Train services at Rotterdam Blaak on November 1, 2024

This page shows all trains which have departed from station Rotterdam Blaak on Friday, November 1, 2024. This includes all trains scheduled to depart, including trains which were eventually cancelled.

Services which were cancelled in advance, for example due to engineering works, are not included in this overview.

Rotterdam Blaak
Friday, November 1, 2024
Total services 588
On time 548 (93%)
Cancelled services 36 (6%)
Delayed trains* 4 (1%)
* trains delayed for 5 minutes or more, excluding cancelled services

Train services

Click on a service to view the entire route and delays along the route. Visit live departures for Rotterdam Blaak for live information.

05:00 – 06:00

11 services, 0 cancelled (0%), 0 delayed (0%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
05:01 05:01 Rotterdam Centraal Sprinter 5108 1
SNG-4 2751, SNG-4 2787 ->
05:06 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 932766
05:15 05:15 Dordrecht Sprinter 5115 2
SNG-4 2787, SNG-4 2751 ->
05:21 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 932767
05:30 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 932768
05:31 05:31 Rotterdam Centraal Sprinter 5110 1
SNG-3 2348, SNG-4 2776 ->
05:36 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 932769
05:45 05:45 Dordrecht Sprinter 5117 3
SNG-4 2750, SNG-4 2775 ->
05:45 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 932771
05:51 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 932773
05:57 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 932774

06:00 – 07:00

32 services, 0 cancelled (0%), 0 delayed (0%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
06:00 06:00 Dordrecht Sprinter 5119 3
SNG-4 2776, SNG-3 2348 ->
06:00 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 932775
06:01 06:01 Rotterdam Centraal Sprinter 5112 2
SNG-4 2751, SNG-4 2787 ->
06:05 +1 06:05 +1 Rotterdam Centraal Intercity 2221 2
VIRM-4 9477 ->
06:05 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 932776
06:10 06:10 Dordrecht Sprinter 5019 3
SNG-4 2783 ->
06:10 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 932778
06:12 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 932780
06:15 +3 06:15 +3 Rotterdam Centraal Intercity 28623 2
VIRM-4 9528 ->
Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
06:15 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 932782
06:21 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 932784
06:23 06:23 Rotterdam Centraal Sprinter 5012 2
SNG-3 2309, SNG-4 2760 ->
06:23 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 932785
06:24 +1 06:24 +1 Vlissingen Intercity 2308 3
VIRM-4 9477 ->
06:27 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 932787
06:30 06:30 Dordrecht Sprinter 5121 3
SNG-4 2787, SNG-4 2751 ->
Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
06:30 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 932789
Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
06:31 +4 06:31 +4 Rotterdam Centraal Sprinter 5114 2
SNG-4 2775, SNG-4 2750 ->
06:32 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 932790
06:35 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 932791
06:36 +5 06:36 +5 Rotterdam Centraal Intercity 2223 2
VIRM-6 8644 ->
06:38 +3 06:38 +3 Dordrecht Sprinter 5021 3
SNG-4 2760, SNG-3 2309 ->
06:42 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 932794
06:45 +1 06:45 +1 Rotterdam Centraal Intercity 28625 2
VIRM-4 9450 ->
06:45 +2 06:45 +2 Dordrecht Intercity 28610 3
VIRM-4 9528 ->
Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
06:45 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 932796
06:50 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 932798
06:52 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 932799
06:53 06:53 Rotterdam Centraal Sprinter 5014 2
SNG-3 2348, SNG-4 2776 ->
06:54 +1 06:54 +1 Vlissingen Intercity 2210 3
VIRM-6 8644 ->
06:54 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 932892
06:57 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 932893

07:00 – 08:00

34 services, 0 cancelled (0%), 0 delayed (0%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
07:00 +2 07:00 +2 Dordrecht Sprinter 5123 3
SNG-4 2750, SNG-4 2775 ->
07:01 07:01 Rotterdam Centraal Sprinter 5116 2
SNG-4 2783 ->
07:01 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 932896
07:04 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 932897
07:05 +1 07:05 +1 Rotterdam Centraal Intercity 2325 2
VIRM-4 9579 ->
07:07 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 932899
07:10 07:10 Dordrecht Sprinter 5023 3
SNG-4 2776, SNG-3 2348 ->
07:11 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 932902
07:14 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 932903
Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
07:15 +1 07:15 +1 Rotterdam Centraal Intercity 28627 2
VIRM-4 9528 ->
07:15 +1 07:15 +1 Dordrecht Intercity 28612 3
VIRM-4 9450 ->
07:17 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 932905
07:21 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 932908
07:23 07:23 Rotterdam Centraal Sprinter 5016 2
SNG-4 2751, SNG-4 2787 ->
07:24 +1 07:24 +1 Vlissingen Intercity 2312 3
VIRM-4 9579 ->
07:24 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 932909
Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
07:27 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 932911
Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
07:30 07:30 Dordrecht Sprinter 5125 3
SNG-4 2783 ->
07:31 07:31 Rotterdam Centraal Sprinter 5118 2
SNG-3 2309, SNG-4 2760 ->
07:31 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 932914
07:34 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 932915
07:35 07:35 Rotterdam Centraal Intercity 2327 2
VIRM-4 9425 ->
07:37 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 932917
07:38 +1 07:38 +1 Dordrecht Sprinter 5025 3
SNG-4 2787, SNG-4 2751 ->
07:41 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 932920
Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
07:44 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 932921
07:45 +2 07:45 +2 Rotterdam Centraal Intercity 28629 2
VIRM-4 9450 ->
07:45 +1 07:45 +1 Dordrecht Intercity 28614 3
VIRM-4 9528 ->
07:47 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 932923
07:51 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 932926
07:53 07:53 Rotterdam Centraal Sprinter 5018 2
SNG-4 2775, SNG-4 2750 ->
07:54 +1 07:54 +1 Vlissingen Intercity 2214 3
VIRM-4 9425 ->
07:54 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 932927
07:57 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 932929

08:00 – 09:00

34 services, 0 cancelled (0%), 0 delayed (0%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
08:00 08:00 Dordrecht Sprinter 5127 3
SNG-4 2760, SNG-3 2309 ->
08:01 08:01 Rotterdam Centraal Sprinter 5120 2
SNG-3 2348, SNG-4 2776 ->
08:01 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 932932
08:04 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 932933
08:05 08:05 Rotterdam Centraal Intercity 2229 2
VIRM-4 9430 ->
08:07 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 932935
08:10 08:10 Dordrecht Sprinter 5027 3
SNG-4 2750, SNG-4 2775 ->
08:11 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 932938
08:14 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 932939
Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
08:15 +1 08:15 +1 Rotterdam Centraal Intercity 28631 2
VIRM-4 9528 ->
08:15 +1 08:15 +1 Dordrecht Intercity 28616 3
VIRM-4 9450 ->
08:17 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 932941
08:21 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 932944
08:23 08:23 Rotterdam Centraal Sprinter 5020 2
SNG-4 2783 ->
08:24 +1 08:24 +1 Vlissingen Intercity 2316 3
VIRM-4 9430 ->
08:24 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 932945
Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
08:27 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 932947
Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
08:30 08:30 Dordrecht Sprinter 5129 3
SNG-4 2776, SNG-3 2348 ->
08:31 +1 08:31 +1 Rotterdam Centraal Sprinter 5122 2
SNG-4 2751, SNG-4 2787 ->
08:31 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 932950
08:34 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 932951
08:35 +2 08:35 +2 Rotterdam Centraal Intercity 2331 2
VIRM-4 9584 ->
08:37 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 932953
08:38 08:38 Dordrecht Sprinter 5029 3
SNG-4 2783 ->
08:41 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 932956
Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
08:44 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 932957
08:45 +1 08:45 +1 Rotterdam Centraal Intercity 28633 2
VIRM-4 9450 ->
08:45 08:45 Dordrecht Intercity 28618 3
VIRM-4 9528 ->
08:47 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 932959
08:51 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 932962
08:53 08:53 Rotterdam Centraal Sprinter 5022 2
SNG-3 2309, SNG-4 2760 ->
08:54 +1 08:54 +1 Vlissingen Intercity 2218 3
VIRM-4 9584 ->
08:54 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 932963
08:57 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 932965

09:00 – 10:00

34 services, 0 cancelled (0%), 0 delayed (0%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
09:00 09:00 Dordrecht Sprinter 5131 3
SNG-4 2787 ->
09:01 09:01 Rotterdam Centraal Sprinter 5124 2
SNG-4 2775, SNG-4 2750 ->
09:01 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 932968
09:04 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 932969
09:05 +3 09:05 +3 Rotterdam Centraal Intercity 2233 2
VIRM-4 9547 ->
09:07 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 932971
09:10 09:10 Dordrecht Sprinter 5031 3
SNG-4 2760, SNG-3 2309 ->
09:11 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 932974
09:14 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 932975
Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
09:15 +2 09:15 +2 Rotterdam Centraal Intercity 28635 2
VIRM-4 9528 ->
09:15 +1 09:15 +1 Dordrecht Intercity 28620 3
VIRM-4 9450 ->
09:17 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 932977
09:21 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 932980
09:23 +1 09:23 +1 Rotterdam Centraal Sprinter 5024 2
SNG-3 2348, SNG-4 2776 ->
09:24 +1 09:24 +1 Vlissingen Intercity 2320 3
VIRM-4 9547 ->
09:24 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 932981
Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
09:27 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 932983
Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
09:30 +2 09:30 +2 Dordrecht Sprinter 5133 3
SNG-4 2750, SNG-4 2775 ->
09:31 09:31 Rotterdam Centraal Sprinter 5126 2
SNG-4 2783 ->
09:31 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 932986
09:34 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 932987
09:35 +3 09:35 +3 Rotterdam Centraal Intercity 2335 2
VIRM-4 9477 ->
09:37 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 932989
09:38 09:38 Dordrecht Sprinter 5033 3
SNG-4 2776, SNG-3 2348 ->
09:41 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 932992
Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
09:44 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 932993
09:45 09:45 Rotterdam Centraal Intercity 28637 2
VIRM-4 9450 ->
09:45 +3 09:45 +3 Dordrecht Intercity 28622 3
VIRM-4 9528 ->
09:47 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 932995
09:51 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 932998
09:53 +1 09:53 +1 Rotterdam Centraal Sprinter 5026 2
SNG-4 2787 ->
09:54 +2 09:54 +2 Vlissingen Intercity 2222 3
VIRM-4 9477 ->
09:54 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 932999
09:57 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 933001

10:00 – 11:00

34 services, 0 cancelled (0%), 0 delayed (0%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
10:00 10:00 Dordrecht Sprinter 5135 3
SNG-4 2783 ->
10:01 +2 10:01 +2 Rotterdam Centraal Sprinter 5128 2
SNG-3 2309, SNG-4 2760 ->
10:01 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 933004
10:04 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 933005
10:05 +1 10:05 +1 Rotterdam Centraal Intercity 2237 2
VIRM-4 9522 ->
10:07 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 933007
10:10 10:10 Dordrecht Sprinter 5035 3
SNG-4 2787 ->
10:11 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 933010
10:14 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 933011
Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
10:15 +1 10:15 +1 Rotterdam Centraal Intercity 28639 2
VIRM-4 9528 ->
10:15 10:15 Dordrecht Intercity 28624 3
VIRM-4 9450 ->
10:17 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 933013
10:21 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 933016
10:23 10:23 Rotterdam Centraal Sprinter 5028 2
SNG-4 2775, SNG-4 2750 ->
10:24 +1 10:24 +1 Vlissingen Intercity 2324 3
VIRM-4 9522 ->
10:24 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 933017
Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
10:27 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 933019
Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
10:30 10:30 Dordrecht Sprinter 5137 3
SNG-4 2760, SNG-3 2309 ->
10:31 +1 10:31 +1 Rotterdam Centraal Sprinter 5130 2
SNG-3 2348, SNG-4 2776 ->
10:31 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 933022
10:34 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 933023
10:35 +1 10:35 +1 Rotterdam Centraal Intercity 2339 2
VIRM-4 9579 ->
10:37 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 933025
10:38 10:38 Dordrecht Sprinter 5037 3
SNG-4 2750, SNG-4 2775 ->
10:41 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 933028
Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
10:44 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 933029
10:45 +1 10:45 +1 Rotterdam Centraal Intercity 28641 2
VIRM-4 9450 ->
10:45 +1 10:45 +1 Dordrecht Intercity 28626 3
VIRM-4 9528 ->
10:47 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 933031
10:51 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 933034
10:53 10:53 Rotterdam Centraal Sprinter 5030 2
SNG-4 2783 ->
10:54 +1 10:54 +1 Vlissingen Intercity 2226 3
VIRM-4 9579 ->
10:54 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 933035
10:57 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 933037

11:00 – 12:00

34 services, 1 cancelled (2.9%), 1 delayed (2.9%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
11:00 11:00 Dordrecht Sprinter 5139 3
SNG-4 2776, SNG-3 2348 ->
11:01 +1 11:01 +1 Rotterdam Centraal Sprinter 5132 2
SNG-4 2787 ->
11:01 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 933040
11:04 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 933041
11:05 11:05 Rotterdam Centraal Intercity 2241 2
VIRM-6 8644 ->
11:07 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 933043
11:10 11:10 Dordrecht Sprinter 5039 3
SNG-4 2783 ->
11:11 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 933046
11:14 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 933047
Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
11:15 +2 11:15 +2 Rotterdam Centraal Intercity 28643 2
VIRM-4 9528 ->
11:15 +1 11:15 +1 Dordrecht Intercity 28628 3
VIRM-4 9450 ->
11:17 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 933049
11:21 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 933052
11:23 +1 11:23 +1 Rotterdam Centraal Sprinter 5032 2
SNG-3 2309, SNG-4 2760 ->
11:24 +1 11:24 +1 Vlissingen Intercity 2328 3
VIRM-6 8644 ->
11:24 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 933053
Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
11:27 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 933055
Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
11:30 11:30 Dordrecht Sprinter 5141
Train is cancelled
11:31 11:31 Rotterdam Centraal Sprinter 5134 2
SNG-4 2775, SNG-4 2750 ->
11:31 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 933058
11:34 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 933059
11:35 +2 11:35 +2 Rotterdam Centraal Intercity 2343 2
VIRM-4 9430 ->
11:37 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 933061
11:38 +1 11:38 +1 Dordrecht Sprinter 5041 3
SNG-4 2760, SNG-3 2309 ->
11:41 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 933064
Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
11:44 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 933065
11:45 +1 11:45 +1 Rotterdam Centraal Intercity 28645 2
VIRM-4 9450 ->
11:45 11:45 Dordrecht Intercity 28630 3
VIRM-4 9528 ->
11:47 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 933067
11:51 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 933070
11:53 11:53 Rotterdam Centraal Sprinter 5034 2
SNG-3 2348, SNG-4 2776 ->
11:54 +1 11:54 +1 Vlissingen Intercity 2230 3
VIRM-4 9430 ->
11:54 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 933071
11:57 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 933073

12:00 – 13:00

34 services, 8 cancelled (23.5%), 8 delayed (23.5%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
12:00 +1 12:00 +1 Dordrecht Sprinter 5143 3
SNG-4 2750, SNG-4 2775 ->
12:01 12:01 Rotterdam Centraal Sprinter 5136 2
SNG-4 2783 ->
12:01 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 933076
12:04 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 933077
12:05 +1 12:05 +1 Rotterdam Centraal Intercity 2245 2
VIRM-4 9425 ->
12:07 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 933079
12:10 12:10 Dordrecht Sprinter 5043
Train is cancelled
12:11 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 933082
12:14 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 933083
Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
12:15 12:15 Rotterdam Centraal Intercity 28647
Train is cancelled
12:15 12:15 Dordrecht Intercity 28632
Train is cancelled
12:17 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 933085
12:21 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 933088
12:23 12:23 Rotterdam Centraal Sprinter 5036
Train is cancelled
12:24 +1 12:24 +1 Vlissingen Intercity 2332 3
VIRM-4 9425 ->
12:24 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 933089
Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
12:27 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 933091
Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
12:30 +1 12:30 +1 Dordrecht Sprinter 5145 3
SNG-4 2776, SNG-3 2348 ->
12:31 +1 12:31 +1 Rotterdam Centraal Sprinter 5138 2
SNG-3 2309, SNG-4 2760 ->
12:31 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 933094
12:34 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 933095
12:35 +3 12:35 +3 Rotterdam Centraal Intercity 2347 2
VIRM-4 9547 ->
12:37 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 933097
12:38 12:38 Dordrecht Sprinter 5045
Train is cancelled
12:41 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 933100
Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
12:44 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 933101
12:45 12:45 Rotterdam Centraal Intercity 28649
Train is cancelled
12:45 12:45 Dordrecht Intercity 28634
Train is cancelled
12:47 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 933103
12:51 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 933106
12:53 12:53 Rotterdam Centraal Sprinter 5038
Train is cancelled
12:54 12:54 Vlissingen Intercity 2234 3
VIRM-4 9547 ->
12:54 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 933107
12:57 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 933109

13:00 – 14:00

34 services, 8 cancelled (23.5%), 8 delayed (23.5%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
13:00 13:00 Dordrecht Sprinter 5147 3
SNG-4 2760, SNG-3 2309 ->
13:01 +11 13:01 +11 Rotterdam Centraal Sprinter 5140 2
SNG-4 2775, SNG-4 2750 ->
13:01 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 933112
13:04 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 933113
13:05 +8 13:05 +8 Rotterdam Centraal Intercity 2249 3
VIRM-4 9584 ->
13:07 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 933115
13:10 13:10 Dordrecht Sprinter 5047
Train is cancelled
13:11 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 933118
13:14 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 933119
Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
13:15 13:15 Rotterdam Centraal Intercity 28651
Train is cancelled
13:15 13:15 Dordrecht Intercity 28636
Train is cancelled
13:17 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 933121
13:21 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 933124
13:23 13:23 Rotterdam Centraal Sprinter 5040
Train is cancelled
13:24 +1 13:24 +1 Vlissingen Intercity 2336 3
VIRM-4 9584 ->
13:24 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 933125
Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
13:27 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 933127
Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
13:30 13:30 Dordrecht Sprinter 5149 3
SNG-4 2750, SNG-4 2775 ->
13:31 13:31 Rotterdam Centraal Sprinter 5142 2
SNG-3 2348, SNG-4 2776 ->
13:31 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 933130
13:34 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 933131
13:35 +3 13:35 +3 Rotterdam Centraal Intercity 2351 2
VIRM-4 9522 ->
13:37 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 933133
13:38 13:38 Dordrecht Sprinter 5049
Train is cancelled
13:41 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 933452
Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
13:44 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 933453
13:45 13:45 Rotterdam Centraal Intercity 28653
Train is cancelled
13:45 13:45 Dordrecht Intercity 28638
Train is cancelled
13:47 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 933455
13:51 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 933458
13:53 13:53 Rotterdam Centraal Sprinter 5042
Train is cancelled
13:54 13:54 Vlissingen Intercity 2238 3
VIRM-4 9522 ->
13:54 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 933459
13:57 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 933461

14:00 – 15:00

34 services, 8 cancelled (23.5%), 8 delayed (23.5%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
14:00 14:00 Dordrecht Sprinter 5151 3
SNG-4 2776, SNG-3 2348 ->
14:01 +1 14:01 +1 Rotterdam Centraal Sprinter 5144 2
SNG-3 2309, SNG-4 2760 ->
14:01 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 933464
14:04 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 933465
14:05 +3 14:05 +3 Rotterdam Centraal Intercity 2253 2
VIRM-4 9477 ->
14:07 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 933467
14:10 14:10 Dordrecht Sprinter 5051
Train is cancelled
14:11 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 933470
14:14 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 933471
Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
14:15 14:15 Rotterdam Centraal Intercity 28655
Train is cancelled
14:15 14:15 Dordrecht Intercity 28640
Train is cancelled
14:17 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 933473
14:21 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 933476
14:23 14:23 Rotterdam Centraal Sprinter 5044
Train is cancelled
14:24 +1 14:24 +1 Vlissingen Intercity 2340 3
VIRM-4 9477 ->
14:24 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 933477
Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
14:27 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 933479
Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
14:30 +1 14:30 +1 Dordrecht Sprinter 5153 3
SNG-4 2760, SNG-3 2309 ->
14:31 +2 14:31 +2 Rotterdam Centraal Sprinter 5146 2
SNG-4 2775, SNG-4 2750 ->
14:31 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 933482
14:34 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 933483
14:35 +3 14:35 +3 Rotterdam Centraal Intercity 2355 2
VIRM-6 8644 ->
14:37 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 933485
14:38 14:38 Dordrecht Sprinter 5053
Train is cancelled
14:41 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 933488
Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
14:44 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 933489
14:45 14:45 Rotterdam Centraal Intercity 28657
Train is cancelled
14:45 14:45 Dordrecht Intercity 28642
Train is cancelled
14:47 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 933491
14:51 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 933494
14:53 14:53 Rotterdam Centraal Sprinter 5046
Train is cancelled
14:54 +1 14:54 +1 Vlissingen Intercity 2242 3
VIRM-6 8644 ->
14:54 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 933495
14:57 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 933497

15:00 – 16:00

34 services, 8 cancelled (23.5%), 8 delayed (23.5%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
15:00 15:00 Dordrecht Sprinter 5155 3
SNG-4 2750, SNG-4 2775 ->
15:01 +3 15:01 +3 Rotterdam Centraal Sprinter 5148 2
SNG-3 2348, SNG-4 2776 ->
15:01 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 933500
15:04 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 933501
15:05 +6 15:05 +6 Rotterdam Centraal Intercity 2257 2
VIRM-4 9579 ->
15:07 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 933503
15:10 15:10 Dordrecht Sprinter 5055
Train is cancelled
15:11 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 933506
15:14 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 933507
Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
15:15 15:15 Rotterdam Centraal Intercity 28659
Train is cancelled
15:15 15:15 Dordrecht Intercity 28644
Train is cancelled
15:17 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 933509
15:21 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 933512
15:23 15:23 Rotterdam Centraal Sprinter 5048
Train is cancelled
15:24 +1 15:24 +1 Vlissingen Intercity 2344 3
VIRM-4 9579 ->
15:24 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 933513
Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
15:27 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 933515
Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
15:30 15:30 Dordrecht Sprinter 5157 3
SNG-4 2776, SNG-3 2348 ->
15:31 +3 15:31 +3 Rotterdam Centraal Sprinter 5150 2
SNG-3 2309, SNG-4 2760 ->
15:31 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 933518
15:34 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 933519
15:35 +3 15:35 +3 Rotterdam Centraal Intercity 2359 2
VIRM-4 9425 ->
15:37 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 933521
15:38 15:38 Dordrecht Sprinter 5057
Train is cancelled
15:41 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 933524
Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
15:44 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 933525
15:45 15:45 Rotterdam Centraal Intercity 28661
Train is cancelled
15:45 15:45 Dordrecht Intercity 28646
Train is cancelled
15:47 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 933527
15:51 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 933530
15:53 15:53 Rotterdam Centraal Sprinter 5050
Train is cancelled
15:54 +1 15:54 +1 Vlissingen Intercity 2246 3
VIRM-4 9425 ->
15:54 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 933531
15:57 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 933533

16:00 – 17:00

34 services, 2 cancelled (5.9%), 2 delayed (5.9%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
16:00 16:00 Dordrecht Sprinter 5159 3
SNG-4 2760, SNG-3 2309 ->
16:01 +2 16:01 +2 Rotterdam Centraal Sprinter 5152 2
SNG-4 2775, SNG-4 2750 ->
16:01 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 933536
16:04 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 933537
16:05 +4 16:05 +4 Rotterdam Centraal Intercity 2261 2
VIRM-4 9430 ->
16:07 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 933539
16:10 16:10 Dordrecht Sprinter 5059
Train is cancelled
16:11 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 933542
16:14 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 933543
Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
16:15 +2 16:15 +2 Rotterdam Centraal Intercity 28663 2
VIRM-4 9528 ->
16:15 +1 16:15 +1 Dordrecht Intercity 28648 3
VIRM-4 9450 ->
16:17 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 933545
16:21 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 933548
16:23 16:23 Rotterdam Centraal Sprinter 5052
Train is cancelled
16:24 +1 16:24 +1 Vlissingen Intercity 2348 3
VIRM-4 9430 ->
16:24 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 933549
Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
16:27 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 933551
Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
16:30 16:30 Dordrecht Sprinter 5161 3
SNG-4 2750, SNG-4 2775 ->
16:31 16:31 Rotterdam Centraal Sprinter 5154 2
SNG-3 2348, SNG-4 2776 ->
16:31 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 933554
16:34 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 933555
16:35 +2 16:35 +2 Rotterdam Centraal Intercity 2363 2
VIRM-4 9584 ->
16:37 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 933557
16:38 16:38 Dordrecht Sprinter 5061 3
SNG-4 2787, SNG-4 2783 ->
16:41 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 933560
Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
16:44 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 933561
16:45 16:45 Rotterdam Centraal Intercity 28665 2
VIRM-4 9450 ->
16:45 +1 16:45 +1 Dordrecht Intercity 28650 3
VIRM-4 9528 ->
16:47 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 933563
16:51 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 933566
16:53 16:53 Rotterdam Centraal Sprinter 5054 2
SNG-3 2309, SNG-4 2760 ->
16:54 +1 16:54 +1 Vlissingen Intercity 2250 3
VIRM-4 9584 ->
16:54 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 933567
16:57 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 933569

17:00 – 18:00

34 services, 1 cancelled (2.9%), 1 delayed (2.9%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
17:00 17:00 Dordrecht Sprinter 5163 3
SNG-4 2776, SNG-3 2348 ->
17:01 17:01 Rotterdam Centraal Sprinter 5156
Train is cancelled
17:01 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 933572
17:04 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 933573
17:05 +2 17:05 +2 Rotterdam Centraal Intercity 2265 2
VIRM-4 9547 ->
17:07 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 933575
17:10 17:10 Dordrecht Sprinter 5063 3
SNG-4 2760, SNG-3 2309 ->
17:11 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 933578
17:14 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 933579
Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
17:15 +1 17:15 +1 Rotterdam Centraal Intercity 28667 2
VIRM-4 9528 ->
17:15 +1 17:15 +1 Dordrecht Intercity 28652 3
VIRM-4 9450 ->
17:17 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 933581
17:21 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 933584
17:23 17:23 Rotterdam Centraal Sprinter 5056 2
SNG-4 2775, SNG-4 2750 ->
17:24 +1 17:24 +1 Vlissingen Intercity 2352 3
VIRM-4 9547 ->
17:24 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 933585
Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
17:27 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 933587
Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
17:30 +2 17:30 +2 Dordrecht Sprinter 5165 3
SNG-4 2751 ->
17:31 +1 17:31 +1 Rotterdam Centraal Sprinter 5158 2
SNG-4 2783, SNG-4 2787 ->
17:31 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 933590
17:34 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 933591
17:35 +1 17:35 +1 Rotterdam Centraal Intercity 2367 2
VIRM-4 9477 ->
17:37 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 933593
17:38 17:38 Dordrecht Sprinter 5065 3
SNG-4 2750, SNG-4 2775 ->
17:41 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 933596
Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
17:44 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 933597
17:45 17:45 Rotterdam Centraal Intercity 28669 2
VIRM-4 9450 ->
17:45 +1 17:45 +1 Dordrecht Intercity 28654 3
VIRM-4 9528 ->
17:47 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 933599
17:51 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 933602
17:53 17:53 Rotterdam Centraal Sprinter 5058 2
SNG-3 2348, SNG-4 2776 ->
17:54 +1 17:54 +1 Vlissingen Intercity 2254 3
VIRM-4 9477 ->
17:54 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 933603
17:57 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 933605

18:00 – 19:00

34 services, 0 cancelled (0%), 0 delayed (0%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
18:00 18:00 Dordrecht Sprinter 5167 3
SNG-4 2787, SNG-4 2783 ->
18:01 +1 18:01 +1 Rotterdam Centraal Sprinter 5160 2
SNG-3 2309, SNG-4 2760 ->
18:01 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 933608
18:04 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 933609
18:05 18:05 Rotterdam Centraal Intercity 2269 2
VIRM-4 9522 ->
18:07 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 933611
18:10 18:10 Dordrecht Sprinter 5067 3
SNG-4 2776, SNG-3 2348 ->
18:11 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 933614
18:14 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 933615
Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
18:15 18:15 Rotterdam Centraal Intercity 28671 2
VIRM-4 9528 ->
18:15 +1 18:15 +1 Dordrecht Intercity 28656 3
VIRM-4 9450 ->
18:17 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 933617
18:21 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 933620
18:23 +1 18:23 +1 Rotterdam Centraal Sprinter 5060 2
SNG-4 2751 ->
18:24 +1 18:24 +1 Vlissingen Intercity 2356 3
VIRM-4 9522 ->
18:24 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 933621
Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
18:27 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 933623
Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
18:30 18:30 Dordrecht Sprinter 5169 3
SNG-4 2760, SNG-3 2309 ->
18:31 18:31 Rotterdam Centraal Sprinter 5162 2
SNG-4 2775, SNG-4 2750 ->
18:31 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 933626
18:34 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 933627
18:35 +1 18:35 +1 Rotterdam Centraal Intercity 2371 2
VIRM-4 9579 ->
18:37 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 933629
18:38 18:38 Dordrecht Sprinter 5069 3
SNG-4 2751 ->
18:41 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 933632
Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
18:44 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 933633
18:45 18:45 Rotterdam Centraal Intercity 28673 2
VIRM-4 9450 ->
18:45 18:45 Dordrecht Intercity 28658 3
VIRM-4 9528 ->
18:47 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 933635
18:51 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 933638
18:53 18:53 Rotterdam Centraal Sprinter 5062 2
SNG-4 2783, SNG-4 2787 ->
18:54 +1 18:54 +1 Vlissingen Intercity 2258 3
VIRM-4 9579 ->
18:54 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 933639
18:57 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 933641

19:00 – 20:00

26 services, 0 cancelled (0%), 0 delayed (0%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
19:00 +1 19:00 +1 Dordrecht Sprinter 5171 3
SNG-4 2775 ->
19:01 19:01 Rotterdam Centraal Sprinter 5164 2
SNG-3 2348, SNG-4 2776 ->
19:01 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 933644
19:04 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 932800
19:05 19:05 Rotterdam Centraal Intercity 2273 2
VIRM-6 8644 ->
19:07 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 932801
19:10 +1 19:10 +1 Dordrecht Sprinter 5071 3
SNG-4 2787, SNG-4 2783 ->
19:12 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 932802
19:15 +1 19:15 +1 Rotterdam Centraal Intercity 28675 2
VIRM-4 9528 ->
Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
19:15 +1 19:15 +1 Dordrecht Intercity 28660 3
VIRM-4 9450 ->
19:15 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 932803
19:19 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 932804
19:23 19:23 Rotterdam Centraal Sprinter 5064 2
SNG-3 2309, SNG-4 2760 ->
19:24 +1 19:24 +1 Vlissingen Intercity 2360 3
VIRM-6 8644 ->
19:30 19:30 Dordrecht Sprinter 5173 3
SNG-4 2776, SNG-3 2348 ->
19:30 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 933652
Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
19:31 19:31 Rotterdam Centraal Sprinter 5166 2
SNG-4 2751 ->
Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
19:35 19:35 Rotterdam Centraal Intercity 2375 2
VIRM-4 9430 ->
19:36 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 933654
19:38 +1 19:38 +1 Dordrecht Sprinter 5073 3
SNG-4 2760, SNG-3 2309 ->
19:45 +1 19:45 +1 Rotterdam Centraal Intercity 28677 2
VIRM-4 9450 ->
19:45 19:45 Dordrecht Intercity 28662 3
VIRM-4 9528 ->
19:45 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 933656
19:51 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 933658
19:53 19:53 Rotterdam Centraal Sprinter 5066 2
SNG-4 2775 ->
19:54 +1 19:54 +1 Vlissingen Intercity 2262 3
VIRM-4 9430 ->

20:00 – 21:00

24 services, 0 cancelled (0%), 0 delayed (0%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
20:00 20:00 Dordrecht Sprinter 5175 3
SNG-4 2751 ->
20:00 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 933660
20:01 20:01 Rotterdam Centraal Sprinter 5168 2
SNG-4 2783, SNG-4 2787 ->
20:05 +4 20:05 +4 Rotterdam Centraal Intercity 2277 2
VIRM-4 9425 ->
20:06 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 933662
20:10 20:10 Dordrecht Sprinter 5075 3
SNG-4 2775 ->
20:15 +1 20:15 +1 Dordrecht Intercity 28664 3
VIRM-4 9450 ->
20:15 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 933664
20:17 +1 20:17 +1 Rotterdam Centraal Intercity 28679 2
VIRM-4 9528 ->
Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
20:21 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 933666
20:23 20:23 Rotterdam Centraal Sprinter 5068 2
SNG-3 2348, SNG-4 2776 ->
20:24 +1 20:24 +1 Vlissingen Intercity 2364 3
VIRM-4 9425 ->
20:30 +1 20:30 +1 Dordrecht Sprinter 5177 3
SNG-4 2783 ->
20:30 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 933668
20:31 20:31 Rotterdam Centraal Sprinter 5170 2
SNG-3 2309, SNG-4 2760 ->
20:35 +4 20:35 +4 Rotterdam Centraal Intercity 2379 2
VIRM-4 9547 ->
Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
20:36 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 933670
Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
20:38 20:38 Dordrecht Sprinter 5077 3
SNG-4 2776, SNG-3 2348 ->
20:45 +1 20:45 +1 Rotterdam Centraal Intercity 28681 2
VIRM-4 9450 ->
20:45 +1 20:45 +1 Dordrecht Intercity 28666 3
VIRM-4 9528 ->
20:45 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 933672
20:51 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 933674
20:53 20:53 Rotterdam Centraal Sprinter 5070 2
SNG-4 2751 ->
20:54 +1 20:54 +1 Vlissingen Intercity 2266 3
VIRM-4 9547 ->

21:00 – 22:00

24 services, 0 cancelled (0%), 0 delayed (0%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
21:00 21:00 Dordrecht Sprinter 5179 3
SNG-4 2760, SNG-3 2309 ->
21:00 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 933676
21:01 +1 21:01 +1 Rotterdam Centraal Sprinter 5172 2
SNG-4 2775 ->
21:05 +5 21:05 +5 Rotterdam Centraal Intercity 2281 2
VIRM-4 9584 ->
21:06 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 933678
21:10 21:10 Dordrecht Sprinter 5079 3
SNG-4 2751 ->
21:15 +1 21:15 +1 Rotterdam Centraal Intercity 28683 2
VIRM-4 9528 ->
21:15 +1 21:15 +1 Dordrecht Intercity 28668 3
VIRM-4 9450 ->
21:15 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 933680
Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
21:21 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 933682
21:23 21:23 Rotterdam Centraal Sprinter 5072 2
SNG-4 2783 ->
21:24 21:24 Vlissingen Intercity 2268 3
VIRM-4 9584 ->
21:30 +1 21:30 +1 Dordrecht Sprinter 5181 3
SNG-4 2775 ->
21:30 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 933684
21:31 +1 21:31 +1 Rotterdam Centraal Sprinter 5174 2
SNG-3 2348, SNG-4 2776 ->
21:35 21:35 Rotterdam Centraal Intercity 2283 2
VIRM-4 9477 ->
Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
21:36 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 933686
Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
21:38 +1 21:38 +1 Dordrecht Sprinter 5081 3
SNG-4 2783 ->
21:45 21:45 Rotterdam Centraal Intercity 28685 2
VIRM-4 9450 ->
21:45 21:45 Dordrecht Intercity 28670 3
VIRM-4 9528 ->
21:45 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 933688
21:51 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 933690
21:53 21:53 Rotterdam Centraal Sprinter 5074 2
SNG-3 2309, SNG-4 2760 ->
21:54 21:54 Vlissingen Intercity 2270 3
VIRM-4 9477 ->

22:00 – 23:00

23 services, 0 cancelled (0%), 0 delayed (0%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
22:00 22:00 Dordrecht Sprinter 5183 3
SNG-4 2776, SNG-3 2348 ->
22:00 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 933692
22:01 22:01 Rotterdam Centraal Sprinter 5176 2
SNG-4 2751 ->
22:05 22:05 Rotterdam Centraal Intercity 2285 2
VIRM-4 9522 ->
22:06 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 933694
22:10 22:10 Dordrecht Sprinter 5083 3
SNG-4 2760, SNG-3 2309 ->
22:15 +2 22:15 +2 Rotterdam Centraal Intercity 28687 2
VIRM-4 9528 ->
22:15 +1 22:15 +1 Dordrecht Intercity 28672 3
VIRM-4 9450 ->
22:15 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 933696
Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
22:21 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 933698
22:23 22:23 Rotterdam Centraal Sprinter 5076 2
SNG-4 2775 ->
22:24 22:24 Vlissingen Intercity 2272 3
VIRM-4 9522 ->
22:30 22:30 Dordrecht Sprinter 5185 3
SNG-4 2751 ->
22:30 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 933700
22:31 22:31 Rotterdam Centraal Sprinter 5178 2
SNG-4 2783 ->
22:36 22:36 Rotterdam Centraal Intercity 2287 2
VIRM-4 9579 ->
Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
22:36 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 933702
Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
22:38 22:38 Dordrecht Sprinter 5085 3
SNG-4 2775 ->
22:45 22:45 Dordrecht Intercity 28674 3
VIRM-4 9528 ->
22:45 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 933704
22:51 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 933706
22:53 22:53 Rotterdam Centraal Sprinter 5078 2
SNG-3 2348, SNG-4 2776 ->
22:54 +1 22:54 +1 Vlissingen Intercity 2274 3
VIRM-4 9579 ->

23:00 – 24:00

20 services, 0 cancelled (0%), 0 delayed (0%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
23:00 23:00 Dordrecht Sprinter 5187 3
SNG-4 2783 ->
23:00 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 933708
23:01 23:01 Rotterdam Centraal Sprinter 5180 2
SNG-3 3050 ->
23:05 +1 23:05 +1 Rotterdam Centraal Intercity 2289 2
VIRM-6 8644 ->
23:06 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 933710
23:10 23:10 Dordrecht Sprinter 5087 3
SNG-4 2776, SNG-3 2348 ->
23:15 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 933712
23:21 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 933714
23:22 +1 23:22 +1 Rotterdam Centraal Sprinter 5080 2
SNG-4 2751 ->
Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
23:24 +1 23:24 +1 Vlissingen Intercity 2276 3
VIRM-6 8644 ->
23:30 +1 23:30 +1 Dordrecht Sprinter 5189 3
SNG-3 3050 ->
23:30 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 933716
23:31 23:31 Rotterdam Centraal Sprinter 5182 2
SNG-4 2775 ->
23:36 23:36 Rotterdam Centraal Intercity 2291 2
VIRM-4 9430 ->
23:36 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 933718
23:38 23:38 Dordrecht Sprinter 5089 3
SNG-4 2751 ->
23:45 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 933720
23:51 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 933722
23:53 23:53 Rotterdam Centraal Sprinter 5082 2
SNG-4 2783 ->
23:54 +3 23:54 +3 Roosendaal Intercity 2278 3
VIRM-4 9430 ->

00:00 – 01:00

16 services, 0 cancelled (0%), 0 delayed (0%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
00:00 00:00 Roosendaal Sprinter 5191 3
SNG-4 2775 ->
00:00 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 932835
00:01 00:01 Rotterdam Centraal Sprinter 5184 2
SNG-3 3031 ->
00:05 00:05 Rotterdam Centraal Intercity 2293 2
VIRM-4 9425 ->
00:06 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 932837
00:11 +1 00:11 +1 Dordrecht Sprinter 5091 3
SNG-4 2783 ->
00:15 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 932839
00:22 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 932808
00:23 00:23 Rotterdam Centraal Sprinter 5084 2
SNG-3 3050 ->
Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
00:24 00:24 Dordrecht Intercity 202280 3
VIRM-4 9425 ->
00:29 00:29 Rotterdam Centraal Sprinter 5186 2
SNG-4 2751 ->
00:30 +3 00:30 +3 Dordrecht Sprinter 205193 3
SNG-4 2750, SNG-4 2787, SNG-3 3031 ->
00:35 +8 00:35 +8 Rotterdam Centraal Intercity 2295 2
VIRM-4 9547 ->
00:38 00:38 Dordrecht Sprinter 5093 3
SNG-3 3050 ->
00:45 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 932809
00:57 +5 00:57 +5 Rotterdam Centraal Sprinter 5188 2
SNG-4 2760 ->

01:00 – 02:00

4 services, 0 cancelled (0%), 0 delayed (0%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
01:00 +1 01:00 +1 Roosendaal Sprinter 5195 3
SNG-4 2751 ->
01:06 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 932810
01:15 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 932811
01:36 Schiedam Centrum Metro ipv trein 932812