Train services at Rijssen on October 10, 2024

This page shows all trains which have departed from station Rijssen on Thursday, October 10, 2024. This includes all trains scheduled to depart, including trains which were eventually cancelled.

Services which were cancelled in advance, for example due to engineering works, are not included in this overview.

Thursday, October 10, 2024
Total services 130
On time 128 (98%)
Cancelled services 0 (0%)
Delayed trains* 2 (2%)
* trains delayed for 5 minutes or more, excluding cancelled services

Train services

Click on a service to view the entire route and delays along the route. Visit live departures for Rijssen for live information.

05:00 – 06:00

2 services, 0 cancelled (0%), 0 delayed (0%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
05:06 +1 Schiphol Airport Intercity 11614 3
ICM-3 4094, ICM-3 4073 ->
05:36 +1 Schiphol Airport Intercity 1616 2
DDZ-4 7510 ->

06:00 – 07:00

5 services, 0 cancelled (0%), 0 delayed (0%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
06:06 Schiphol Airport Intercity 11618 2
DDZ-6 7635 ->
06:31 Almelo Snelbus ipv trein 925080
06:32 Wierden Stopbus ipv trein 925214
06:36 Schiphol Airport Intercity 1620 2
DDZ-4 7538 ->
06:56 Almelo Snelbus ipv trein 925083

07:00 – 08:00

8 services, 0 cancelled (0%), 0 delayed (0%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
07:01 Almelo Snelbus ipv trein 925084
07:02 Wierden Stopbus ipv trein 925216
07:06 Schiphol Airport Intercity 11622 2
DDZ-6 7639 ->
07:26 Almelo Snelbus ipv trein 925087
07:31 Almelo Snelbus ipv trein 925088
07:32 Wierden Stopbus ipv trein 925218
07:36 +1 Schiphol Airport Intercity 1624 2
ICM-3 4088, ICM-3 4058 ->
07:56 Almelo Snelbus ipv trein 925091

08:00 – 09:00

8 services, 0 cancelled (0%), 0 delayed (0%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
08:01 Almelo Snelbus ipv trein 925092
08:02 Wierden Stopbus ipv trein 925220
08:06 Schiphol Airport Intercity 11626 2
DDZ-6 7637 ->
08:26 Almelo Snelbus ipv trein 925095
08:31 Almelo Snelbus ipv trein 925096
08:32 Wierden Stopbus ipv trein 925222
08:36 Schiphol Airport Intercity 1628 2
ICM-4 4239 ->
08:56 Almelo Snelbus ipv trein 925099

09:00 – 10:00

8 services, 0 cancelled (0%), 0 delayed (0%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
09:01 Almelo Snelbus ipv trein 925100
09:02 Wierden Stopbus ipv trein 925224
09:06 +1 Schiphol Airport Intercity 11630 2
DDZ-6 7625 ->
09:26 Almelo Snelbus ipv trein 925103
09:31 Almelo Snelbus ipv trein 925104
09:32 Wierden Stopbus ipv trein 925226
09:36 +2 Schiphol Airport Intercity 1632 2
ICM-3 4094, ICM-3 4073 ->
09:56 Almelo Snelbus ipv trein 925107

10:00 – 11:00

6 services, 0 cancelled (0%), 0 delayed (0%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
10:02 Wierden Stopbus ipv trein 925228
10:06 Schiphol Airport Intercity 11634 2
DDZ-4 7510 ->
10:26 Almelo Snelbus ipv trein 925109
10:32 Wierden Stopbus ipv trein 925230
10:36 Schiphol Airport Intercity 1636 2
DDZ-6 7635 ->
10:56 Almelo Snelbus ipv trein 925111

11:00 – 12:00

6 services, 0 cancelled (0%), 0 delayed (0%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
11:02 Wierden Stopbus ipv trein 925232
11:06 Schiphol Airport Intercity 11638 2
DDZ-4 7538 ->
11:26 Almelo Snelbus ipv trein 925113
11:32 Wierden Stopbus ipv trein 925234
11:36 Schiphol Airport Intercity 1640 2
DDZ-6 7639 ->
11:56 Almelo Snelbus ipv trein 925115

12:00 – 13:00

6 services, 0 cancelled (0%), 0 delayed (0%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
12:02 Wierden Stopbus ipv trein 925236
12:06 Schiphol Airport Intercity 11642 2
ICM-3 4088, ICM-3 4058 ->
12:26 Almelo Snelbus ipv trein 925117
12:32 Wierden Stopbus ipv trein 925238
12:36 +1 Schiphol Airport Intercity 1644 2
DDZ-6 7637 ->
12:56 Almelo Snelbus ipv trein 925119

13:00 – 14:00

6 services, 0 cancelled (0%), 0 delayed (0%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
13:02 Wierden Stopbus ipv trein 925240
13:06 Schiphol Airport Intercity 11646 2
ICM-4 4239 ->
13:26 Almelo Snelbus ipv trein 925121
13:32 Wierden Stopbus ipv trein 925242
13:36 +3 Schiphol Airport Intercity 1648 2
DDZ-6 7625 ->
13:56 Almelo Snelbus ipv trein 925123

14:00 – 15:00

6 services, 0 cancelled (0%), 0 delayed (0%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
14:02 Wierden Stopbus ipv trein 925244
14:06 Schiphol Airport Intercity 11650 2
ICM-3 4094, ICM-3 4073 ->
14:26 Almelo Snelbus ipv trein 925125
14:32 Wierden Stopbus ipv trein 925246
14:36 +1 Schiphol Airport Intercity 1652 2
DDZ-4 7510 ->
14:56 Almelo Snelbus ipv trein 925127

15:00 – 16:00

8 services, 0 cancelled (0%), 0 delayed (0%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
15:01 Almelo Snelbus ipv trein 925128
15:02 Wierden Stopbus ipv trein 925248
15:06 Schiphol Airport Intercity 11654 2
DDZ-4 7507 ->
15:26 Almelo Snelbus ipv trein 925131
15:31 Almelo Snelbus ipv trein 925132
15:32 Wierden Stopbus ipv trein 925250
15:36 Schiphol Airport Intercity 1656 2
DDZ-4 7538 ->
15:56 Almelo Snelbus ipv trein 925135

16:00 – 17:00

8 services, 0 cancelled (0%), 0 delayed (0%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
16:01 Almelo Snelbus ipv trein 925136
16:02 Wierden Stopbus ipv trein 925252
16:06 +1 Schiphol Airport Intercity 11658 2
DDZ-6 7639 ->
16:26 Almelo Snelbus ipv trein 925139
16:31 Almelo Snelbus ipv trein 925140
16:32 Wierden Stopbus ipv trein 925254
16:36 Schiphol Airport Intercity 1660 2
ICM-3 4088, ICM-3 4058 ->
16:56 Almelo Snelbus ipv trein 925143

17:00 – 18:00

8 services, 0 cancelled (0%), 0 delayed (0%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
17:01 Almelo Snelbus ipv trein 925144
17:02 Wierden Stopbus ipv trein 925256
17:06 +2 Schiphol Airport Intercity 11662 2
DDZ-6 7637 ->
17:26 Almelo Snelbus ipv trein 925176
17:31 Almelo Snelbus ipv trein 925177
17:32 Wierden Stopbus ipv trein 925258
17:36 +3 Schiphol Airport Intercity 1664 2
ICM-4 4236 ->
17:56 Almelo Snelbus ipv trein 925180

18:00 – 19:00

7 services, 0 cancelled (0%), 0 delayed (0%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
18:01 Almelo Snelbus ipv trein 925181
18:02 Wierden Stopbus ipv trein 925260
18:06 +8 Schiphol Airport Intercity 11666 2
DDZ-6 7625 ->
18:26 Almelo Snelbus ipv trein 925184
18:32 Wierden Stopbus ipv trein 925262
18:36 Schiphol Airport Intercity 1668 2
ICM-3 4094, ICM-3 4073 ->
18:56 Almelo Snelbus ipv trein 925295

19:00 – 20:00

6 services, 0 cancelled (0%), 0 delayed (0%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
19:02 Wierden Stopbus ipv trein 925264
19:06 +3 Schiphol Airport Intercity 11670 2
DDZ-4 7534 ->
19:26 Almelo Snelbus ipv trein 925297
19:32 Wierden Stopbus ipv trein 925266
19:36 +15 Schiphol Airport Intercity 1672 2
DDZ-4 7507 ->
19:56 Almelo Snelbus ipv trein 925299

20:00 – 21:00

6 services, 0 cancelled (0%), 0 delayed (0%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
20:02 Wierden Stopbus ipv trein 925268
20:06 +1 Schiphol Airport Intercity 11674 2
DDZ-4 7538 ->
20:26 Almelo Snelbus ipv trein 925378
20:32 Wierden Stopbus ipv trein 925270
20:36 +1 Schiphol Airport Intercity 1676 2
DDZ-6 7639 ->
20:56 Almelo Snelbus ipv trein 925380

21:00 – 22:00

6 services, 0 cancelled (0%), 0 delayed (0%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
21:02 Wierden Stopbus ipv trein 925272
21:06 Schiphol Airport Intercity 11678 2
ICM-3 4088, ICM-3 4058 ->
21:26 Almelo Snelbus ipv trein 925382
21:32 Wierden Stopbus ipv trein 925274
21:36 +2 Schiphol Airport Intercity 1680 2
DDZ-6 7637 ->
21:56 Almelo Snelbus ipv trein 925384

22:00 – 23:00

6 services, 0 cancelled (0%), 0 delayed (0%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
22:02 Wierden Stopbus ipv trein 925276
22:06 Schiphol Airport Intercity 11682 2
ICM-4 4236 ->
22:26 Almelo Snelbus ipv trein 925393
22:32 Wierden Stopbus ipv trein 925278
22:36 Schiphol Airport Intercity 1684 2
DDZ-6 7625 ->
22:56 Almelo Snelbus ipv trein 925395

23:00 – 24:00

6 services, 0 cancelled (0%), 0 delayed (0%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
23:02 Wierden Stopbus ipv trein 925280
23:06 Schiphol Airport Intercity 211686 2
ICM-3 4094 ->
23:26 Almelo Snelbus ipv trein 925397
23:32 Wierden Stopbus ipv trein 925282
23:36 Apeldoorn Intercity 11688 2
DDZ-4 7534 ->
23:56 Almelo Snelbus ipv trein 925398

00:00 – 01:00

6 services, 0 cancelled (0%), 0 delayed (0%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
00:02 Wierden Stopbus ipv trein 925002
00:06 Deventer Intercity 1690 2
DDZ-4 7507 ->
00:26 Almelo Snelbus ipv trein 925008
00:32 Wierden Stopbus ipv trein 925004
00:36 Deventer Intercity 11692 2
DDZ-4 7538 ->
00:56 Almelo Snelbus ipv trein 925009

01:00 – 02:00

2 services, 0 cancelled (0%), 0 delayed (0%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
01:02 Wierden Stopbus ipv trein 925005
01:06 Deventer Intercity 1694 2
DDZ-6 7639 ->