Train services at Amsterdam Amstel on December 27, 2023
This page shows all trains which have departed from station Amsterdam Amstel on Wednesday, December 27, 2023. This includes all trains scheduled to depart, including trains which were eventually cancelled.
Services which were cancelled in advance, for example due to engineering works, are not included in this overview.
Amsterdam Amstel Wednesday, December 27, 2023 |
Total services | 298 |
On time | 258 (87%) |
Cancelled services | 30 (10%) |
Delayed trains* | 10 (3%) |
Train services
Click on a service to view the entire route and delays along the route. Visit live departures for Amsterdam Amstel for live information.
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
05:40 +5 | 05:40 +5 | Driebergen-Zeist | Sprinter 7417 | 4 |
SNG-3 2336, SNG-3 3026, SNG-4 2739 -> | ||||
05:49 +1 | 05:49 +1 | Maastricht | Intercity 2917 | 4 |
VIRM-4 9589 -> | ||||
05:49 | 05:49 | Maastricht | Intercity 302917 | — |
Train is cancelled | ||||
05:58 | 05:58 | Rotterdam Centraal | Sprinter 4019 | 4 |
SLT-6 2659 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
06:01 | 06:02 | Nijmegen | Intercity 3017 | 4 |
VIRM-6 8746 -> | ||||
06:03 | 06:03 | Uitgeest | Sprinter 4010 | 1 |
SLT-6 2618, SLT-4 2408 -> | ||||
06:19 | 06:19 | Maastricht | Intercity 2919 | 4 |
VIRM-6 8671 -> | ||||
06:19 | 06:19 | Maastricht | Intercity 302919 | — |
Train is cancelled | ||||
06:28 | 06:28 | Rotterdam Centraal | Sprinter 4021 | 4 |
SLT-4 2455 -> | ||||
06:31 | 06:32 | Nijmegen | Intercity 3019 | 4 |
VIRM-6 8636 -> | ||||
06:32 +1 | 06:32 +1 | Uitgeest | Sprinter 4012 | 1 |
SLT-4 2437 -> | ||||
06:41 +2 | 06:41 +2 | Enkhuizen | Intercity 2914 | 1 |
VIRM-6 8715 -> | ||||
06:49 | 06:49 | Maastricht | Intercity 2921 | 4 |
VIRM-6 8734 -> | ||||
06:49 | 06:49 | Maastricht | Intercity 302921 | — |
Train is cancelled | ||||
06:57 +2 | 06:57 +2 | Den Helder | Intercity 3014 | 1 |
VIRM-6 8649 -> | ||||
06:58 | 06:58 | Rotterdam Centraal | Sprinter 4023 | 4 |
SLT-4 2436 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
07:01 | 07:02 | Nijmegen | Intercity 3021 | 4 |
VIRM-6 8705 -> | ||||
07:02 +1 | 07:02 +1 | Uitgeest | Sprinter 4014 | 1 |
SLT-4 2463 -> | ||||
07:11 | 07:11 | Enkhuizen | Intercity 2916 | — |
Train is cancelled | ||||
07:11 +3 | 07:11 +3 | Enkhuizen | Intercity 302916 | — |
VIRM-6 8671 -> | ||||
07:13 | 07:13 | Maastricht | Intercity 823 | 4 |
VIRM-4 9577 -> | ||||
07:13 | 07:13 | Maastricht | Intercity 300823 | — |
Train is cancelled | ||||
07:23 | 07:23 | Heerlen | Intercity 3923 | — |
Train is cancelled | ||||
07:23 | 07:23 | Heerlen | Intercity 303923 | — |
Train is cancelled | ||||
07:27 +1 | 07:27 +1 | Den Helder | Intercity 3016 | 1 |
VIRM-6 8660 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
07:28 +1 | 07:28 +1 | Rotterdam Centraal | Sprinter 4025 | 4 |
SLT-4 2408, SLT-6 2618 -> | ||||
07:31 +1 | 07:32 +1 | Nijmegen | Intercity 3023 | 4 |
VIRM-6 8713 -> | ||||
07:32 +1 | 07:32 +1 | Uitgeest | Sprinter 4016 | 1 |
SLT-6 2601 -> | ||||
07:37 | 07:37 | Enkhuizen | Intercity 3918 | — |
Train is cancelled | ||||
07:43 | 07:43 | Maastricht | Intercity 825 | 4 |
VIRM-6 8707 -> | ||||
07:43 | 07:43 | Maastricht | Intercity 300825 | — |
Train is cancelled | ||||
07:46 | 07:47 | Zaandam | Intercity 818 | — |
Train is cancelled | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
07:46 | 07:47 | Zaandam | Intercity 300818 | — |
Train is cancelled | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
07:46 +3 | 07:47 +3 | Zaandam | Intercity 100818 | — |
VIRM-6 8734 -> | ||||
07:53 | 07:53 | Heerlen | Intercity 3925 | — |
Train is cancelled | ||||
07:53 | 07:53 | Heerlen | Intercity 303925 | — |
Train is cancelled | ||||
07:57 +1 | 07:57 +1 | Den Helder | Intercity 3018 | 1 |
VIRM-6 8670 -> | ||||
07:58 +1 | 07:58 +1 | Rotterdam Centraal | Sprinter 4027 | 4 |
SLT-4 2437 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
08:01 +1 | 08:02 +1 | Nijmegen | Intercity 3025 | 4 |
VIRM-6 8614 -> | ||||
08:02 +1 | 08:02 +1 | Uitgeest | Sprinter 4018 | 1 |
SLT-4 2454 -> | ||||
08:07 | 08:07 | Enkhuizen | Intercity 3920 | — |
Train is cancelled | ||||
08:07 | 08:07 | Enkhuizen | Intercity 303920 | — |
Train is cancelled | ||||
08:12 | 08:12 | Maastricht | Intercity 827 | 4 |
VIRM-6 8723 -> | ||||
08:12 | 08:12 | Maastricht | Intercity 300827 | — |
Train is cancelled | ||||
08:17 | 08:17 | Zaandam | Intercity 820 | — |
Train is cancelled | ||||
08:17 +1 | 08:17 +1 | Zaandam | Intercity 300820 | — |
VIRM-4 9577 -> | ||||
08:24 | 08:24 | Heerlen | Intercity 3927 | — |
Train is cancelled | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
08:24 | 08:24 | Heerlen | Intercity 303927 | — |
Train is cancelled | ||||
08:27 +2 | 08:27 +2 | Den Helder | Intercity 3020 | 1 |
VIRM-4 9480 -> | ||||
08:28 | 08:28 | Rotterdam Centraal | Sprinter 4029 | 4 |
SLT-4 2463 -> | ||||
08:31 +2 | 08:32 +2 | Nijmegen | Intercity 3027 | 4 |
DDZ-6 7625 -> | ||||
08:32 +1 | 08:32 +1 | Uitgeest | Sprinter 4020 | 1 |
SLT-6 2659, SLT-4 2409 -> | ||||
08:37 | 08:37 | Enkhuizen | Intercity 3922 | — |
Train is cancelled | ||||
08:37 | 08:37 | Enkhuizen | Intercity 303922 | — |
Train is cancelled | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
08:43 +1 | 08:43 +1 | Maastricht | Intercity 829 | 4 |
VIRM-6 8734 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
08:47 | 08:47 | Zaandam | Intercity 822 | — |
Train is cancelled | ||||
08:47 +1 | 08:47 +1 | Zaandam | Intercity 300822 | — |
VIRM-6 8707 -> | ||||
08:53 | 08:53 | Heerlen | Intercity 3929 | — |
Train is cancelled | ||||
08:53 | 08:53 | Heerlen | Intercity 303929 | — |
Train is cancelled | ||||
08:57 | 08:57 | Den Helder | Intercity 3022 | 1 |
VIRM-6 8746 -> | ||||
08:58 +1 | 08:58 +1 | Rotterdam Centraal | Sprinter 4031 | 4 |
SLT-6 2601 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
09:01 +4 | 09:02 +4 | Nijmegen | Intercity 3029 | 4 |
VIRM-4 9544, VIRM-4 9512 -> | ||||
09:02 | 09:02 | Uitgeest | Sprinter 4022 | 1 |
SLT-4 2406, SLT-4 2455 -> | ||||
09:09 | 09:09 | Enkhuizen | Intercity 3924 | — |
Train is cancelled | ||||
09:09 | 09:09 | Enkhuizen | Intercity 303924 | — |
Train is cancelled | ||||
09:13 +4 | 09:13 +4 | Maastricht | Intercity 831 | 4 |
VIRM-4 9577, VIRM-4 9582 -> | ||||
09:17 | 09:17 | Zaandam | Intercity 824 | — |
Train is cancelled | ||||
09:17 +1 | 09:17 +1 | Zaandam | Intercity 300824 | — |
VIRM-6 8723 -> | ||||
09:23 | 09:23 | Heerlen | Intercity 3931 | 4 |
VIRM-6 8715 -> | ||||
09:27 +2 | 09:27 +2 | Den Helder | Intercity 3024 | 1 |
VIRM-6 8636 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
09:28 | 09:28 | Rotterdam Centraal | Sprinter 4033 | 4 |
SLT-4 2454 -> | ||||
09:31 +1 | 09:32 +1 | Nijmegen | Intercity 3031 | 4 |
DDZ-6 7650 -> | ||||
09:32 +1 | 09:32 +1 | Uitgeest | Sprinter 4024 | 1 |
SLT-4 2422, SLT-4 2436 -> | ||||
09:37 | 09:37 | Enkhuizen | Intercity 3926 | — |
Train is cancelled | ||||
09:37 +2 | 09:37 +2 | Enkhuizen | Intercity 303926 | — |
DDZ-4 7538 -> | ||||
09:43 | 09:43 | Maastricht | Intercity 833 | 4 |
VIRM-6 8707 -> | ||||
09:47 | 09:47 | Zaandam | Intercity 826 | 1 |
VIRM-6 8657 -> | ||||
09:53 | 09:53 | Heerlen | Intercity 3933 | 4 |
VIRM-6 8671 -> | ||||
09:57 +1 | 09:57 +1 | Den Helder | Intercity 3026 | 1 |
VIRM-6 8705 -> | ||||
09:58 | 09:58 | Rotterdam Centraal | Sprinter 4035 | 4 |
SLT-4 2409, SLT-6 2659 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
10:01 +1 | 10:02 +1 | Nijmegen | Intercity 3033 | 4 |
VIRM-6 8649 -> | ||||
10:02 | 10:02 | Uitgeest | Sprinter 4026 | 1 |
SLT-6 2618, SLT-4 2408 -> | ||||
10:07 +1 | 10:07 +1 | Enkhuizen | Intercity 3928 | 1 |
VIRM-6 8709 -> | ||||
10:13 +1 | 10:13 +1 | Maastricht | Intercity 835 | 4 |
VIRM-6 8723, VIRM-4 9595 -> | ||||
10:17 | 10:17 | Zaandam | Intercity 828 | 1 |
VIRM-4 9422 -> | ||||
10:23 | 10:23 | Heerlen | Intercity 3935 | 4 |
VIRM-6 8719 -> | ||||
10:27 +1 | 10:27 +1 | Den Helder | Intercity 3028 | 1 |
VIRM-6 8713 -> | ||||
10:28 +1 | 10:28 +1 | Rotterdam Centraal | Sprinter 4037 | 4 |
SLT-4 2455, SLT-4 2406 -> | ||||
10:31 | 10:32 +1 | Nijmegen | Intercity 3035 | 4 |
VIRM-6 8660 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
10:32 +1 | 10:32 +1 | Uitgeest | Sprinter 4028 | 1 |
SLT-4 2437, SLT-4 2413 -> | ||||
10:37 | 10:37 | Enkhuizen | Intercity 3930 | 1 |
VIRM-6 8729 -> | ||||
10:42 | 10:42 | Maastricht | Intercity 837 | 4 |
VIRM-6 8657 -> | ||||
10:47 +1 | 10:47 +1 | Zaandam | Intercity 830 | 1 |
VIRM-6 8739 -> | ||||
10:54 | 10:54 | Heerlen | Intercity 3937 | 4 |
VIRM-6 8675 -> | ||||
10:57 | 10:57 | Den Helder | Intercity 3030 | 1 |
VIRM-6 8614 -> | ||||
10:58 +1 | 10:58 +1 | Rotterdam Centraal | Sprinter 4039 | 4 |
SLT-4 2436, SLT-4 2422 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
11:01 +3 | 11:02 +3 | Nijmegen | Intercity 3037 | 4 |
VIRM-6 8670 -> | ||||
11:02 +1 | 11:02 +1 | Uitgeest | Sprinter 4030 | 1 |
SLT-6 2614, SLT-4 2463 -> | ||||
11:07 | 11:07 | Enkhuizen | Intercity 3932 | 1 |
VIRM-4 9563 -> | ||||
11:13 | 11:13 | Maastricht | Intercity 839 | 4 |
VIRM-4 9422 -> | ||||
11:17 +1 | 11:17 +1 | Zaandam | Intercity 832 | 1 |
VIRM-6 8736 -> | ||||
11:23 | 11:23 | Heerlen | Intercity 3939 | 4 |
VIRM-4 9574 -> | ||||
11:27 +3 | 11:27 +3 | Den Helder | Intercity 3032 | 1 |
DDZ-6 7625 -> | ||||
11:28 | 11:28 | Rotterdam Centraal | Sprinter 4041 | 4 |
SLT-4 2408, SLT-6 2618 -> | ||||
11:31 | 11:32 | Nijmegen | Intercity 3039 | 4 |
VIRM-6 8655 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
11:32 +2 | 11:32 +2 | Uitgeest | Sprinter 4032 | 1 |
SLT-6 2601, SLT-4 2405 -> | ||||
11:37 +2 | 11:37 +2 | Enkhuizen | Intercity 3934 | 1 |
VIRM-6 8672 -> | ||||
11:43 | 11:43 | Maastricht | Intercity 841 | 4 |
VIRM-6 8739 -> | ||||
11:47 +2 | 11:47 +2 | Zaandam | Intercity 834 | 1 |
VIRM-4 9434 -> | ||||
11:53 | 11:53 | Heerlen | Intercity 3941 | 4 |
VIRM-6 8702 -> | ||||
11:57 +4 | 11:57 +4 | Den Helder | Intercity 3034 | 1 |
VIRM-4 9512, VIRM-4 9544 -> | ||||
11:58 +1 | 11:58 +1 | Rotterdam Centraal | Sprinter 4043 | 4 |
SLT-4 2413, SLT-4 2437 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
12:01 | 12:02 +1 | Nijmegen | Intercity 3041 | 4 |
VIRM-4 9480, VIRM-4 9568 -> | ||||
12:02 +7 | 12:02 +7 | Uitgeest | Sprinter 4034 | 1 |
SLT-4 2454, SLT-4 2412 -> | ||||
12:07 +6 | 12:07 +6 | Enkhuizen | Intercity 3936 | 1 |
VIRM-6 8659 -> | ||||
12:13 | 12:13 | Maastricht | Intercity 843 | 4 |
VIRM-6 8736 -> | ||||
12:17 | 12:17 | Zaandam | Intercity 836 | 1 |
VIRM-6 8664, VIRM-4 9508 -> | ||||
12:23 +1 | 12:23 +1 | Heerlen | Intercity 3943 | 4 |
DDZ-4 7538 -> | ||||
12:27 +1 | 12:27 +1 | Den Helder | Intercity 3036 | 1 |
DDZ-6 7650 -> | ||||
12:28 | 12:28 | Rotterdam Centraal | Sprinter 4045 | 4 |
SLT-4 2463, SLT-6 2614 -> | ||||
12:31 | 12:32 | Nijmegen | Intercity 3043 | 4 |
VIRM-6 8746 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
12:32 +1 | 12:32 +1 | Uitgeest | Sprinter 4036 | 1 |
SLT-6 2659, SLT-4 2409 -> | ||||
12:37 +1 | 12:37 +1 | Enkhuizen | Intercity 3938 | 1 |
VIRM-4 9479 -> | ||||
12:42 | 12:42 | Maastricht | Intercity 845 | 4 |
VIRM-4 9434 -> | ||||
12:47 | 12:47 | Zaandam | Intercity 838 | 1 |
VIRM-6 8628 -> | ||||
12:54 | 12:54 | Heerlen | Intercity 3945 | 4 |
VIRM-6 8709 -> | ||||
12:57 +1 | 12:57 +1 | Den Helder | Intercity 3038 | 1 |
VIRM-6 8649 -> | ||||
12:58 +1 | 12:58 +1 | Rotterdam Centraal | Sprinter 4047 | 4 |
SLT-4 2405, SLT-6 2601 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
13:01 +3 | 13:02 +3 | Nijmegen | Intercity 3045 | 4 |
VIRM-6 8636 -> | ||||
13:02 +1 | 13:02 +1 | Uitgeest | Sprinter 4038 | 1 |
SLT-4 2406, SLT-4 2455 -> | ||||
13:07 +1 | 13:07 +1 | Enkhuizen | Intercity 3940 | 1 |
VIRM-4 9570 -> | ||||
13:13 +3 | 13:13 +3 | Maastricht | Intercity 847 | 4 |
VIRM-4 9508, VIRM-6 8664 -> | ||||
13:17 | 13:17 | Zaandam | Intercity 840 | 1 |
VIRM-4 9431 -> | ||||
13:23 | 13:23 | Heerlen | Intercity 3947 | 4 |
VIRM-6 8729 -> | ||||
13:27 +1 | 13:27 +1 | Den Helder | Intercity 3040 | 1 |
VIRM-6 8660 -> | ||||
13:28 +5 | 13:28 +5 | Rotterdam Centraal | Sprinter 4049 | 4 |
SLT-4 2412, SLT-4 2454 -> | ||||
13:31 +5 | 13:32 +5 | Nijmegen | Intercity 3047 | 4 |
VIRM-6 8705 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
13:32 +1 | 13:32 +1 | Uitgeest | Sprinter 4040 | 1 |
SLT-4 2422, SLT-4 2436 -> | ||||
13:37 +2 | 13:37 +2 | Enkhuizen | Intercity 3942 | 1 |
VIRM-4 9559 -> | ||||
13:43 | 13:43 | Maastricht | Intercity 849 | 4 |
VIRM-6 8628 -> | ||||
13:47 +1 | 13:47 +1 | Zaandam | Intercity 842 | 1 |
VIRM-6 8734 -> | ||||
13:53 | 13:53 | Heerlen | Intercity 3949 | 4 |
VIRM-4 9563 -> | ||||
13:57 | 13:57 | Den Helder | Intercity 3042 | 1 |
VIRM-6 8670 -> | ||||
13:58 +2 | 13:58 +2 | Rotterdam Centraal | Sprinter 4051 | 4 |
SLT-4 2409, SLT-6 2659 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
14:01 +2 | 14:02 +2 | Nijmegen | Intercity 3049 | 4 |
VIRM-6 8713 -> | ||||
14:02 +1 | 14:02 +1 | Uitgeest | Sprinter 4042 | 1 |
SLT-6 2618, SLT-4 2408 -> | ||||
14:07 +1 | 14:07 +1 | Enkhuizen | Intercity 3944 | 1 |
VIRM-6 8715 -> | ||||
14:13 | 14:13 | Maastricht | Intercity 851 | 4 |
VIRM-4 9431 -> | ||||
14:17 | 14:17 | Zaandam | Intercity 844 | 1 |
VIRM-4 9582, VIRM-4 9404 -> | ||||
14:23 | 14:23 | Heerlen | Intercity 3951 | 4 |
VIRM-6 8672 -> | ||||
14:27 +2 | 14:27 +2 | Den Helder | Intercity 3044 | 1 |
VIRM-6 8655 -> | ||||
14:28 +2 | 14:28 +2 | Rotterdam Centraal | Sprinter 4053 | 4 |
SLT-4 2455, SLT-4 2406 -> | ||||
14:31 | 14:32 | Nijmegen | Intercity 3051 | 4 |
VIRM-6 8614 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
14:32 +1 | 14:32 +1 | Uitgeest | Sprinter 4044 | 1 |
SLT-4 2437, SLT-4 2413 -> | ||||
14:37 +1 | 14:37 +1 | Enkhuizen | Intercity 3946 | 1 |
VIRM-6 8671 -> | ||||
14:42 | 14:42 | Maastricht | Intercity 853 | 4 |
VIRM-6 8734 -> | ||||
14:47 +2 | 14:47 +2 | Zaandam | Intercity 846 | 1 |
VIRM-6 8707 -> | ||||
14:54 | 14:54 | Heerlen | Intercity 3953 | 4 |
VIRM-6 8659 -> | ||||
14:57 | 14:57 | Den Helder | Intercity 3046 | 1 |
VIRM-4 9480, VIRM-4 9568 -> | ||||
14:58 +1 | 14:58 +1 | Rotterdam Centraal | Sprinter 4055 | 4 |
SLT-4 2436, SLT-4 2422 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
15:01 +2 | 15:02 +2 | Nijmegen | Intercity 3053 | 4 |
DDZ-6 7625 -> | ||||
15:02 +1 | 15:02 +1 | Uitgeest | Sprinter 4046 | 1 |
SLT-6 2614, SLT-4 2463 -> | ||||
15:07 +1 | 15:07 +1 | Enkhuizen | Intercity 3948 | 1 |
VIRM-6 8719 -> | ||||
15:13 +1 | 15:13 +1 | Maastricht | Intercity 855 | 4 |
VIRM-4 9404, VIRM-4 9582 -> | ||||
15:17 +1 | 15:17 +1 | Zaandam | Intercity 848 | 1 |
VIRM-4 9595, VIRM-6 8723 -> | ||||
15:23 | 15:23 | Heerlen | Intercity 3955 | 4 |
VIRM-4 9479 -> | ||||
15:27 +1 | 15:27 +1 | Den Helder | Intercity 3048 | 1 |
VIRM-6 8746 -> | ||||
15:28 +1 | 15:28 +1 | Rotterdam Centraal | Sprinter 4057 | 4 |
SLT-4 2408, SLT-6 2618 -> | ||||
15:31 +1 | 15:32 +1 | Nijmegen | Intercity 3055 | 4 |
VIRM-4 9544, VIRM-4 9420 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
15:32 | 15:32 | Uitgeest | Sprinter 4048 | 1 |
SLT-6 2601, SLT-4 2405 -> | ||||
15:37 +1 | 15:37 +1 | Enkhuizen | Intercity 3950 | 1 |
VIRM-6 8675 -> | ||||
15:43 +1 | 15:43 +1 | Maastricht | Intercity 857 | 4 |
VIRM-6 8707 -> | ||||
15:47 +1 | 15:47 +1 | Zaandam | Intercity 850 | 1 |
VIRM-6 8657 -> | ||||
15:53 +1 | 15:53 +1 | Heerlen | Intercity 3957 | 4 |
VIRM-4 9570 -> | ||||
15:57 +1 | 15:57 +1 | Den Helder | Intercity 3050 | 1 |
VIRM-6 8636 -> | ||||
15:58 +3 | 15:58 +3 | Rotterdam Centraal | Sprinter 4059 | 4 |
SLT-4 2413, SLT-4 2437 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
16:01 +2 | 16:02 +2 | Nijmegen | Intercity 3057 | 4 |
DDZ-6 7650 -> | ||||
16:02 +1 | 16:02 +1 | Uitgeest | Sprinter 4050 | 1 |
SLT-4 2454, SLT-4 2412 -> | ||||
16:07 +1 | 16:07 +1 | Enkhuizen | Intercity 3952 | 1 |
VIRM-4 9574 -> | ||||
16:13 | 16:13 | Maastricht | Intercity 859 | 4 |
VIRM-6 8723, VIRM-4 9595 -> | ||||
16:17 | 16:17 | Zaandam | Intercity 852 | 1 |
VIRM-4 9422, VIRM-4 9508 -> | ||||
16:23 +1 | 16:23 +1 | Heerlen | Intercity 3959 | 4 |
VIRM-4 9559 -> | ||||
16:27 +3 | 16:27 +3 | Den Helder | Intercity 3052 | 1 |
VIRM-6 8705 -> | ||||
16:28 +1 | 16:28 +1 | Rotterdam Centraal | Sprinter 4061 | 4 |
SLT-4 2463, SLT-6 2614 -> | ||||
16:31 | 16:32 +1 | Nijmegen | Intercity 3059 | 4 |
VIRM-6 8649 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
16:32 +2 | 16:32 +2 | Uitgeest | Sprinter 4052 | 1 |
SLT-6 2659, SLT-4 2409 -> | ||||
16:37 +1 | 16:37 +1 | Enkhuizen | Intercity 3954 | 1 |
VIRM-6 8702 -> | ||||
16:42 | 16:42 | Maastricht | Intercity 861 | 4 |
VIRM-6 8657 -> | ||||
16:47 +2 | 16:47 +2 | Zaandam | Intercity 854 | 1 |
VIRM-6 8739 -> | ||||
16:54 | 16:54 | Heerlen | Intercity 3961 | 4 |
VIRM-6 8715 -> | ||||
16:57 +1 | 16:57 +1 | Den Helder | Intercity 3054 | 1 |
VIRM-6 8713 -> | ||||
16:58 +1 | 16:58 +1 | Rotterdam Centraal | Sprinter 4063 | 4 |
SLT-4 2405, SLT-6 2601 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
17:01 +1 | 17:02 +1 | Nijmegen | Intercity 3061 | 4 |
VIRM-6 8660 -> | ||||
17:02 +1 | 17:02 +1 | Uitgeest | Sprinter 4054 | 1 |
SLT-4 2406, SLT-4 2455 -> | ||||
17:07 +1 | 17:07 +1 | Enkhuizen | Intercity 3956 | 1 |
DDZ-4 7538 -> | ||||
17:13 | 17:13 | Maastricht | Intercity 863 | 4 |
VIRM-4 9508, VIRM-4 9422 -> | ||||
17:17 +1 | 17:17 +1 | Zaandam | Intercity 856 | 1 |
VIRM-6 8736 -> | ||||
17:23 | 17:23 | Heerlen | Intercity 3963 | 4 |
VIRM-6 8671 -> | ||||
17:27 +2 | 17:27 +2 | Den Helder | Intercity 3056 | 1 |
VIRM-6 8614 -> | ||||
17:28 +4 | 17:28 +4 | Rotterdam Centraal | Sprinter 4065 | 4 |
SLT-4 2412, SLT-4 2454 -> | ||||
17:31 +2 | 17:32 +2 | Nijmegen | Intercity 3063 | 4 |
VIRM-6 8655 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
17:32 +1 | 17:32 +1 | Uitgeest | Sprinter 4056 | 1 |
SLT-4 2422, SLT-4 2436 -> | ||||
17:37 +1 | 17:37 +1 | Enkhuizen | Intercity 3958 | 1 |
VIRM-6 8709 -> | ||||
17:43 | 17:43 | Maastricht | Intercity 865 | 4 |
VIRM-6 8739 -> | ||||
17:47 +2 | 17:47 +2 | Zaandam | Intercity 858 | 1 |
VIRM-6 8664 -> | ||||
17:53 | 17:53 | Heerlen | Intercity 3965 | 4 |
VIRM-6 8719 -> | ||||
17:57 +1 | 17:57 +1 | Den Helder | Intercity 3058 | 1 |
DDZ-6 7625 -> | ||||
17:58 +13 | 17:58 +13 | Rotterdam Centraal | Sprinter 4067 | 4 |
SLT-4 2409, SLT-6 2659 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
18:01 | 18:02 | Nijmegen | Intercity 3065 | — |
Train is cancelled | ||||
18:02 +1 | 18:02 +1 | Uitgeest | Sprinter 4058 | 1 |
SLT-6 2618, SLT-4 2408 -> | ||||
18:01 +6 | 18:02 +6 | Nijmegen | Intercity 303065 | — |
VIRM-4 9568 -> | ||||
18:07 +1 | 18:07 +1 | Enkhuizen | Intercity 3960 | 1 |
VIRM-6 8729 -> | ||||
18:13 +2 | 18:13 +2 | Maastricht | Intercity 867 | 4 |
VIRM-6 8736 -> | ||||
18:17 +1 | 18:17 +1 | Zaandam | Intercity 860 | 1 |
VIRM-4 9434, VIRM-4 9404 -> | ||||
18:23 +1 | 18:23 +1 | Heerlen | Intercity 3967 | 4 |
VIRM-6 8675 -> | ||||
18:27 +1 | 18:27 +1 | Den Helder | Intercity 3060 | 1 |
VIRM-4 9420, VIRM-4 9544 -> | ||||
18:28 +9 | 18:28 +9 | Rotterdam Centraal | Sprinter 4069 | 4 |
SLT-4 2455, SLT-4 2406 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
18:31 +2 | 18:32 +2 | Nijmegen | Intercity 3067 | 4 |
VIRM-6 8746 -> | ||||
18:32 +1 | 18:32 +1 | Uitgeest | Sprinter 4060 | 1 |
SLT-4 2437, SLT-4 2413 -> | ||||
18:37 +1 | 18:37 +1 | Enkhuizen | Intercity 3962 | 1 |
VIRM-4 9563 -> | ||||
18:42 +3 | 18:42 +3 | Maastricht | Intercity 869 | 4 |
VIRM-6 8664 -> | ||||
18:47 +1 | 18:47 +1 | Alkmaar | Intercity 862 | 1 |
VIRM-6 8628 -> | ||||
18:54 | 18:54 | Heerlen | Intercity 3969 | 4 |
VIRM-4 9574 -> | ||||
18:54 | 18:54 | Heerlen | Intercity 303969 | — |
Train is cancelled | ||||
18:57 +1 | 18:57 +1 | Den Helder | Intercity 3062 | 1 |
DDZ-6 7650 -> | ||||
18:58 | 18:58 | Rotterdam Centraal | Sprinter 4071 | 4 |
SLT-4 2436, SLT-4 2422 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
19:01 | 19:02 | Nijmegen | Intercity 3069 | 4 |
VIRM-6 8636 -> | ||||
19:02 +1 | 19:02 +1 | Uitgeest | Sprinter 4062 | 1 |
SLT-6 2614, SLT-4 2463 -> | ||||
19:07 +1 | 19:07 +1 | Enkhuizen | Intercity 3964 | 1 |
VIRM-6 8672 -> | ||||
19:13 +4 | 19:13 +4 | Maastricht | Intercity 871 | 4 |
VIRM-4 9404, VIRM-4 9434 -> | ||||
19:17 +1 | 19:17 +1 | Alkmaar | Intercity 864 | 1 |
VIRM-4 9431 -> | ||||
19:23 | 19:23 | Heerlen | Intercity 3971 | 4 |
VIRM-6 8702 -> | ||||
19:27 +1 | 19:27 +1 | Den Helder | Intercity 3064 | 1 |
VIRM-6 8649 -> | ||||
19:28 +1 | 19:28 +1 | Rotterdam Centraal | Sprinter 4073 | 4 |
SLT-4 2408, SLT-6 2618 -> | ||||
19:31 | 19:32 +1 | Nijmegen | Intercity 3071 | 4 |
VIRM-6 8705 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
19:32 +1 | 19:32 +1 | Uitgeest | Sprinter 4064 | 1 |
SLT-6 2601, SLT-4 2405 -> | ||||
19:41 +1 | 19:41 +1 | Enkhuizen | Intercity 2966 | 1 |
VIRM-6 8734, VIRM-4 9577 -> | ||||
19:49 | 19:49 | Maastricht | Intercity 2973 | 4 |
DDZ-4 7538 -> | ||||
19:57 +2 | 19:57 +2 | Den Helder | Intercity 3066 | 1 |
VIRM-6 8660 -> | ||||
19:58 | 19:58 | Rotterdam Centraal | Sprinter 4075 | 4 |
SLT-4 2413, SLT-4 2437 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
20:01 | 20:02 | Nijmegen | Intercity 3073 | 4 |
VIRM-6 8670 -> | ||||
20:02 +1 | 20:02 +1 | Uitgeest | Sprinter 4066 | 1 |
SLT-6 2649, SLT-4 2454 -> | ||||
20:11 +1 | 20:11 +1 | Enkhuizen | Intercity 2968 | 1 |
VIRM-4 9582 -> | ||||
20:19 +1 | 20:19 +1 | Maastricht | Intercity 2975 | 4 |
VIRM-6 8709 -> | ||||
20:27 +1 | 20:27 +1 | Den Helder | Intercity 3068 | 1 |
VIRM-6 8655 -> | ||||
20:28 +3 | 20:28 +3 | Rotterdam Centraal | Sprinter 4077 | 4 |
SLT-4 2463, SLT-6 2614 -> | ||||
20:31 +2 | 20:32 +2 | Nijmegen | Intercity 3075 | 4 |
VIRM-6 8614 -> | ||||
20:32 +1 | 20:32 +1 | Uitgeest | Sprinter 4068 | 1 |
SLT-6 2659, SLT-4 2409 -> | ||||
20:41 +1 | 20:41 +1 | Enkhuizen | Intercity 2970 | 1 |
VIRM-6 8707 -> | ||||
20:49 +2 | 20:49 +2 | Maastricht | Intercity 2977 | 4 |
VIRM-6 8729 -> | ||||
20:57 +1 | 20:57 +1 | Den Helder | Intercity 3070 | 1 |
VIRM-4 9568 -> | ||||
20:58 +1 | 20:58 +1 | Rotterdam Centraal | Sprinter 4079 | 4 |
SLT-4 2405, SLT-6 2601 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
21:01 +1 | 21:02 +2 | Nijmegen | Intercity 3077 | 4 |
VIRM-6 8713 -> | ||||
21:02 +1 | 21:02 +1 | Uitgeest | Sprinter 4070 | 1 |
SLT-4 2406, SLT-4 2455 -> | ||||
21:11 +1 | 21:11 +1 | Enkhuizen | Intercity 2972 | 1 |
VIRM-4 9595 -> | ||||
21:19 | 21:19 | Maastricht | Intercity 2979 | 4 |
VIRM-6 8663 -> | ||||
21:27 +1 | 21:27 +1 | Den Helder | Intercity 3072 | 1 |
VIRM-6 8746 -> | ||||
21:28 +1 | 21:28 +1 | Rotterdam Centraal | Sprinter 4081 | 4 |
SLT-4 2454, SLT-6 2649 -> | ||||
21:31 +3 | 21:32 +4 | Nijmegen | Intercity 3079 | 4 |
DDZ-6 7625 -> | ||||
21:32 | 21:32 | Uitgeest | Sprinter 4072 | 1 |
SLT-4 2422, SLT-4 2436 -> | ||||
21:41 +1 | 21:41 +1 | Enkhuizen | Intercity 2974 | 1 |
VIRM-6 8657 -> | ||||
21:49 | 21:49 | Maastricht | Intercity 2981 | 4 |
VIRM-6 8672 -> | ||||
21:57 | 21:57 | Alkmaar | Intercity 3074 | 1 |
VIRM-6 8636 -> | ||||
21:58 +6 | 21:58 +6 | Rotterdam Centraal | Sprinter 4083 | 4 |
SLT-4 2409, SLT-6 2659 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
22:01 +4 | 22:02 +4 | Nijmegen | Intercity 3081 | 4 |
VIRM-4 9544 -> | ||||
22:02 +1 | 22:02 +1 | Uitgeest | Sprinter 4074 | 1 |
SLT-6 2618, SLT-4 2408 -> | ||||
22:11 +3 | 22:11 +3 | Enkhuizen | Intercity 2976 | 1 |
VIRM-4 9422, VIRM-4 9508 -> | ||||
22:19 | 22:19 | Maastricht | Intercity 2983 | 4 |
VIRM-4 9577 -> | ||||
22:27 +1 | 22:27 +1 | Den Helder | Intercity 3076 | 1 |
VIRM-6 8705 -> | ||||
22:28 +4 | 22:28 +4 | Rotterdam Centraal | Sprinter 4085 | 4 |
SLT-4 2455, SLT-4 2406 -> | ||||
22:31 +3 | 22:32 +3 | Nijmegen | Intercity 3083 | 4 |
DDZ-6 7650 -> | ||||
22:32 +1 | 22:32 +1 | Uitgeest | Sprinter 4076 | 1 |
SLT-4 2437, SLT-4 2413 -> | ||||
22:41 +4 | 22:41 +4 | Enkhuizen | Intercity 2978 | 1 |
VIRM-6 8739 -> | ||||
22:49 +3 | 22:49 +3 | Maastricht | Intercity 2985 | 4 |
VIRM-6 8632 -> | ||||
22:57 +1 | 22:57 +1 | Alkmaar | Intercity 3078 | 1 |
VIRM-6 8670 -> | ||||
22:58 +1 | 22:58 +1 | Rotterdam Centraal | Sprinter 4087 | 4 |
SLT-4 2436, SLT-4 2422 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
23:01 | 23:02 +1 | Nijmegen | Intercity 3085 | 4 |
VIRM-6 8649 -> | ||||
23:02 +1 | 23:02 +1 | Uitgeest | Sprinter 4078 | 1 |
SLT-6 2614, SLT-4 2463 -> | ||||
23:13 +5 | 23:13 +5 | Enkhuizen | Intercity 2980 | 1 |
VIRM-6 8736 -> | ||||
23:17 +1 | 23:17 +1 | Eindhoven Centraal | Intercity 2987 | 4 |
VIRM-6 8707 -> | ||||
23:27 +1 | 23:27 +1 | Den Helder | Intercity 3080 | 1 |
VIRM-6 8614 -> | ||||
23:28 | 23:28 | Rotterdam Centraal | Sprinter 4089 | 4 |
SLT-4 2408, SLT-6 2618 -> | ||||
23:31 | 23:32 | Nijmegen | Intercity 3087 | 4 |
VIRM-6 8660 -> | ||||
23:32 +1 | 23:32 +1 | Uitgeest | Sprinter 4080 | 1 |
SLT-6 2601, SLT-4 2405 -> | ||||
23:43 +3 | 23:43 +3 | Hoorn | Intercity 2982 | 1 |
VIRM-6 8664 -> | ||||
23:47 +1 | 23:47 +1 | Eindhoven Centraal | Intercity 2989 | 4 |
VIRM-4 9595 -> | ||||
23:57 +1 | 23:57 +1 | Den Helder | Intercity 3082 | 1 |
VIRM-6 8713 -> | ||||
23:58 | 23:58 | Rotterdam Centraal | Sprinter 4091 | 4 |
SLT-4 2413, SLT-4 2437 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
00:02 +1 | 00:02 +1 | Uitgeest | Sprinter 4082 | 1 |
SLT-6 2649, SLT-4 2454 -> | ||||
00:01 | 00:02 | Utrecht Centraal | Intercity 3089 | 4 |
VIRM-6 8636 -> | ||||
00:13 +18 | 00:13 +18 | Hoorn | Intercity 2984 | 1 |
VIRM-4 9434 -> | ||||
00:27 +7 | 00:27 +7 | Amsterdam Centraal | Intercity 3084 | 1 |
DDZ-6 7625 -> | ||||
00:31 | 00:32 +1 | Nijmegen | Intercity 3091 | 4 |
VIRM-4 9568, VIRM-4 9431 -> | ||||
00:32 +5 | 00:32 +5 | Amsterdam Centraal | Sprinter 4084 | 1 |
SLT-6 2659, SLT-4 2409 -> | ||||
00:38 | 00:38 | Utrecht Centraal | Sprinter 7393 | 4 |
SLT-4 2463, SLT-6 2614 -> | ||||
00:43 +1 | 00:43 +1 | Amsterdam Centraal | Intercity 2986 | 1 |
DDZ-4 7538 -> | ||||
00:54 +3 | 00:54 +3 | Alkmaar | Sprinter 7384 | 1 |
SNG-4 2723, SNG-3 3005 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
01:08 | 01:08 | Utrecht Centraal | Sprinter 7395 | 4 |
SLT-4 2409, SLT-6 2659 -> | ||||