Train services at Duivendrecht on August 29, 2022

This page shows all trains which have departed from station Duivendrecht on Monday, August 29, 2022. This includes all trains scheduled to depart, including trains which were eventually cancelled.

Services which were cancelled in advance, for example due to engineering works, are not included in this overview.

Monday, August 29, 2022
Total services 393
On time 165 (42%)
Cancelled services 224 (57%)
Delayed trains* 4 (1%)
* trains delayed for 5 minutes or more, excluding cancelled services

Train services

Click on a service to view the entire route and delays along the route. Visit live departures for Duivendrecht for live information.

05:00 – 06:00

5 services, 2 cancelled (40%), 2 delayed (40%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
05:30 05:30 +1 Hoofddorp Sprinter 4308 4
SNG-3 3026, SNG-3 2302 ->
05:47 05:47 Amsterdam Centraal Sprinter 7308
Train is cancelled
05:48 05:48 Hoofddorp Sprinter 4310 4
SNG-3 2333, SNG-4 2723 ->
05:50 05:50 +1 Enschede Intercity 1617 1
DDZ-6 7639 ->
05:51 05:51 Veenendaal Centrum Sprinter 7417
Train is cancelled

06:00 – 07:00

19 services, 10 cancelled (52.6%), 10 delayed (52.6%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
06:01 06:01 Rotterdam Centraal Sprinter 4019
Train is cancelled
06:03 06:03 +1 Hoofddorp Sprinter 5710 4
SNG-3 2306 ->
06:11 +8 06:11 +9 Almere Oostvaarders Sprinter 4317 1
SNG-3 2309, SNG-3 3023 ->
06:17 06:17 Veenendaal Centrum Sprinter 7419
Train is cancelled
06:18 +1 06:18 +2 Hoofddorp Sprinter 4312 4
SNG-3 3015 ->
06:20 +1 06:20 +3 Amersfoort Schothorst Intercity 11619 1
ICM-4 4234 ->
06:26 06:26 +1 Utrecht Centraal Sprinter 5719 1
SNG-3 2302, SNG-3 3026 ->
06:28 06:28 Uitgeest Sprinter 4012
Train is cancelled
06:31 06:31 Rotterdam Centraal Sprinter 4021
Train is cancelled
Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
06:33 +1 06:33 +1 Hoofddorp Sprinter 5712 4
SNG-3 3028, SNG-3 2310 ->
06:40 06:40 +1 Schiphol Airport Intercity 11614 4
ICM-4 4202 ->
06:41 06:41 Almere Oostvaarders Sprinter 4319 1
SNG-4 2723, SNG-3 2333 ->
06:42 06:42 Uitgeest Sprinter 7412
Train is cancelled
06:42 06:42 Veenendaal Centrum Sprinter 7421
Train is cancelled
06:48 06:48 Hoofddorp Sprinter 4314
Train is cancelled
06:50 06:50 Enschede Intercity 1621
Train is cancelled
06:56 06:56 +1 Utrecht Centraal Sprinter 5721 1
SNG-3 2306 ->
06:58 06:58 Uitgeest Sprinter 4014
Train is cancelled
06:59 06:59 Dordrecht Intercity 2427
Train is cancelled

07:00 – 08:00

24 services, 12 cancelled (50%), 12 delayed (50%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
07:01 07:01 Lelystad Centrum Intercity 2410
Train is cancelled
07:01 07:01 Rotterdam Centraal Sprinter 4023
Train is cancelled
07:03 07:03 Hoofddorp Sprinter 5714 4
SNG-4 2729 ->
07:10 +1 07:10 +2 Schiphol Airport Intercity 1616 4
DDZ-4 7515 ->
07:11 07:11 Almere Oostvaarders Sprinter 4321 1
SNG-3 3015 ->
07:12 07:12 Uitgeest Sprinter 7414
Train is cancelled
07:18 07:18 +1 Hoofddorp Sprinter 4316 4
SNG-3 3030 ->
07:20 +1 07:20 +2 Amersfoort Schothorst Intercity 11623 1
ICM-3 4077, ICM-3 4094 ->
07:21 07:21 Veenendaal Centrum Sprinter 7423
Train is cancelled
Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
07:26 +1 07:26 +1 Utrecht Centraal Sprinter 5723 1
SNG-3 2310, SNG-3 3028 ->
07:28 07:28 Uitgeest Sprinter 4016
Train is cancelled
07:29 07:29 Dordrecht Intercity 2429
Train is cancelled
07:31 07:31 Lelystad Centrum Intercity 2412
Train is cancelled
07:31 07:31 Rotterdam Centraal Sprinter 4025
Train is cancelled
07:33 07:33 +1 Hoofddorp Sprinter 5716 4
SNG-4 2717 ->
07:37 07:37 Uitgeest Sprinter 7416
Train is cancelled
Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
07:40 07:40 Schiphol Airport Intercity 11618 4
ICM-4 4234 ->
Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
07:41 07:41 +2 Almere Oostvaarders Sprinter 4323 1
SNG-3 2351 ->
07:48 07:48 Hoofddorp Sprinter 4318 4
SNG-3 3023, SNG-3 2309 ->
07:50 +3 07:50 +4 Enschede Intercity 1625 1
ICM-3 4080 ->
07:53 07:53 Veenendaal Centrum Sprinter 7425
Train is cancelled
07:56 07:56 +2 Utrecht Centraal Sprinter 5725 1
SNG-4 2729 ->
07:58 07:58 Uitgeest Sprinter 4018
Train is cancelled
07:59 07:59 Dordrecht Intercity 2431
Train is cancelled

08:00 – 09:00

24 services, 12 cancelled (50%), 12 delayed (50%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
08:01 08:01 Lelystad Centrum Intercity 2414
Train is cancelled
08:01 08:01 Rotterdam Centraal Sprinter 4027
Train is cancelled
08:03 08:03 Hoofddorp Sprinter 5718 4
SNG-4 2705 ->
08:07 08:07 Uitgeest Sprinter 7418
Train is cancelled
08:10 +2 08:10 +3 Schiphol Airport Intercity 1620 4
DDZ-6 7609 ->
08:11 08:11 Almere Oostvaarders Sprinter 4325 1
SNG-3 3030 ->
08:18 +1 08:18 +2 Hoofddorp Sprinter 4320 4
SNG-3 2333, SNG-4 2723 ->
08:20 08:20 +1 Amersfoort Schothorst Intercity 11627 1
DDZ-4 7515 ->
08:23 08:23 Driebergen-Zeist Sprinter 7427
Train is cancelled
Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
08:26 08:26 +1 Utrecht Centraal Sprinter 5727 1
SNG-4 2717 ->
08:28 08:28 Uitgeest Sprinter 4020
Train is cancelled
08:29 08:29 Dordrecht Intercity 2433
Train is cancelled
08:31 08:31 Lelystad Centrum Intercity 2416
Train is cancelled
08:31 08:31 Rotterdam Centraal Sprinter 4029
Train is cancelled
08:33 +2 08:33 +3 Hoofddorp Sprinter 5720 4
SNG-4 2763 ->
08:37 08:37 Uitgeest Sprinter 7420
Train is cancelled
Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
08:40 +12 08:40 +12 Schiphol Airport Intercity 11622 4
ICM-3 4094, ICM-3 4077 ->
Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
08:41 08:41 Almere Oostvaarders Sprinter 4327 1
SNG-3 2309, SNG-3 3023 ->
08:48 +26 08:48 +27 Hoofddorp Sprinter 4322 4
SNG-3 3015 ->
08:50 08:50 +1 Enschede Intercity 1629 1
ICM-4 4234 ->
08:51 08:51 Driebergen-Zeist Sprinter 7429
Train is cancelled
08:56 08:56 +1 Utrecht Centraal Sprinter 5729 1
SNG-4 2705 ->
08:58 08:58 Uitgeest Sprinter 4022
Train is cancelled
08:59 08:59 Dordrecht Intercity 2435
Train is cancelled

09:00 – 10:00

24 services, 15 cancelled (62.5%), 15 delayed (62.5%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
09:01 09:01 Lelystad Centrum Intercity 2418
Train is cancelled
09:01 09:01 Rotterdam Centraal Sprinter 4031
Train is cancelled
09:03 +1 09:03 +2 Hoofddorp Sprinter 5722 4
SNG-4 2776 ->
09:09 09:09 Uitgeest Sprinter 7422
Train is cancelled
09:10 +1 09:10 +2 Schiphol Airport Intercity 1624 4
ICM-3 4081, ICM-3 4057 ->
09:11 09:11 Almere Oostvaarders Sprinter 4329 1
SNG-4 2723, SNG-3 2333 ->
09:18 09:18 Hoofddorp Sprinter 4324
Train is cancelled
09:20 09:20 Amersfoort Schothorst Intercity 11631
Train is cancelled
09:23 09:23 Driebergen-Zeist Sprinter 7431
Train is cancelled
Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
09:26 09:26 +1 Utrecht Centraal Sprinter 5731 1
SNG-4 2763 ->
09:28 09:28 Uitgeest Sprinter 4024
Train is cancelled
09:29 09:29 Dordrecht Intercity 2437
Train is cancelled
09:31 09:31 Lelystad Centrum Intercity 2420
Train is cancelled
09:31 09:31 Rotterdam Centraal Sprinter 4033
Train is cancelled
09:33 09:33 +1 Hoofddorp Sprinter 5724 4
SNG-3 2353 ->
09:37 09:37 Uitgeest Sprinter 7424
Train is cancelled
Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
09:40 09:40 Schiphol Airport Intercity 11626 4
DDZ-4 7515 ->
Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
09:41 09:41 Almere Oostvaarders Sprinter 4331
Train is cancelled
09:48 09:48 Hoofddorp Sprinter 4326 4
SNG-3 3030 ->
09:50 09:50 +1 Enschede Intercity 1633 1
ICM-3 4094 ->
09:51 09:51 Driebergen-Zeist Sprinter 7433
Train is cancelled
09:56 +1 09:56 +2 Utrecht Centraal Sprinter 5733 1
SNG-4 2776 ->
09:58 09:58 Uitgeest Sprinter 4026
Train is cancelled
09:59 09:59 Dordrecht Intercity 2439
Train is cancelled

10:00 – 11:00

24 services, 15 cancelled (62.5%), 15 delayed (62.5%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
10:01 10:01 Lelystad Centrum Intercity 2422
Train is cancelled
10:01 10:01 Rotterdam Centraal Sprinter 4035
Train is cancelled
10:03 10:03 +1 Hoofddorp Sprinter 5726 4
SNG-3 3026, SNG-3 2302 ->
10:07 10:07 Uitgeest Sprinter 7426
Train is cancelled
10:10 10:10 Schiphol Airport Intercity 1628 4
DDZ-6 7639 ->
10:11 10:11 Almere Oostvaarders Sprinter 4333
Train is cancelled
10:18 10:18 Hoofddorp Sprinter 4328
Train is cancelled
10:20 10:20 +1 Amersfoort Schothorst Intercity 11635 1
ICM-3 4057, ICM-3 4081 ->
10:21 10:21 Driebergen-Zeist Sprinter 7435
Train is cancelled
Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
10:26 10:26 Utrecht Centraal Sprinter 5735
Train is cancelled
10:28 10:28 Uitgeest Sprinter 4028
Train is cancelled
10:29 10:29 Dordrecht Intercity 2441
Train is cancelled
10:31 10:31 Lelystad Centrum Intercity 2424
Train is cancelled
10:31 10:31 Rotterdam Centraal Sprinter 4037
Train is cancelled
10:33 +1 10:33 +2 Hoofddorp Sprinter 5728 4
SNG-3 2306 ->
10:37 10:37 Uitgeest Sprinter 7428
Train is cancelled
Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
10:40 +1 10:40 +1 Schiphol Airport Intercity 11630 4
DDZ-6 7609 ->
Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
10:41 +1 10:41 Almere Oostvaarders Sprinter 4335 1
SNG-3 3030 ->
10:48 10:48 +1 Hoofddorp Sprinter 4330 4
SNG-3 2333, SNG-4 2723 ->
10:50 +1 10:50 +1 Enschede Intercity 1637 1
DDZ-4 7515 ->
10:53 10:53 Driebergen-Zeist Sprinter 7437
Train is cancelled
10:56 +4 10:56 +4 Utrecht Centraal Sprinter 5737 1
SNG-3 2302, SNG-3 3026 ->
10:58 10:58 Uitgeest Sprinter 4030
Train is cancelled
10:59 10:59 Dordrecht Intercity 2443
Train is cancelled

11:00 – 12:00

24 services, 14 cancelled (58.3%), 14 delayed (58.3%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
11:01 11:01 Lelystad Centrum Intercity 2426
Train is cancelled
11:01 11:01 Rotterdam Centraal Sprinter 4039
Train is cancelled
11:03 11:03 +1 Hoofddorp Sprinter 5730 4
SNG-3 3028 ->
11:07 11:07 Uitgeest Sprinter 7430
Train is cancelled
11:10 11:10 Schiphol Airport Intercity 1632
Train is cancelled
11:11 11:11 Almere Oostvaarders Sprinter 4337 1
SNG-3 2309, SNG-3 3023 ->
11:18 +2 11:18 +3 Hoofddorp Sprinter 4332 4
SNG-3 3015 ->
11:20 +1 11:20 +4 Amersfoort Schothorst Intercity 11639 1
DDZ-6 7639 ->
11:21 11:21 Driebergen-Zeist Sprinter 7439
Train is cancelled
Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
11:26 +1 11:26 +2 Utrecht Centraal Sprinter 5739 1
SNG-3 2306 ->
11:28 11:28 Uitgeest Sprinter 4032
Train is cancelled
11:29 11:29 Dordrecht Intercity 2445
Train is cancelled
11:31 11:31 Lelystad Centrum Intercity 2428
Train is cancelled
11:31 11:31 Rotterdam Centraal Sprinter 4041
Train is cancelled
11:33 11:33 +1 Hoofddorp Sprinter 5732 4
SNG-4 2729 ->
11:37 11:37 Uitgeest Sprinter 7432
Train is cancelled
Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
11:40 11:40 Schiphol Airport Intercity 11634 4
ICM-3 4081, ICM-3 4057 ->
Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
11:41 +1 11:41 +1 Almere Oostvaarders Sprinter 4339 1
SNG-3 2333 ->
11:48 +2 11:48 +3 Hoofddorp Sprinter 4334 4
SNG-3 2351 ->
11:50 11:50 +1 Enschede Intercity 1641 1
DDZ-6 7609 ->
11:51 11:51 Driebergen-Zeist Sprinter 7441
Train is cancelled
11:56 11:56 Utrecht Centraal Sprinter 5741
Train is cancelled
11:58 11:58 Uitgeest Sprinter 4034
Train is cancelled
11:59 11:59 Dordrecht Intercity 2447
Train is cancelled

12:00 – 13:00

25 services, 15 cancelled (60%), 15 delayed (60%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
12:01 12:01 Lelystad Centrum Intercity 2430
Train is cancelled
12:01 12:01 Rotterdam Centraal Sprinter 4043
Train is cancelled
12:03 12:03 Hoofddorp Sprinter 5734
Train is cancelled
12:03 12:03 Hoofddorp Sprinter 705734
Train is cancelled
12:07 12:07 Uitgeest Sprinter 7434
Train is cancelled
12:10 12:10 +1 Schiphol Airport Intercity 1636 4
ICM-3 4043, ICM-3 4080 ->
12:11 +1 12:11 +1 Almere Oostvaarders Sprinter 4341 1
SNG-3 3015 ->
12:18 +1 12:18 +2 Hoofddorp Sprinter 4336 4
SNG-3 3030 ->
12:20 12:20 +2 Amersfoort Schothorst Intercity 11643 1
ICM-3 4046 ->
Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
12:23 12:23 Driebergen-Zeist Sprinter 7443
Train is cancelled
12:26 +3 12:26 +4 Utrecht Centraal Sprinter 5743 1
SNG-4 2729 ->
12:28 12:28 Uitgeest Sprinter 4036
Train is cancelled
12:29 12:29 Dordrecht Intercity 2449
Train is cancelled
12:31 12:31 Lelystad Centrum Intercity 2432
Train is cancelled
12:31 12:31 Rotterdam Centraal Sprinter 4045
Train is cancelled
12:33 12:33 Hoofddorp Sprinter 5736 4
SNG-4 2705 ->
Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
12:37 12:37 Uitgeest Sprinter 7436
Train is cancelled
Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
12:40 12:40 Schiphol Airport Intercity 11638 4
DDZ-6 7639 ->
12:41 12:41 Almere Oostvaarders Sprinter 4343
Train is cancelled
12:48 +1 12:48 +2 Hoofddorp Sprinter 4338 4
SNG-3 3023, SNG-3 2309 ->
12:50 12:50 +1 Enschede Intercity 1645 1
ICM-3 4057, ICM-3 4081 ->
12:53 12:53 Driebergen-Zeist Sprinter 7445
Train is cancelled
12:56 +3 12:56 +4 Utrecht Centraal Sprinter 5745 1
SNG-4 2717 ->
12:58 12:58 Uitgeest Sprinter 4038
Train is cancelled
12:59 12:59 Dordrecht Intercity 2451
Train is cancelled

13:00 – 14:00

24 services, 14 cancelled (58.3%), 14 delayed (58.3%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
13:01 13:01 Lelystad Centrum Intercity 2434
Train is cancelled
13:01 13:01 Rotterdam Centraal Sprinter 4047
Train is cancelled
13:03 13:03 +1 Hoofddorp Sprinter 5738 4
SNG-4 2763 ->
13:07 13:07 Uitgeest Sprinter 7438
Train is cancelled
13:10 13:10 Schiphol Airport Intercity 1640
Train is cancelled
13:11 +2 13:11 +1 Almere Oostvaarders Sprinter 4345 1
SNG-3 3030 ->
13:18 13:18 Hoofddorp Sprinter 4340 4
SNG-3 2333 ->
13:20 +1 13:20 +2 Amersfoort Schothorst Intercity 11647 1
ICM-3 4080, ICM-3 4043 ->
13:21 13:21 Driebergen-Zeist Sprinter 7447
Train is cancelled
Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
13:26 13:26 +1 Utrecht Centraal Sprinter 5747 1
SNG-4 2705 ->
13:28 13:28 Uitgeest Sprinter 4040
Train is cancelled
13:29 13:29 Dordrecht Intercity 2453
Train is cancelled
13:31 13:31 Lelystad Centrum Intercity 2436
Train is cancelled
13:31 13:31 Rotterdam Centraal Sprinter 4049
Train is cancelled
13:33 13:33 Hoofddorp Sprinter 5740 4
SNG-4 2776 ->
13:37 13:37 Uitgeest Sprinter 7440
Train is cancelled
Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
13:40 13:40 Schiphol Airport Intercity 11642 4
ICM-3 4046 ->
Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
13:41 13:41 Almere Oostvaarders Sprinter 4347
Train is cancelled
13:48 +1 13:48 +1 Hoofddorp Sprinter 4342 4
SNG-3 3015 ->
13:50 +1 13:50 +3 Enschede Intercity 1649 1
DDZ-6 7639 ->
13:51 13:51 Driebergen-Zeist Sprinter 7449
Train is cancelled
13:56 +4 13:56 +4 Utrecht Centraal Sprinter 5749 1
SNG-4 2763 ->
13:58 13:58 Uitgeest Sprinter 4042
Train is cancelled
13:59 13:59 Dordrecht Intercity 2455
Train is cancelled

14:00 – 15:00

24 services, 15 cancelled (62.5%), 15 delayed (62.5%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
14:01 14:01 Lelystad Centrum Intercity 2438
Train is cancelled
14:01 14:01 Rotterdam Centraal Sprinter 4051
Train is cancelled
14:03 14:03 +1 Hoofddorp Sprinter 5742 4
SNG-3 2353 ->
14:07 14:07 Uitgeest Sprinter 7442
Train is cancelled
14:10 14:10 Schiphol Airport Intercity 1644 4
ICM-3 4094 ->
14:11 14:11 Almere Oostvaarders Sprinter 4349
Train is cancelled
14:18 14:18 +2 Hoofddorp Sprinter 4344 4
SNG-3 2351 ->
14:20 14:20 +1 Amersfoort Schothorst Intercity 11651 1
ICM-4 4234 ->
14:23 14:23 Driebergen-Zeist Sprinter 7451
Train is cancelled
Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
14:26 +2 14:26 +2 Utrecht Centraal Sprinter 5751 1
SNG-4 2776 ->
14:28 14:28 Uitgeest Sprinter 4044
Train is cancelled
14:29 14:29 Dordrecht Intercity 2457
Train is cancelled
14:31 14:31 Lelystad Centrum Intercity 2440
Train is cancelled
14:31 14:31 Rotterdam Centraal Sprinter 4053
Train is cancelled
14:33 14:33 +1 Hoofddorp Sprinter 5744 4
SNG-3 3026 ->
14:37 14:37 Uitgeest Sprinter 7444
Train is cancelled
Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
14:40 14:40 Schiphol Airport Intercity 11646 4
ICM-3 4043, ICM-3 4080 ->
Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
14:41 14:41 Almere Oostvaarders Sprinter 4351
Train is cancelled
14:48 14:48 Hoofddorp Sprinter 4346
Train is cancelled
14:50 +1 14:50 +3 Enschede Intercity 1653 1
ICM-3 4046 ->
14:53 14:53 Veenendaal Centrum Sprinter 7453
Train is cancelled
14:56 +6 14:56 +7 Utrecht Centraal Sprinter 5753 1
SNG-3 2353 ->
14:58 14:58 Uitgeest Sprinter 4046
Train is cancelled
14:59 14:59 Dordrecht Intercity 2459
Train is cancelled

15:00 – 16:00

24 services, 15 cancelled (62.5%), 15 delayed (62.5%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
15:01 15:01 Lelystad Centrum Intercity 2442
Train is cancelled
15:01 15:01 Rotterdam Centraal Sprinter 4055
Train is cancelled
15:03 +1 15:03 +1 Hoofddorp Sprinter 5746 4
SNG-3 2306 ->
15:07 15:07 Uitgeest Sprinter 7446
Train is cancelled
15:10 15:10 Schiphol Airport Intercity 1648 4
DDZ-4 7515 ->
15:11 +1 15:11 +1 Almere Oostvaarders Sprinter 4353 1
SNG-3 2351 ->
15:18 15:18 Hoofddorp Sprinter 4348
Train is cancelled
15:20 15:20 +2 Amersfoort Schothorst Intercity 11655 1
ICM-4 4228 ->
15:21 15:21 Veenendaal Centrum Sprinter 7455
Train is cancelled
Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
15:26 +1 15:26 +1 Utrecht Centraal Sprinter 5755 1
SNG-3 3026 ->
15:28 15:28 Uitgeest Sprinter 4048
Train is cancelled
15:29 15:29 Dordrecht Intercity 2461
Train is cancelled
15:31 15:31 Lelystad Centrum Intercity 2444
Train is cancelled
15:31 15:31 Rotterdam Centraal Sprinter 4057
Train is cancelled
15:33 +1 15:33 +2 Hoofddorp Sprinter 5748 4
SNG-3 2302 ->
15:37 15:37 Uitgeest Sprinter 7448
Train is cancelled
Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
15:40 15:40 Schiphol Airport Intercity 11650 4
ICM-4 4234 ->
Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
15:41 15:41 Almere Oostvaarders Sprinter 4355
Train is cancelled
15:48 15:48 Hoofddorp Sprinter 4350
Train is cancelled
15:50 +2 15:50 +2 Enschede Intercity 1657 1
ICM-3 4080, ICM-3 4043 ->
15:51 15:51 Veenendaal Centrum Sprinter 7457
Train is cancelled
15:56 +2 15:56 +3 Utrecht Centraal Sprinter 5757 1
SNG-3 2306 ->
15:58 15:58 Uitgeest Sprinter 4050
Train is cancelled
15:59 15:59 Dordrecht Intercity 2463
Train is cancelled

16:00 – 17:00

24 services, 15 cancelled (62.5%), 15 delayed (62.5%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
16:01 16:01 Lelystad Centrum Intercity 2446
Train is cancelled
16:01 16:01 Rotterdam Centraal Sprinter 4059
Train is cancelled
16:03 16:03 +1 Hoofddorp Sprinter 5750 4
SNG-4 2729 ->
16:07 16:07 Uitgeest Sprinter 7450
Train is cancelled
16:10 +1 16:10 +1 Schiphol Airport Intercity 1652 4
DDZ-6 7609 ->
16:11 16:11 Almere Oostvaarders Sprinter 4357
Train is cancelled
16:18 16:18 Hoofddorp Sprinter 4352 4
SNG-3 3015 ->
16:20 16:20 +2 Amersfoort Schothorst Intercity 11659 1
DDZ-4 7515 ->
16:21 16:21 Veenendaal Centrum Sprinter 7459
Train is cancelled
Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
16:26 +2 16:26 +3 Utrecht Centraal Sprinter 5759 1
SNG-3 2302 ->
16:28 16:28 Uitgeest Sprinter 4052
Train is cancelled
16:29 16:29 Dordrecht Intercity 2465
Train is cancelled
16:31 16:31 Lelystad Centrum Intercity 2448
Train is cancelled
16:31 16:31 Rotterdam Centraal Sprinter 4061
Train is cancelled
16:33 16:33 Hoofddorp Sprinter 5752 4
SNG-4 2717 ->
16:37 16:37 Uitgeest Sprinter 7452
Train is cancelled
Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
16:40 16:40 Schiphol Airport Intercity 11654 4
ICM-4 4228 ->
Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
16:41 16:41 Almere Oostvaarders Sprinter 4359
Train is cancelled
16:48 16:48 Hoofddorp Sprinter 4354
Train is cancelled
16:50 16:50 +1 Enschede Intercity 1661 1
ICM-4 4234 ->
16:53 16:53 Veenendaal Centrum Sprinter 7461
Train is cancelled
16:56 16:56 +2 Utrecht Centraal Sprinter 5761 1
SNG-4 2729 ->
16:58 16:58 Uitgeest Sprinter 4054
Train is cancelled
16:59 16:59 Dordrecht Intercity 2467
Train is cancelled

17:00 – 18:00

24 services, 13 cancelled (54.2%), 13 delayed (54.2%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
17:01 17:01 Lelystad Centrum Intercity 2450
Train is cancelled
17:01 17:01 Rotterdam Centraal Sprinter 4063
Train is cancelled
17:03 17:03 Hoofddorp Sprinter 5754 4
SNG-4 2705 ->
17:07 17:07 Uitgeest Sprinter 7454
Train is cancelled
17:10 17:10 Schiphol Airport Intercity 1656 4
ICM-3 4081, ICM-3 4057 ->
17:11 17:11 Almere Oostvaarders Sprinter 4361 1
SNG-3 3015 ->
17:18 17:18 Hoofddorp Sprinter 4356 4
SNG-3 3030 ->
17:20 +1 17:20 +1 Amersfoort Schothorst Intercity 11663 1
ICM-3 4077, ICM-3 4094 ->
17:23 17:23 Veenendaal Centrum Sprinter 7463
Train is cancelled
Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
17:26 17:26 +1 Utrecht Centraal Sprinter 5763 1
SNG-4 2717 ->
17:28 17:28 Uitgeest Sprinter 4056
Train is cancelled
17:29 17:29 Dordrecht Intercity 2469
Train is cancelled
17:31 17:31 Lelystad Centrum Intercity 2452
Train is cancelled
17:31 17:31 Rotterdam Centraal Sprinter 4065
Train is cancelled
17:33 17:33 Hoofddorp Sprinter 5756 4
SNG-4 2763 ->
17:37 17:37 Uitgeest Sprinter 7456
Train is cancelled
Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
17:40 17:40 Schiphol Airport Intercity 11658 4
DDZ-4 7515 ->
Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
17:41 17:41 Almere Oostvaarders Sprinter 4363
Train is cancelled
17:48 17:48 +1 Hoofddorp Sprinter 4358 4
SNG-3 3023, SNG-3 2309 ->
17:50 17:50 +1 Enschede Intercity 1665 1
ICM-4 4202, ICM-4 4228 ->
17:51 17:51 Veenendaal Centrum Sprinter 7465
Train is cancelled
17:56 +1 17:56 +2 Utrecht Centraal Sprinter 5765 1
SNG-4 2705 ->
17:58 17:58 Uitgeest Sprinter 4058
Train is cancelled
17:59 17:59 Dordrecht Intercity 2471
Train is cancelled

18:00 – 19:00

24 services, 13 cancelled (54.2%), 13 delayed (54.2%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
18:01 18:01 Lelystad Centrum Intercity 2454
Train is cancelled
18:01 18:01 Rotterdam Centraal Sprinter 4067
Train is cancelled
18:03 18:03 +1 Hoofddorp Sprinter 5758 4
SNG-4 2776 ->
18:07 18:07 Uitgeest Sprinter 7458
Train is cancelled
18:10 +1 18:10 +2 Schiphol Airport Intercity 1660 4
DDZ-6 7639 ->
18:11 18:11 Almere Oostvaarders Sprinter 4365 1
SNG-3 3030 ->
18:18 18:18 Hoofddorp Sprinter 4360
Train is cancelled
18:20 18:20 +3 Amersfoort Schothorst Intercity 11667 1
ICM-3 4057, ICM-3 4081 ->
18:21 18:21 Utrecht Centraal Sprinter 7467
Train is cancelled
Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
18:26 18:26 +1 Utrecht Centraal Sprinter 5767 1
SNG-4 2763 ->
18:28 18:28 Uitgeest Sprinter 4060
Train is cancelled
18:29 18:29 Dordrecht Intercity 2473
Train is cancelled
18:31 18:31 Lelystad Centrum Intercity 2456
Train is cancelled
18:31 18:31 Rotterdam Centraal Sprinter 4069
Train is cancelled
18:33 18:33 Hoofddorp Sprinter 5760 4
SNG-3 2353 ->
18:37 18:37 Uitgeest Sprinter 7460
Train is cancelled
Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
18:40 +2 18:40 +2 Schiphol Airport Intercity 11662 4
ICM-3 4094, ICM-3 4077 ->
Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
18:41 18:41 Almere Oostvaarders Sprinter 4367 1
SNG-3 2309, SNG-3 3023 ->
18:48 +1 18:48 +1 Hoofddorp Sprinter 4362 4
SNG-3 3015 ->
18:50 18:50 +1 Enschede Intercity 1669 1
DDZ-4 7515 ->
18:53 18:53 Utrecht Centraal Sprinter 7469
Train is cancelled
18:56 18:56 +1 Utrecht Centraal Sprinter 5769 1
SNG-4 2776 ->
18:58 18:58 Uitgeest Sprinter 4062
Train is cancelled
18:59 18:59 Dordrecht Intercity 2475
Train is cancelled

19:00 – 20:00

20 services, 11 cancelled (55%), 11 delayed (55%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
19:01 19:01 Lelystad Centrum Intercity 2458
Train is cancelled
19:01 19:01 Rotterdam Centraal Sprinter 4071
Train is cancelled
19:03 19:03 +1 Hoofddorp Sprinter 5762 4
SNG-3 2346 ->
19:07 19:07 Uitgeest Sprinter 7462
Train is cancelled
19:10 19:10 Schiphol Airport Intercity 1664 4
ICM-3 4046 ->
19:11 19:11 Almere Oostvaarders Sprinter 4369 1
SNG-3 2333 ->
19:18 19:18 Leiden Centraal Sprinter 4364
Train is cancelled
19:20 +3 19:20 +4 Amersfoort Schothorst Intercity 11671 1
DDZ-6 7639 ->
19:21 19:21 Utrecht Centraal Sprinter 7471
Train is cancelled
Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
19:26 19:26 Utrecht Centraal Sprinter 5771
Train is cancelled
19:28 19:28 Uitgeest Sprinter 4064
Train is cancelled
19:31 19:31 Lelystad Centrum Intercity 2460
Train is cancelled
19:31 19:31 Rotterdam Centraal Sprinter 4073
Train is cancelled
19:33 19:33 Hoofddorp Sprinter 5764
Train is cancelled
19:40 19:40 Schiphol Airport Intercity 11666 4
ICM-3 4081, ICM-3 4057 ->
19:41 +1 19:41 Almere Oostvaarders Sprinter 4371 1
SNG-3 3015 ->
19:48 +2 19:48 +3 Leiden Centraal Sprinter 4366 4
SNG-3 3030 ->
19:50 +1 19:50 +3 Enschede Intercity 1673 1
ICM-3 4077, ICM-3 4094 ->
19:56 +2 19:56 +2 Utrecht Centraal Sprinter 5773 1
SNG-3 2346 ->
19:58 19:58 Uitgeest Sprinter 4066
Train is cancelled

20:00 – 21:00

15 services, 7 cancelled (46.7%), 7 delayed (46.7%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
20:01 20:01 Rotterdam Centraal Sprinter 4075
Train is cancelled
20:03 20:03 +1 Hoofddorp Sprinter 5766 4
SNG-3 2302 ->
20:10 20:10 Schiphol Airport Intercity 1668 4
ICM-3 4043, ICM-3 4080 ->
20:10 20:10 Schiphol Airport Intercity 701668
Train is cancelled
20:11 20:11 Almere Oostvaarders Sprinter 4373
Train is cancelled
20:18 +1 20:18 +1 Leiden Centraal Sprinter 4368 4
SNG-3 3023, SNG-3 2309 ->
20:20 +3 20:20 +5 Amersfoort Schothorst Intercity 11675 1
ICM-3 4046 ->
20:28 20:28 Uitgeest Sprinter 4068
Train is cancelled
20:31 20:31 Rotterdam Centraal Sprinter 4077
Train is cancelled
Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
20:33 20:33 Hoofddorp Sprinter 5768 4
SNG-4 2729 ->
20:40 +2 20:40 +1 Schiphol Airport Intercity 11670 4
DDZ-6 7639 ->
20:41 20:41 Almere Oostvaarders Sprinter 4375
Train is cancelled
20:48 20:48 +1 Hoofddorp Sprinter 4370 4
SNG-3 2333 ->
20:50 +1 20:50 +2 Enschede Intercity 1677 1
ICM-3 4057, ICM-3 4081 ->
20:58 20:58 Uitgeest Sprinter 4070
Train is cancelled

21:00 – 22:00

12 services, 7 cancelled (58.3%), 7 delayed (58.3%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
21:01 21:01 Rotterdam Centraal Sprinter 4079
Train is cancelled
21:10 21:10 Schiphol Airport Intercity 1672 4
VIRM-6 8654 ->
21:11 21:11 Almere Oostvaarders Sprinter 4377
Train is cancelled
21:18 21:18 +1 Hoofddorp Sprinter 4372 4
SNG-3 3015 ->
21:20 +2 21:20 +4 Amersfoort Schothorst Intercity 11679 1
ICM-3 4086 ->
21:28 21:28 Uitgeest Sprinter 4072
Train is cancelled
21:31 21:31 Rotterdam Centraal Sprinter 4081
Train is cancelled
21:40 21:40 +1 Schiphol Airport Intercity 11674 4
ICM-3 4046 ->
21:41 21:41 Almere Oostvaarders Sprinter 4379
Train is cancelled
21:48 21:48 Hoofddorp Sprinter 4374
Train is cancelled
21:50 +1 21:50 +2 Enschede Intercity 1681 1
DDZ-6 7639 ->
21:58 21:58 Uitgeest Sprinter 4074
Train is cancelled

22:00 – 23:00

12 services, 7 cancelled (58.3%), 7 delayed (58.3%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
22:01 22:01 Rotterdam Centraal Sprinter 4083
Train is cancelled
22:10 +1 22:10 +1 Schiphol Airport Intercity 1676 4
ICM-4 4228 ->
22:11 22:11 Almere Oostvaarders Sprinter 4381 1
SNG-3 2333 ->
22:18 22:18 Hoofddorp Sprinter 4376
Train is cancelled
22:20 22:20 +1 Amersfoort Schothorst Intercity 11683 1
VIRM-6 8654 ->
22:28 22:28 Uitgeest Sprinter 4076
Train is cancelled
22:31 22:31 Rotterdam Centraal Sprinter 4085
Train is cancelled
22:40 22:40 Schiphol Airport Intercity 11678 4
ICM-3 4086 ->
22:41 22:41 Almere Oostvaarders Sprinter 4383
Train is cancelled
22:48 22:48 Hoofddorp Sprinter 4378
Train is cancelled
22:50 22:50 +1 Enschede Intercity 1685 1
ICM-3 4046 ->
22:58 22:58 Uitgeest Sprinter 4078
Train is cancelled

23:00 – 24:00

12 services, 6 cancelled (50%), 6 delayed (50%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
23:01 23:01 Rotterdam Centraal Sprinter 4087
Train is cancelled
23:10 23:10 Schiphol Airport Intercity 1680 4
DDZ-4 7515 ->
23:11 23:11 Almere Oostvaarders Sprinter 4385 1
SNG-3 3030 ->
23:18 23:18 Hoofddorp Sprinter 4380
Train is cancelled
23:20 +1 23:20 +2 Amersfoort Schothorst Intercity 11687 1
ICM-4 4228 ->
23:28 23:28 Uitgeest Sprinter 4080
Train is cancelled
23:31 23:31 Rotterdam Centraal Sprinter 4089
Train is cancelled
23:40 23:40 Schiphol Airport Intercity 11682 4
VIRM-6 8654 ->
23:41 23:41 Almere Oostvaarders Sprinter 4387
Train is cancelled
23:48 23:48 +1 Hoofddorp Sprinter 4382 4
SNG-3 2333 ->
23:50 23:50 Amersfoort Centraal Intercity 1689 1
ICM-3 4086 ->
23:58 23:58 Uitgeest Sprinter 4082
Train is cancelled

00:00 – 01:00

8 services, 5 cancelled (62.5%), 5 delayed (62.5%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
00:01 00:01 Rotterdam Centraal Sprinter 4091
Train is cancelled
00:10 00:10 Schiphol Airport Intercity 1684 4
ICM-3 4094 ->
00:11 00:11 Lelystad Centrum Sprinter 4389
Train is cancelled
00:28 00:28 Amsterdam Centraal Sprinter 4084
Train is cancelled
00:40 00:40 Schiphol Airport Intercity 11686 4
ICM-4 4228 ->
00:41 00:41 Weesp Sprinter 4391 1
SNG-3 2333 ->
00:41 00:41 Utrecht Centraal Sprinter 7393
Train is cancelled
00:50 00:50 Amsterdam Centraal Sprinter 7384
Train is cancelled

01:00 – 02:00

1 service, 1 cancelled (100%), 1 delayed (100%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
01:11 01:11 Utrecht Centraal Sprinter 7395
Train is cancelled