Train services at Schiphol Airport on January 14, 2025
This overview shows all trains which will depart from station Schiphol Airport on Tuesday, January 14, 2025. This includes all trains scheduled to depart. Planned adjustments and replacement bus services (e.g. due to engineering works) are also included in this overview.
Services which are cancelled upfront, for example due to engineering works, are not included in this overview.
Schiphol Airport Tuesday, January 14, 2025 |
Total services | 557 |
On time | 557 (100%) |
Cancelled services | 0 (0%) |
Delayed trains* | 0 (0%) |
Train services
Click on a service to view the entire route and delays along the route. Visit live departures for Schiphol Airport for live information.
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
02:56 | 03:03 | Utrecht Centraal | Intercity 1410 | 1/2 |
ICM-4 -> | ||||
03:01 | 03:05 | Rotterdam Centraal | Intercity 1409 | 3 |
VIRM-4 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
03:56 | 04:03 | Utrecht Centraal | Intercity 1414 | 1/2 |
VIRM-6 -> | ||||
04:01 | 04:05 | Rotterdam Centraal | Intercity 1413 | 3 |
VIRM-4 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
04:56 | 05:02 | Utrecht Centraal | Intercity 1418 | 1/2 |
VIRM-4 -> | ||||
05:01 | 05:05 | Rotterdam Centraal | Intercity 1417 | 3 |
ICM-4 -> | ||||
05:25 | 05:31 | Lelystad Centrum | Sprinter 4315 | 1/2 |
SLT-4, SLT-4 -> | ||||
05:29 | 05:32 | Den Haag Centraal | Sprinter 4306 | 5/6 |
SLT-6, SLT-4 -> | ||||
— | 05:38 | Amersfoort Schothorst | Intercity direct 1817 | 1/2 |
ICNG25-8 -> | ||||
05:37 | 05:39 | Amsterdam Centraal | Sprinter 8110 | 3 |
SNG-4T, SNG-3T -> | ||||
05:42 | 05:43 | Hoorn Kersenboogerd | Sprinter 4110 | 3 |
SNG-3, SNG-4 -> | ||||
05:44 | 05:48 | Leiden Centraal | Sprinter 4308 | 5/6 |
SLT-4, SLT-6 -> | ||||
05:49 | 05:50 | Hoofddorp | Sprinter 8117 | 4 |
SNG-3T, SNG-4T -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
05:51 | 05:53 | Amsterdam Centraal | Sprinter 8210 | 3 |
SNG-4T, SNG-3T -> | ||||
— | 05:55 | Den Haag Centraal | Intercity 3110 | 5/6 |
VIRM-6 -> | ||||
05:53 | 05:56 | Hoofddorp | Sprinter 4117 | 4 |
SNG-4 -> | ||||
05:56 | 05:57 | Lelystad Centrum | Sprinter 4317 | 1/2 |
SLT-6, SLT-4 -> | ||||
— | 05:59 | Groningen | Intercity 717 | 1/2 |
ICM-4, ICM-3 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
06:02 | 06:04 | Nijmegen | Intercity 3119 | 1/2 |
VIRM-6 -> | ||||
06:06 | 06:08 | Den Haag Centraal | Sprinter 5710 | 5/6 |
SLT-6 -> | ||||
06:05 | 06:08 | Hoofddorp | Sprinter 8219 | 4 |
SNG-3T, SNG-4T -> | ||||
— | 06:08 | Amersfoort Schothorst | Intercity direct 1819 | 1/2 |
ICNG25-5, ICNG25-5 -> | ||||
06:06 | 06:09 | Amsterdam Centraal | Sprinter 8112 | 3 |
SNG-4T, SNG-3T -> | ||||
06:09 | 06:11 | Brussel-Zuid | Eurocity Direct 9512 | 5/6 |
ICNGB25-8 -> | ||||
06:12 | 06:13 | Utrecht Centraal | Sprinter 5719 | 1/2 |
SNG-4, SNG-4 -> | ||||
06:12 | 06:13 | Hoorn Kersenboogerd | Sprinter 4112 | 3 |
SNG-3, SNG-4 -> | ||||
— | 06:15 | Venlo | Intercity 3519 | 1/2 |
VIRM-4 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
06:16 | 06:17 | Hoofddorp | Sprinter 4119 | 4 |
SNG-3 -> | ||||
06:20 | 06:22 | Hoofddorp | Sprinter 8119 | 4 |
SNG-3T, SNG-4T -> | ||||
06:18 | 06:22 | Breda | Intercity direct 1812 | 5/6 |
ICNG25-8, ICNG25-5 -> | ||||
06:21 | 06:23 | Lelystad Centrum | Sprinter 4319 | 1/2 |
SLT-4, SLT-4 -> | ||||
06:21 | 06:23 | Amsterdam Centraal | Sprinter 8212 | 3 |
SNG-4T, SNG-3T -> | ||||
06:22 | 06:26 | Den Haag Centraal | Intercity 3112 | 5/6 |
VIRM-6 -> | ||||
06:26 | 06:28 | Den Haag Centraal | Sprinter 4312 | 4 |
SLT-6 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
06:25 | 06:28 | Paris-Nord | Eurostar 9310 | 5/6 |
TGV-PBA -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
— | 06:29 | Leeuwarden | Intercity 819 | 1/2 |
ICM-3, ICM-4 -> | ||||
06:27 | 06:30 | Amsterdam Centraal | Sprinter 8314 | 3 |
SNG-4T, SNG-3T -> | ||||
06:33 | 06:35 | Nijmegen | Intercity 3121 | 1/2 |
VIRM-4 -> | ||||
06:37 | 06:38 | Amersfoort Schothorst | Intercity direct 1821 | 1/2 |
ICNG25-8 -> | ||||
06:35 | 06:38 | Hoofddorp | Sprinter 8221 | 4 |
SNG-3T, SNG-4T -> | ||||
06:36 | 06:39 | Amsterdam Centraal | Sprinter 8114 | 3 |
SNG-4T, SNG-3T -> | ||||
06:40 | 06:42 | Rotterdam Centraal | Intercity direct 12414 | 5/6 |
ICNG25-8 -> | ||||
06:41 | 06:43 | Utrecht Centraal | Sprinter 5721 | 1/2 |
SLT-6 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
06:42 | 06:43 | Hoorn Kersenboogerd | Sprinter 4114 | 3 |
SNG-4, SNG-3 -> | ||||
06:44 | 06:45 | Venlo | Intercity 3521 | 1/2 |
VIRM-4 -> | ||||
06:43 | 06:46 | Dordrecht | Intercity 3514 | 5/6 |
VIRM-6 -> | ||||
06:46 | 06:47 | Hoofddorp | Sprinter 4121 | 4 |
SNG-3, SNG-4 -> | ||||
06:46 | 06:48 | Leiden Centraal | Sprinter 5712 | 5/6 |
SLT-4, SLT-4 -> | ||||
06:47 | 06:48 | Lelystad Centrum | Intercity direct 2415 | 1/2 |
ICNG25-5, ICNG25-5 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
06:47 | 06:48 | Amsterdam Centraal | Sprinter 8414 | 3 |
SNG-4T, SNG-3T -> | ||||
06:51 | 06:52 | Breda | Intercity direct 1814 | 5/6 |
ICNG25-8 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
06:51 | 06:53 | Lelystad Centrum | Sprinter 4321 | 1/2 |
SLT-6 -> | ||||
06:50 | 06:53 | Hoofddorp | Sprinter 8121 | 4 |
SNG-3T, SNG-4T -> | ||||
06:51 | 06:53 | Amsterdam Centraal | Sprinter 8214 | 3 |
SNG-4T, SNG-3T -> | ||||
06:54 | 06:55 | Den Haag Centraal | Intercity 3114 | 5/6 |
VIRM-4 -> | ||||
— | 06:56 | Arnhem Centraal | Intercity 3221 | 1/2 |
VIRM-4 -> | ||||
06:57 | 06:59 | Amsterdam Centraal | Sprinter 8316 | 3 |
SNG-4T, SNG-3T -> | ||||
— | 06:59 | Groningen | Intercity 721 | 1/2 |
ICM-3, ICM-3 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
06:59 | 07:01 | Hoofddorp | Sprinter 8321 | 4 |
SNG-3T, SNG-4T -> | ||||
07:03 | 07:05 | Nijmegen | Intercity 3123 | 1/2 |
VIRM-6 -> | ||||
07:03 | 07:05 | Rotterdam Centraal | Intercity 3214 | 5/6 |
VIRM-6 -> | ||||
07:06 | 07:08 | Den Haag Centraal | Sprinter 4314 | 5/6 |
SLT-6 -> | ||||
07:07 | 07:08 | Amersfoort Schothorst | Intercity direct 1823 | 1/2 |
ICNGB25-8, ICNG25-5 -> | ||||
07:05 | 07:08 | Hoofddorp | Sprinter 8223 | 4 |
SNG-3T, SNG-4T -> | ||||
07:06 | 07:09 | Amsterdam Centraal | Sprinter 8116 | 3 |
SNG-4T, SNG-3T -> | ||||
07:09 | 07:11 | Brussel-Zuid | Eurocity Direct 9516 | 5/6 |
SW7-25KV-2+7 -> | ||||
07:11 | 07:13 | Utrecht Centraal | Sprinter 5723 | 1/2 |
SLT-4, SLT-6 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
07:11 | 07:13 | Hoofddorp | Sprinter 8423 | 4 |
SNG-3T, SNG-4T -> | ||||
07:12 | 07:13 | Hoorn Kersenboogerd | Sprinter 4116 | 3 |
SNG-4, SNG-3 -> | ||||
07:13 | 07:15 | Dordrecht | Intercity 3516 | 5/6 |
VIRM-4 -> | ||||
07:14 | 07:15 | Venlo | Intercity 3523 | 1/2 |
VIRM-6 -> | ||||
07:16 | 07:17 | Hoofddorp | Sprinter 4123 | 4 |
SNG-3, SNG-3 -> | ||||
07:16 | 07:18 | Leiden Centraal | Sprinter 5714 | 5/6 |
SLT-4, SLT-4 -> | ||||
07:17 | 07:18 | Lelystad Centrum | Intercity direct 2417 | 1/2 |
ICNGB25-8 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
07:17 | 07:18 | Amsterdam Centraal | Sprinter 8416 | 3 |
SNG-4T, SNG-3T -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
07:21 | 07:22 | Breda | Intercity direct 1816 | 5/6 |
ICNG25-8 -> | ||||
07:20 | 07:23 | Lelystad Centrum | Sprinter 4323 | 1/2 |
SLT-6 -> | ||||
07:21 | 07:23 | Hoofddorp | Sprinter 8123 | 4 |
SNG-3T, SNG-4T -> | ||||
07:21 | 07:23 | Amsterdam Centraal | Sprinter 8216 | 3 |
SNG-4T, SNG-3T -> | ||||
— | 07:26 | Arnhem Centraal | Intercity 3223 | 1/2 |
VIRM-6 -> | ||||
07:24 | 07:27 | Paris-Nord | Eurostar 9316 | 5/6 |
TGV-PBA -> | ||||
07:27 | 07:28 | Amsterdam Centraal | Sprinter 8318 | 3 |
SNG-4T, SNG-3T -> | ||||
07:27 | 07:29 | Den Haag Centraal | Intercity 3116 | 5/6 |
VIRM-6 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
— | 07:29 | Leeuwarden | Intercity 823 | 1/2 |
ICM-4, ICM-3 -> | ||||
07:29 | 07:30 | Hoofddorp | Sprinter 8323 | 4 |
SNG-3T, SNG-4T -> | ||||
07:33 | 07:35 | Nijmegen | Intercity 3125 | 1/2 |
VIRM-6 -> | ||||
07:33 | 07:35 | Rotterdam Centraal | Intercity 3216 | 5/6 |
VIRM-4 -> | ||||
07:36 | 07:38 | Den Haag Centraal | Sprinter 4316 | 5/6 |
SLT-4, SLT-4 -> | ||||
07:37 | 07:38 | Amersfoort Schothorst | Intercity direct 1825 | 1/2 |
ICNG25-5, ICNG25-5 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
07:35 | 07:38 | Hoofddorp | Sprinter 8225 | 4 |
SNG-3T, SNG-4T -> | ||||
07:36 | 07:39 | Amsterdam Centraal | Sprinter 8118 | 3 |
SNG-4T, SNG-3T -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
07:40 | 07:42 | Rotterdam Centraal | Intercity direct 2418 | 5/6 |
ICNGB25-8 -> | ||||
07:41 | 07:43 | Utrecht Centraal | Sprinter 5725 | 1/2 |
SLT-4, SLT-4 -> | ||||
07:41 | 07:43 | Hoofddorp | Sprinter 8425 | 4 |
SNG-3T, SNG-4T -> | ||||
07:42 | 07:43 | Hoorn Kersenboogerd | Sprinter 4118 | 3 |
SNG-3, SNG-3 -> | ||||
07:43 | 07:45 | Dordrecht | Intercity 3518 | 5/6 |
VIRM-6 -> | ||||
07:44 | 07:45 | Venlo | Intercity 3525 | 1/2 |
VIRM-6 -> | ||||
07:46 | 07:47 | Hoofddorp | Sprinter 4125 | 4 |
SNG-4, SNG-3 -> | ||||
07:46 | 07:48 | Leiden Centraal | Sprinter 5716 | 5/6 |
SLT-6 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
07:47 | 07:48 | Lelystad Centrum | Intercity direct 2419 | 1/2 |
ICNG25-8 -> | ||||
07:47 | 07:48 | Amsterdam Centraal | Sprinter 8418 | 3 |
SNG-4T, SNG-3T -> | ||||
07:51 | 07:52 | Breda | Intercity direct 1818 | 5/6 |
ICNG25-5, ICNG25-5 -> | ||||
07:51 | 07:53 | Lelystad Centrum | Sprinter 4325 | 1/2 |
SLT-6 -> | ||||
07:51 | 07:53 | Hoofddorp | Sprinter 8125 | 4 |
SNG-3T, SNG-4T -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
07:51 | 07:53 | Amsterdam Centraal | Sprinter 8218 | 3 |
SNG-4T, SNG-3T -> | ||||
07:55 | 07:56 | Den Haag Centraal | Intercity 3118 | 5/6 |
VIRM-4, VIRM-4 -> | ||||
07:54 | 07:56 | Arnhem Centraal | Intercity 3225 | 1/2 |
VIRM-4, VIRM-4 -> | ||||
07:57 | 07:59 | Amsterdam Centraal | Sprinter 8320 | 3 |
SNG-4T, SNG-3T -> | ||||
— | 07:59 | Groningen | Intercity 725 | 1/2 |
ICM-3, ICM-3 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
07:59 | 08:01 | Hoofddorp | Sprinter 8325 | 4 |
SNG-3T, SNG-4T -> | ||||
08:03 | 08:05 | Rotterdam Centraal | Intercity 3218 | 5/6 |
VIRM-6 -> | ||||
08:03 | 08:05 | Nijmegen | Intercity 3127 | 1/2 |
VIRM-6 -> | ||||
08:06 | 08:08 | Den Haag Centraal | Sprinter 4318 | 5/6 |
SLT-4, SLT-4 -> | ||||
08:07 | 08:08 | Amersfoort Schothorst | Intercity direct 1827 | 1/2 |
ICNG25-8, ICNG25-5 -> | ||||
08:05 | 08:08 | Hoofddorp | Sprinter 8227 | 4 |
SNG-3T, SNG-4T -> | ||||
08:06 | 08:09 | Amsterdam Centraal | Sprinter 8120 | 3 |
SNG-4T, SNG-3T -> | ||||
08:09 | 08:11 | Brussel-Zuid | Eurocity Direct 9520 | 5/6 |
SW7-25KV-2+7 -> | ||||
08:11 | 08:13 | Utrecht Centraal | Sprinter 5727 | 1/2 |
SLT-4, SLT-4 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
08:11 | 08:13 | Hoofddorp | Sprinter 8427 | 4 |
SNG-3T, SNG-4T -> | ||||
08:12 | 08:13 | Hoorn Kersenboogerd | Sprinter 4120 | 3 |
SNG-3, SNG-4 -> | ||||
08:13 | 08:15 | Dordrecht | Intercity 3520 | 5/6 |
VIRM-4, VIRM-4 -> | ||||
08:14 | 08:15 | Venlo | Intercity 3527 | 1/2 |
VIRM-4, VIRM-6 -> | ||||
08:16 | 08:17 | Hoofddorp | Sprinter 4127 | 4 |
SNG-4, SNG-3 -> | ||||
08:16 | 08:18 | Leiden Centraal | Sprinter 5718 | 5/6 |
SLT-6, SLT-4 -> | ||||
08:17 | 08:18 | Lelystad Centrum | Intercity direct 2421 | 1/2 |
ICNG25-8, ICNG25-5 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
08:17 | 08:18 | Amsterdam Centraal | Sprinter 8420 | 3 |
SNG-4T, SNG-3T -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
08:21 | 08:22 | Breda | Intercity direct 1820 | 5/6 |
ICNG25-5, ICNG25-8 -> | ||||
08:21 | 08:23 | Lelystad Centrum | Sprinter 4327 | 1/2 |
SLT-6, SLT-4 -> | ||||
08:20 | 08:23 | Hoofddorp | Sprinter 8127 | 4 |
SNG-3T, SNG-4T -> | ||||
08:21 | 08:23 | Amsterdam Centraal | Sprinter 8220 | 3 |
SNG-4T, SNG-3T -> | ||||
08:24 | 08:26 | Arnhem Centraal | Intercity 3227 | 1/2 |
VIRM-6, VIRM-4 -> | ||||
08:24 | 08:27 | Paris-Nord | Eurostar 9322 | 5/6 |
TGV-PBA -> | ||||
08:27 | 08:29 | Den Haag Centraal | Intercity 3120 | 5/6 |
VIRM-4, VIRM-6 -> | ||||
08:27 | 08:29 | Amsterdam Centraal | Sprinter 8322 | 3 |
SNG-4T, SNG-3T -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
— | 08:29 | Leeuwarden | Intercity 827 | 1/2 |
ICM-3, ICM-4 -> | ||||
08:29 | 08:30 | Hoofddorp | Sprinter 8327 | 4 |
SNG-3T, SNG-4T -> | ||||
08:33 | 08:35 | Rotterdam Centraal | Intercity 3220 | 5/6 |
VIRM-6, VIRM-4 -> | ||||
08:33 | 08:35 | Nijmegen | Intercity 3129 | 1/2 |
VIRM-4, VIRM-4 -> | ||||
08:36 | 08:38 | Den Haag Centraal | Sprinter 4320 | 5/6 |
SLT-4, SLT-6 -> | ||||
08:37 | 08:38 | Amersfoort Schothorst | Intercity direct 1829 | 1/2 |
ICNG25-5, ICNG25-8 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
08:35 | 08:38 | Hoofddorp | Sprinter 8229 | 4 |
SNG-3T, SNG-4T -> | ||||
08:36 | 08:39 | Amsterdam Centraal | Sprinter 8122 | 3 |
SNG-4T, SNG-3T -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
08:40 | 08:42 | Rotterdam Centraal | Intercity direct 2422 | 5/6 |
ICNG25-5, ICNG25-5 -> | ||||
08:41 | 08:43 | Utrecht Centraal | Sprinter 5729 | 1/2 |
SLT-4, SLT-4 -> | ||||
08:41 | 08:43 | Hoofddorp | Sprinter 8429 | 4 |
SNG-3T, SNG-4T -> | ||||
08:42 | 08:43 | Hoorn Kersenboogerd | Sprinter 4122 | 3 |
SNG-3, SNG-4 -> | ||||
08:43 | 08:45 | Dordrecht | Intercity 3522 | 5/6 |
VIRM-6, VIRM-4 -> | ||||
08:44 | 08:45 | Venlo | Intercity 3529 | 1/2 |
VIRM-4, VIRM-6 -> | ||||
08:46 | 08:47 | Hoofddorp | Sprinter 4129 | 4 |
SNG-3, SNG-4 -> | ||||
08:46 | 08:48 | Leiden Centraal | Sprinter 5720 | 5/6 |
SNG-4, SNG-4 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
08:47 | 08:48 | Amsterdam Centraal | Sprinter 8422 | 3 |
SNG-4T, SNG-3T -> | ||||
08:48 | 08:50 | Lelystad Centrum | Eurocity Direct 9523 | 1/2 |
SW7-25KV-2+7 -> | ||||
08:51 | 08:52 | Breda | Intercity direct 1822 | 5/6 |
ICNG25-5, ICNGB25-8 -> | ||||
08:51 | 08:53 | Lelystad Centrum | Sprinter 4329 | 1/2 |
SLT-4, SLT-6 -> | ||||
08:51 | 08:53 | Hoofddorp | Sprinter 8129 | 4 |
SNG-3T, SNG-4T -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
08:51 | 08:53 | Amsterdam Centraal | Sprinter 8222 | 3 |
SNG-4T, SNG-3T -> | ||||
08:54 | 08:56 | Arnhem Centraal | Intercity 3229 | 1/2 |
VIRM-6 -> | ||||
08:57 | 08:59 | Den Haag Centraal | Intercity 3122 | 5/6 |
VIRM-4, VIRM-6 -> | ||||
08:57 | 08:59 | Amsterdam Centraal | Sprinter 8324 | 3 |
SNG-4T, SNG-3T -> | ||||
— | 08:59 | Groningen | Intercity 729 | 1/2 |
ICM-3, ICM-3 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
08:59 | 09:01 | Hoofddorp | Sprinter 8329 | 4 |
SNG-3T, SNG-4T -> | ||||
09:03 | 09:05 | Rotterdam Centraal | Intercity 3222 | 5/6 |
VIRM-4, VIRM-4 -> | ||||
09:03 | 09:05 | Nijmegen | Intercity 3131 | 1/2 |
VIRM-6 -> | ||||
09:06 | 09:08 | Den Haag Centraal | Sprinter 4322 | 5/6 |
SLT-4, SLT-4 -> | ||||
09:07 | 09:08 | Amersfoort Schothorst | Intercity direct 1831 | 1/2 |
ICNG25-8 -> | ||||
09:05 | 09:08 | Hoofddorp | Sprinter 8231 | 4 |
SNG-3T, SNG-4T -> | ||||
09:06 | 09:09 | Amsterdam Centraal | Sprinter 8124 | 3 |
SNG-4T, SNG-3T -> | ||||
09:09 | 09:11 | Brussel-Zuid | Eurocity Direct 9524 | 5/6 |
ICNGB25-8 -> | ||||
09:11 | 09:13 | Utrecht Centraal | Sprinter 5731 | 1/2 |
SLT-6 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
09:11 | 09:13 | Hoofddorp | Sprinter 8431 | 4 |
SNG-3T, SNG-4T -> | ||||
09:12 | 09:13 | Hoorn Kersenboogerd | Sprinter 4124 | 3 |
SNG-4, SNG-3 -> | ||||
09:13 | 09:15 | Dordrecht | Intercity 3524 | 5/6 |
VIRM-6, VIRM-4 -> | ||||
09:14 | 09:15 | Venlo | Intercity 3531 | 1/2 |
VIRM-6 -> | ||||
09:16 | 09:17 | Hoofddorp | Sprinter 4131 | 4 |
SNG-3, SNG-4 -> | ||||
09:16 | 09:18 | Leiden Centraal | Sprinter 5722 | 5/6 |
SLT-6, SLT-4 -> | ||||
09:17 | 09:18 | Lelystad Centrum | Intercity direct 2425 | 1/2 |
ICNGB25-8 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
09:17 | 09:18 | Amsterdam Centraal | Sprinter 8424 | 3 |
SNG-4T, SNG-3T -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
09:21 | 09:22 | Breda | Intercity direct 1824 | 5/6 |
ICNG25-5, ICNG25-5 -> | ||||
09:20 | 09:22 | Hoofddorp | Sprinter 8131 | 4 |
SNG-3T, SNG-4T -> | ||||
09:21 | 09:23 | Lelystad Centrum | Sprinter 4331 | 1/2 |
SLT-6 -> | ||||
09:21 | 09:23 | Amsterdam Centraal | Sprinter 8224 | 3 |
SNG-4T, SNG-3T -> | ||||
09:25 | 09:26 | Den Haag Centraal | Intercity 3124 | 4 |
VIRM-6, VIRM-6 -> | ||||
09:24 | 09:26 | Arnhem Centraal | Intercity 3231 | 1/2 |
VIRM-4 -> | ||||
09:24 | 09:27 | Paris-Nord | Eurostar 9328 | 5/6 |
EUR-PBA -> | ||||
09:27 | 09:29 | Amsterdam Centraal | Sprinter 8326 | 3 |
SNG-4T, SNG-3T -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
— | 09:29 | Leeuwarden | Intercity 831 | 1/2 |
ICM-3, ICM-4 -> | ||||
09:29 | 09:31 | Hoofddorp | Sprinter 8331 | 4 |
SNG-3T, SNG-4T -> | ||||
09:30 | 09:33 | Amsterdam Centraal | Eurostar 9303 | 1/2 |
TGV-PBA -> | ||||
09:33 | 09:35 | Den Haag HS | Intercity 3224 | 5/6 |
VIRM-4 -> | ||||
09:33 | 09:35 | Nijmegen | Intercity 3133 | 1/2 |
VIRM-4 -> | ||||
09:36 | 09:38 | Den Haag Centraal | Sprinter 4324 | 5/6 |
SLT-6 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
09:37 | 09:38 | Amersfoort Schothorst | Intercity direct 1833 | 1/2 |
ICNG25-8 -> | ||||
09:35 | 09:38 | Hoofddorp | Sprinter 8233 | 4 |
SNG-3T, SNG-4T -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
09:36 | 09:39 | Amsterdam Centraal | Sprinter 8126 | 3 |
SNG-4T, SNG-3T -> | ||||
09:40 | 09:42 | Rotterdam Centraal | Intercity direct 2426 | 5/6 |
ICNG25-8 -> | ||||
09:41 | 09:43 | Utrecht Centraal | Sprinter 5733 | 1/2 |
SLT-4, SLT-6 -> | ||||
09:41 | 09:43 | Hoofddorp | Sprinter 8433 | 4 |
SNG-3T, SNG-4T -> | ||||
09:42 | 09:43 | Hoorn Kersenboogerd | Sprinter 4126 | 3 |
SNG-4, SNG-3 -> | ||||
09:43 | 09:45 | Dordrecht | Intercity 3526 | 5/6 |
VIRM-6, VIRM-4 -> | ||||
09:44 | 09:45 | Venlo | Intercity 3533 | 1/2 |
VIRM-4 -> | ||||
09:46 | 09:47 | Hoofddorp | Sprinter 4133 | 4 |
SNG-3, SNG-3 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
09:46 | 09:48 | Leiden Centraal | Sprinter 5724 | 5/6 |
SLT-6, SLT-4 -> | ||||
09:47 | 09:48 | Amsterdam Centraal | Sprinter 8426 | 3 |
SNG-4T, SNG-3T -> | ||||
09:48 | 09:50 | Lelystad Centrum | Eurocity Direct 9527 | 1/2 |
ICNGB25-8 -> | ||||
09:51 | 09:52 | Breda | Intercity direct 1826 | 5/6 |
ICNG25-5, ICNG25-8 -> | ||||
09:51 | 09:53 | Lelystad Centrum | Sprinter 4333 | 1/2 |
SLT-6 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
09:50 | 09:53 | Hoofddorp | Sprinter 8133 | 4 |
SNG-3T, SNG-4T -> | ||||
09:51 | 09:53 | Amsterdam Centraal | Sprinter 8226 | 3 |
SNG-4T, SNG-3T -> | ||||
09:55 | 09:56 | Den Haag Centraal | Intercity 3126 | 5/6 |
VIRM-6 -> | ||||
09:54 | 09:56 | Arnhem Centraal | Intercity 3233 | 1/2 |
VIRM-6 -> | ||||
09:57 | 09:59 | Amsterdam Centraal | Sprinter 8328 | 3 |
SNG-4T, SNG-3T -> | ||||
— | 09:59 | Groningen | Intercity 733 | 1/2 |
ICM-3, ICM-4 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
09:59 | 10:01 | Hoofddorp | Sprinter 8333 | 4 |
SNG-3T, SNG-4T -> | ||||
10:03 | 10:05 | Rotterdam Centraal | Intercity 3226 | 5/6 |
VIRM-6 -> | ||||
10:03 | 10:05 | Nijmegen | Intercity 3135 | 1/2 |
VIRM-6 -> | ||||
10:06 | 10:08 | Den Haag Centraal | Sprinter 4326 | 5/6 |
SLT-6 -> | ||||
10:07 | 10:08 | Amersfoort Schothorst | Intercity direct 1835 | 1/2 |
ICNG25-5 -> | ||||
10:05 | 10:08 | Hoofddorp | Sprinter 8235 | 4 |
SNG-3T, SNG-4T -> | ||||
10:06 | 10:09 | Amsterdam Centraal | Sprinter 8128 | 3 |
SNG-4T, SNG-3T -> | ||||
10:09 | 10:11 | Brussel-Zuid | Eurocity Direct 9528 | 5/6 |
ICNGB25-8 -> | ||||
10:11 | 10:13 | Utrecht Centraal | Sprinter 5735 | 1/2 |
SNG-4, SNG-4 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
10:11 | 10:13 | Hoofddorp | Sprinter 8435 | 4 |
SNG-3T, SNG-4T -> | ||||
10:12 | 10:13 | Hoorn Kersenboogerd | Sprinter 4128 | 3 |
SNG-3, SNG-3 -> | ||||
10:13 | 10:15 | Dordrecht | Intercity 3528 | 5/6 |
VIRM-6 -> | ||||
10:14 | 10:15 | Venlo | Intercity 3535 | 1/2 |
VIRM-6 -> | ||||
10:16 | 10:17 | Hoofddorp | Sprinter 4135 | 4 |
SNG-4, SNG-3 -> | ||||
10:16 | 10:18 | Leiden Centraal | Sprinter 5726 | 5/6 |
SNG-4, SNG-4 -> | ||||
10:17 | 10:18 | Lelystad Centrum | Intercity direct 2429 | 1/2 |
ICNG25-5, ICNG25-5 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
10:17 | 10:18 | Amsterdam Centraal | Sprinter 8428 | 3 |
SNG-4T, SNG-3T -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
10:21 | 10:22 | Breda | Intercity direct 1828 | 5/6 |
ICNG25-8, ICNG25-5 -> | ||||
10:21 | 10:23 | Lelystad Centrum | Sprinter 4335 | 1/2 |
SLT-6 -> | ||||
10:20 | 10:23 | Hoofddorp | Sprinter 8135 | 4 |
SNG-3T, SNG-4T -> | ||||
10:21 | 10:23 | Amsterdam Centraal | Sprinter 8228 | 3 |
SNG-4T, SNG-3T -> | ||||
10:24 | 10:26 | Arnhem Centraal | Intercity 3235 | 1/2 |
VIRM-4, VIRM-6 -> | ||||
10:27 | 10:29 | Den Haag Centraal | Intercity 3128 | 5/6 |
VIRM-6 -> | ||||
10:27 | 10:29 | Amsterdam Centraal | Sprinter 8330 | 3 |
SNG-4T, SNG-3T -> | ||||
— | 10:29 | Leeuwarden | Intercity 835 | 1/2 |
ICM-4, ICM-3 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
10:29 | 10:30 | Hoofddorp | Sprinter 8335 | 4 |
SNG-3T, SNG-4T -> | ||||
10:30 | 10:33 | Amsterdam Centraal | Eurostar 9309 | 1/2 |
TGV-PBA -> | ||||
10:33 | 10:35 | Rotterdam Centraal | Intercity 3228 | 5/6 |
VIRM-4 -> | ||||
10:33 | 10:35 | Nijmegen | Intercity 3137 | 1/2 |
VIRM-6 -> | ||||
10:36 | 10:38 | Den Haag Centraal | Sprinter 4328 | 5/6 |
SLT-6 -> | ||||
10:37 | 10:38 | Amersfoort Schothorst | Intercity direct 1837 | 1/2 |
ICNG25-8 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
10:35 | 10:38 | Hoofddorp | Sprinter 8237 | 4 |
SNG-3T, SNG-4T -> | ||||
10:36 | 10:39 | Amsterdam Centraal | Sprinter 8130 | 3 |
SNG-4T, SNG-3T -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
10:40 | 10:42 | Rotterdam Centraal | Intercity direct 2430 | 5/6 |
ICNG25-8 -> | ||||
10:41 | 10:43 | Utrecht Centraal | Sprinter 5737 | 1/2 |
SLT-4, SLT-6 -> | ||||
10:41 | 10:43 | Hoofddorp | Sprinter 8437 | 4 |
SNG-3T, SNG-4T -> | ||||
10:42 | 10:43 | Hoorn Kersenboogerd | Sprinter 4130 | 3 |
SNG-3, SNG-4 -> | ||||
10:43 | 10:45 | Dordrecht | Intercity 3530 | 5/6 |
VIRM-4 -> | ||||
10:44 | 10:45 | Venlo | Intercity 3537 | 1/2 |
VIRM-4 -> | ||||
10:46 | 10:47 | Hoofddorp | Sprinter 4137 | 4 |
SNG-4, SNG-3 -> | ||||
10:46 | 10:48 | Leiden Centraal | Sprinter 5728 | 5/6 |
SLT-6 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
10:47 | 10:48 | Amsterdam Centraal | Sprinter 8430 | 3 |
SNG-4T, SNG-3T -> | ||||
10:48 | 10:50 | Lelystad Centrum | Eurocity Direct 9531 | 1/2 |
ICNGB25-8 -> | ||||
10:51 | 10:52 | Breda | Intercity direct 1830 | 5/6 |
ICNG25-8 -> | ||||
10:51 | 10:53 | Lelystad Centrum | Sprinter 4337 | 1/2 |
SLT-4, SLT-4 -> | ||||
10:51 | 10:53 | Hoofddorp | Sprinter 8137 | 4 |
SNG-3T, SNG-4T -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
10:51 | 10:53 | Amsterdam Centraal | Sprinter 8230 | 3 |
SNG-4T, SNG-3T -> | ||||
10:55 | 10:56 | Den Haag Centraal | Intercity 3130 | 5/6 |
VIRM-6 -> | ||||
10:54 | 10:56 | Arnhem Centraal | Intercity 3237 | 1/2 |
VIRM-4, VIRM-4 -> | ||||
10:57 | 10:59 | Amsterdam Centraal | Sprinter 8332 | 3 |
SNG-4T, SNG-3T -> | ||||
— | 10:59 | Groningen | Intercity 737 | 1/2 |
ICM-4, ICM-3 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
10:59 | 11:01 | Hoofddorp | Sprinter 8337 | 4 |
SNG-3T, SNG-4T -> | ||||
11:00 | 11:03 | Amsterdam Centraal | Eurostar 9106 | 1/2 |
EUR-PBA -> | ||||
11:03 | 11:05 | Rotterdam Centraal | Intercity 3230 | 5/6 |
VIRM-4 -> | ||||
11:03 | 11:05 | Nijmegen | Intercity 3139 | 1/2 |
VIRM-6 -> | ||||
11:06 | 11:08 | Den Haag Centraal | Sprinter 4330 | 5/6 |
SLT-4, SLT-6 -> | ||||
11:07 | 11:08 | Amersfoort Schothorst | Intercity direct 1839 | 1/2 |
ICNGB25-8 -> | ||||
11:05 | 11:08 | Hoofddorp | Sprinter 8239 | 4 |
SNG-3T, SNG-4T -> | ||||
11:06 | 11:09 | Amsterdam Centraal | Sprinter 8132 | 3 |
SNG-4T, SNG-3T -> | ||||
11:09 | 11:11 | Brussel-Zuid | Eurocity Direct 9532 | 5/6 |
SW7-25KV-2+7 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
11:11 | 11:13 | Utrecht Centraal | Sprinter 5739 | 1/2 |
SLT-4, SLT-6 -> | ||||
11:11 | 11:13 | Hoofddorp | Sprinter 8439 | 4 |
SNG-3T, SNG-4T -> | ||||
11:12 | 11:13 | Hoorn Kersenboogerd | Sprinter 4132 | 3 |
SNG-3, SNG-4 -> | ||||
11:13 | 11:15 | Dordrecht | Intercity 3532 | 5/6 |
VIRM-4 -> | ||||
11:14 | 11:15 | Venlo | Intercity 3539 | 1/2 |
VIRM-6 -> | ||||
11:16 | 11:17 | Hoofddorp | Sprinter 4139 | 4 |
SNG-3, SNG-4 -> | ||||
11:16 | 11:18 | Leiden Centraal | Sprinter 5730 | 5/6 |
SLT-6 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
11:17 | 11:18 | Lelystad Centrum | Intercity direct 2433 | 1/2 |
ICNG25-8 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
11:17 | 11:18 | Amsterdam Centraal | Sprinter 8432 | 3 |
SNG-4T, SNG-3T -> | ||||
11:21 | 11:22 | Breda | Intercity direct 1832 | 5/6 |
ICNG25-8 -> | ||||
11:21 | 11:23 | Lelystad Centrum | Sprinter 4339 | 1/2 |
SLT-4, SLT-4 -> | ||||
11:21 | 11:23 | Hoofddorp | Sprinter 8139 | 4 |
SNG-3T, SNG-4T -> | ||||
11:21 | 11:23 | Amsterdam Centraal | Sprinter 8232 | 3 |
SNG-4T, SNG-3T -> | ||||
11:24 | 11:26 | Arnhem Centraal | Intercity 3239 | 1/2 |
VIRM-4 -> | ||||
11:24 | 11:27 | Paris-Nord | Eurostar 9340 | 5/6 |
TGV-PBA -> | ||||
11:27 | 11:29 | Den Haag Centraal | Intercity 3132 | 5/6 |
VIRM-6 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
11:27 | 11:29 | Amsterdam Centraal | Sprinter 8334 | 3 |
SNG-4T, SNG-3T -> | ||||
— | 11:29 | Leeuwarden | Intercity 839 | 1/2 |
ICM-4, ICM-3 -> | ||||
11:29 | 11:30 | Hoofddorp | Sprinter 8339 | 4 |
SNG-3T, SNG-4T -> | ||||
11:30 | 11:32 | Amsterdam Centraal | Eurostar 9315 | 1/2 |
TGV-PBA -> | ||||
11:33 | 11:35 | Rotterdam Centraal | Intercity 3232 | 5/6 |
VIRM-6 -> | ||||
11:33 | 11:35 | Nijmegen | Intercity 3141 | 1/2 |
VIRM-6 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
11:36 | 11:38 | Den Haag Centraal | Sprinter 4332 | 5/6 |
SLT-6, SLT-4 -> | ||||
11:37 | 11:38 | Amersfoort Schothorst | Intercity direct 1841 | 1/2 |
ICNG25-5, ICNG25-5 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
11:35 | 11:38 | Hoofddorp | Sprinter 8241 | 4 |
SNG-3T, SNG-4T -> | ||||
11:36 | 11:39 | Amsterdam Centraal | Sprinter 8134 | 3 |
SNG-4T, SNG-3T -> | ||||
11:40 | 11:42 | Rotterdam Centraal | Intercity direct 2434 | 5/6 |
ICNGB25-8 -> | ||||
11:41 | 11:43 | Utrecht Centraal | Sprinter 5741 | 1/2 |
SNG-4, SNG-4 -> | ||||
11:41 | 11:43 | Hoofddorp | Sprinter 8441 | 4 |
SNG-3T, SNG-4T -> | ||||
11:42 | 11:43 | Hoorn Kersenboogerd | Sprinter 4134 | 3 |
SNG-4, SNG-3 -> | ||||
11:43 | 11:45 | Dordrecht | Intercity 3534 | 5/6 |
VIRM-6 -> | ||||
11:44 | 11:45 | Venlo | Intercity 3541 | 1/2 |
VIRM-6 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
11:46 | 11:47 | Hoofddorp | Sprinter 4141 | 4 |
SNG-3, SNG-4 -> | ||||
11:46 | 11:48 | Leiden Centraal | Sprinter 5732 | 5/6 |
SLT-4, SLT-4 -> | ||||
11:47 | 11:48 | Amsterdam Centraal | Sprinter 8434 | 3 |
SNG-4T, SNG-3T -> | ||||
11:48 | 11:50 | Lelystad Centrum | Eurocity Direct 9535 | 1/2 |
SW7-25KV-2+7 -> | ||||
11:51 | 11:52 | Breda | Intercity direct 1834 | 5/6 |
ICNG25-5 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
11:51 | 11:53 | Lelystad Centrum | Sprinter 4341 | 1/2 |
SLT-6, SLT-4 -> | ||||
11:51 | 11:53 | Hoofddorp | Sprinter 8141 | 4 |
SNG-3T, SNG-4T -> | ||||
11:51 | 11:53 | Amsterdam Centraal | Sprinter 8234 | 3 |
SNG-4T, SNG-3T -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
11:55 | 11:56 | Den Haag Centraal | Intercity 3134 | 5/6 |
VIRM-4 -> | ||||
11:54 | 11:56 | Arnhem Centraal | Intercity 3241 | 1/2 |
VIRM-6 -> | ||||
11:57 | 11:59 | Amsterdam Centraal | Sprinter 8336 | 3 |
SNG-4T, SNG-3T -> | ||||
— | 11:59 | Groningen | Intercity 741 | 1/2 |
ICM-4, ICM-3 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
11:59 | 12:01 | Hoofddorp | Sprinter 8341 | 4 |
SNG-3T, SNG-4T -> | ||||
12:03 | 12:05 | Rotterdam Centraal | Intercity 3234 | 5/6 |
VIRM-4 -> | ||||
12:03 | 12:05 | Nijmegen | Intercity 3143 | 1/2 |
VIRM-6 -> | ||||
12:06 | 12:08 | Den Haag Centraal | Sprinter 4334 | 5/6 |
SLT-6 -> | ||||
12:07 | 12:08 | Amersfoort Schothorst | Intercity direct 1843 | 1/2 |
ICNG25-8, ICNG25-5 -> | ||||
12:05 | 12:08 | Hoofddorp | Sprinter 8243 | 4 |
SNG-3T, SNG-4T -> | ||||
12:06 | 12:09 | Amsterdam Centraal | Sprinter 8136 | 3 |
SNG-4T, SNG-3T -> | ||||
12:09 | 12:11 | Brussel-Zuid | Eurocity Direct 9536 | 5/6 |
ICNGB25-8 -> | ||||
12:11 | 12:13 | Utrecht Centraal | Sprinter 5743 | 1/2 |
SLT-6 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
12:11 | 12:13 | Hoofddorp | Sprinter 8443 | 4 |
SNG-3T, SNG-4T -> | ||||
12:12 | 12:13 | Hoorn Kersenboogerd | Sprinter 4136 | 3 |
SNG-4, SNG-3 -> | ||||
12:13 | 12:15 | Dordrecht | Intercity 3536 | 5/6 |
VIRM-6 -> | ||||
12:14 | 12:15 | Venlo | Intercity 3543 | 1/2 |
VIRM-6 -> | ||||
12:16 | 12:17 | Hoofddorp | Sprinter 4143 | 4 |
SNG-3, SNG-3 -> | ||||
12:16 | 12:18 | Leiden Centraal | Sprinter 5734 | 5/6 |
SLT-4, SLT-4 -> | ||||
12:17 | 12:18 | Lelystad Centrum | Intercity direct 2437 | 1/2 |
ICNG25-8 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
12:17 | 12:18 | Amsterdam Centraal | Sprinter 8436 | 3 |
SNG-4T, SNG-3T -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
12:21 | 12:22 | Breda | Intercity direct 1836 | 5/6 |
ICNG25-8 -> | ||||
12:20 | 12:22 | Hoofddorp | Sprinter 8143 | 4 |
SNG-3T, SNG-4T -> | ||||
12:21 | 12:23 | Lelystad Centrum | Sprinter 4343 | 1/2 |
SLT-4, SLT-4 -> | ||||
12:21 | 12:23 | Amsterdam Centraal | Sprinter 8236 | 3 |
SNG-4T, SNG-3T -> | ||||
12:25 | 12:26 | Den Haag Centraal | Intercity 3136 | 4 |
VIRM-4 -> | ||||
12:24 | 12:26 | Arnhem Centraal | Intercity 3243 | 1/2 |
VIRM-4 -> | ||||
12:27 | 12:29 | Amsterdam Centraal | Sprinter 8338 | 3 |
SNG-4T, SNG-3T -> | ||||
— | 12:29 | Leeuwarden | Intercity 843 | 1/2 |
ICM-3, ICM-4 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
12:29 | 12:31 | Hoofddorp | Sprinter 8343 | 4 |
SNG-3T, SNG-4T -> | ||||
12:30 | 12:33 | Amsterdam Centraal | Eurostar 9321 | 1/2 |
TGV-PBA -> | ||||
12:33 | 12:35 | Rotterdam Centraal | Intercity 3236 | 5/6 |
VIRM-6 -> | ||||
12:33 | 12:35 | Nijmegen | Intercity 3145 | 1/2 |
VIRM-6 -> | ||||
12:36 | 12:38 | Den Haag Centraal | Sprinter 4336 | 5/6 |
SLT-6 -> | ||||
12:37 | 12:38 | Amersfoort Schothorst | Intercity direct 1845 | 1/2 |
ICNG25-5, ICNG25-8 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
12:35 | 12:38 | Hoofddorp | Sprinter 8245 | 4 |
SNG-3T, SNG-4T -> | ||||
12:36 | 12:39 | Amsterdam Centraal | Sprinter 8138 | 3 |
SNG-4T, SNG-3T -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
12:40 | 12:42 | Rotterdam Centraal | Intercity direct 2438 | 5/6 |
ICNG25-5, ICNG25-5 -> | ||||
12:41 | 12:43 | Utrecht Centraal | Sprinter 5745 | 1/2 |
SLT-6 -> | ||||
12:41 | 12:43 | Hoofddorp | Sprinter 8445 | 4 |
SNG-3T, SNG-4T -> | ||||
12:42 | 12:43 | Hoorn Kersenboogerd | Sprinter 4138 | 3 |
SNG-3, SNG-3 -> | ||||
12:43 | 12:45 | Dordrecht | Intercity 3538 | 5/6 |
VIRM-6 -> | ||||
12:44 | 12:45 | Venlo | Intercity 3545 | 1/2 |
VIRM-6 -> | ||||
12:46 | 12:47 | Hoofddorp | Sprinter 4145 | 4 |
SNG-4, SNG-3 -> | ||||
12:46 | 12:48 | Leiden Centraal | Sprinter 5736 | 5/6 |
SLT-4, SLT-4 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
12:47 | 12:48 | Amsterdam Centraal | Sprinter 8438 | 3 |
SNG-4T, SNG-3T -> | ||||
12:48 | 12:50 | Lelystad Centrum | Eurocity Direct 9539 | 1/2 |
SW7-25KV-2+7 -> | ||||
12:51 | 12:52 | Breda | Intercity direct 1838 | 5/6 |
ICNGB25-8 -> | ||||
12:51 | 12:53 | Lelystad Centrum | Sprinter 4345 | 1/2 |
SLT-6 -> | ||||
12:51 | 12:53 | Hoofddorp | Sprinter 8145 | 4 |
SNG-3T, SNG-4T -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
12:51 | 12:53 | Amsterdam Centraal | Sprinter 8238 | 3 |
SNG-4T, SNG-3T -> | ||||
12:55 | 12:56 | Den Haag Centraal | Intercity 3138 | 5/6 |
VIRM-4 -> | ||||
12:54 | 12:56 | Arnhem Centraal | Intercity 3245 | 1/2 |
VIRM-4 -> | ||||
12:57 | 12:59 | Amsterdam Centraal | Sprinter 8340 | 3 |
SNG-4T, SNG-3T -> | ||||
— | 12:59 | Groningen | Intercity 745 | 1/2 |
ICM-3, ICM-3 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
12:59 | 13:01 | Hoofddorp | Sprinter 8345 | 4 |
SNG-3T, SNG-4T -> | ||||
13:03 | 13:05 | Rotterdam Centraal | Intercity 3238 | 5/6 |
VIRM-6 -> | ||||
13:03 | 13:05 | Nijmegen | Intercity 3147 | 1/2 |
VIRM-6 -> | ||||
13:06 | 13:08 | Den Haag Centraal | Sprinter 4338 | 5/6 |
SLT-6 -> | ||||
13:07 | 13:08 | Amersfoort Schothorst | Intercity direct 1847 | 1/2 |
ICNG25-8 -> | ||||
13:05 | 13:08 | Hoofddorp | Sprinter 8247 | 4 |
SNG-3T, SNG-4T -> | ||||
13:06 | 13:09 | Amsterdam Centraal | Sprinter 8140 | 3 |
SNG-4T, SNG-3T -> | ||||
13:09 | 13:11 | Brussel-Zuid | Eurocity Direct 9540 | 5/6 |
ICNGB25-8 -> | ||||
13:11 | 13:13 | Utrecht Centraal | Sprinter 5747 | 1/2 |
SLT-4, SLT-4 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
13:11 | 13:13 | Hoofddorp | Sprinter 8447 | 4 |
SNG-3T, SNG-4T -> | ||||
13:12 | 13:13 | Hoorn Kersenboogerd | Sprinter 4140 | 3 |
SNG-3, SNG-4 -> | ||||
13:13 | 13:15 | Dordrecht | Intercity 3540 | 5/6 |
VIRM-6 -> | ||||
13:14 | 13:15 | Venlo | Intercity 3547 | 1/2 |
VIRM-4 -> | ||||
13:16 | 13:17 | Hoofddorp | Sprinter 4147 | 4 |
SNG-4, SNG-3 -> | ||||
13:16 | 13:18 | Leiden Centraal | Sprinter 5738 | 5/6 |
SLT-6 -> | ||||
13:17 | 13:18 | Lelystad Centrum | Intercity direct 2441 | 1/2 |
ICNGB25-8 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
13:17 | 13:18 | Amsterdam Centraal | Sprinter 8440 | 3 |
SNG-4T, SNG-3T -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
13:21 | 13:22 | Breda | Intercity direct 1840 | 5/6 |
ICNG25-5, ICNG25-5 -> | ||||
13:20 | 13:22 | Hoofddorp | Sprinter 8147 | 4 |
SNG-3T, SNG-4T -> | ||||
13:21 | 13:23 | Lelystad Centrum | Sprinter 4347 | 1/2 |
SLT-6 -> | ||||
13:21 | 13:23 | Amsterdam Centraal | Sprinter 8240 | 3 |
SNG-4T, SNG-3T -> | ||||
13:25 | 13:26 | Den Haag Centraal | Intercity 3140 | 4 |
VIRM-6 -> | ||||
13:24 | 13:26 | Arnhem Centraal | Intercity 3247 | 1/2 |
VIRM-6 -> | ||||
13:24 | 13:27 | Paris-Nord | Eurostar 9352 | 5/6 |
TGV-PBA -> | ||||
13:27 | 13:29 | Amsterdam Centraal | Sprinter 8342 | 3 |
SNG-4T, SNG-3T -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
— | 13:29 | Leeuwarden | Intercity 847 | 1/2 |
ICM-4, ICM-3 -> | ||||
13:29 | 13:31 | Hoofddorp | Sprinter 8347 | 4 |
SNG-3T, SNG-4T -> | ||||
13:30 | 13:33 | Amsterdam Centraal | Eurostar 9327 | 1/2 |
TGV-PBA -> | ||||
13:33 | 13:35 | Rotterdam Centraal | Intercity 3240 | 5/6 |
VIRM-4 -> | ||||
13:33 | 13:35 | Nijmegen | Intercity 3149 | 1/2 |
VIRM-4 -> | ||||
13:36 | 13:38 | Den Haag Centraal | Sprinter 4340 | 5/6 |
SLT-4, SLT-4 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
13:37 | 13:38 | Amersfoort Schothorst | Intercity direct 1849 | 1/2 |
ICNG25-8 -> | ||||
13:35 | 13:38 | Hoofddorp | Sprinter 8249 | 4 |
SNG-3T, SNG-4T -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
13:36 | 13:39 | Amsterdam Centraal | Sprinter 8142 | 3 |
SNG-4T, SNG-3T -> | ||||
13:40 | 13:42 | Rotterdam Centraal | Intercity direct 2442 | 5/6 |
ICNG25-8 -> | ||||
13:41 | 13:43 | Utrecht Centraal | Sprinter 5749 | 1/2 |
SLT-4, SLT-4 -> | ||||
13:41 | 13:43 | Hoofddorp | Sprinter 8449 | 4 |
SNG-3T, SNG-4T -> | ||||
13:42 | 13:43 | Hoorn Kersenboogerd | Sprinter 4142 | 3 |
SNG-3, SNG-4 -> | ||||
13:43 | 13:45 | Dordrecht | Intercity 3542 | 5/6 |
VIRM-6 -> | ||||
13:44 | 13:45 | Venlo | Intercity 3549 | 1/2 |
VIRM-4 -> | ||||
13:46 | 13:47 | Hoofddorp | Sprinter 4149 | 4 |
SNG-3, SNG-4 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
13:46 | 13:48 | Leiden Centraal | Sprinter 5740 | 5/6 |
SLT-6, SLT-4 -> | ||||
13:47 | 13:48 | Amsterdam Centraal | Sprinter 8442 | 3 |
SNG-4T, SNG-3T -> | ||||
13:48 | 13:50 | Lelystad Centrum | Eurocity Direct 9543 | 1/2 |
ICNGB25-8 -> | ||||
13:51 | 13:52 | Breda | Intercity direct 1842 | 5/6 |
ICNG25-5, ICNG25-8 -> | ||||
13:51 | 13:53 | Lelystad Centrum | Sprinter 4349 | 1/2 |
SLT-6 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
13:51 | 13:53 | Hoofddorp | Sprinter 8149 | 4 |
SNG-3T, SNG-4T -> | ||||
13:51 | 13:53 | Amsterdam Centraal | Sprinter 8242 | 3 |
SNG-4T, SNG-3T -> | ||||
13:54 | 13:56 | Arnhem Centraal | Intercity 3249 | 1/2 |
VIRM-4 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
13:54 | 13:56 | Brussel-Zuid | Eurostar 9354 | 5/6 |
EUR-PBA -> | ||||
13:57 | 13:59 | Den Haag Centraal | Intercity 3142 | 5/6 |
VIRM-6 -> | ||||
13:57 | 13:59 | Amsterdam Centraal | Sprinter 8344 | 3 |
SNG-4T, SNG-3T -> | ||||
— | 13:59 | Groningen | Intercity 749 | 1/2 |
ICM-3, ICM-3 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
13:59 | 14:01 | Hoofddorp | Sprinter 8349 | 4 |
SNG-3T, SNG-4T -> | ||||
14:03 | 14:05 | Rotterdam Centraal | Intercity 3242 | 5/6 |
VIRM-4 -> | ||||
14:03 | 14:05 | Nijmegen | Intercity 3151 | 1/2 |
VIRM-4 -> | ||||
14:06 | 14:08 | Den Haag Centraal | Sprinter 4342 | 5/6 |
SLT-4, SLT-4 -> | ||||
14:07 | 14:08 | Amersfoort Schothorst | Intercity direct 1851 | 1/2 |
ICNG25-5 -> | ||||
14:05 | 14:08 | Hoofddorp | Sprinter 8251 | 4 |
SNG-3T, SNG-4T -> | ||||
14:06 | 14:09 | Amsterdam Centraal | Sprinter 8144 | 3 |
SNG-4T, SNG-3T -> | ||||
14:09 | 14:11 | Brussel-Zuid | Eurocity Direct 9544 | 5/6 |
SW7-25KV-2+7 -> | ||||
14:11 | 14:13 | Utrecht Centraal | Sprinter 5751 | 1/2 |
SLT-4, SLT-4 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
14:11 | 14:13 | Hoofddorp | Sprinter 8451 | 4 |
SNG-3T, SNG-4T -> | ||||
14:12 | 14:13 | Hoorn Kersenboogerd | Sprinter 4144 | 3 |
SNG-4, SNG-3 -> | ||||
14:13 | 14:15 | Dordrecht | Intercity 3544 | 5/6 |
VIRM-4 -> | ||||
14:14 | 14:15 | Venlo | Intercity 3551 | 1/2 |
VIRM-6 -> | ||||
14:16 | 14:17 | Hoofddorp | Sprinter 4151 | 4 |
SNG-3, SNG-4 -> | ||||
14:16 | 14:18 | Leiden Centraal | Sprinter 5742 | 5/6 |
SNG-4, SNG-4 -> | ||||
14:17 | 14:18 | Lelystad Centrum | Intercity direct 2445 | 1/2 |
ICNG25-5, ICNG25-5 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
14:17 | 14:18 | Amsterdam Centraal | Sprinter 8444 | 3 |
SNG-4T, SNG-3T -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
14:21 | 14:22 | Breda | Intercity direct 1844 | 5/6 |
ICNG25-8, ICNG25-5 -> | ||||
14:21 | 14:23 | Lelystad Centrum | Sprinter 4351 | 1/2 |
SLT-6, SLT-4 -> | ||||
14:20 | 14:23 | Hoofddorp | Sprinter 8151 | 4 |
SNG-3T, SNG-4T -> | ||||
14:21 | 14:23 | Amsterdam Centraal | Sprinter 8244 | 3 |
SNG-4T, SNG-3T -> | ||||
14:24 | 14:26 | Arnhem Centraal | Intercity 3251 | 1/2 |
VIRM-6 -> | ||||
14:27 | 14:29 | Den Haag Centraal | Intercity 3144 | 5/6 |
VIRM-4 -> | ||||
14:27 | 14:29 | Amsterdam Centraal | Sprinter 8346 | 3 |
SNG-4T, SNG-3T -> | ||||
— | 14:29 | Leeuwarden | Intercity 851 | 1/2 |
ICM-3, ICM-4 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
14:29 | 14:30 | Hoofddorp | Sprinter 8351 | 4 |
SNG-3T, SNG-4T -> | ||||
14:33 | 14:35 | Den Haag HS | Intercity 3244 | 5/6 |
VIRM-6 -> | ||||
14:33 | 14:35 | Nijmegen | Intercity 3153 | 1/2 |
VIRM-4 -> | ||||
14:36 | 14:38 | Den Haag Centraal | Sprinter 4344 | 5/6 |
SLT-4, SLT-6 -> | ||||
14:37 | 14:38 | Amersfoort Schothorst | Intercity direct 1853 | 1/2 |
ICNG25-8 -> | ||||
14:35 | 14:38 | Hoofddorp | Sprinter 8253 | 4 |
SNG-3T, SNG-4T -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
14:36 | 14:39 | Amsterdam Centraal | Sprinter 8146 | 3 |
SNG-4T, SNG-3T -> | ||||
14:40 | 14:42 | Rotterdam Centraal | Intercity direct 2446 | 5/6 |
ICNG25-8 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
14:41 | 14:43 | Utrecht Centraal | Sprinter 5753 | 1/2 |
SLT-6 -> | ||||
14:41 | 14:43 | Hoofddorp | Sprinter 8453 | 4 |
SNG-3T, SNG-4T -> | ||||
14:42 | 14:43 | Hoorn Kersenboogerd | Sprinter 4146 | 3 |
SNG-4, SNG-3 -> | ||||
14:43 | 14:45 | Dordrecht | Intercity 3546 | 5/6 |
VIRM-6 -> | ||||
14:44 | 14:45 | Venlo | Intercity 3553 | 1/2 |
VIRM-6 -> | ||||
14:46 | 14:47 | Hoofddorp | Sprinter 4153 | 4 |
SNG-3, SNG-3 -> | ||||
14:46 | 14:48 | Leiden Centraal | Sprinter 5744 | 5/6 |
SLT-6, SLT-4 -> | ||||
14:47 | 14:48 | Amsterdam Centraal | Sprinter 8446 | 3 |
SNG-4T, SNG-3T -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
14:48 | 14:50 | Lelystad Centrum | Eurocity Direct 9547 | 1/2 |
ICNGB25-8 -> | ||||
14:51 | 14:52 | Breda | Intercity direct 1846 | 5/6 |
ICNG25-8 -> | ||||
14:51 | 14:53 | Lelystad Centrum | Sprinter 4353 | 1/2 |
SLT-4, SLT-6 -> | ||||
14:51 | 14:53 | Hoofddorp | Sprinter 8153 | 4 |
SNG-3T, SNG-4T -> | ||||
14:51 | 14:53 | Amsterdam Centraal | Sprinter 8246 | 3 |
SNG-4T, SNG-3T -> | ||||
14:55 | 14:56 | Den Haag Centraal | Intercity 3146 | 5/6 |
VIRM-6 -> | ||||
14:54 | 14:56 | Arnhem Centraal | Intercity 3253 | 1/2 |
VIRM-6 -> | ||||
14:57 | 14:59 | Amsterdam Centraal | Sprinter 8348 | 3 |
SNG-4T, SNG-3T -> | ||||
— | 14:59 | Groningen | Intercity 753 | 1/2 |
ICM-3, ICM-3 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
14:59 | 15:01 | Hoofddorp | Sprinter 8353 | 4 |
SNG-3T, SNG-4T -> | ||||
15:03 | 15:05 | Rotterdam Centraal | Intercity 3246 | 5/6 |
VIRM-4, VIRM-4 -> | ||||
15:03 | 15:05 | Nijmegen | Intercity 3155 | 1/2 |
VIRM-6 -> | ||||
15:06 | 15:08 | Den Haag Centraal | Sprinter 4346 | 5/6 |
SLT-4, SLT-4 -> | ||||
15:07 | 15:08 | Amersfoort Schothorst | Intercity direct 1855 | 1/2 |
ICNGB25-8 -> | ||||
15:05 | 15:08 | Hoofddorp | Sprinter 8255 | 4 |
SNG-3T, SNG-4T -> | ||||
15:06 | 15:09 | Amsterdam Centraal | Sprinter 8148 | 3 |
SNG-4T, SNG-3T -> | ||||
15:09 | 15:11 | Brussel-Zuid | Eurocity Direct 9548 | 5/6 |
SW7-25KV-2+7 -> | ||||
15:11 | 15:13 | Utrecht Centraal | Sprinter 5755 | 1/2 |
SLT-4, SLT-6 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
15:11 | 15:13 | Hoofddorp | Sprinter 8455 | 4 |
SNG-3T, SNG-4T -> | ||||
15:12 | 15:13 | Hoorn Kersenboogerd | Sprinter 4148 | 3 |
SNG-3, SNG-3 -> | ||||
15:13 | 15:15 | Dordrecht | Intercity 3548 | 5/6 |
VIRM-4 -> | ||||
15:14 | 15:15 | Venlo | Intercity 3555 | 1/2 |
VIRM-6 -> | ||||
15:16 | 15:17 | Hoofddorp | Sprinter 4155 | 4 |
SNG-4, SNG-3 -> | ||||
15:16 | 15:18 | Leiden Centraal | Sprinter 5746 | 5/6 |
SLT-6, SLT-4 -> | ||||
15:17 | 15:18 | Lelystad Centrum | Intercity direct 2449 | 1/2 |
ICNG25-8 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
15:17 | 15:18 | Amsterdam Centraal | Sprinter 8448 | 3 |
SNG-4T, SNG-3T -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
15:21 | 15:22 | Breda | Intercity direct 1848 | 5/6 |
ICNG25-8 -> | ||||
15:21 | 15:23 | Lelystad Centrum | Sprinter 4355 | 1/2 |
SLT-6 -> | ||||
15:21 | 15:23 | Hoofddorp | Sprinter 8155 | 4 |
SNG-3T, SNG-4T -> | ||||
15:21 | 15:23 | Amsterdam Centraal | Sprinter 8248 | 3 |
SNG-4T, SNG-3T -> | ||||
15:24 | 15:26 | Arnhem Centraal | Intercity 3255 | 1/2 |
VIRM-4 -> | ||||
15:24 | 15:27 | Paris-Nord | Eurostar 9364 | 5/6 |
TGV-PBA -> | ||||
15:27 | 15:29 | Den Haag Centraal | Intercity 3148 | 5/6 |
VIRM-6 -> | ||||
15:27 | 15:29 | Amsterdam Centraal | Sprinter 8350 | 3 |
SNG-4T, SNG-3T -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
— | 15:29 | Leeuwarden | Intercity 855 | 1/2 |
ICM-3, ICM-4 -> | ||||
15:29 | 15:30 | Hoofddorp | Sprinter 8355 | 4 |
SNG-3T, SNG-4T -> | ||||
15:30 | 15:33 | Amsterdam Centraal | Eurostar 9339 | 1/2 |
TGV-PBA -> | ||||
15:33 | 15:35 | Rotterdam Centraal | Intercity 3248 | 5/6 |
VIRM-4, VIRM-4 -> | ||||
15:33 | 15:35 | Nijmegen | Intercity 3157 | 1/2 |
VIRM-6 -> | ||||
15:36 | 15:38 | Den Haag Centraal | Sprinter 4348 | 5/6 |
SLT-6 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
15:37 | 15:38 | Amersfoort Schothorst | Intercity direct 1857 | 1/2 |
ICNG25-5, ICNG25-5 -> | ||||
15:35 | 15:38 | Hoofddorp | Sprinter 8257 | 4 |
SNG-3T, SNG-4T -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
15:36 | 15:39 | Amsterdam Centraal | Sprinter 8150 | 3 |
SNG-4T, SNG-3T -> | ||||
15:40 | 15:42 | Rotterdam Centraal | Intercity direct 2450 | 5/6 |
ICNGB25-8 -> | ||||
15:41 | 15:43 | Utrecht Centraal | Sprinter 5757 | 1/2 |
SNG-4, SNG-4 -> | ||||
15:41 | 15:43 | Hoofddorp | Sprinter 8457 | 4 |
SNG-3T, SNG-4T -> | ||||
15:42 | 15:43 | Hoorn Kersenboogerd | Sprinter 4150 | 3 |
SNG-3, SNG-4 -> | ||||
15:43 | 15:45 | Dordrecht | Intercity 3550 | 5/6 |
VIRM-6 -> | ||||
15:44 | 15:45 | Venlo | Intercity 3557 | 1/2 |
VIRM-6 -> | ||||
15:46 | 15:47 | Hoofddorp | Sprinter 4157 | 4 |
SNG-4, SNG-3 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
15:46 | 15:48 | Leiden Centraal | Sprinter 5748 | 5/6 |
SNG-4, SNG-4 -> | ||||
15:47 | 15:48 | Amsterdam Centraal | Sprinter 8450 | 3 |
SNG-4T, SNG-3T -> | ||||
15:48 | 15:50 | Lelystad Centrum | Eurocity Direct 9551 | 1/2 |
SW7-25KV-2+7 -> | ||||
15:51 | 15:52 | Breda | Intercity direct 1850 | 5/6 |
ICNG25-5 -> | ||||
15:51 | 15:53 | Lelystad Centrum | Sprinter 4357 | 1/2 |
SLT-6 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
15:51 | 15:53 | Hoofddorp | Sprinter 8157 | 4 |
SNG-3T, SNG-4T -> | ||||
15:51 | 15:53 | Amsterdam Centraal | Sprinter 8250 | 3 |
SNG-4T, SNG-3T -> | ||||
15:55 | 15:56 | Den Haag Centraal | Intercity 3150 | 5/6 |
VIRM-4 -> | ||||
15:54 | 15:56 | Arnhem Centraal | Intercity 3257 | 1/2 |
VIRM-4 -> | ||||
15:57 | 15:59 | Amsterdam Centraal | Sprinter 8352 | 3 |
SNG-4T, SNG-3T -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
15:59 | 16:01 | Hoofddorp | Sprinter 8357 | 4 |
SNG-3T, SNG-4T -> | ||||
16:00 | 16:03 | Amsterdam Centraal | Eurostar 9126 | 1/2 |
EUR-PBA -> | ||||
16:03 | 16:05 | Rotterdam Centraal | Intercity 3250 | 5/6 |
VIRM-6 -> | ||||
16:03 | 16:05 | Nijmegen | Intercity 3159 | 1/2 |
VIRM-4, VIRM-6 -> | ||||
16:06 | 16:08 | Den Haag Centraal | Sprinter 4350 | 5/6 |
SLT-6 -> | ||||
16:07 | 16:08 | Amersfoort Schothorst | Intercity direct 1859 | 1/2 |
ICNG25-8, ICNG25-5 -> | ||||
16:05 | 16:08 | Hoofddorp | Sprinter 8259 | 4 |
SNG-3T, SNG-4T -> | ||||
16:09 | 16:11 | Brussel-Zuid | Eurocity Direct 9552 | 5/6 |
ICNGB25-8 -> | ||||
16:11 | 16:13 | Utrecht Centraal | Sprinter 5759 | 1/2 |
SLT-4, SLT-6 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
16:11 | 16:13 | Hoofddorp | Sprinter 8459 | 4 |
SNG-3T, SNG-4T -> | ||||
16:13 | 16:15 | Dordrecht | Intercity 3552 | 5/6 |
VIRM-6 -> | ||||
16:14 | 16:15 | Venlo | Intercity 3559 | 1/2 |
VIRM-6 -> | ||||
16:16 | 16:17 | Hoofddorp | Sprinter 4159 | 4 |
SNG-3, SNG-4 -> | ||||
16:16 | 16:18 | Leiden Centraal | Sprinter 5750 | 5/6 |
SLT-6 -> | ||||
16:17 | 16:18 | Lelystad Centrum | Intercity direct 2453 | 1/2 |
ICNG25-8 -> | ||||
16:21 | 16:22 | Breda | Intercity direct 1852 | 5/6 |
ICNG25-8 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
16:21 | 16:23 | Lelystad Centrum | Sprinter 4359 | 1/2 |
SLT-6 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
16:24 | 16:26 | Arnhem Centraal | Intercity 3259 | 1/2 |
VIRM-6 -> | ||||
16:27 | 16:29 | Den Haag Centraal | Intercity 3152 | 5/6 |
VIRM-6 -> | ||||
16:33 | 16:35 | Rotterdam Centraal | Intercity 3252 | 5/6 |
VIRM-4 -> | ||||
16:36 | 16:38 | Den Haag Centraal | Sprinter 4352 | 5/6 |
SLT-6 -> | ||||
16:37 | 16:38 | Amersfoort Schothorst | Intercity direct 1861 | 1/2 |
ICNG25-5, ICNG25-8 -> | ||||
16:40 | 16:42 | Rotterdam Centraal | Intercity direct 2454 | 5/6 |
ICNG25-5, ICNG25-5 -> | ||||
16:43 | 16:45 | Dordrecht | Intercity 3554 | 5/6 |
VIRM-6 -> | ||||
16:44 | 16:45 | Venlo | Intercity 3561 | 1/2 |
VIRM-4, VIRM-4 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
16:46 | 16:47 | Hoofddorp | Sprinter 4161 | 4 |
SNG-3, SNG-4 -> | ||||
16:46 | 16:48 | Leiden Centraal | Sprinter 5752 | 5/6 |
SLT-6 -> | ||||
16:48 | 16:50 | Lelystad Centrum | Eurocity Direct 9555 | 1/2 |
ICNGB25-8 -> | ||||
16:57 | 16:59 | Den Haag Centraal | Intercity 3154 | 5/6 |
VIRM-6 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
17:03 | 17:05 | Rotterdam Centraal | Intercity 3254 | 5/6 |
VIRM-6 -> | ||||
17:06 | 17:08 | Den Haag Centraal | Sprinter 4354 | 5/6 |
SLT-4, SLT-6 -> | ||||
17:13 | 17:15 | Dordrecht | Intercity 3556 | 5/6 |
VIRM-6 -> | ||||
17:27 | 17:29 | Den Haag Centraal | Intercity 3156 | 5/6 |
VIRM-6 -> | ||||
17:30 | 17:33 | Amsterdam Centraal | Eurostar 9351 | 1/2 |
TGV-PBA -> | ||||
17:43 | 17:45 | Dordrecht | Intercity 3558 | 5/6 |
VIRM-4, VIRM-4 -> | ||||
17:48 | 17:50 | Lelystad Centrum | Eurocity Direct 9559 | 1/2 |
ICNGB25-8 -> | ||||