Train services at Den Haag HS on July 18, 2024

This page shows all trains which have departed from station Den Haag HS on Thursday, July 18, 2024. This includes all trains scheduled to depart, including trains which were eventually cancelled.

Services which were cancelled in advance, for example due to engineering works, are not included in this overview.

Den Haag HS
Thursday, July 18, 2024
Total services 326
On time 323 (99%)
Cancelled services 1 (0%)
Delayed trains* 2 (1%)
* trains delayed for 5 minutes or more, excluding cancelled services

Train services

Click on a service to view the entire route and delays along the route. Visit live departures for Den Haag HS for live information.

02:00 – 03:00

4 services, 0 cancelled (0%), 0 delayed (0%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
02:42 Delft Snelbus ipv trein 900519
02:42 Delft Snelbus ipv trein 928154
02:16 02:22 +1 Utrecht Centraal Intercity 1410 6
VIRM-4 9556 ->
02:37 +3 02:44 Rotterdam Centraal Intercity 1405 5
VIRM-6 8645 ->

03:00 – 04:00

4 services, 0 cancelled (0%), 0 delayed (0%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
03:16 03:22 +6 Utrecht Centraal Intercity 11414 6
ICM-3 4057 ->
03:42 Delft Snelbus ipv trein 928156
03:42 Delft Snelbus ipv trein 900520
03:37 03:44 Rotterdam Centraal Intercity 11409 5
VIRM-4 9553 ->

04:00 – 05:00

5 services, 0 cancelled (0%), 0 delayed (0%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
04:16 04:22 +5 Utrecht Centraal Intercity 11418 6
ICM-4 4233 ->
04:40 04:40 Rotterdam Centraal Snelbus ipv trein 928149
04:42 Delft Snelbus ipv trein 928158
04:42 Delft Snelbus ipv trein 900521
04:37 04:44 Rotterdam Centraal Intercity 11413 5
ICM-4 4227 ->

05:00 – 06:00

8 services, 0 cancelled (0%), 0 delayed (0%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
05:00 05:00 Rotterdam Centraal Snelbus ipv trein 928150
05:10 Rotterdam Centraal Stopbus ipv trein 933781
05:20 05:20 Rotterdam Centraal Snelbus ipv trein 928151
05:20 Rotterdam Centraal Stopbus ipv trein 933782
05:30 Rotterdam Centraal Stopbus ipv trein 933784
05:36 +2 Amsterdam Centraal Intercity 2217 6
VIRM-4 9422 ->
05:40 Rotterdam Centraal Stopbus ipv trein 933786
05:50 Rotterdam Centraal Stopbus ipv trein 933788

06:00 – 07:00

15 services, 0 cancelled (0%), 0 delayed (0%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
05:37 06:00 Rotterdam Centraal Intercity 1417 4
VIRM-4 9593 ->
06:00 Rotterdam Centraal Stopbus ipv trein 933790
06:03 Amsterdam Centraal Intercity 2219 6
SLT-6 2604, SLT-4 2451 ->
06:10 Rotterdam Centraal Stopbus ipv trein 933792
06:13 +1 Lelystad Centrum Intercity 702410 5
VIRM-6 8654 ->
06:20 Rotterdam Centraal Stopbus ipv trein 933794
06:32 Amsterdam Centraal Intercity 702221 3
VIRM-4 9596, VIRM-4 9557 ->
06:33 Delft Snelbus ipv trein 933948
06:39 Delft Snelbus ipv trein 933950
Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
06:40 Rotterdam Centraal Stopbus ipv trein 933796
06:42 +1 Lelystad Centrum Intercity 702412 4
VIRM-4 9563 ->
06:45 Delft Snelbus ipv trein 933952
06:51 Delft Snelbus ipv trein 933954
06:55 Rotterdam Centraal Stopbus ipv trein 933798
06:57 Delft Snelbus ipv trein 933956

07:00 – 08:00

18 services, 0 cancelled (0%), 0 delayed (0%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
07:03 Delft Snelbus ipv trein 936510
07:03 +2 Amsterdam Centraal Intercity 702223 6
SLT-6 2613, SLT-4 2460 ->
07:09 Delft Snelbus ipv trein 936512
07:10 Rotterdam Centraal Stopbus ipv trein 933800
07:13 Lelystad Centrum Intercity 702414 5
VIRM-6 8667 ->
07:15 Delft Snelbus ipv trein 936514
07:21 Delft Snelbus ipv trein 936516
07:25 Rotterdam Centraal Stopbus ipv trein 933802
07:27 Delft Snelbus ipv trein 936518
Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
07:32 +2 Amsterdam Centraal Intercity 702325 3
VIRM-6 8647 ->
07:33 Delft Snelbus ipv trein 936520
07:39 Delft Snelbus ipv trein 936522
07:40 Rotterdam Centraal Stopbus ipv trein 933804
07:42 +1 Lelystad Centrum Intercity 702416 4
VIRM-4 9477, VIRM-4 9570 ->
07:45 Delft Snelbus ipv trein 936524
07:51 Delft Snelbus ipv trein 936526
07:55 Rotterdam Centraal Stopbus ipv trein 933806
07:57 Delft Snelbus ipv trein 936528

08:00 – 09:00

18 services, 0 cancelled (0%), 0 delayed (0%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
08:03 Amsterdam Centraal Intercity 702327 6
VIRM-4 9422, VIRM-4 9585 ->
08:03 Delft Snelbus ipv trein 936530
08:09 Delft Snelbus ipv trein 936532
08:10 Rotterdam Centraal Stopbus ipv trein 933808
08:13 Lelystad Centrum Intercity 702418 5
VIRM-4 9524, VIRM-6 8642 ->
08:15 Delft Snelbus ipv trein 936534
08:21 Delft Snelbus ipv trein 936536
08:25 Rotterdam Centraal Stopbus ipv trein 933810
08:27 Delft Snelbus ipv trein 936538
Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
08:32 +1 Amsterdam Centraal Intercity 702229 3
SLT-6 2604, SLT-4 2451 ->
08:33 Delft Snelbus ipv trein 936540
08:39 Delft Snelbus ipv trein 936542
08:40 Rotterdam Centraal Stopbus ipv trein 933812
08:42 +1 Lelystad Centrum Intercity 702420 4
VIRM-4 9554 ->
08:45 Delft Snelbus ipv trein 936544
08:51 Delft Snelbus ipv trein 936546
08:55 Rotterdam Centraal Stopbus ipv trein 933814
08:57 Delft Snelbus ipv trein 936548

09:00 – 10:00

18 services, 0 cancelled (0%), 0 delayed (0%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
09:03 Amsterdam Centraal Intercity 702331 6
VIRM-4 9596, VIRM-4 9557 ->
09:03 Delft Snelbus ipv trein 936550
09:09 Delft Snelbus ipv trein 936552
09:10 Rotterdam Centraal Stopbus ipv trein 933816
09:13 Schiphol Airport Intercity 702422 5
VIRM-6 8608 ->
09:15 Delft Snelbus ipv trein 936554
09:21 Delft Snelbus ipv trein 936556
09:25 Rotterdam Centraal Stopbus ipv trein 933818
09:27 Delft Snelbus ipv trein 936558
Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
09:32 +1 Amsterdam Centraal Intercity 702233 3
SLT-6 2613, SLT-4 2460 ->
09:33 Delft Snelbus ipv trein 936560
09:39 Delft Snelbus ipv trein 936562
09:40 Rotterdam Centraal Stopbus ipv trein 933820
09:42 +1 Schiphol Airport Intercity 702424 4
VIRM-6 8654 ->
09:45 Delft Snelbus ipv trein 936564
09:51 Delft Snelbus ipv trein 936566
09:55 Rotterdam Centraal Stopbus ipv trein 933822
09:57 Delft Snelbus ipv trein 936568

10:00 – 11:00

18 services, 0 cancelled (0%), 0 delayed (0%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
10:03 Delft Snelbus ipv trein 936570
10:03 +1 Amsterdam Centraal Intercity 702335 6
VIRM-6 8647 ->
10:09 Delft Snelbus ipv trein 936572
10:10 Rotterdam Centraal Stopbus ipv trein 933824
10:13 Schiphol Airport Intercity 702426 5
VIRM-4 9563 ->
10:15 Delft Snelbus ipv trein 936574
10:21 Delft Snelbus ipv trein 936576
10:25 Rotterdam Centraal Stopbus ipv trein 933826
10:27 Delft Snelbus ipv trein 936578
Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
10:32 +2 Amsterdam Centraal Intercity 702237 3
VIRM-4 9422, VIRM-4 9585 ->
10:33 Delft Snelbus ipv trein 936580
10:39 Delft Snelbus ipv trein 936582
10:40 Rotterdam Centraal Stopbus ipv trein 933828
10:42 +1 Schiphol Airport Intercity 702428 4
VIRM-6 8667 ->
10:45 Delft Snelbus ipv trein 936584
10:51 Delft Snelbus ipv trein 936586
10:55 Rotterdam Centraal Stopbus ipv trein 933830
10:57 Delft Snelbus ipv trein 936588

11:00 – 12:00

18 services, 0 cancelled (0%), 0 delayed (0%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
11:03 Delft Snelbus ipv trein 936590
11:03 Amsterdam Centraal Intercity 702339 6
SLT-6 2604, SLT-4 2451 ->
11:09 Delft Snelbus ipv trein 936592
11:10 Rotterdam Centraal Stopbus ipv trein 933832
11:13 Schiphol Airport Intercity 702430 5
VIRM-4 9477 ->
11:15 Delft Snelbus ipv trein 936594
11:21 Delft Snelbus ipv trein 936596
11:25 Rotterdam Centraal Stopbus ipv trein 933834
11:27 Delft Snelbus ipv trein 936598
Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
11:32 +2 Amsterdam Centraal Intercity 702241 3
VIRM-4 9596, VIRM-4 9557 ->
11:33 Delft Snelbus ipv trein 936600
11:39 Delft Snelbus ipv trein 936602
11:40 Rotterdam Centraal Stopbus ipv trein 933836
11:42 +1 Schiphol Airport Intercity 702432 4
VIRM-4 9524 ->
11:45 Delft Snelbus ipv trein 936604
11:51 Delft Snelbus ipv trein 936606
11:55 Rotterdam Centraal Stopbus ipv trein 933838
11:57 Delft Snelbus ipv trein 936608

12:00 – 13:00

18 services, 0 cancelled (0%), 0 delayed (0%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
12:03 Delft Snelbus ipv trein 936610
12:03 Amsterdam Centraal Intercity 702343 6
SLT-6 2613, SLT-4 2460 ->
12:09 Delft Snelbus ipv trein 936612
12:10 Rotterdam Centraal Stopbus ipv trein 933840
12:13 Schiphol Airport Intercity 702434 5
VIRM-6 8739 ->
12:15 Delft Snelbus ipv trein 936614
12:21 Delft Snelbus ipv trein 936616
12:25 Rotterdam Centraal Stopbus ipv trein 933842
12:27 Delft Snelbus ipv trein 936618
Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
12:32 +1 Amsterdam Centraal Intercity 702245 3
VIRM-6 8647 ->
12:33 Delft Snelbus ipv trein 936620
12:39 Delft Snelbus ipv trein 936622
12:40 Rotterdam Centraal Stopbus ipv trein 933844
12:42 +1 Schiphol Airport Intercity 702436 4
VIRM-4 9590 ->
12:45 Delft Snelbus ipv trein 936624
12:51 Delft Snelbus ipv trein 936626
12:55 Rotterdam Centraal Stopbus ipv trein 933846
12:57 Delft Snelbus ipv trein 936628

13:00 – 14:00

18 services, 0 cancelled (0%), 0 delayed (0%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
13:03 Amsterdam Centraal Intercity 702347 6
VIRM-4 9422, VIRM-4 9585 ->
13:03 Delft Snelbus ipv trein 936630
13:09 Delft Snelbus ipv trein 936632
13:10 Rotterdam Centraal Stopbus ipv trein 933848
13:13 Schiphol Airport Intercity 702438 5
VIRM-6 8658 ->
13:15 Delft Snelbus ipv trein 936634
13:21 Delft Snelbus ipv trein 936636
13:25 Rotterdam Centraal Stopbus ipv trein 933850
13:27 Delft Snelbus ipv trein 936638
Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
13:32 Amsterdam Centraal Intercity 702249 3
SLT-6 2604, SLT-4 2451 ->
13:33 Delft Snelbus ipv trein 936640
13:39 Delft Snelbus ipv trein 936642
13:40 Rotterdam Centraal Stopbus ipv trein 933852
13:42 +1 Schiphol Airport Intercity 702440 4
ICM-4 4248 ->
13:45 Delft Snelbus ipv trein 936644
13:51 Delft Snelbus ipv trein 936646
13:55 Rotterdam Centraal Stopbus ipv trein 933854
13:57 Delft Snelbus ipv trein 936648

14:00 – 15:00

18 services, 1 cancelled (5.6%), 1 delayed (5.6%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
14:03 Delft Snelbus ipv trein 936650
14:03 Amsterdam Centraal Intercity 702351 6
VIRM-4 9596, VIRM-4 9557 ->
14:09 Delft Snelbus ipv trein 936652
14:10 Rotterdam Centraal Stopbus ipv trein 933856
14:13 Schiphol Airport Intercity 702442 5
VIRM-6 8608 ->
14:15 Delft Snelbus ipv trein 936654
14:21 Delft Snelbus ipv trein 936656
14:25 Rotterdam Centraal Stopbus ipv trein 933858
14:27 Delft Snelbus ipv trein 936658
Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
14:32 +4 Amsterdam Centraal Intercity 702253 3
SLT-6 2613, SLT-4 2460 ->
14:33 Delft Snelbus ipv trein 936660
14:39 Delft Snelbus ipv trein 936662
14:40 Rotterdam Centraal Stopbus ipv trein 933860
14:42 Lelystad Centrum Intercity 702444
Train did not depart
14:45 Delft Snelbus ipv trein 936664
14:51 Delft Snelbus ipv trein 936666
14:55 Rotterdam Centraal Stopbus ipv trein 933862
14:57 Delft Snelbus ipv trein 936668

15:00 – 16:00

18 services, 0 cancelled (0%), 0 delayed (0%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
15:03 Delft Snelbus ipv trein 936670
15:03 Amsterdam Centraal Intercity 702355 6
VIRM-4 9504, VIRM-6 8647 ->
15:09 Delft Snelbus ipv trein 936672
15:10 Rotterdam Centraal Stopbus ipv trein 933864
15:13 Lelystad Centrum Intercity 702446 5
VIRM-6 8657 ->
15:15 Delft Snelbus ipv trein 936674
15:21 Delft Snelbus ipv trein 936676
15:25 Rotterdam Centraal Stopbus ipv trein 933866
15:27 Delft Snelbus ipv trein 936678
Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
15:32 Amsterdam Centraal Intercity 702257 3
VIRM-4 9422, VIRM-4 9585 ->
15:33 Delft Snelbus ipv trein 936680
15:39 Delft Snelbus ipv trein 936682
15:40 Rotterdam Centraal Stopbus ipv trein 933868
15:42 +1 Lelystad Centrum Intercity 702448 4
VIRM-4 9508 ->
15:45 Delft Snelbus ipv trein 936684
15:51 Delft Snelbus ipv trein 936686
15:55 Rotterdam Centraal Stopbus ipv trein 933870
15:57 Delft Snelbus ipv trein 936688

16:00 – 17:00

18 services, 0 cancelled (0%), 0 delayed (0%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
16:03 Amsterdam Centraal Intercity 702359 6
SLT-6 2604, SLT-4 2451 ->
16:03 Delft Snelbus ipv trein 936690
16:09 Delft Snelbus ipv trein 936692
16:10 Rotterdam Centraal Stopbus ipv trein 933872
16:13 Lelystad Centrum Intercity 702450 5
VIRM-4 9563 ->
16:15 Delft Snelbus ipv trein 936694
16:21 Delft Snelbus ipv trein 936696
16:25 Rotterdam Centraal Stopbus ipv trein 933874
16:27 Delft Snelbus ipv trein 936698
Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
16:32 +1 Amsterdam Centraal Intercity 702261 3
VIRM-4 9596, VIRM-4 9557 ->
16:33 Delft Snelbus ipv trein 936700
16:39 Delft Snelbus ipv trein 936702
16:40 Rotterdam Centraal Stopbus ipv trein 933876
16:42 +1 Lelystad Centrum Intercity 702452 4
VIRM-6 8667 ->
16:45 Delft Snelbus ipv trein 936704
16:51 Delft Snelbus ipv trein 936706
16:55 Rotterdam Centraal Stopbus ipv trein 933878
16:57 Delft Snelbus ipv trein 936708

17:00 – 18:00

18 services, 0 cancelled (0%), 0 delayed (0%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
17:03 Amsterdam Centraal Intercity 702363 6
SLT-6 2613, SLT-4 2460 ->
17:03 Delft Snelbus ipv trein 936710
17:09 Delft Snelbus ipv trein 936712
17:10 Rotterdam Centraal Stopbus ipv trein 933880
17:13 Lelystad Centrum Intercity 702454 5
VIRM-4 9477 ->
17:15 Delft Snelbus ipv trein 936714
17:21 Delft Snelbus ipv trein 936716
17:25 Rotterdam Centraal Stopbus ipv trein 933882
17:27 Delft Snelbus ipv trein 936718
Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
17:32 +1 Amsterdam Centraal Intercity 702265 3
VIRM-4 9504, VIRM-6 8647 ->
17:33 Delft Snelbus ipv trein 936720
17:39 Delft Snelbus ipv trein 936722
17:40 Rotterdam Centraal Stopbus ipv trein 933884
17:42 +1 Lelystad Centrum Intercity 702456 4
VIRM-4 9554 ->
17:45 Delft Snelbus ipv trein 936724
17:51 Delft Snelbus ipv trein 936726
17:55 Rotterdam Centraal Stopbus ipv trein 933886
17:57 Delft Snelbus ipv trein 936728

18:00 – 19:00

18 services, 0 cancelled (0%), 0 delayed (0%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
18:03 Delft Snelbus ipv trein 936730
18:03 +1 Amsterdam Centraal Intercity 702367 6
VIRM-4 9422, VIRM-4 9585 ->
18:09 Delft Snelbus ipv trein 936732
18:10 Rotterdam Centraal Stopbus ipv trein 933888
18:13 Lelystad Centrum Intercity 702458 5
VIRM-6 8642 ->
18:15 Delft Snelbus ipv trein 936734
18:21 Delft Snelbus ipv trein 936736
18:25 Rotterdam Centraal Stopbus ipv trein 933890
18:27 Delft Snelbus ipv trein 936738
Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
18:32 +1 Amsterdam Centraal Intercity 702269 3
SLT-6 2604, SLT-4 2451 ->
18:33 Delft Snelbus ipv trein 936740
18:39 Delft Snelbus ipv trein 936742
18:40 Rotterdam Centraal Stopbus ipv trein 933892
18:42 +1 Lelystad Centrum Intercity 702460 4
VIRM-6 8657 ->
18:45 Delft Snelbus ipv trein 936744
18:51 Delft Snelbus ipv trein 936746
18:55 Rotterdam Centraal Stopbus ipv trein 933894
18:57 Delft Snelbus ipv trein 936748

19:00 – 20:00

18 services, 0 cancelled (0%), 0 delayed (0%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
19:03 Delft Snelbus ipv trein 936750
19:03 Amsterdam Centraal Intercity 702371 6
VIRM-4 9596, VIRM-4 9557 ->
19:09 Delft Snelbus ipv trein 936752
19:10 Rotterdam Centraal Stopbus ipv trein 933896
19:15 Delft Snelbus ipv trein 936754
19:18 Venlo Intercity 3773 5
VIRM-4 9508 ->
19:21 Delft Snelbus ipv trein 936756
19:25 Rotterdam Centraal Stopbus ipv trein 933898
19:27 Delft Snelbus ipv trein 936758
Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
19:32 +1 Amsterdam Centraal Intercity 702273 3
SLT-6 2613, SLT-4 2460 ->
19:33 Delft Snelbus ipv trein 936760
19:39 Delft Snelbus ipv trein 936762
19:40 Rotterdam Centraal Stopbus ipv trein 933900
19:45 Delft Snelbus ipv trein 936764
19:47 +1 Venlo Intercity 3775 4
VIRM-4 9563 ->
19:51 Delft Snelbus ipv trein 936766
19:55 Rotterdam Centraal Stopbus ipv trein 933902
19:57 Delft Snelbus ipv trein 936768

20:00 – 21:00

18 services, 0 cancelled (0%), 0 delayed (0%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
20:03 Delft Snelbus ipv trein 936770
20:03 Amsterdam Centraal Intercity 702375 6
VIRM-4 9504, VIRM-6 8647 ->
20:09 Delft Snelbus ipv trein 936772
20:10 Rotterdam Centraal Stopbus ipv trein 933904
20:15 Delft Snelbus ipv trein 936774
20:18 Venlo Intercity 3777 5
VIRM-6 8667 ->
20:21 Delft Snelbus ipv trein 936776
20:25 Rotterdam Centraal Stopbus ipv trein 933906
20:27 Delft Snelbus ipv trein 936778
Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
20:32 Amsterdam Centraal Intercity 702277 3
VIRM-4 9422, VIRM-4 9585 ->
20:33 Delft Snelbus ipv trein 936780
20:39 Delft Snelbus ipv trein 936782
20:40 Rotterdam Centraal Stopbus ipv trein 933908
20:45 Delft Snelbus ipv trein 936784
20:47 Venlo Intercity 3779 4
VIRM-6 8662 ->
20:51 Delft Snelbus ipv trein 936786
20:55 Rotterdam Centraal Stopbus ipv trein 933910
20:57 Delft Snelbus ipv trein 936788

21:00 – 22:00

10 services, 0 cancelled (0%), 0 delayed (0%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
21:00 Rotterdam Centraal Stopbus ipv trein 933912
21:03 Amsterdam Centraal Intercity 702379 6
SLT-6 2604, SLT-4 2451 ->
21:10 Rotterdam Centraal Stopbus ipv trein 933914
21:18 Venlo Intercity 3781 5
VIRM-6 8661 ->
21:20 Rotterdam Centraal Stopbus ipv trein 933916
21:30 Rotterdam Centraal Stopbus ipv trein 933918
21:32 +1 Amsterdam Centraal Intercity 702281 3
VIRM-4 9596 ->
21:40 Rotterdam Centraal Stopbus ipv trein 933920
21:47 +1 Eindhoven Centraal Intercity 3783 4
VIRM-6 8674 ->
21:50 Rotterdam Centraal Stopbus ipv trein 933922

22:00 – 23:00

9 services, 0 cancelled (0%), 0 delayed (0%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
22:00 Rotterdam Centraal Stopbus ipv trein 933924
22:03 Amsterdam Centraal Intercity 702283 6
SLT-6 2613, SLT-4 2460 ->
22:10 Rotterdam Centraal Stopbus ipv trein 933926
22:18 Utrecht Centraal Intercity 3785 5
VIRM-6 8624 ->
22:20 Rotterdam Centraal Stopbus ipv trein 933928
22:30 Rotterdam Centraal Stopbus ipv trein 933930
22:32 +2 Amsterdam Centraal Intercity 702285 3
VIRM-6 8647 ->
22:40 Rotterdam Centraal Stopbus ipv trein 933932
22:50 Rotterdam Centraal Stopbus ipv trein 933934

23:00 – 24:00

8 services, 0 cancelled (0%), 0 delayed (0%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
23:00 Rotterdam Centraal Stopbus ipv trein 933936
23:03 Amsterdam Centraal Intercity 702287 6
VIRM-4 9422, VIRM-4 9585 ->
23:10 Rotterdam Centraal Stopbus ipv trein 933938
23:20 Rotterdam Centraal Stopbus ipv trein 933940
23:30 Rotterdam Centraal Stopbus ipv trein 933942
23:32 Amsterdam Centraal Intercity 702289 3
SLT-6 2604, SLT-4 2451 ->
23:40 Rotterdam Centraal Stopbus ipv trein 933944
23:50 Rotterdam Centraal Stopbus ipv trein 933946

00:00 – 01:00

7 services, 0 cancelled (0%), 0 delayed (0%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
00:00 Rotterdam Centraal Stopbus ipv trein 926532
00:02 +3 Amsterdam Centraal Intercity 702291 6
VIRM-4 9596 ->
00:10 Rotterdam Centraal Stopbus ipv trein 926534
00:20 Rotterdam Centraal Stopbus ipv trein 926536
00:30 Rotterdam Centraal Stopbus ipv trein 926538
00:32 +1 Amsterdam Centraal Intercity 702293 3
SLT-6 2613, SLT-4 2460 ->
00:40 Rotterdam Centraal Stopbus ipv trein 926540

01:00 – 02:00

4 services, 0 cancelled (0%), 0 delayed (0%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
01:10 Rotterdam Centraal Snelbus ipv trein 928117
01:22 01:32 Utrecht Centraal Intercity 1406 6
VIRM-4 9553 ->
01:40 Rotterdam Centraal Snelbus ipv trein 928118
01:42 Delft Snelbus ipv trein 926516