57 Eemshaven Snelbus ipv trein 982344

15:00 – 16:00

2 services, 0 cancelled (0%), 0 delayed (0%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
15:05 Baflo Stopbus ipv trein 982354
15:35 15:35 Groningen Snelbus ipv trein 982365

16:00 – 17:00

1 service, 0 cancelled (0%), 0 delayed (0%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
16:05 Baflo Stopbus ipv trein 982355

17:00 – 18:00

1 service, 0 cancelled (0%), 0 delayed (0%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
17:05 Baflo Stopbus ipv trein 982356

18:00 – 19:00

1 service, 0 cancelled (0%), 0 delayed (0%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
18:05 Baflo Stopbus ipv trein 982357

19:00 – 20:00

1 service, 0 cancelled (0%), 0 delayed (0%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
19:05 Baflo Stopbus ipv trein 982358

20:00 – 21:00

1 service, 0 cancelled (0%), 0 delayed (0%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
20:05 Baflo Stopbus ipv trein 982359

21:00 – 22:00

1 service, 0 cancelled (0%), 0 delayed (0%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
21:05 Baflo Stopbus ipv trein 982360

22:00 – 23:00

1 service, 0 cancelled (0%), 0 delayed (0%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
22:05 Baflo Stopbus ipv trein 982361

23:00 – 24:00

1 service, 0 cancelled (0%), 0 delayed (0%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
23:05 Baflo Stopbus ipv trein 982362

00:00 – 01:00

2 services, 0 cancelled (0%), 0 delayed (0%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
00:05 Baflo Stopbus ipv trein 982363
00:53 Baflo Stopbus ipv trein 982364