Train services at Den Haag HS on August 5, 2024
This page shows all trains which have departed from station Den Haag HS on Monday, August 5, 2024. This includes all trains scheduled to depart, including trains which were eventually cancelled.
Services which were cancelled in advance, for example due to engineering works, are not included in this overview.
Den Haag HS Monday, August 5, 2024 |
Total services | 322 |
On time | 295 (92%) |
Cancelled services | 16 (5%) |
Delayed trains* | 11 (3%) |
Train services
Click on a service to view the entire route and delays along the route. Visit live departures for Den Haag HS for live information.
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
02:21 | 02:29 | Utrecht Centraal | Intercity 1410 | 3 |
VIRM-4 9559 -> | ||||
02:37 | 02:38 | Rotterdam Centraal | Intercity 1405 | 3 |
VIRM-6 8729 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
03:21 | 03:29 | Utrecht Centraal | Intercity 1414 | 3 |
VIRM-4 9581 -> | ||||
03:35 | 03:38 | Rotterdam Centraal | Intercity 1409 | 3 |
VIRM-6 8656 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
04:21 | 04:28 +1 | Utrecht Centraal | Intercity 1418 | 3 |
VIRM-4 9590 -> | ||||
04:35 | 04:38 | Rotterdam Centraal | Intercity 1413 | 3 |
VIRM-6 8740 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
05:14 +3 | 05:14 +3 | Dordrecht | Sprinter 5117 | 3 |
SNG-3 3019, SNG-3 2303 -> | ||||
— | 05:23 | Eindhoven Centraal | Intercity 1117 | — |
Train did not depart | ||||
05:32 | 05:33 | Amsterdam Centraal | Intercity 2217 | 5 |
VIRM-4 9584 -> | ||||
05:37 | 05:38 | Rotterdam Centraal | Intercity 1417 | 4 |
VIRM-4 9559 -> | ||||
05:52 | 05:53 | Eindhoven Centraal | Intercity 1119 | — |
Train is cancelled | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
05:59 | 06:00 | Dordrecht | Sprinter 5121 | — |
Train is cancelled | ||||
05:59 | 06:01 | Den Haag Centraal | Sprinter 5110 | 5 |
SNG-4 2775, SNG-4 2751 -> | ||||
06:02 | 06:03 | Amsterdam Centraal | Intercity 2219 | 6 |
VIRM-6 8740 -> | ||||
06:12 | 06:13 | Lelystad Centrum | Intercity 2410 | 6 |
VIRM-6 8656 -> | ||||
06:22 +22 | 06:23 +22 | Eindhoven Centraal | Intercity 1121 | 3 |
SW9-25KV-2+9 16512 -> | ||||
06:27 | 06:28 +1 | Vlissingen | Intercity 2210 | 4 |
VIRM-4 9518 -> | ||||
06:29 | 06:31 | Den Haag Centraal | Sprinter 5112 | 5 |
SNG-4 2730 -> | ||||
06:29 | 06:31 | Dordrecht | Sprinter 5123 | 3 |
SNG-4 2751, SNG-4 2775 -> | ||||
06:32 +2 | 06:33 +2 | Amsterdam Centraal | Intercity 2221 | 6 |
VIRM-4 9555 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
06:36 | 06:38 +4 | Den Haag Centraal | Intercity 1112 | 5 |
SW7-25KV-2+7 16419 -> | ||||
06:42 +1 | 06:43 +1 | Lelystad Centrum | Intercity 2412 | 6 |
VIRM-4 9571 -> | ||||
06:52 +2 | 06:53 +3 | Eindhoven Centraal | Intercity 1123 | 3 |
SW7-25KV-2+7 16419 -> | ||||
06:57 | 06:58 +1 | Vlissingen | Intercity 2312 | 4 |
VIRM-4 9411 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
06:59 | 07:00 | Dordrecht | Sprinter 5125 | — |
Train is cancelled | ||||
06:59 | 07:01 | Den Haag Centraal | Sprinter 5114 | 5 |
SNG-3 2303, SNG-3 3019 -> | ||||
07:02 | 07:03 | Amsterdam Centraal | Intercity 2223 | 6 |
VIRM-6 8727 -> | ||||
07:06 | 07:13 +1 | Den Haag Centraal | Intercity 1114 | 5 |
ICNG25-8 3224 -> | ||||
07:12 | 07:13 | Lelystad Centrum | Intercity 2414 | 6 |
VIRM-6 8702 -> | ||||
07:17 +1 | 07:19 +1 | Dordrecht | Intercity 2425 | 4 |
VIRM-6 8646 -> | ||||
07:22 +1 | 07:23 +1 | Eindhoven Centraal | Intercity 1125 | 3 |
SW9-25KV-2+9 16505 -> | ||||
07:27 | 07:28 +1 | Vlissingen | Intercity 2214 | 4 |
VIRM-4 9584 -> | ||||
07:29 | 07:31 | Den Haag Centraal | Sprinter 5116 | 5 |
SNG-3 3016, SNG-4 2786 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
07:29 +1 | 07:31 | Dordrecht | Sprinter 5127 | 3 |
SNG-3 3019, SNG-3 2303 -> | ||||
07:32 | 07:33 | Amsterdam Centraal | Intercity 2325 | 6 |
VIRM-4 9520, VIRM-4 9559 -> | ||||
07:36 | 07:38 | Den Haag Centraal | Intercity 1116 | 5 |
ICNG25-5 3144, ICNG25-5 3131 -> | ||||
07:42 | 07:43 +1 | Lelystad Centrum | Intercity 2416 | 6 |
VIRM-6 8614 -> | ||||
07:47 | 07:49 | Dordrecht | Intercity 2427 | 4 |
VIRM-4 9553 -> | ||||
07:52 | 07:53 +1 | Eindhoven Centraal | Intercity 1127 | 3 |
ICNG25-8 3224 -> | ||||
07:57 | 07:58 | Vlissingen | Intercity 2316 | 4 |
VIRM-6 8740 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
07:59 | 08:00 | Dordrecht | Sprinter 5129 | 3 |
SNG-4 2786, SNG-3 3016 -> | ||||
07:59 | 08:01 | Den Haag Centraal | Sprinter 5118 | 5 |
SNG-3 2342, SNG-3 2315 -> | ||||
08:02 +1 | 08:03 +2 | Amsterdam Centraal | Intercity 2327 | 6 |
VIRM-4 9558, VIRM-4 9422 -> | ||||
08:06 +1 | 08:08 +1 | Den Haag Centraal | Intercity 1118 | 5 |
ICNG25-5 3142, ICNG25-5 3143 -> | ||||
08:12 | 08:13 | Lelystad Centrum | Intercity 2418 | 6 |
VIRM-4 9587, VIRM-6 8664 -> | ||||
08:17 | 08:19 | Dordrecht | Intercity 2429 | 4 |
VIRM-4 9566 -> | ||||
08:22 | 08:23 +1 | Eindhoven Centraal | Intercity 1129 | 3 |
ICNG25-5 3131, ICNG25-5 3144 -> | ||||
08:27 | 08:28 +1 | Vlissingen | Intercity 2218 | 4 |
VIRM-4 9555 -> | ||||
08:29 +1 | 08:31 | Den Haag Centraal | Sprinter 5120 | 5 |
SNG-4 2766 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
08:29 | 08:31 | Dordrecht | Sprinter 5131 | 3 |
SNG-3 2315, SNG-3 2342 -> | ||||
08:32 +1 | 08:33 +1 | Amsterdam Centraal | Intercity 2229 | 6 |
VIRM-6 8726 -> | ||||
08:36 | 08:38 | Den Haag Centraal | Intercity 1120 | 5 |
ICNG25-8 3225 -> | ||||
08:42 | 08:43 +1 | Lelystad Centrum | Intercity 2420 | 6 |
VIRM-6 8646 -> | ||||
08:47 | 08:49 | Dordrecht | Intercity 2431 | 4 |
VIRM-6 8660 -> | ||||
08:52 | 08:53 +1 | Eindhoven Centraal | Intercity 1131 | 3 |
ICNG25-5 3143, ICNG25-5 3142 -> | ||||
08:57 | 08:58 | Vlissingen | Intercity 2320 | 4 |
VIRM-6 8727 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
08:59 | 09:00 +1 | Dordrecht | Sprinter 5133 | 3 |
SNG-4 2783, SNG-3 2359 -> | ||||
08:59 +1 | 09:01 | Den Haag Centraal | Sprinter 5122 | 5 |
SNG-4 2772 -> | ||||
09:02 +1 | 09:03 +2 | Amsterdam Centraal | Intercity 2331 | 6 |
VIRM-4 9550 -> | ||||
09:06 | 09:08 | Den Haag Centraal | Intercity 1122 | — |
Train is cancelled | ||||
09:06 +4 | 09:08 +3 | Den Haag Centraal | Intercity 301122 | 5 |
ICNG25-8 3226 -> | ||||
09:12 +2 | 09:13 +2 | Venlo | Intercity 2422 | 6 |
VIRM-4 9553 -> | ||||
09:17 | 09:19 | Dordrecht | Intercity 2433 | 4 |
VIRM-6 8656 -> | ||||
09:22 | 09:23 | Eindhoven Centraal | Intercity 1133 | 3 |
ICNG25-8 3225 -> | ||||
09:27 | 09:28 +1 | Vlissingen | Intercity 2222 | 4 |
VIRM-4 9520 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
09:29 | 09:31 | Den Haag Centraal | Sprinter 5124 | 5 |
SNG-4 2775, SNG-4 2751 -> | ||||
09:29 | 09:31 | Dordrecht | Sprinter 5135 | 3 |
SNG-4 2772, SNG-4 2749 -> | ||||
09:32 | 09:33 | Amsterdam Centraal | Intercity 2233 | 6 |
VIRM-6 8737 -> | ||||
09:36 | 09:38 | Den Haag Centraal | Intercity 1124 | 5 |
SW9-25KV-2+9 16512 -> | ||||
09:42 +1 | 09:43 +1 | Venlo | Intercity 2424 | 6 |
VIRM-4 9566 -> | ||||
09:47 | 09:49 | Dordrecht | Intercity 2435 | 4 |
VIRM-4 9571 -> | ||||
09:52 | 09:53 +1 | Eindhoven Centraal | Intercity 1135 | 3 |
ICNG25-8 3226 -> | ||||
09:57 | 09:58 | Vlissingen | Intercity 2324 | 4 |
VIRM-4 9558 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
09:59 | 10:00 +1 | Dordrecht | Sprinter 5137 | 3 |
SNG-4 2751, SNG-4 2775 -> | ||||
09:59 +1 | 10:01 +1 | Den Haag Centraal | Sprinter 5126 | 5 |
SNG-4 2718 -> | ||||
10:02 +1 | 10:03 | Amsterdam Centraal | Intercity 2335 | 6 |
VIRM-6 8674 -> | ||||
10:06 +5 | 10:08 +4 | Den Haag Centraal | Intercity 1126 | 5 |
SW7-25KV-2+7 16419 -> | ||||
10:12 +2 | 10:13 +2 | Venlo | Intercity 2426 | 6 |
VIRM-6 8660 -> | ||||
10:17 | 10:19 +1 | Dordrecht | Intercity 2437 | 4 |
VIRM-6 8702 -> | ||||
10:22 +1 | 10:23 +1 | Eindhoven Centraal | Intercity 1137 | 3 |
SW9-25KV-2+9 16512 -> | ||||
10:27 | 10:28 +1 | Vlissingen | Intercity 2226 | 4 |
VIRM-6 8726 -> | ||||
10:29 | 10:31 | Den Haag Centraal | Sprinter 5128 | 5 |
SNG-3 2303, SNG-3 3019 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
10:29 | 10:31 | Dordrecht | Sprinter 5139 | 3 |
SNG-4 2718 -> | ||||
10:32 | 10:33 | Amsterdam Centraal | Intercity 2237 | 6 |
VIRM-6 8662 -> | ||||
10:36 +2 | 10:38 +1 | Den Haag Centraal | Intercity 1128 | 5 |
SW9-25KV-2+9 16505 -> | ||||
10:42 +1 | 10:43 +1 | Venlo | Intercity 2428 | 6 |
VIRM-6 8656 -> | ||||
10:47 | 10:49 | Dordrecht | Intercity 2439 | 4 |
VIRM-6 8614 -> | ||||
10:52 | 10:53 +1 | Eindhoven Centraal | Intercity 1139 | 3 |
SW7-25KV-2+7 16419 -> | ||||
10:57 | 10:58 | Vlissingen | Intercity 2328 | 4 |
VIRM-4 9550 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
10:59 | 11:00 | Dordrecht | Sprinter 5141 | 3 |
SNG-3 3019, SNG-3 2303 -> | ||||
10:59 | 11:01 | Den Haag Centraal | Sprinter 5130 | 5 |
SNG-3 3016, SNG-4 2786 -> | ||||
11:02 +1 | 11:03 +2 | Amsterdam Centraal | Intercity 2339 | 6 |
VIRM-4 9411 -> | ||||
11:06 | 11:08 | Den Haag Centraal | Intercity 1130 | 5 |
ICNG25-8 3224 -> | ||||
11:12 | 11:13 | Venlo | Intercity 2430 | 6 |
VIRM-4 9571 -> | ||||
11:17 | 11:19 | Dordrecht | Intercity 2441 | 4 |
VIRM-6 8664 -> | ||||
11:22 | 11:23 +1 | Eindhoven Centraal | Intercity 1141 | 3 |
SW9-25KV-2+9 16505 -> | ||||
11:27 | 11:28 +1 | Vlissingen | Intercity 2230 | 4 |
VIRM-6 8737 -> | ||||
11:29 | 11:31 | Den Haag Centraal | Sprinter 5132 | 5 |
SNG-3 2342, SNG-3 2315 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
11:29 +1 | 11:31 | Dordrecht | Sprinter 5143 | 3 |
SNG-4 2786, SNG-3 3016 -> | ||||
11:32 | 11:33 | Amsterdam Centraal | Intercity 2241 | 6 |
VIRM-4 9518 -> | ||||
11:36 | 11:38 | Den Haag Centraal | Intercity 1132 | 5 |
ICNG25-5 3144, ICNG25-5 3131 -> | ||||
11:42 | 11:43 | Venlo | Intercity 2432 | 6 |
VIRM-6 8702 -> | ||||
11:47 | 11:49 | Dordrecht | Intercity 2443 | 4 |
VIRM-4 9575 -> | ||||
11:47 | 11:49 | Dordrecht | Intercity 2443 | 4 |
VIRM-4 9575 -> | ||||
11:52 | 11:53 | Eindhoven Centraal | Intercity 1143 | 3 |
ICNG25-8 3224 -> | ||||
11:57 | 11:58 | Vlissingen | Intercity 2332 | 4 |
VIRM-6 8674 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
11:59 | 12:00 +1 | Dordrecht | Sprinter 5145 | 3 |
SNG-3 2315, SNG-3 2342 -> | ||||
11:59 | 12:01 | Den Haag Centraal | Sprinter 5134 | 5 |
SNG-3 2359, SNG-4 2783 -> | ||||
12:02 | 12:03 +1 | Amsterdam Centraal | Intercity 2343 | 6 |
VIRM-6 8740 -> | ||||
12:06 | 12:08 | Den Haag Centraal | Intercity 1134 | 5 |
ICNG25-5 3142, ICNG25-5 3143 -> | ||||
12:12 | 12:13 | Venlo | Intercity 2434 | 6 |
VIRM-6 8614 -> | ||||
12:17 | 12:19 | Dordrecht | Intercity 2445 | 4 |
VIRM-4 9591 -> | ||||
12:17 | 12:19 | Dordrecht | Intercity 2445 | 4 |
VIRM-4 9591 -> | ||||
12:22 +1 | 12:23 +2 | Eindhoven Centraal | Intercity 1145 | 3 |
ICNG25-5 3131, ICNG25-5 3144 -> | ||||
12:27 | 12:28 +1 | Vlissingen | Intercity 2234 | 4 |
VIRM-6 8662 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
12:29 | 12:31 | Den Haag Centraal | Sprinter 5136 | 5 |
SNG-4 2749, SNG-4 2772 -> | ||||
12:29 | 12:31 | Dordrecht | Sprinter 5147 | 3 |
SNG-4 2783, SNG-3 2359 -> | ||||
12:32 | 12:33 +1 | Amsterdam Centraal | Intercity 2245 | 6 |
VIRM-4 9584 -> | ||||
12:36 | 12:38 | Den Haag Centraal | Intercity 1136 | 5 |
ICNG25-8 3225 -> | ||||
12:42 | 12:43 | Venlo | Intercity 2436 | 6 |
VIRM-6 8664 -> | ||||
12:47 | 12:49 | Dordrecht | Intercity 2447 | 4 |
VIRM-4 9443 -> | ||||
12:47 | 12:49 | Dordrecht | Intercity 2447 | 4 |
VIRM-4 9443 -> | ||||
12:52 | 12:53 +1 | Eindhoven Centraal | Intercity 1147 | 3 |
ICNG25-5 3143, ICNG25-5 3142 -> | ||||
12:57 | 12:58 +1 | Vlissingen | Intercity 2336 | 4 |
VIRM-4 9411 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
12:59 | 13:00 | Dordrecht | Sprinter 5149 | 3 |
SNG-4 2772, SNG-4 2749 -> | ||||
12:59 | 13:01 | Den Haag Centraal | Sprinter 5138 | 5 |
SNG-4 2775, SNG-4 2751 -> | ||||
13:02 | 13:03 | Amsterdam Centraal | Intercity 2347 | 6 |
VIRM-6 8727 -> | ||||
13:06 | 13:08 | Den Haag Centraal | Intercity 1138 | 5 |
ICNG25-8 3226 -> | ||||
13:12 | 13:13 | Venlo | Intercity 2438 | 6 |
VIRM-4 9575 -> | ||||
13:17 | 13:19 | Dordrecht | Intercity 2449 | 4 |
VIRM-6 8730 -> | ||||
13:17 | 13:19 | Dordrecht | Intercity 2449 | 4 |
VIRM-6 8730 -> | ||||
13:22 | 13:23 +1 | Eindhoven Centraal | Intercity 1149 | 3 |
ICNG25-8 3225 -> | ||||
13:27 | 13:28 +1 | Vlissingen | Intercity 2238 | 4 |
VIRM-4 9518 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
13:29 | 13:31 | Den Haag Centraal | Sprinter 5140 | 5 |
SNG-4 2718 -> | ||||
13:29 | 13:31 | Dordrecht | Sprinter 5151 | 3 |
SNG-4 2751, SNG-4 2775 -> | ||||
13:32 | 13:33 | Amsterdam Centraal | Intercity 2249 | 6 |
VIRM-6 8735 -> | ||||
13:36 | 13:38 | Den Haag Centraal | Intercity 1140 | 5 |
SW9-25KV-2+9 16512 -> | ||||
13:42 +2 | 13:43 +2 | Venlo | Intercity 2440 | 6 |
VIRM-4 9591 -> | ||||
13:47 | 13:49 | Dordrecht | Intercity 2451 | 4 |
VIRM-6 8659 -> | ||||
13:47 | 13:49 | Dordrecht | Intercity 2451 | 4 |
VIRM-6 8659 -> | ||||
13:52 | 13:53 +1 | Eindhoven Centraal | Intercity 1151 | 3 |
ICNG25-8 3226 -> | ||||
13:57 | 13:58 | Vlissingen | Intercity 2340 | 4 |
VIRM-6 8740 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
13:59 +1 | 14:01 +1 | Den Haag Centraal | Sprinter 5142 | 5 |
SNG-3 2303, SNG-3 3019 -> | ||||
13:59 | 14:01 | Dordrecht | Sprinter 5153 | 3 |
SNG-4 2718, SNG-4 2763 -> | ||||
14:02 | 14:03 | Amsterdam Centraal | Intercity 2351 | 6 |
VIRM-4 9558 -> | ||||
14:06 +2 | 14:08 +2 | Den Haag Centraal | Intercity 1142 | 5 |
SW7-25KV-2+7 16419 -> | ||||
14:12 +1 | 14:13 +1 | Venlo | Intercity 2442 | 6 |
VIRM-4 9443 -> | ||||
14:17 | 14:19 | Dordrecht | Intercity 2453 | 4 |
VIRM-6 8703 -> | ||||
14:17 | 14:19 | Dordrecht | Intercity 2453 | 4 |
VIRM-6 8703 -> | ||||
14:22 +2 | 14:23 +3 | Eindhoven Centraal | Intercity 1153 | 3 |
SW9-25KV-2+9 16512 -> | ||||
14:27 | 14:28 +1 | Vlissingen | Intercity 2242 | 4 |
VIRM-4 9584 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
14:29 | 14:31 | Den Haag Centraal | Sprinter 5144 | 5 |
SNG-3 3016, SNG-4 2786 -> | ||||
14:29 | 14:31 | Dordrecht | Sprinter 5155 | 3 |
SNG-3 3019, SNG-3 2303, SNG-3 3027 -> | ||||
14:32 +1 | 14:33 +1 | Amsterdam Centraal | Intercity 2253 | 6 |
VIRM-4 9520 -> | ||||
14:36 | 14:38 | Den Haag Centraal | Intercity 1144 | 5 |
SW9-25KV-2+9 16505 -> | ||||
14:42 | 14:43 | Lelystad Centrum | Intercity 2444 | 6 |
VIRM-6 8730 -> | ||||
14:47 | 14:49 | Dordrecht | Intercity 2455 | 4 |
VIRM-4 9553 -> | ||||
14:47 | 14:49 | Dordrecht | Intercity 2455 | 4 |
VIRM-4 9553 -> | ||||
14:52 | 14:53 +1 | Eindhoven Centraal | Intercity 1155 | 3 |
SW7-25KV-2+7 16419 -> | ||||
14:57 | 14:58 +1 | Vlissingen | Intercity 2344 | 4 |
VIRM-6 8727 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
14:59 | 15:00 +1 | Dordrecht | Sprinter 5157 | 3 |
SNG-4 2786, SNG-3 3016 -> | ||||
14:59 | 15:01 | Den Haag Centraal | Sprinter 5146 | 5 |
SNG-3 2342, SNG-3 2315 -> | ||||
15:02 | 15:03 | Amsterdam Centraal | Intercity 2355 | 6 |
VIRM-4 9550 -> | ||||
15:06 | 15:08 | Den Haag Centraal | Intercity 1146 | 5 |
ICNG25-8 3224 -> | ||||
15:12 | 15:13 | Lelystad Centrum | Intercity 2446 | 6 |
VIRM-6 8659 -> | ||||
15:17 | 15:19 | Dordrecht | Intercity 2457 | 4 |
VIRM-4 9566 -> | ||||
15:17 | 15:19 | Dordrecht | Intercity 2457 | 4 |
VIRM-4 9566 -> | ||||
15:22 | 15:23 +1 | Eindhoven Centraal | Intercity 1157 | 3 |
SW9-25KV-2+9 16505 -> | ||||
15:27 | 15:28 +1 | Vlissingen | Intercity 2246 | 4 |
VIRM-6 8735 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
15:29 | 15:31 | Den Haag Centraal | Sprinter 5148 | — |
Train is cancelled | ||||
15:29 | 15:31 | Dordrecht | Sprinter 5159 | 3 |
SNG-3 2315, SNG-3 2342 -> | ||||
15:32 | 15:33 | Amsterdam Centraal | Intercity 2257 | 6 |
VIRM-6 8726 -> | ||||
15:36 | 15:38 | Den Haag Centraal | Intercity 1148 | 5 |
ICNG25-5 3144, ICNG25-5 3131 -> | ||||
15:42 | 15:43 | Lelystad Centrum | Intercity 2448 | 6 |
VIRM-6 8703 -> | ||||
15:47 | 15:49 | Dordrecht | Intercity 2459 | 4 |
VIRM-6 8660 -> | ||||
15:47 | 15:49 | Dordrecht | Intercity 2459 | 4 |
VIRM-6 8660 -> | ||||
15:52 | 15:53 +1 | Eindhoven Centraal | Intercity 1159 | 3 |
ICNG25-8 3224 -> | ||||
15:57 | 15:58 | Vlissingen | Intercity 2348 | 4 |
VIRM-4 9558 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
15:59 | 16:00 | Dordrecht | Sprinter 5161 | — |
Train is cancelled | ||||
15:59 | 16:01 | Den Haag Centraal | Sprinter 5150 | 5 |
SNG-4 2749, SNG-4 2772 -> | ||||
16:02 +1 | 16:03 +1 | Amsterdam Centraal | Intercity 2359 | 6 |
VIRM-6 8674 -> | ||||
16:06 | 16:08 | Den Haag Centraal | Intercity 1150 | 5 |
ICNG25-5 3142, ICNG25-5 3143 -> | ||||
16:12 | 16:13 | Lelystad Centrum | Intercity 2450 | 6 |
VIRM-4 9553 -> | ||||
16:17 | 16:19 | Dordrecht | Intercity 2461 | 4 |
VIRM-6 8656 -> | ||||
16:17 | 16:19 | Dordrecht | Intercity 2461 | 4 |
VIRM-6 8656 -> | ||||
16:22 +1 | 16:23 +1 | Eindhoven Centraal | Intercity 1161 | 3 |
ICNG25-5 3131, ICNG25-5 3144 -> | ||||
16:27 | 16:28 +1 | Vlissingen | Intercity 2250 | 4 |
VIRM-4 9520 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
16:29 | 16:31 | Den Haag Centraal | Sprinter 5152 | 5 |
SNG-4 2775, SNG-4 2751 -> | ||||
16:29 | 16:31 | Dordrecht | Sprinter 5163 | 3 |
SNG-4 2772, SNG-4 2749 -> | ||||
16:32 | 16:33 | Amsterdam Centraal | Intercity 2261 | 6 |
VIRM-6 8737 -> | ||||
16:36 | 16:38 | Den Haag Centraal | Intercity 1152 | 5 |
ICNG25-8 3225 -> | ||||
16:42 | 16:43 | Lelystad Centrum | Intercity 2452 | 6 |
VIRM-4 9566 -> | ||||
16:47 +5 | 16:49 | Dordrecht | Intercity 2463 | 4 |
Train did not depart | ||||
VIRM-4 9571 -> | ||||
16:47 +5 | 16:49 | Dordrecht | Intercity 2463 | 4 |
Train did not depart | ||||
VIRM-4 9571 -> | ||||
16:47 | 16:49 | Dordrecht | Intercity 302463 | — |
Train is cancelled | ||||
16:52 | 16:53 | Eindhoven Centraal | Intercity 1163 | 3 |
ICNG25-5 3143, ICNG25-5 3142 -> | ||||
16:57 | 16:58 | Vlissingen | Intercity 2352 | 6 |
Train did not depart | ||||
VIRM-4 9550 -> | ||||
16:57 | 16:58 | Vlissingen | Intercity 302352 | — |
Train is cancelled | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
16:59 | 17:00 +1 | Dordrecht | Sprinter 5165 | 1 |
SNG-4 2751, SNG-4 2775 -> | ||||
16:59 +13 | 17:01 +12 | Den Haag Centraal | Sprinter 5154 | 5 |
SNG-4 2763, SNG-4 2718 -> | ||||
17:02 | 17:03 | Amsterdam Centraal | Intercity 2363 | — |
Train is cancelled | ||||
17:02 | 17:03 +7 | Amsterdam Centraal | Intercity 302363 | 6 |
Train did not arrive | ||||
VIRM-4 9550 -> | ||||
17:06 +9 | 17:08 +9 | Den Haag Centraal | Intercity 1154 | 3 |
ICNG25-8 3226 -> | ||||
17:12 | 17:13 | Lelystad Centrum | Intercity 2454 | — |
Train is cancelled | ||||
17:12 | 17:13 +3 | Lelystad Centrum | Intercity 302454 | 4 |
Train did not arrive | ||||
VIRM-4 9571 -> | ||||
17:17 +2 | 17:19 +2 | Dordrecht | Intercity 2465 | 4 |
VIRM-6 8646 -> | ||||
17:22 +1 | 17:23 +2 | Eindhoven Centraal | Intercity 1165 | 3 |
ICNG25-8 3225 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
17:27 | 17:28 +1 | Vlissingen | Intercity 2254 | 4 |
VIRM-6 8726 -> | ||||
17:29 +1 | 17:31 +1 | Den Haag Centraal | Sprinter 5156 | 5 |
SNG-3 3027, SNG-3 2303, SNG-3 3019 -> | ||||
17:29 | 17:31 | Dordrecht | Sprinter 5167 | 3 |
SNG-4 2718, SNG-4 2763 -> | ||||
17:32 +13 | 17:33 +14 | Amsterdam Centraal | Intercity 2265 | 6 |
VIRM-6 8662 -> | ||||
17:36 +2 | 17:38 +2 | Den Haag Centraal | Intercity 1156 | 5 |
SW9-25KV-2+9 16512 -> | ||||
17:42 +7 | 17:43 +8 | Lelystad Centrum | Intercity 2456 | 6 |
VIRM-6 8656 -> | ||||
17:47 | 17:49 | Dordrecht | Intercity 2467 | 4 |
VIRM-6 8730 -> | ||||
17:52 | 17:53 +1 | Eindhoven Centraal | Intercity 1167 | 3 |
ICNG25-8 3226 -> | ||||
17:57 | 17:58 | Vlissingen | Intercity 2356 | 4 |
VIRM-6 8674 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
17:59 | 18:00 | Dordrecht | Sprinter 5169 | 3 |
SNG-3 3019, SNG-3 2303, SNG-3 3027 -> | ||||
17:59 +2 | 18:01 +1 | Den Haag Centraal | Sprinter 5158 | 5 |
SNG-3 3016, SNG-4 2786 -> | ||||
18:02 +3 | 18:03 +3 | Amsterdam Centraal | Intercity 2367 | 6 |
VIRM-6 8740 -> | ||||
18:06 +1 | 18:08 +2 | Den Haag Centraal | Intercity 1158 | 5 |
SW7-25KV-2+7 16419 -> | ||||
18:12 | 18:13 | Lelystad Centrum | Intercity 2458 | 6 |
VIRM-6 8660 -> | ||||
18:17 | 18:19 | Dordrecht | Intercity 2469 | 4 |
VIRM-6 8659 -> | ||||
18:22 | 18:23 +1 | Eindhoven Centraal | Intercity 1169 | 3 |
SW9-25KV-2+9 16512 -> | ||||
18:27 | 18:28 +1 | Vlissingen | Intercity 2258 | 4 |
VIRM-4 9559, VIRM-6 8737 -> | ||||
18:29 | 18:31 | Den Haag Centraal | Sprinter 5160 | 5 |
SNG-3 2342, SNG-3 2315 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
18:29 +1 | 18:31 +1 | Dordrecht | Sprinter 5171 | 3 |
SNG-4 2786, SNG-3 3016 -> | ||||
18:32 | 18:33 | Amsterdam Centraal | Intercity 2269 | 6 |
VIRM-4 9518 -> | ||||
18:36 +1 | 18:38 +1 | Den Haag Centraal | Intercity 1160 | 5 |
SW9-25KV-2+9 16505 -> | ||||
18:42 | 18:43 | Lelystad Centrum | Intercity 2460 | 6 |
VIRM-6 8646 -> | ||||
18:47 | 18:49 | Dordrecht | Intercity 2471 | 4 |
VIRM-6 8703 -> | ||||
18:52 | 18:53 +1 | Eindhoven Centraal | Intercity 1171 | 3 |
SW7-25KV-2+7 16419 -> | ||||
18:57 | 18:58 | Vlissingen | Intercity 2360 | 4 |
VIRM-4 9550 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
18:59 | 19:00 | Dordrecht | Sprinter 5173 | 3 |
SNG-3 2315, SNG-3 2342 -> | ||||
18:59 | 19:01 | Den Haag Centraal | Sprinter 5162 | 5 |
SLT-6 2653 -> | ||||
19:02 +2 | 19:03 +3 | Amsterdam Centraal | Intercity 2371 | 6 |
VIRM-6 8727 -> | ||||
19:06 +1 | 19:08 +1 | Den Haag Centraal | Intercity 1162 | 5 |
ICNG25-8 3224 -> | ||||
19:16 | 19:18 | Venlo | Intercity 3773 | 6 |
VIRM-4 9570 -> | ||||
19:17 | 19:19 | Dordrecht | Intercity 2473 | 4 |
VIRM-4 9553 -> | ||||
19:22 | 19:23 +1 | Eindhoven Centraal | Intercity 1173 | 3 |
SW9-25KV-2+9 16505 -> | ||||
19:27 | 19:28 +1 | Vlissingen | Intercity 2262 | 4 |
VIRM-6 8662 -> | ||||
19:29 | 19:31 | Den Haag Centraal | Sprinter 5164 | 5 |
SNG-4 2749, SNG-4 2772 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
19:29 +3 | 19:31 +2 | Dordrecht | Sprinter 5175 | 3 |
SLT-6 2653 -> | ||||
19:32 +2 | 19:33 +4 | Amsterdam Centraal | Intercity 2273 | 5 |
VIRM-4 9584 -> | ||||
19:36 +3 | 19:38 +2 | Den Haag Centraal | Intercity 1164 | 5 |
ICNG25-5 3144, ICNG25-5 3131 -> | ||||
19:46 | 19:48 | Venlo | Intercity 3775 | 5 |
VIRM-6 8659 -> | ||||
19:47 +1 | 19:49 | Dordrecht | Intercity 2475 | 4 |
VIRM-4 9566 -> | ||||
19:52 | 19:53 +1 | Eindhoven Centraal | Intercity 1175 | 3 |
ICNG25-8 3224 -> | ||||
19:57 | 19:58 +1 | Vlissingen | Intercity 2364 | 4 |
VIRM-6 8740 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
19:59 | 20:00 +1 | Dordrecht | Sprinter 5177 | 3 |
SNG-4 2772, SNG-4 2749 -> | ||||
19:59 +1 | 20:01 +1 | Den Haag Centraal | Sprinter 5166 | 5 |
SNG-4 2775, SNG-4 2751 -> | ||||
20:02 +1 | 20:03 | Amsterdam Centraal | Intercity 2375 | 6 |
VIRM-4 9558 -> | ||||
20:06 | 20:08 | Den Haag Centraal | Intercity 1166 | 5 |
ICNG25-5 3142, ICNG25-5 3143 -> | ||||
20:12 | 20:14 | Dordrecht | Intercity 3766 | 4 |
VIRM-4 9430 -> | ||||
20:16 | 20:18 | Venlo | Intercity 3777 | 6 |
VIRM-6 8703 -> | ||||
20:22 | 20:23 +1 | Eindhoven Centraal | Intercity 1177 | 3 |
ICNG25-5 3131, ICNG25-5 3144 -> | ||||
20:27 | 20:28 +1 | Vlissingen | Intercity 2266 | 4 |
VIRM-4 9518 -> | ||||
20:29 | 20:31 | Den Haag Centraal | Sprinter 5168 | 5 |
SNG-4 2763, SNG-4 2718 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
20:29 | 20:31 | Dordrecht | Sprinter 5179 | 3 |
SNG-4 2751 -> | ||||
20:32 | 20:33 | Amsterdam Centraal | Intercity 2277 | 6 |
VIRM-6 8735 -> | ||||
20:36 | 20:38 | Den Haag Centraal | Intercity 1168 | 5 |
ICNG25-8 3225 -> | ||||
20:42 | 20:44 | Dordrecht | Intercity 3768 | 4 |
VIRM-6 8729 -> | ||||
20:46 | 20:48 | Venlo | Intercity 3779 | 6 |
VIRM-4 9553 -> | ||||
20:52 | 20:53 +1 | Eindhoven Centraal | Intercity 1179 | 3 |
ICNG25-5 3143, ICNG25-5 3142 -> | ||||
20:57 | 20:58 | Vlissingen | Intercity 2268 | 4 |
VIRM-6 8727 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
20:59 | 21:00 | Dordrecht | Sprinter 5181 | 3 |
SNG-4 2718 -> | ||||
20:59 +1 | 21:01 +1 | Den Haag Centraal | Sprinter 5170 | 5 |
SNG-3 3027, SNG-3 2303, SNG-3 3019 -> | ||||
21:02 +5 | 21:03 +5 | Amsterdam Centraal | Intercity 2379 | 6 |
VIRM-4 9520 -> | ||||
21:06 +4 | 21:08 +3 | Den Haag Centraal | Intercity 1170 | 5 |
ICNG25-8 3226 -> | ||||
21:12 +2 | 21:14 +1 | Dordrecht | Intercity 3770 | 4 |
VIRM-6 8701 -> | ||||
21:16 | 21:18 | Venlo | Intercity 3781 | 6 |
VIRM-4 9566 -> | ||||
21:22 | 21:23 +1 | Eindhoven Centraal | Intercity 1181 | 3 |
ICNG25-8 3225 -> | ||||
21:27 | 21:28 | Vlissingen | Intercity 2270 | 4 |
VIRM-4 9584 -> | ||||
21:29 | 21:31 | Den Haag Centraal | Sprinter 5172 | 5 |
SNG-4 2728 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
21:29 +1 | 21:31 | Dordrecht | Sprinter 5183 | 3 |
SNG-3 3019, SNG-3 2303, SNG-3 3027 -> | ||||
21:32 +3 | 21:33 +4 | Amsterdam Centraal | Intercity 2281 | 6 |
VIRM-4 9411 -> | ||||
21:36 +1 | 21:38 +1 | Den Haag Centraal | Intercity 1172 | 5 |
SW9-25KV-2+9 16512 -> | ||||
21:42 | 21:44 | Dordrecht | Intercity 3772 | 4 |
VIRM-6 8642 -> | ||||
21:41 +39 | 21:44 +40 | Praha hl.n. | European Sleeper 453 | 3 |
INT26,4-1, INT26,4-1, INT26,4-1, INT26,4-1, INT26,4-1, INT26,4-1, INT26,4-1, INT26,4-1, INT26,4-1, INT26,4-1, INT26,4-1, INT26,4-1, INT26,4-1, INT26,4-1, E-LOC-TRAX, INT26,4-1 -> | ||||
21:46 | 21:48 | Eindhoven Centraal | Intercity 3783 | 6 |
VIRM-4 9430 -> | ||||
21:52 | 21:53 +1 | Eindhoven Centraal | Intercity 1183 | 3 |
ICNG25-8 3226 -> | ||||
21:57 | 21:58 | Vlissingen | Intercity 2272 | 4 |
VIRM-4 9558 -> | ||||
21:57 | 21:58 | Vlissingen | Intercity 302272 | — |
Train is cancelled | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
21:59 | 22:00 +1 | Dordrecht | Sprinter 5185 | 3 |
SNG-4 2728 -> | ||||
21:59 +8 | 22:01 +9 | Den Haag Centraal | Sprinter 5174 | 5 |
SNG-4 2749, SNG-4 2772 -> | ||||
22:02 +15 | 22:03 +15 | Amsterdam Centraal | Intercity 2283 | 6 |
VIRM-6 8726 -> | ||||
22:06 +6 | 22:08 +8 | Den Haag Centraal | Intercity 1174 | 5 |
SW7-25KV-2+7 16419 -> | ||||
22:12 +1 | 22:14 +2 | Dordrecht | Intercity 3774 | 4 |
VIRM-6 8702 -> | ||||
22:16 +8 | 22:18 +9 | Utrecht Centraal | Intercity 3785 | 6 |
VIRM-6 8729 -> | ||||
22:22 | 22:23 +1 | Eindhoven Centraal | Intercity 1185 | 4 |
SW9-25KV-2+9 16512 -> | ||||
22:22 | 22:23 | Eindhoven Centraal | Intercity 301185 | — |
Train is cancelled | ||||
22:27 +1 | 22:28 +2 | Vlissingen | Intercity 2274 | 4 |
VIRM-6 8735 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
22:29 | 22:31 | Den Haag Centraal | Sprinter 5176 | 5 |
SNG-4 2751 -> | ||||
22:29 | 22:31 +1 | Dordrecht | Sprinter 5187 | 3 |
SNG-4 2772, SNG-4 2749 -> | ||||
22:32 | 22:33 | Amsterdam Centraal | Intercity 2285 | 6 |
VIRM-6 8674 -> | ||||
22:36 +2 | 22:38 +2 | Den Haag Centraal | Intercity 1176 | 5 |
SW9-25KV-2+9 16505 -> | ||||
22:42 +2 | 22:44 +1 | Rotterdam Centraal | Intercity 3776 | 4 |
VIRM-6 8614 -> | ||||
22:52 | 22:53 | Eindhoven Centraal | Intercity 1187 | 3 |
SW7-25KV-2+7 16419 -> | ||||
22:57 | 22:58 | Vlissingen | Intercity 2276 | 4 |
VIRM-4 9520 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
22:59 | 23:00 | Dordrecht | Sprinter 5189 | 3 |
SNG-4 2751, SNG-4 2763 -> | ||||
22:59 +1 | 23:01 +1 | Den Haag Centraal | Sprinter 5178 | 5 |
SNG-4 2718 -> | ||||
23:02 | 23:03 +1 | Amsterdam Centraal | Intercity 2287 | 6 |
VIRM-6 8737 -> | ||||
23:06 | 23:08 | Den Haag Centraal | Intercity 1178 | 5 |
ICNG25-8 3224 -> | ||||
23:22 | 23:23 | Eindhoven Centraal | Intercity 1189 | 3 |
ICNG25-5 3135, ICNG25-8 3223 -> | ||||
23:27 | 23:28 +1 | Roosendaal | Intercity 2278 | 4 |
VIRM-4 9411 -> | ||||
23:29 +1 | 23:31 +1 | Den Haag Centraal | Sprinter 5180 | 5 |
SNG-3 3016 -> | ||||
23:29 | 23:31 | Roosendaal | Sprinter 5191 | 3 |
SNG-4 2718 -> | ||||
23:32 +2 | 23:33 +3 | Amsterdam Centraal | Intercity 2289 | 6 |
VIRM-4 9550 -> | ||||
23:36 | 23:38 | Den Haag Centraal | Intercity 1180 | 5 |
ICNG25-5 3144, ICNG25-5 3131 -> | ||||
23:57 +4 | 23:58 +4 | Dordrecht | Intercity 2280 | 4 |
VIRM-6 8726 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
23:59 | 00:00 +4 | Rotterdam Centraal | Sprinter 5193 | 3 |
SNG-3 3016 -> | ||||
23:59 +1 | 00:01 +1 | Den Haag Centraal | Sprinter 5182 | 5 |
SNG-4 2728 -> | ||||
00:02 | 00:03 | Amsterdam Centraal | Intercity 2291 | 6 |
VIRM-6 8662 -> | ||||
00:06 +5 | 00:08 +4 | Den Haag Centraal | Intercity 1182 | 5 |
ICNG25-5 3142, ICNG25-5 3143 -> | ||||
00:27 | 00:28 | Rotterdam Centraal | Intercity 2282 | 4 |
VIRM-6 8674 -> | ||||
00:29 | 00:31 | Den Haag Centraal | Sprinter 5184 | 5 |
SNG-3 3010 -> | ||||
00:29 +2 | 00:31 +2 | Roosendaal | Sprinter 5195 | 3 |
SNG-4 2728 -> | ||||
00:32 +1 | 00:33 +1 | Amsterdam Centraal | Intercity 2293 | 6 |
VIRM-6 8740 -> | ||||
00:36 | 00:38 | Den Haag Centraal | Intercity 1184 | 5 |
ICNG25-8 3225 -> | ||||
00:57 | 00:58 | Rotterdam Centraal | Intercity 2284 | 4 |
VIRM-6 8737 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
00:59 | 01:01 | Den Haag Centraal | Sprinter 5186 | 5 |
SNG-3 3016 -> | ||||
01:27 +1 | 01:28 +1 | Rotterdam Centraal | Intercity 2286 | 4 |
VIRM-4 9550 -> | ||||
01:21 | 01:29 | Utrecht Centraal | Intercity 1406 | 3 |
VIRM-4 9596 -> | ||||