Train services at Gouda Goverwelle on February 11, 2024
This page shows all trains which have departed from station Gouda Goverwelle on Sunday, February 11, 2024. This includes all trains scheduled to depart, including trains which were eventually cancelled.
Services which were cancelled in advance, for example due to engineering works, are not included in this overview.
Gouda Goverwelle Sunday, February 11, 2024 |
Total services | 68 |
On time | 68 (100%) |
Cancelled services | 0 (0%) |
Delayed trains* | 0 (0%) |
Train services
Click on a service to view the entire route and delays along the route. Visit live departures for Gouda Goverwelle for live information.
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
— | 07:37 | Rotterdam Centraal | Sprinter 704023 | 3 |
SLT-6 2648 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
— | 08:07 | Rotterdam Centraal | Sprinter 704025 | 3 |
SLT-4 2449, SLT-4 2432 -> | ||||
— | 08:37 +1 | Rotterdam Centraal | Sprinter 704027 | 3 |
SLT-6 2636 -> | ||||
— | 08:43 | Den Haag Centraal | Intercity 1722 | 4 |
DDZ-4 7513 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
— | 09:07 | Rotterdam Centraal | Sprinter 704029 | 3 |
SLT-6 2648 -> | ||||
— | 09:13 | Den Haag Centraal | Intercity 11724 | 4 |
DDZ-4 7507 -> | ||||
— | 09:37 | Rotterdam Centraal | Sprinter 704031 | 3 |
SLT-4 2449, SLT-4 2432 -> | ||||
— | 09:43 | Den Haag Centraal | Intercity 1726 | 4 |
ICM-4 4237 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
— | 10:07 | Rotterdam Centraal | Sprinter 704033 | 3 |
SLT-6 2636 -> | ||||
— | 10:13 | Den Haag Centraal | Intercity 11728 | 4 |
DDZ-4 7513 -> | ||||
— | 10:37 | Rotterdam Centraal | Sprinter 704035 | 3 |
SLT-6 2648 -> | ||||
— | 10:43 | Den Haag Centraal | Intercity 1730 | 4 |
DDZ-4 7507 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
— | 11:07 | Rotterdam Centraal | Sprinter 704037 | 3 |
SLT-4 2449, SLT-4 2432 -> | ||||
— | 11:13 | Den Haag Centraal | Intercity 11732 | 4 |
ICM-4 4237 -> | ||||
— | 11:37 | Rotterdam Centraal | Sprinter 704039 | 3 |
SLT-6 2636 -> | ||||
— | 11:43 | Den Haag Centraal | Intercity 1734 | 4 |
DDZ-4 7513 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
— | 12:07 | Rotterdam Centraal | Sprinter 704041 | 3 |
SLT-6 2648 -> | ||||
— | 12:13 | Den Haag Centraal | Intercity 11736 | 4 |
DDZ-4 7507 -> | ||||
— | 12:37 | Rotterdam Centraal | Sprinter 704043 | 3 |
SLT-4 2449, SLT-4 2432 -> | ||||
— | 12:43 | Den Haag Centraal | Intercity 1738 | 4 |
ICM-4 4237 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
— | 13:07 | Rotterdam Centraal | Sprinter 704045 | 3 |
SLT-6 2636 -> | ||||
— | 13:13 | Den Haag Centraal | Intercity 11740 | 4 |
DDZ-4 7513 -> | ||||
— | 13:37 | Rotterdam Centraal | Sprinter 704047 | 3 |
SLT-6 2648 -> | ||||
— | 13:43 | Den Haag Centraal | Intercity 1742 | 4 |
DDZ-4 7507 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
— | 14:07 | Rotterdam Centraal | Sprinter 704049 | 3 |
SLT-4 2449, SLT-4 2432 -> | ||||
— | 14:13 | Den Haag Centraal | Intercity 11744 | 4 |
ICM-4 4237 -> | ||||
— | 14:37 | Rotterdam Centraal | Sprinter 704051 | 3 |
SLT-6 2636 -> | ||||
— | 14:43 | Den Haag Centraal | Intercity 1746 | 4 |
DDZ-4 7513 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
— | 15:07 | Rotterdam Centraal | Sprinter 704053 | 3 |
SLT-6 2648 -> | ||||
— | 15:13 | Den Haag Centraal | Intercity 11748 | 4 |
DDZ-4 7507 -> | ||||
— | 15:37 | Rotterdam Centraal | Sprinter 704055 | 3 |
SLT-4 2449, SLT-4 2432 -> | ||||
— | 15:43 | Den Haag Centraal | Intercity 1750 | 4 |
ICM-4 4237 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
— | 16:07 +1 | Rotterdam Centraal | Sprinter 704057 | 3 |
SLT-6 2636 -> | ||||
— | 16:13 | Den Haag Centraal | Intercity 11752 | 4 |
DDZ-4 7513 -> | ||||
— | 16:37 | Rotterdam Centraal | Sprinter 704059 | 3 |
SLT-6 2648 -> | ||||
— | 16:43 | Den Haag Centraal | Intercity 1754 | 4 |
DDZ-4 7507 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
— | 17:07 | Rotterdam Centraal | Sprinter 704061 | 3 |
SLT-4 2449, SLT-4 2432 -> | ||||
— | 17:13 | Den Haag Centraal | Intercity 11756 | 4 |
ICM-4 4237 -> | ||||
— | 17:37 | Rotterdam Centraal | Sprinter 704063 | 3 |
SLT-6 2636 -> | ||||
— | 17:43 | Den Haag Centraal | Intercity 1758 | 4 |
DDZ-4 7513 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
— | 18:07 | Rotterdam Centraal | Sprinter 704065 | 3 |
SLT-4 2406, SLT-6 2648 -> | ||||
— | 18:13 | Den Haag Centraal | Intercity 11760 | 4 |
DDZ-4 7507 -> | ||||
— | 18:37 | Rotterdam Centraal | Sprinter 704067 | 3 |
SLT-4 2449, SLT-4 2432 -> | ||||
— | 18:43 | Den Haag Centraal | Intercity 1762 | 4 |
ICM-4 4237 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
— | 19:07 | Rotterdam Centraal | Sprinter 704069 | 3 |
SLT-4 2454, SLT-6 2636 -> | ||||
— | 19:13 | Den Haag Centraal | Intercity 11764 | 4 |
DDZ-4 7513 -> | ||||
— | 19:37 | Rotterdam Centraal | Sprinter 704071 | 3 |
SLT-4 2406, SLT-6 2648 -> | ||||
— | 19:43 +1 | Den Haag Centraal | Intercity 1766 | 4 |
DDZ-4 7507 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
— | 20:07 | Rotterdam Centraal | Sprinter 704073 | 3 |
SLT-4 2449, SLT-4 2432 -> | ||||
— | 20:13 +1 | Den Haag Centraal | Intercity 11768 | 4 |
ICM-4 4237 -> | ||||
— | 20:37 | Rotterdam Centraal | Sprinter 704075 | 3 |
SLT-4 2454, SLT-6 2636 -> | ||||
— | 20:43 | Den Haag Centraal | Intercity 1770 | 4 |
DDZ-4 7513 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
— | 21:07 | Rotterdam Centraal | Sprinter 704077 | 3 |
SLT-4 2406, SLT-6 2648 -> | ||||
— | 21:13 +1 | Den Haag Centraal | Intercity 11772 | 4 |
DDZ-4 7507 -> | ||||
— | 21:37 | Rotterdam Centraal | Sprinter 704079 | 3 |
SLT-4 2449, SLT-4 2432 -> | ||||
— | 21:43 | Den Haag Centraal | Intercity 1774 | 4 |
ICM-4 4237 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
— | 22:07 | Rotterdam Centraal | Sprinter 704081 | 3 |
SLT-4 2454, SLT-6 2636 -> | ||||
— | 22:13 | Den Haag Centraal | Intercity 11776 | 3 |
DDZ-4 7513 -> | ||||
— | 22:37 +1 | Rotterdam Centraal | Sprinter 704083 | 3 |
SLT-4 2406, SLT-6 2648 -> | ||||
— | 22:43 | Den Haag Centraal | Intercity 1778 | 4 |
DDZ-4 7507 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
— | 23:07 | Rotterdam Centraal | Sprinter 704085 | 3 |
SLT-4 2449, SLT-4 2432 -> | ||||
— | 23:13 | Den Haag Centraal | Intercity 11780 | 4 |
ICM-4 4237 -> | ||||
— | 23:37 | Rotterdam Centraal | Sprinter 704087 | 3 |
SLT-4 2454, SLT-6 2636 -> | ||||
— | 23:43 | Den Haag Centraal | Intercity 1782 | 4 |
DDZ-4 7513 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
— | 00:07 | Rotterdam Centraal | Sprinter 704089 | 3 |
SLT-4 2406, SLT-6 2648 -> | ||||
— | 00:13 | Den Haag Centraal | Intercity 211784 | 4 |
DDZ-4 7507 -> | ||||
00:22 | 00:28 +1 | Utrecht Centraal | Sprinter 4086 | 2 |
SLT-4 2449 -> | ||||
— | 00:37 +1 | Rotterdam Centraal | Sprinter 704091 | 3 |
SLT-6 2654, SLT-4 2463 -> | ||||